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采用因子分析、回归分析等计量方法,对广州保障房社区社会融合状况作了分析与测度,并对影响机制进行探究。研究表明,保障房社区社会融合度偏低(51.99),其融合的四个维度中"情感适应"最高(68.42),其次为"环境融合"(53.19)和"邻里交往"(50.33),最低为"社区互动"(40.70),保障房社区的社会融合呈现"内卷化"趋势。在社会融合的影响机制上,户籍制度和工作对"邻里交往"影响显著,个人和家庭社会经济特征对"社区互动"、"情感适应"影响显著,而"环境融合"则受户籍和居住时间的影响。文章提出,大规模建设城市保障房的背景下,应更多地关注社区发展,防止保障房社区沦为城市的"贫困孤岛"。  相似文献   

当前各地城市出现大量城中村改造项目,城中村居民的社会融合问题备受关注。基于2010-2013年广州典型城中村和复建房社区的问卷数据,主要采用计量研究方法,探讨改造对居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的作用机制。实证表明,改造对居民社区情感有重要影响,正全面重塑其影响机制:复建房社区的归属感远高于城中村社区,其归属感主要受"居住满意度"影响;邻里熟悉度主要受"与未成年子女同住"、"教育程度"和"居住年限"等因素影响;邻里互助主要受"人均家庭收入"影响;而社区参与度则主要受"户籍"影响。此外,复建房社区中的社区归属感、邻里熟悉和邻里互助三者与社区参与的相互作用力有所减弱。本文指出,城中村改造的后续工作应把重点置于复建房社区内各群体的社区融合之上,着力培育社区情感。  相似文献   

在大型居住社区概念方案征集过程中,思考了在社会转型背景下,大型居住社区规划设计对社会经济变革的适应。探讨了从特定使用人群的核心需求出发,满足其多重特征的工作方法。进而提出"大集中、小分散"的复合生活网络,并从生态网络、街道网络和服务网络三方面落实其在城市空间上的构建。  相似文献   

针对当前我国城市低收入者面临的社会隔离、就业难、生活条件差等问题,归纳总结了欧美发达国家在解决低收入者居住问题上所经历的公共住房、混合住区、多元社区三个阶段的经验;并结合我国国情指出,大量的廉租房建设不能从根本上解决低收入者的问题,在当前无法实现居住混合与社会混合相结合的情况下,我国应该走一种以多元化混合社区为目标的过渡模式.以此为基础,提出了促进我国社会融合的低收入住区渐进式更新模式——“磁性社区”,探讨了“磁性社区”开放混合与动态生长的两个特点,并从社区边界、公共交通、功能业态、住宅类型和设施布局等方面提出“磁性社区”的更新方向,希望为解决我国低收入者的生存与发展问题提出一条发展思路.  相似文献   

上海大型居住社区规划的实践和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海新一轮以"大基地建设"实施保障性住房计划的规划工作,总结以往经验和教训,以科学发展观为指导,按照贯彻实施上海城市总体规划的目标要求,优化城市居住空间布局,完善住房供应结构,提高城市居住环境质量和水平。规划从指导思想上突破传统居住区概念,由"大型居住基地"转变为"大型居住社区",突出城市社区的整体发展理念,突出社会和谐和以人为本的理念,在选址研究、规划编制和工作机制等方面不断进行探索和实践。  相似文献   

“新城市主义”的社区融合思想探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈俊峰 《住宅科技》2009,28(1):36-39
目前,我国居住社区分化现象日趋显化。在辨析与借鉴“新城市主义”有关规划思想的基础上,提出居住社区融合的若干建议。  相似文献   

本文选取了有60年历史的上海工人新村N为研究对象,通过档案阅读和实地访谈,对1990年代以来新村移民化过程中出现的本地和外来居民两个群体"双重流动"的现象进行了解读。通过居住流动在成因、方式、社会网络和结果四方面特征的分析和对比,揭示了不同居住身份的群体在社会变革中是如何通过居住状态的改变来实现其各自的社会流动和家庭结构调整,以及与传统的单位制社区相比,移民化的工人社区在社会网络和社区融合方面所呈现的新特征。  相似文献   

混合社区适宜模式及实现途径研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于文波  王竹 《规划师》2005,21(6):70-73
社区具有“社会空间”统一体的特征,目前社区规划的同质化趋势背离了社会整合的目标。针对这一问题,提出“异质社区同质化”和“同质社区异质化”策略,把一定规模不同阶层混合居住的社区分成许多由“同质社团”构成的居住单元,并用“物质补购”原则增强不同阶层居民间的交往,实现社会融合。  相似文献   

赵兴祥  金毅程  茹文荣 《建筑施工》2011,33(11):1044-1046
通过对上海大型居住社区建设基地的实践调查,在收集相关研究数据的基础上,深入分析了居住社区建设过程中的组织、质量、工期和成本等方面存在的管理问题。进而探讨了提高政府、总承包、设计、监理和施工等各方管理水平的方口法,并对提高居住社区建设管理水平提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

当前,在城镇化进程中,因征地拆迁、农民集中居住、政策性搬迁等原因,产生了大量“涉农社区”,这类社区虽实现了居住方式的城镇化,但居住人群没有改变,仍保留着乡土文化记忆,探索乡土文化空间的重塑,有利于传承乡土文化,提升社区治理水平,探索有中国特色的城镇化之路。研究发现,实施涉农社区乡土文化空间重塑,官方要发挥主导作用、居民要发挥主体作用,要根据乡土文化设计相应空间载体,并与时代文化有机结合。  相似文献   

Mass-produced in a short period of time, Korea's public apartments contributed to easing the housing anxiety of the common people. Nonetheless, they also gave rise to problems of social exclusion and conflict, becoming undesirable facilities that weakened social health. This study examined ways of producing an improved building plan that can raise the level of social health of public apartments, which were consistently built in the past but will no doubt continue to be developed in the future. For this study, the survey method was employed through a questionnaire with visual contents especially developed to raise the level of social health based on two ideas. One was to increase the possibility of social interaction among residents, and the other was to increase opportunities for residents to interact with society as well as for their social integration. The results showed that residents had mostly favorable views on the proposed plans: in particular, they favored highly the formation of a lobby in each apartment building as a venue for social interaction. They also responded very favorably to the plan of creating within the buildings spare space that will be used not only to promote a communal culture, but to open to outside society as well for integration. This study showed vital ideas to ensure the recovery of the residential function of promoting social health in the public apartments of Korea. It has significance in inspiring an innovative approach to allow social mixture in a relatively different feasible manner from the conventional approach.  相似文献   

浦东新区社会极化问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1990年代以来,浦东新区的开发开放,不仅使得其成为劳动力、资本、技术、信息等生产要素的"辐合流场",同时社会经济迅猛发展.但也产生不同阶层收入差距不断扩大以及居住空间分异的社会极化现象,这种现象已经成为影响浦东社会经济不稳定的最大因素之一.通过对人口、房价以及其它社会经济要素分析,对浦东新区社会极化的现状、居住分异发展趋势、造成社会极化的动力机制以及由此产生的负面影响进行了分析,并提出了一些理性思考.  相似文献   

在全球化的后发达经济城市中,大量单一模数化的高层住宅将逐渐被拥有新大都市特色的住宅模式所替代。新都市主义强调个体消费对城市的回归,发展和城市相互支持并紧密相连的个性化高层居住模式。这种集城市功能于一体的都市住宅综合体在满足人们对城市资源的高度利用的同时考虑了居住空间与公共空间关系的新前景,个体性与市民性的实现,功能主义与城市可持续性的整合,而这些理念也是目前中国大规模城市化进程中所需要学习的。  相似文献   

工业化和城市化进程中必然产生大量失地农民,他们的安置问题涉及到许多方面,其中就包括住区安置。本文借助湖北省当阳市一个安置小区的实际案例,通过研究当地生活环境和社会背景,在规划与建筑设计中着力探讨适合当地习惯的居住生活空间,并根据其为工业园区提供生活配套服务的特点,创造向非农产业转移的生存条件,以积极的态度解决城市化进程...  相似文献   

The last few years have seen many studies of large post-Second World War housing estates. At present they are often the most deprived areas of European cities. The turnover of the population on these estates is characteristically rapid, leading to considerable socio-economic and socio-cultural changes and a multi-ethnic neighbourhood. Such areas often have to contend with severe physical, social and economic problems and the consequent dissatisfaction of the residents. This combination of rapid and selective population turnover and increasing numbers of problems may well affect aspects of social cohesion within these neighbourhoods, particularly the social networks. This process is regrettable, because social cohesion is regarded in a positive light, something that enhances the quality of life. Stimulating social cohesion is therefore an important objective of many policies that focus on large post-Second World War housing estates. The authors have found it interesting to discover how important social cohesion is in the opinions and the lives of the inhabitants rather than the policy makers. In their opinion, urban policies focus on social cohesion while the inhabitants' views of its relevance are unknown. On the basis of this paper, certain aspects of social cohesion in large post-Second World War housing estates appear to be valued, but housing market behaviour, such as residential moves, is hardly affected by aspects of social cohesion. Other aspects, such as moving to a better house, are much more relevant. The results may put into doubt the stress placed in urban policies on social cohesion.  相似文献   


This study asks how a social mix policy that mixes public housing with private housing in the same housing complex is associated with residential satisfaction among public housing residents in Korea. We also ask if mixture types between public and private housing make a difference in the residential satisfaction of public housing residents. By analyzing the 2011 Korea Housing Survey for Public Housing Residents, we find that living in the independent type that includes only public housing and the random-mix type that randomly mixes public housing with private housing in the same building is positively related to residential satisfaction among public housing residents. The empirical analysis also shows that the levels of social conflict among residents are the lowest in the random-mix type.  相似文献   

Local communities with good stocks of social capital nurture and support the families residing within. This qualitative study explored through the perspectives of mothers, how families with children aged 0–5 years build social capital in newer residential areas in Perth, Western Australia. Parenthood generally increased the desire to connect to one's local community, which activated and enhanced social capital. Two themes appear to drive this desire: an increased need for social support and an increased vested interest in the local community. However, newer residential areas commonly have a lag of community infrastructure needed to provide opportunities for families with young children to interact with other families. Urban planning and community sectors need to coordinate to provide infrastructure and opportunities for families with young children to connect and build social capital within their local communities.  相似文献   

文章通过对DC国际在宁波的安置区设计实践进行分析,反思了安置区设计策略的社会意义,以社会公正理论为背景,提出在设计中体现空间公正原则的观点,并阐述了如何通过设计手段来达到这一目的的过程.  相似文献   

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