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Abstract— This study develops an autostereoscopic display based on a multiple miniature projector array to provide a scalable solution for a high‐resolution 3‐D display with large viewing freedom. To minimize distortion and dispersion, and to maximize the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the projection image to optimize 3‐D image quality, a dedicated projection lens and an accurate six‐axis adjusting platform for the miniature projector were designed and fabricated. Image‐blending technology based on a lookup table was adopted to combine images from 30 miniature projectors into a seamless single image. The result was a 35‐in. autostereoscopic display with 60 views ata 30° viewing angle, 90° FOV, and large range of viewing distance. The proposed system exhibits very smooth motion parallax when viewers move around in front of it.  相似文献   

A viewing angle enhanced integral imaging display, which consists of a double microlens array, and a display panel is proposed. The double microlens array includes a convex microlens array and a concave microlens array. The display panel is used to display original elemental image array. The convex microlens array, located near the display panel, is used to provide a virtual elemental image array for the concave microlens array. The concave microlens array, located far away from the display panel, is used to display integral images with the virtual elemental image array. Compared with the original elemental image, the pitch for each virtual elemental image is magnified by the corresponding convex microlens. As a result, the viewing angle is expanded. Simulations based on ray‐tracing are performed and the results agree well with the theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new fabrication of micro‐lens array (MLA) with pinhole array—pinhole/micro‐lens array (P/MLA) for integral imaging 3‐D display (II), which combine lithography and ink‐jet printing. A black circular groove array (BCGA) is used as pinhole array, and laser 3‐D microscope and a homemade setup have been used for the characterization of P/MLA. The results show that high‐precision P/MLA can be obtained using BCGA as templates. By controlling the driving voltage at different steps, the distance between nozzle and substrate, as well as the number of liquid droplets, P/MLA with smooth morphology, different sizes, good repeatability of geometry parameters, great uniformity of focusing, and good converging performance can be achieved. For demonstration, P/MLA with curvature, focal length, numerical aperture, and F‐number of 815.8 μm, 1.60 mm, 0.1311, and 3.8 are applied for the reconstruction in II, exhibiting good reconstruction performance with high resolution, and BCGA reduces the influence of stray light on II and improves the quality of the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

To widen the vertical and horizontal angular ranges where the lens performs well, the off‐axis performance of a liquid crystal gradient index (LC GRIN) lens is analyzed by the combined simulation system of an LC director simulator and a ray‐tracing simulator. We found that the angular difference between an LC alignment direction and an electrode array direction of the LC GRIN lens is one of significant parameters, and detailed conditions of structure are established. The measurement result shows that the developed structure reduces the degradation ratio in a luminance profile from 61% to 3.2%. We have applied a user tracking system for the rotatable 3D display, equipped with a detection of a panel orientation and a face position. As a result, we have developed a rotatable 2D/3D tablet whose 3D viewing azimuth angle is over 30° in both landscape and portrait orientations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The viewing angle and flipping areas of a conventional integral‐imaging three‐dimensional (3‐D) display were analyzed. The pitches of the elemental image and micro‐lens are identical. The more micro‐lenses used, the smaller the viewing angle becomes and the wider the flipping areas become. In this paper, an improved integral‐imaging 3‐D display is presented. The pitch of the elemental image is larger than that of the micro‐lens. The single‐viewing angles of all micro‐lenses converge and there are no flipping areas at the optimal viewing distance. Computational reconstructions of improved and conventional integral imaging were carried out, and experimental results demonstrate that improved integral‐imaging 3‐D displays have a wider viewing angle than the conventional ones and do not have flipping areas at the optimal viewing distance.  相似文献   

In the integral imaging (II) system using a curved micro‐lens array (MLA), the viewing angle is limited by the gap mismatch. Here, we propose a system to decrease the gap mismatch for enhancing the viewing angle. In the proposed system, a layer of high‐refractive‐index medium is assembled between the display panel and the curved MLA. The principle of the proposed II system is studied in detail. Simulations based on ray tracing are performed, and the results show that the proposed II system can effectively enhance the viewing angle.  相似文献   

Due to the limitation of traditional microlens arrays (MLAs) in integral imaging display, the depth of field (DOF) is restricted in space and the center depth plane is difficult to extend in a large range. Here, we propose a microfabrication method based on bifocal MLAs to improve DOF. The bifocal MLAs for extended DOF were fabricated by using two-step photolithography and thermal reflow. This method allows diverse microlenses of high to low numerical aperture to achieve high spatial resolution as well as accurate depth estimation. Microlenses of different focal lengths were simultaneously deposited on a substrate by repeated photolithography with multiple photomasks with alignment mark to define micro-posts of different thicknesses. Hexagonally packaged bifocal MLAs clearly show the DOF extended from 0.004 to 4.908 mm for 57.6 μm in lens diameter, and their corresponding object distance ranges from 0.125 to 0.165 mm. Based on the proposed scheme, this method provides potential applications in integral imaging 3D display or light field display.  相似文献   

We propose a high optical efficiency three‐dimensional (3D)/two‐dimensional (2D) convertible integral imaging display by using a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer. The 3D mode is realized by adopting a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer to generate a point light source array. Three‐dimensional/2D convertible feature is realized by electrically controlling a polarization switcher. The reflective polarizer can reflect the light that has the orthogonal polarization direction with the reflective polarizer and transmit the light that has the same polarization direction with the reflective polarizer. The reflected light is recycled, so the optical efficiencies for both 3D and 2D modes are enhanced. In the practical experiments, the optical efficiencies of the proposed integral imaging display increase by 8.04 times and 1.65 times in 3D and 2D modes comparing with the conventional integral imaging display that has no light recycle, respectively.  相似文献   

We propose an integral imaging (II) three‐dimensional (3D) display using a tilted barrier array and a stagger microlens array. The tilted barrier array consists of two orthogonally polarized sheets. In the stagger microlens array, the center of the microlens has p/2 shift with the elemental image along the horizontal direction, where p is the pitch of the microlens. The proposed II 3D display produces two different viewing zones and each of them is almost equal to that of the conventional II 3D display, and it has no crosstalk. We verify the feasibility of the proposed II 3D display in the simulation results.  相似文献   

Abstract— An improved 3‐D/2‐D switchable display system with enhanced depth and viewing angle by adding two LCD panels to an integral imaging system has been realized. The proposed system uses the see‐through property of an LCD panel and displays multiple sets of elemental images on the LCD panels to integrate them on multiple locations simultaneously. As a result, the depth of the 3‐D image can be enhanced. For wide viewing angles, the time‐multiplexing method was adopted by displaying mask patterns on the front LCD panel. In addition, another technique to increase the contrast ratio of the proposed system has also been developed. Some experimental results will be provided.  相似文献   

Abstract— Although there are numerous types of floating‐image display systems which can project three‐dimensional (3‐D) images into real space through a convex lens or a concave mirror, most of them provide only one image plane in space to the observer; therefore, they lack an in‐depth feeling. In order to enhance a real 3‐D feeling of floating images, a multi‐plane floating display is required. In this paper, a novel two‐plane electro‐floating display system using 3‐D integral images is proposed. One plane for the object image is provided by an electro‐floating display system, and the other plane for the background image is provided with the 3‐D integral imaging system. Consequently, the proposed two‐plane electro‐floating display system, having a 3‐D background, can provide floated images in front of background integral images resulting in a different perspective to the observer. To show the usefulness of the proposed system, experiments were carried out and their results are presented. In addition, the prototype was practically implemented and successfully tested.  相似文献   

We propose a viewing angle switchable blue‐phase liquid crystal display with low voltage and high transmittance. In this device, in‐plane protrusions are used to lower operating voltage and improve the transmittance. Besides, the top electrode can control viewing angle of the proposed display. When no voltage is applied to the top electrode, the display shows wide viewing angle mode. On the contrary, this display shows narrow viewing angle mode. So, this device exhibits low operating voltage, high transmittance, and good viewing angle controllable characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract— An integral floating display (IFD) with a long depth range without floating lens distortion is proposed. Two lenses were used to reduce barrel distortion of the floating lens and three‐dimensional (3‐D) image deformation from object‐dependent longitudinal and lateral magnifications in the floating‐display system, combined with an integral imaging display. The distance between the floating lenses is the sum of their focal lengths. In the proposed configuration, lateral and longitudinal magnifications are constant regardless of the distance of the integrated 3‐D images, so the distortions from the distant‐dependent magnifications of the floating lens do not occur with the proposed method. In addition, the proposed floating system expands the depth range of the integral imaging display. As a result, the display can show a correct 3‐D floating image with a large depth range. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully displays a 3‐D image without floating lens distortions across a large depth range.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for combining multiple integral three‐dimensional (3D) images using direct‐view displays to obtain high‐quality results. A multi‐image combining optical system (MICOS) is used to enlarge and combine multiple integral 3D images without gaps. An optical design with a simple lens configuration that does not require a diffuser plate prevents the deterioration in resolution resulting from lens arrangement errors and the diffuser plate. An experiment was performed to compare a previously developed method with the proposed method, and the latter showed a significant improvement in image quality. A method for expanding the effective viewing angle of the proposed optical design was also developed, and its effectiveness was confirmed experimentally. A prototype device of the proposed optical design was constructed using a high‐density organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) panel with 8K resolution and 1058 ppi pixel density to achieve 311 (H) × 175 (V) elemental images, a viewing angle of 20.6° in both the horizontal and vertical directions, and a display size of 9.1 in. In addition, the proposed optical design enabled making device considerably thinner, ie, with a thickness of only 47 mm.  相似文献   

A head‐mounted light field display based on integral imaging is considered as one of the promising methods that can render correct or nearly correct focus cues and address the well‐known vergence‐accommodation conflict problem in head‐mounted displays. Despite its great potential, it still suffers some of the same limitations of conventional integral imaging‐based displays such as low spatial resolution and crosstalk. In this paper, we present a prototype design using tunable lens and aperture array to render 3D scenes over a large depth range while maintaining high image quality and minimizing crosstalk. Experimental results verify and show that the proposed design could significantly improve the viewing experience.  相似文献   

Abstract— A backlight unit (BLU) that varies the viewing angle from the top to the bottom surface of a transmissive LCD screen has been developed through the design and fabrication of microstructures on a light‐guide plate (LGP). An array of taper prisms has been designed and fabricated on the back surface of the LGP, which resulted in the variation of 29° in the angular distribution of the luminance of the backlight from the top sector to the bottom sector of its surface. This characteristic is employed to modulate the viewing angle of the LCD from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen for special applications.  相似文献   

Abstract— Liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) have notable variation in luminance and perceived contrast as a function of the angle from which they are viewed. Though this is an important performance issue for LCDs, most evaluation techniques for assessing this variation have been limited to laboratory settings. This study demonstrates the use of a photographic technique for such an evaluation. The technique is based on an actively cooled charge‐coupled‐device (CCD) detector in combination with a macro lens covering a circular angular range (θ) of ±42.5°. The camera was used to evaluate the luminance and perceived contrast properties of an LCD. Uniform field images corresponding to 17 equally spaced gray‐scale values in the digital driving level (DDL) range of the display system were acquired. The 12‐bit gray‐scale digital images produced by the camera were converted to luminance units (cd/m2) via the measured luminance vs. DDL response function of the camera. The changes in perceived contrast as a function of viewing angle were derived from the Barten model of the gray‐scale response of the human‐visual system using the methods proposed by the AAPM TG18 Report. The results of this photographic technique were compared to measurements acquired from a similar display using a Fourier‐optics‐based luminance meter. The results of the two methods generally agreed to within 5%. The photographic methods used were found to be accurate and robust for in‐field assessment of the angular response of LCDs over the FOV of the camera.  相似文献   

We propose a crosstalk‐free dual‐view integral imaging display. It is composed of a display panel, a barrier array, and a micro‐lens array. The central barrier is located at the vertical central axes of the display panel and the micro‐lens array to split the element image array and the viewing zone. Moreover, other barriers are located at the margins of the elemental images and corresponding micro‐lenses to eliminate the crosstalk. The lights emitting from the left and right half of the element image array are modulated by the left and right half of the micro‐lens array to reconstruct the right and left viewing zones, respectively. A prototype of the proposed dual‐view integral imaging display is developed, and good experimental results agree well with the theory.  相似文献   

Abstract— The viewing freedom of the reduced‐view super multi‐view (SMV) display was analyzed. It was found that there are separate multiple viewing ranges in the depth direction; thus, a technique that selects an appropriate viewing range to increase the longitudinal viewing freedom has been developed. Pixels of a flat‐panel display viewed by the viewer's eyes through a lenticular lens were determined from three‐dimensional (3‐D) positions of the viewer's eyes, which were obtained using an eye‐tracking system that employed a stereo camera. Parallax images corresponding to the 3‐D positions of the viewer's eyes were generated, which were displayed by the determined pixels. The experimental results show that the proposed technique successfully increased the longitudinal viewing freedom. It is also shown that a video camera was able to focus on the produced SMV images.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new design for a cholesteric liquid‐crystal (CLC) color filter has been devised. Since this system absorbs no light, it uses backlight energy very efficiently. When CLCs of this type with an expanded selective reflection band are combined with light sources with sharp RGB emission peaks, such as LEDs, it is possible to reduce the dependence of color shift on viewing angle and make more efficient use of light.  相似文献   

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