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In this paper, we are interested in taking preferences into account for a family of queries inspired by the relational division. A division query aims at retrieving the elements associated with a specified set of values and usually the results remain not discriminated. So, we suggest the introduction of preferences inside such queries with the following specificities: (i) the user gives his/her preferences in an ordinal way and (ii) the preferences apply to the divisor which is defined as a hierarchy of sets. Different uses of the hierarchy are investigated, which leads to queries conveying different semantics and the property of the result in terms of a quotient is studied. Special attention is paid to the implementation of such extended division queries using a regular database management system along which some experiments to support the feasibility of the approach. Moreover, the issue of empty or overabundant answers is dealt with.  相似文献   

Traditional algorithms for optimizing the execution order of joins are no more valid when selections and projections involve methods and become very expensive operations. Selections and projections could be even more costly than joins such that they are pulled above joins, rather than pushed down in a query tree. In this paper, we take a fundamental look at how to approach query optimization from a top-down design perspective, rather than trying to force one model to fit into another. We present a graph model which is designed to characterize execution plans. Each edge and each vertex of the graph is assigned a weight to model execution plans. We also design algorithms that use these weights to optimize the execution order of operations. A cost model of these algorithms is developed. Experiments are conducted on the basis of this cost model. The results show that our algorithms are superior to similar work proposed in the literature. Received 20 April 1999 / Accepted 9 August 2000 Published online 20 April 2001  相似文献   

Views are understood as a good means to tailor base relations individually to the needs of each user. However, if a user formulates his queries in terms of views he often has no chance to express these queries without joins. In terms of base relations many of these joins would not be necessary, and therefore the advantages of the view concept are payed for with a reduced performance. This study shows that this performance reduction can be avoided by automatically transforming a certain class of queries formulated in terms of views into equivalent queries on their base relations. This transformation is performed on the source level of SQL and uses the functional dependencies of the base relations to remove redundant join operations. Performance measurements in a real application of System/R show that this method is very efficient.  相似文献   

Satisfiability, equivalence, and implication problems involving conjunctive queries are important and widely encountered problems in database management systems. These problems need to be efficiently and effectively solved. In this paper, we consider queries which are conjunctions of the inequalities of the form (X op C), (X op Y), and/or (X op Y+C), where X and Y are two attributes, C is a constant, and op ϵ {<, ⩽, =,≠, >, ⩾}. These types of inequalities are widely used in database systems, since the first type is a selection, the second type is a &thetas;-join, and the third type is a very popular clause in a deductive database system. The satisfiability, equivalence, and implication problems in the integer domain (for attributes and constants) have been shown to be NP-hard. However, we show that these problems can be solved efficiently in the real domain. The incorporation of the real domain is significant, because the real domain is practically and widely used in a database. Necessary and sufficient conditions and algorithms are presented. A novel concept of the “module closure” and a set of sound and complete axioms with respect to the “module closure” are also proposed to infer all correct and necessary inequalities from a given query. The proposed axioms generalize Ullman's axioms (1989) where queries only consist of &thetas;-joins  相似文献   

When a query is posed on a centralized database, if it refers to attributes that are not defined in the database, the user is warranted to get either an error or an empty set. In contrast, when a query is posed on a peer in a P2P system and refers to attributes not found in the local database, the query should not be simply rejected if the relevant information is available at other peers. This paper proposes a query model for unstructured P2P systems to answer such queries. (a) We introduce a class of polymorphic queries, a revision of conjunctive queries by incorporating type variables to accommodate attributes not defined in the local database. (b) We define the semantics of polymorphic queries in terms of horizontal and vertical object expansions, to find attributes and tuples, respectively, missing from the local database. We show that both expansions can be conducted in a uniform framework. (c) We develop a top-K algorithm to approximately answer polymorphic queries. (d) We also provide a method to merge tuples collected from various peers, based on matching keys specified in polymorphic queries. Our experimental study verifies that polymorphic queries are able to find more sensible information than traditional queries supported by P2P systems, and that these queries can be evaluated efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a semi-greedy framework for optimizing multi-join queries in shared-nothing systems.The plan generated by the framework comprises several pipelines,each performing several joins.The framework determines the “optimal” number of joins to be performed in each pipeline.The decisions are made based on the cost estimation of the entire processing plan.Two existing optimization algorithms are extended under the framework.An analytical model is presented and used to compare the quality of plans produced by each optimization algorithm.Our study shows that the new algorithms outperform their counterparts that are not extended.  相似文献   

In decision-making problems under uncertainty, a decision table consists of a set of attributes indicating what is the optimal decision (response) within the different scenarios defined by the attributes. We recently introduced a method to give explanations of these responses. In this paper, the method is extended. To do this, it is combined with a query system to answer expert questions about the preferred action for a given instantiation of decision table attributes. The main difficulty is to accurately answer queries associated with incomplete instantiations. Incomplete instantiations are the result of the evaluation of a partial model outputting decision tables that only include a subset of the whole problem, leading to uncertain responses. Our proposal establishes an automatic and interactive dialogue between the decision-support system and the expert to elicit information from the expert to reduce uncertainty. Typically, the process involves learning a Bayesian network structure from a relevant part of the decision table and computing some interesting conditional probabilities that are revised accordingly.  相似文献   

Evaluating refined queries in top-k retrieval systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In many applications, users specify target values for certain attributes/features without requiring exact matches to these values in return. Instead, the result is typically a ranked list of "top k" objects that best match the specified feature values. User subjectivity is an important aspect of such queries, i.e., which objects are relevant to the user and which are not depends on the perception of the user. Due to the subjective nature of top-k queries, the answers returned by the system to an user query often do not satisfy the users need right away, either because the weights and the distance functions associated with the features do not accurately capture the users perception or because the specified target values do not fully capture her information need or both. In such cases, the user would like to refine the query and resubmit it in order to get back a better set of answers. While there has been a lot of research on query refinement models, there is no work that we are aware of on supporting refinement of top-k queries efficiently in a database system. Done naively, each "refined" query can be treated as a "starting" query and evaluated from scratch. We explore alternative approaches that significantly improve the cost of evaluating refined queries by exploiting the observation that the refined queries are not modified drastically from one iteration to another. Our experiments over a real-life multimedia data set show that the proposed techniques save more than 80 percent of the execution cost of refined queries over the naive approach and is more than an order of magnitude faster than a simple sequential scan.  相似文献   

A dynamic programming approach is used to obtain feedback solutions to a game problem involving linear systems having a time delay. As is known, the optimal feedback gains in linear time delay systems with quadratic criterion are determined by partial differential equations [1]. In the particular case studied here, the solution to these equations can be obtained by first separating variables and then solving the resulting simpler equations. The optimal feedback control also has the advantage that it can be realized on-line.  相似文献   

Various techniques have been developed for different query types in content-based image retrieval systems such as sampling queries, constrained sampling queries, multiple constrained sampling queries, k-NN queries, constrained k-NN queries, and multiple localized k-NN queries. In this paper, we propose a generalized query model suitable for expressing queries of different types, and investigate efficient processing techniques for this new framework. We exploit sequential access and data sharing by developing new storage and query processing techniques to leverage inter-query concurrency. Our experimental results, based on the Corel dataset, indicate that the proposed optimization can significantly reduce average response time in a multiuser environment, and achieve better retrieval precision and recall compared to two recent techniques.
Ning YuEmail:

This paper addresses the processing of a query in distributed database systems using a sequence of semijoins. The objective is to minimize the intersite data traffic incurred by a distributed query. A method is developed which accurately and efficiently estimates the size of an intermediate result of a query. This method provides the basis of the query optimization algorithm. Since the distributed query optimization problem is known to be intractable, a heuristic algorithm is developed to determine a low-cost sequence of semijoins. The cost comparison with an existing algorithm is provided. The complexity of the main features of the algorithm is analytically derived. The scheduling time for sequences of semijoins is measured for example queries using the PASCAL program which implements the algorithm. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.  相似文献   

Given a prior probability distribution over a set of possible oracle functions, we define a number of queries to be useless for determining some property of the function if the probability that the function has the property is unchanged after the oracle responds to the queries. A familiar example is the parity of a uniformly random Boolean-valued function over {1,2,…,N}, for which N−1 classical queries are useless. We prove that if 2k classical queries are useless for some oracle problem, then k quantum queries are also useless. For such problems, which include classical threshold secret sharing schemes, our result also gives a new way to obtain a lower bound on the quantum query complexity, even in cases where neither the function nor the property to be determined is Boolean.  相似文献   

Data dependencies play an important role in the design of relational databases. There is a strong connection between dependencies and some fragments of the propositional logic. In particular, functional dependencies are closely related to Horn formulas. Also, multivalued dependencies are characterized in terms of multivalued formulas. It is known that both Horn formulas and sets of functional dependencies are learnable in the exact model of learning with queries. Here we present an algorithm that learns a non-trivial subclass of multivalued formulas using membership and equivalence queries. Furthermore, a slight modification of the algorithm allows us to learn the corresponding subclass of multivalued dependencies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify a novel and interesting type of queries, contextual ranking queries, which return the ranks of query tuples among some context tuples given in the queries. Contextual ranking queries are useful for olap and decision support applications in non-traditional data exploration. They provide a mechanism to quickly identify where tuples stand within the context. In this paper, we extend the sql language to express contextual ranking queries and propose a general partition-based framework for processing them. In this framework, we use a novel method that utilizes bitmap indices built on ranking functions. This method can efficiently identify a small number of candidate tuples, thus achieves lower cost than alternative methods. We analytically investigate the advantages and drawbacks of these methods, according to a preliminary cost model. Experimental results suggest that the algorithm using bitmap indices on ranking functions can be substantially more efficient than other methods.  相似文献   

We address the problem of deriving lower and upper bounds for the cardinality of the projections of a database relation, given a set of functional dependencies on the relation schema and measures of the cardinalities of the attributes in the schema. It is shown that deciding whether a given number is the least upper bound of a projection cardinality is an NP-complete problem, whereas determining whether the greatest lower bound and the least upper bound coincide can be easily solved in linear time.  相似文献   

Consider the pattern recognition problem of learning multicategory classification from a labeled sample, for instance, the problem of learning character recognition where a category corresponds to an alphanumeric letter. The classical theory of pattern recognition assumes labeled examples appear according to the unknown underlying pattern-class conditional probability distributions where the pattern classes are picked randomly according to their a priori probabilities. In this paper we pose the following question: Can the learning accuracy be improved if labeled examples are independently randomly drawn according to the underlying class conditional probability distributions but the pattern classes are chosen not necessarily according to their a priori probabilities? We answer this in the affirmative by showing that there exists a tuning of the sub-sample proportions which minimizes a loss criterion. The tuning is relative to the intrinsic complexity of the Bayes-classifier. As this complexity depends on the underlying probability distributions which are assumed to be unknown, we provide an algorithm which learns the proportions in an on-line manner utilizing sample querying which asymptotically minimizes the criterion. In practice, this algorithm may be used to boost the performance of existing learning classification algorithms by apportioning better sub-sample proportions.  相似文献   

The processing cost of queries with an empty answer, both in the database and knowledge base context, is usually high. One purpose of semantic query optimization methods in the database context is to use semantic knowledge to detect such types of queries. Although semantic query optimization is well known in the database context, this is not the case for knowledge base systems (KBSs). This paper presents a method that allows the detection of queries with an empty answer using only semantic information expressed in the knowledge base definition. The method can be applied in the context of KBSs that provide some of the following features: structuring mechanisms, assertional knowledge, temporal information, and handling of inequality expressions  相似文献   

In analytical queries, a number of important operators like JOIN and GROUP BY are suitable for parallelization, and GPU is an ideal accelerator considering its power of parallel computing. However, when data size increases to hundreds of gigabytes, one GPU card becomes insufficient due to the small capacity of global memory and the slow data transfer between host and device. A straightforward solution is to equip more GPUs linked with high-bandwidth connectors, but the cost will be highly increased. We utilize unified memory (UM) produced by NVIDIA CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) to make it possible to accelerate large-scale queries on just one GPU, but we notice that the transfer performance between host and UM, which happens before kernel execution, is often significantly slower than the theoretical bandwidth. An important reason is that, in single-GPU environment, data processing systems usually invoke only one or a static number of threads for data copy, leading to an inefficient transfer which slows down the overall performance heavily. In this paper, we present D-Cubicle, a runtime module to accelerate data transfer between host-managed memory and unified memory. D-Cubicle boosts the actual transfer speed dynamically through a self-adaptive approach. In our experiments, taking data transfer into account, D-Cubicle processes 200 GB of data on a single GPU with 32 GB of global memory, achieving 1.43x averagely and 2.09x maximally the performance of the baseline system.  相似文献   

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