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《Computers & Education》2010,54(4):1020-1028
Offering help functions is a standard feature of computer-based interactive learning environments (ILE). Nevertheless, a number of recent studies indicate that learners are not using such help facilities effectively. We compared the effects of different metacognitive supports to foster learners’ help-seeking behavior in an ILE for plant identification. Four groups of university students (n = 51), each receiving a different metacognitive instruction, had to determine living plants. They had to think-aloud and were video recorded during the experiment. At the end of the session they completed a knowledge test. The surprising effect was that students in all groups were effective help-seekers. They adapted their help-seeking behavior to the complexity of the plants in an effective way. The results indicate that for students on university level effective help-seeking seems to depend largely on motivational factors.  相似文献   

We present in this study the significance and impacts of an innovative e-HO as a holistic and horizontal platform complementary to e-Learning to help realize transdisciplinary learning and foster integration of knowledge in higher education. A comprehensive investigation of a survey conducted among 647 university students for e-HO is presented with detailed studies on students’ preferences toward e-HO with respect to various demographic variables including gender, access frequency, grade level, discipline and access route concerning the five scales extracted in this particular survey. No significant gender difference surfaced, whereas access frequency turned out to be the most influential and decisive variable that has resulted in significant differences on all the scales involved, especially the characteristic ‘Leisure climate’. Further significant differences appeared on different scales with distinct natures for different demographic variables other than gender and access frequency, indicating the multidimensional characteristics of the whole endeavor and that care must be taken whenever a learning environment like this is constructed in higher education.  相似文献   

This study focused on open online character education implemented in e-HO, a holistic learning environment embedded with a character exemplar video-on-demand (VOD) system. E-HO, designed to use the Internet to enhance holistic and character education's efficacies in a way that is fitting for and favored by digital natives, also aimed to counteract the negative impacts of the mass media. A comprehensive investigation of a survey conducted among 1013 university students for this e-character education program is presented with a detailed study on students' preferences referring to various demographic variables including grade level, gender, discipline and the number of exemplar exposure instances concerning the five scales extracted in this particular survey. In accordance with previous studies, this study suggested that grade level differences could be explained by cognitive ability. Gender differences and discipline differences both emerged because of differences in “people-things” orientation between genders and also between disciplines with distinct, long-term professional foci and practices. Compelling counterbalancing effects were witnessed between the developments of discipline differences and grade level differences, which were greatly enhanced by consistently implementing holistic education. A preliminary “cognitive threshold” of VOD exposure within a semester among the female participants appeared at 10 viewings, beyond which substantially more effective pedagogical efficacies emerged.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent and nature of university students’ use of digital technologies for learning and socialising. The findings show that students use a limited range of mainly established technologies. Use of collaborative knowledge creation tools, virtual worlds, and social networking sites was low. ‘Digital natives’ and students of a technical discipline (Engineering) used more technology tools when compared to ‘digital immigrants’ and students of a non-technical discipline (Social Work). This relationship may be mediated by the finding that Engineering courses required more intensive and extensive access to technology than Social Work courses. However, the use of technology between these groups is only quantitatively rather than qualitatively different. The study did not find evidence to support popular claims that young people adopt radically different learning styles. Their attitudes to learning appear to be influenced by lecturers’ teaching approaches. Students appear to conform to traditional pedagogies, albeit with minor uses of tools delivering content. The outcomes suggest that although the calls for transformations in education may be legitimate it would be misleading to ground the arguments for such change in students’ shifting patterns of learning and technology use.  相似文献   

The use of computers to deliver course-related materials is rapidly expanding in most universities. Yet the effects of computer vs. printed delivery modes on students’ performance and motivation are not yet fully known. We compared the impacts of Web vs. paper to deliver practice quizzes that require information search in lecture notes. Hundred and twenty two undergraduate students used either a web site or printed documents to answer 18 mathematics questions during a tutored session. A revised Web site was designed based on ergonomic criteria, to test the hypothesis that improved usability would decrease time spent on the task, the number of pages consulted, and students’ perceived cognitive load. The group working with printed documents had the highest performance. Furthermore, students perceived the paper materials as less effortful to read, and expressed preference for printing lecture notes and questions. However, students appreciated having a Web site available. No differences were found between the two sites. We conclude that Web delivery imposed higher perceived cognitive load due to the need to read lengthy documents. We suggest possible ways to improve Web-based practice materials, such as simultaneous display of questions and lecture notes.  相似文献   

Two different technologies, groupware (a shared workspace) and shared wireless laptop computers, were implemented in a project design class in a civil engineering course. The research interest was in the way these technologies supported resource sharing within and across project groups and in the forms of group collaboration that resulted. The initiative was evaluated using both qualitative (e.g. pyramid discussion) and quantitative methods (e.g. survey, logs of usage). The results showed that these technologies helped improve group sharing of resources and supported different kinds of group collaboration. The shared workspace provided a location-independent central repository of resources around which group activities were coordinated whereas the laptops provided a focal point for the face-to-face discussion of these resources. The paper discusses the importance of embedding supportive technologies and the different forms of learner collaboration mediated by each technology.  相似文献   

Educational software in which the student takes the role of teacher and instructs a digital tutee – a so-called teachable agent – has repeatedly proven to have positive effects for school children's learning. In a study with 39 preschoolers aged 3:9 to 6:3, we explored the conditions under which children this young would benefit as well from this kind of educational software. We specifically investigated to what extent children of this age group would be able to reason about and reflect upon the actions of their digital tutee, and to what extent they would enjoy an educational game centered around instructing and helping a digital tutee. Results revealed that preschoolers were quite capable of reasoning and reflecting upon their digital tutee. This was rather surprising, since the results of a standardized false-belief test did not indicate this level of mentalizing capabilities in the group as a whole. The results also indicated that the preschoolers, like older children, were interested and engaged in this kind of game that involves instructing a digital tutee.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on interdisciplinary differences in three main issues related to eLearning: namely, use of technology, use of technology for teaching and learning, and perceptions about eLearning strategies. Data were survey results for 1438 students at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Disciplines were classified into Soft/Hard and Pure/Applied based on the Biglan model. Results revealed that while students of different disciplines did not vary a great deal in their daily usage of technology, there were differences in their level of confidence in using technology. The use of technology for teaching and learning also differed across disciplines. For example, students in Applied disciplines, compared with students in Pure disciplines, had more experience in employing web-based communication tools to learn. However, there were no significant differences in terms of students' perceptions of the usefulness of eLearning strategies. The findings suggested that while there may be disciplinary differences in the adoption of eLearning, all students have a similar (and positive) view about the need for the use of technology for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the meta-cognitive strategies on the academic and gaming achievements. Exploring the effects of those achievements on the social problem solving of students is also of interest. For this purpose, the MMORPG Gersang was used. The participants, consisting of ninth graders, played the game until they all reached the third level to ensure that they have the same gaming ability prior to gaming for the study. Three meta-cognitive strategies were developed: self-recording, modeling and thinking aloud. Those strategies are specially related to gaming activities and applied in pre-gaming activities, gaming activities, and post-gaming activities. Three meta-cognitive strategies were set as independent variables. The social problem solving ability was set as a mediating variable, and academic achievement and scores in the game were chosen as dependent variables. The path between meta-cognitive strategies and both academic achievement and game performance by mediating social problem solving abilities were discovered. The social problem solving ability, which is the mediating variable, affects the academic achievement and the game performance very strongly. These results imply that a commercial game playing in conjunction with meta-cognitive strategies can be an effective way to increase students’ performance both in learning and gaming by keeping them involved. Talking and observation activities such as thinking aloud and modeling are more effective than writing activities in enhancing the students’ achievements both in learning and gaming.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the effects on students' perceptions (Study 1) and learning and motivation (Study 2) of different levels of feedback in mathematical problems. In these problems, an error made in one step of the problem-solving procedure will carry over to the following steps and consequently to the final solution. Providing immediate feedback after an error is made could prevent such carry-over effects. Feedback given on all problem-solving steps was hypothesized to yield higher motivation and better learning than feedback on the final problem-solving step. Study 1 investigated students' perceptions of three feedback types: ‘on the final solution step’; ‘on all the solution steps at once’; and ‘on all the solution steps successively’. Feedback on all solutions steps was perceived by learners more positively than feedback on the final solution step. Study 2 investigated the learning and motivational effects of two types of feedback, namely, ‘feedback on the final solution step’ and ‘feedback on all the solution steps’. The hypotheses that feedback on all problem-solving steps would lead to more effective learning and higher motivation than feedback on the final solution step were confirmed. Our results support current efforts to implement step-wise feedback. The implications for further research and for the design of feedback are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of accompanying lectures with computer-mediated PowerPoint presentations or PowerPoint generated overheads on students’ self-efficacy, attitudes, course performance, and class-related behaviors were examined. Two Introduction to Developmental Psychology sections were initially taught with lectures accompanied by either overheads or computer-mediated presentations. The teaching format was switched halfway through the semester. Students reported higher self-efficacy and more positive attitudes toward the class with computer-mediated presentations. They also claimed that the website was more interesting and useful under these teaching conditions, indicating a halo effect of the computer-mediated presentations. However, the teaching format did not appear to affect course-related behavior, such as performance on exams, class attendance, participation in class discussions, or course website usage.  相似文献   

Understanding how to foster knowledge building in online and blended learning environments is a key for computer-supported collaborative learning research. Knowledge building is a deeply constructivist pedagogy and kind of inquiry learning focused on theory building. A strong indicator of engagement in knowledge building activity is the socio-cognitive dynamic of epistemic agency, in which students exercise a higher level of agency for setting forth their ideas and negotiating fit with those of others rather than relying on their teacher. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of (a) levels of participation, (b) facilitator styles and (c) metacognitive reflection on knowledge building in two blended, post-secondary education contexts. A study of a total of 67 undergraduate students suggest that high levels of participation, a supportive facilitator style, and ample opportunities for metacognitive reflection on the students’ own participation strategies are most conducive for fostering epistemic agency for knowledge building. Implications of these results for research and instructional design of online courses are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate how ubiquitous games influence English learning achievement and motivation through a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment. An English curriculum was conducted on a school campus by using a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment called the Handheld English Language Learning Organization (HELLO). HELLO helps students to engage in learning activities based on the ARCS motivation theory, involving various educational strategies, including ubiquitous game-based learning, collaborative learning, and context-aware learning. Two groups of students participated in the learning activities prescribed in a curriculum by separately using ubiquitous game-based learning and non-gaming learning. The curriculum, entitled ‘My Campus’, included three learning activities, namely ‘Campus Environment’, ‘Campus Life’ and ‘Campus Story’. Participants included high school teachers and juniors. During the experiment, tests, a survey, and interviews were conducted for the students. The evaluation results of the learning outcomes and learning motivation demonstrated that incorporating ubiquitous games into the English learning process could achieve a better learning outcomes and motivation than using non-gaming method. They further revealed a positive relationship between learning outcomes and motivation.  相似文献   

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are web-based systems allowing instructors and/or students to share materials and interact online. This study compared differences in LMS use between instructors and students at a large residential campus with students at a smaller commuter campus. Responses to an online survey about LMS activities and tools were categorized by three different interaction types: Learner–Instructor (LI), Learner–Content (LC), and Learner–Learner (LL). Aggregated log data was also analyzed to see if students’ use was consistent with their beliefs. Respondents from both campuses rate highly all activities and tools within the LMS. Findings suggest that residential students value activities and tools supporting LC interaction more than commuter students, while commuter students value activities and tools fostering LL interactions more than residential students. The aggregated log data was consistent with the survey data showing a higher level of activity in the most heavily used LC-oriented tools for the residential campus and higher activity in the LL-oriented tools for the commuter campus.  相似文献   

Adding flexibility to the learning process, mobile learning offers great opportunities for education, especially for teenagers, who show great attentiveness to mobile technologies. Thus, the need to focus on design aspects of such learning is growing. This study aims to reveal critical issues in designing mobile learning based on a program for 11th graders and to unfold students’ perceptions about reasons for participation, satisfaction, implementation processes, and specific content representation types. Reflections on insights gleaned from the instructional design process of the project and students’ perceptions are presented with related recommendations.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous learning (u-learning), in conjunction with supports from the digital world, is recognized as an effective approach for situating students in real-world learning environments. Earlier studies concerning u-learning have mainly focused on investigating the learning attitudes and learning achievements of students, while the causations such as learning style and teaching style were usually ignored. This study aims to investigate the effects of teaching styles and learning styles on reflection levels of students within the context of u-learning. In particular, we investigated the teaching styles at the dimensions of brainstorming and instruction and recall and the learning styles at the dimensions of active and reflective learning. The experiment was conducted with 39 fifth grader students at an elementary school in southern Taiwan. A u-learning environment was established at a butterfly ecology garden to conduct experiments for natural science courses. The experimental results of one-way ANCOVA show that those students who received a matching teaching–learning style presented a significant improvement in their reflection level. That is, matching the learning styles of students with the appropriate teaching styles can significantly improve students’ reflection levels in a u-learning environment.  相似文献   

Reflection plays an important role in improving learning performance. This study, therefore, attempted to explore whether learners’ reflection levels can be improved if teaching strategies are adapted to fit with learners’ thinking styles in an online learning environment. Three teaching strategies, namely constructive, guiding, and inductive, were designed to match with three thinking styles, namely legislative, executive, and judicial respectively. An online reflection learning system was subsequently developed to reflect this scenario. An experiment was then conducted where the learners were classified into fit or non-fit group in order to analyze whether there was a good fit between the teaching strategies designed by the teacher and the thinking styles of learners. A total of 223 graduate and undergraduate students participated in the experiment. The results revealed that the reflection levels of the fit group had outperformed the non-fit group.  相似文献   

Many educators distribute either complete or incomplete handouts so students can follow along with their lectures. This research examines a teaching system that combines computer-generated graphics presentations and detailed outline handouts with blanks added. An experiment found that this system produced significantly higher short-term recall of a presentation when compared with note-taking on lined paper and with no note-taking. Visual design variables, specifically slide typefaces and type, were also manipulated to examine whether they had independent effects on short-term recall or influenced the benefits from note-taking. No significant main effects or interactions were found for the visual aid variables.  相似文献   

This study provides field research evidence on the efficiency of a “free-selection” peer review assignment protocol as compared to the typically implemented “assigned-pair” protocol. The study employed 54 sophomore students who were randomly assigned into three groups: Assigned-Pair (AP) (the teacher assigns student works for review to student pairs), Free-Selection (FS) (students are allowed to freely explore and select peer work for review), and No Review (NR) (control group). AP and FS student groups studied and reviewed peer work in the domain of Computer Networking, supported by a web-based environment designed to facilitate the two peer review protocols. Our results indicate that students following the Free Selection protocol demonstrate (a) better domain learning outcomes, and (b) better reviewer skills, compared to the AP condition. Overall, the study analyzes the benefits and shortcomings of the FS vs AP review assignment protocol, providing evidence that the FS condition can be multiply beneficial to students who engage in peer review activities.  相似文献   

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