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In this work, the chaotic bubbling mechanism in a gas‐liquid bubble column with a single nozzle was investigated. The signal for the analysis was the time series of pressure fluctuations measured from a pressure transducer probe placed in the bubble column close to the nozzle. In order to study the bubbling process, statistical analysis, qualitative and quantitative nonlinear analyses were carried out for the pressure fluctuations. Power spectra used as standard statistical measures provided preliminary evidence that bubbling in the middle values of gas flow rates may be chaotic in nature. Phase plots provided a qualitative means of analyzing the fine geometry structure of the attractor reconstructed from the bubbling time signal. Positive finite estimates of the Kolmogorov entropy provided a quantitative evidence of behavior consistent with chaos. Besides previous diagnostic tools, the local nonlinear short‐term prediction was also used as a supplement method. It was found that the bubbling process exhibits a deterministic chaotic behavior in a certain range of the gas flow rate. When increasing the gas flow rate, the sequence of periodic bubbling, primary and advanced chaotic bubbling, and jetting or random bubbling were successively observed. However, no clear period doubling sequence leading to chaotic behavior was observed. The sharp loss of the ability to predict the pressure signal successfully with the nonlinear prediction method provides the strongest evidence of the presence of the chaotic bubbling. The variations of the nonlinear invariants, such as the Kolmogorov entropy and the correlation dimension together with the plot of the correlation integral with the operation conditions, might be developed as potential and effective quantitative tools for flow regime identification of the bubbling process.  相似文献   

We show that application of low‐frequency vibrations, in the 50–200 Hz range, to the liquid phase of an air‐water bubble column causes significantly smaller bubbles to be generated at the distributor plate. For bubble column operation in the homogeneous flow regime, measurements of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient using the oxygen absorption technique show that the increase in the kLa values ranges from 50–100 % depending on the flow rate. It is concluded that application of low‐frequency vibration has the potential of improving the performance of bubble columns.  相似文献   

Gas‐liquid contacting in mechanically agitated vessels is widely used in the process industry. Bubble size measurements at different flow regions in the vessel provide useful information for the mechanisms of gas dispersion and gas‐liquid flow. In this work, bubble size distributions and distributions of Sauter mean bubble diameters at four different regions in air‐water and air‐NaCl solution systems agitated by a six‐blade disk turbine are measured by using the photographic method. The effects of gassing rate, impeller speed and electrolyte presence in the system have been examined.  相似文献   

Gas bubble motion characteristics and bubble size are important factors in various technological processes involving the interaction between liquid and gaseous systems. The present work studies the effect of vibration fields on the characteristics of bubble motion and bubble size. Bubble retention time in the liquid (rise velocity) and bubble mean diameter were chosen as main parameters effecting the oxygen mass transfer rate. A device for mechanical vibration of the aerated liquid was used. The influence of the device design parameters on the chosen bubble parameters is studied experimentally and discussed in this work. The results obtained show the possibility of controlling bubble retention time and bubble size by employing vibration fields. Thus, by applying rather simple techniques, one can considerably improve the process of liquid oxygenation.  相似文献   

It is well known that the column apparatuses operating at full countercurrent flow ensure maximum driving force for mass transfer when equilibrium processes are used. It is also known, from the mass balance, that the ratio between gas and liquid superficial velocity, in case of countercurrent flow, is determined from the initial and end concentrations of the absorbed component in both phases. In many cases, especially in purification of waste gases, when the initial gas concentration is very low and its solubility is high, the necessary calculated liquid superficial velocity is extremely low. The lack of packings able to operate effectively at these conditions requires a division of the packing bed into layers with recirculation of the liquid phase in each of them, i.e., a refusal of the principle of complete countercurrent flow takes place. The paper shows the possibility to use this principle even at extremely low liquid superficial velocity.  相似文献   

Gas‐liquid direct‐contact evaporators are characterized by the bubbling of a superheated gas through the solution to be concentrated. In other words, they are nonisothermal bubble columns. Despite their simplicity of construction, these units exhibit rather complex hydrodynamics and, similar to what occurs to isothermal bubble columns, the design of such units still poses a problem. The present paper reviews the literature regarding this kind of equipment, addressing both experimental studies and modeling efforts. The covered issues include classic and potential applications, bubbling regimes, gas holdup and bubble size distributions, as well as mathematical models proposed for simulating the unit. Additionally, pertinent literature on isothermal bubble columns is also discussed. Recommendations are made for future research.  相似文献   

With the advent of modern tools of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), it is now possible to obtain detailed information on the bubble shape, morphology and rise characteristics from knowledge of system properties and geometry. In this paper we try to give a flavor of the power of CFD tools and summarize recent advances.  相似文献   

H. Jin  D. Liu  S. Yang  G. He  Z. Guo  Z. Tong 《化学工程与技术》2004,27(12):1267-1272
The volumetric gas‐liquid mass transfer coefficient, kLα, for oxygen was studied by using the dynamic method in slurry bubble column reactors with high temperature and high pressure. The effects of temperature, pressure, superficial gas velocity and solids concentration on the mass transfer coefficient are systemically discussed. Experimental results show that the gas‐liquid mass transfer coefficient increases with the increase in pressure, temperature, and superficial gas velocity, and decreases with the increase in solids concentration. Moreover, kLα values in a large bubble column are slightly higher than those in a small one at certain operating conditions. According to the analysis of experimental data, an empirical correlation is obtained to calculate the values of the oxygen volumetric mass transfer coefficient for a water‐quartz sand system in two bubble columns with different diameter at high temperature and high pressure.  相似文献   

The paper deals with some of the results obtained during experimental research of fluid dynamic behavior of cascade columns. The three most commonly used types of trays (tunnel, sieve, and valve) occupied our attention and 595 experimental runs were performed on a 314 mm inside diameter column with an air‐water system. Analysis of measured values of froth porosity has confirmed that Azbel's equation should be used, despite its theoretical origin. For clear liquid height, a new correlation was established, because statistical parameters of equations taken from literature were not satisfactory. Both equations were tested on experimental data obtained on two rectangular columns, showing good statistical parameters.  相似文献   

In the present work, the impeller in the conventional gas‐liquid mixed vessels was replaced by a fluid jet as the mixer. Using an experimental setup, the effect of several parameters on the mixing time as a measure of the liquid‐phase mixing intensity, which is one of the required transport characteristics for designing gas‐liquid mixed systems, was studied. The results show that gas injection decreases the mixing time in comparison with the ungassed condition, but the mixing time is not necessarily decreased by increasing the gassing rate. On the basis of the amount of the jet Reynolds number and gassing rate, and thus the created circulation pattern, the mixing time may be decreased or increased. Also, the location of the probe for cases in which there are more dead zones in the vessel have a considerable effect on the measured mixing time. With increasing uniformity of the velocity domain, the influence of the probe location was reduced. Also, by increasing the jet flow rate and decreasing the nozzle diameter, the length of the jet, the amount of entrained bulk fluid, and the intensity of recirculation flow increased, and thus the mixing time decreased.  相似文献   

In an ejector induced downflow bubble column energy supplied as a high velocity liquid jet is utilized in different sections of the ejector‐contactor system, which leads to air entrainment at the secondary entrance of the ejector. The energy losses in the different sections, viz. ejector, mixing zone and gas‐liquid bubbly flow zone have been evaluated theoretically. Experimental results show that the total energy losses calculated on the basis of theoretical expression are almost the same as energy supplied by the liquid jet. A simple correlation was developed for the air entrainment rate in terms of operating and design parameters of the system.  相似文献   

Measurements of the homogenisation characteristics during the agitation of a liquid and the mixing time by simple in situ conductivity probes are very well established. However, unless special precautions are taken, in the presence of the second phase such as gas, the conductivity trace becomes distorted to a greater or lesser extent, so that it is not possible to follow the transient change of concentration in the liquid phase or estimate the mixing time. In this paper it is confirmed that, without special precautions, simple in situprobes are unsatisfactory. However, by shielding the probe with a “cage”, the ingress of bubbles into the probe region is essentially prevented and satisfactory results can be obtained in situ with responses having as little noise as in the case without gas. A second technique involves elimination of the gas from a small sample stream and measurement of the stream's conductivity transient. By suitable and rather simple treatment of the response, results equivalent to that from the in situ shielded probes can be obtained. The latter technique is especially useful where the placement of in situ probes is difficult. It is also suggested that recent results, which disagree with much of the literature on liquid phase mixing times in gassed systems, arose due to the use of in situ unshielded conductivity probes.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to propose a new process for household fume incineration treatment: the droplet column. A feature of this upward gas‐liquid reactor which makes it original, is to use high superficial gas velocities (13 m s–1) which allow acid gas scrubbing at low energy costs. Tests were conducted to characterize the hydrodynamics, mass transfer performances, and acid gas scrubbing under various conditions of superficial gas velocity (from 10.0 to 12.0 m s–1) and superficial liquid velocity (from 9.4·10–3 to 18.9·10–3 m s–1). The following parameters characterized the hydrodynamics: pressure drops, liquid hold‐ups, and liquid residence time distribution were identified and investigated with respect to flow conditions. To characterize mass transfer in the droplet column, three parameters were determined: the gas‐liquid interfacial area (a), the liquid‐phase volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) and the gas‐phase volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kGa). Gas absorption with chemical reaction methods were applied to evaluate a and kGa, while a physical absorption method was used to estimate kLa. The influence of the gas and liquid velocities on a, kLa, and kGa were investigated. Furthermore, tests were conducted to examine the utility of the droplet column for the acid gas scrubbing, of gases like hydrogen chloride (HCl) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). This is a process of high efficiency and the amount of pollutants in the cleaned air is always much lower than the regulatory European standards imposed on household waste incinerators.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges in the characterization of bubbles in a bubble column has been the prediction of the bubble diameter and the gas holdup. In this study a novel technique for predicting the mean bubble diameter and the local gas holdup using a non‐invasive ultrasonic method with neural network was investigated. The measurement parameters of the energy attenuation and the transmission time difference of ultrasound are used to obtain the mean bubble diameter and the local gas holdup in an air‐water dispersion system using neural network reconstruction. Bubble size distributions in a 2‐D bubble column are obtained experimentally by using a photographic method. An adequate selection of the neural network structure has been carried out to represent the training data. The representative results using the present structure show good agreement with the measured data.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of sliding bubble movement along an inclined plate vibrating in the vertical direction facilitated the determination of two regimes of bubble motion. The first regime is characterized by the existence of a thin liquid film between a plate and a translating bubble, and by the straight trajectory of the bubble motion. The second is characterized by periodical bubble detachment from a plate and by the zigzag trajectory of the bubble motion. The criteria of transition from the first regime to the second are obtained by applying the theory of transport of granular materials by inclining vibratory conveyors to the motion of a sliding bubble.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of mechanical stresses in two‐phase reactors is described. The time‐dependent disintegration kinetics of a clay‐floc system are measured with a laser scanning microscope. By describing the flocs employing fractal geometry and by transforming the disintegration kinetics according to a multifractal‐approach for turbulent flow fields, effective stresses can be calculated for bubble columns in two‐phase operation mode by comparison to the mechanical stress in a turbulent single‐phase couette flow. Results are given for stresses measured in a bubble column at different operating conditions.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov entropy (KE) algorithm was applied successfully to gas holdup fluctuations measured in a 0.102 m I.D. stainless steel bubble column equipped with a perforated plate distributor (19 holes ?? 1 mm). Nitrogen was used as the gas, while both 1‐butanol and gasoline were used as liquids. 1‐Butanol was aerated at pressures, P = 0.1 and 0.5 MPa, whereas gasoline was aerated at P = 0.1 and 0.2 MPa. Based on the peaks in the KE values under the pressures examined in both liquids, the boundaries of the following five regimes were identified: bubbly flow, first transition, second transition, coalesced bubble (4‐region flow) and coalesced bubble (3‐region flow). As the pressure increases to P = 0.5 MPa in 1‐butanol, all four transition velocities shift to higher superficial gas velocity, uG. In addition, in gasoline at P = 0.2 MPa and uG ≤ 0.017 m s–1, the existence of a chain bubbling regime was detected, whereas in 1‐butanol at P = 0.5 MPa and uG ≤ 0.02 m s–1, both laminar and turbulent chain bubbling subregimes were identified. It was found that in 1‐butanol under ambient pressure, the second and fourth transition velocities occur earlier than in gasoline.  相似文献   

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