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Convective boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure refrigerants (R22, R32, R134A, R290, and R600a) and refrigerant mixtures (R32/R134a, R290/R600a, and R32/R125) are measured experimentally and compared with Gungor and Winterton correlation. The test section is made of a seamless stainless steel tube with an inner diameter of 7.7 mm and is uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tube. The exit temperature of the test section was kept at 12°C ± 0.5°C for all refrigerants in this study. Heat fluxes are varied from 10 to 30 kW m−2 and mass fluxes are set to the discrete values in the range of 424–742 kg m−2 s−1 for R22, R32, R134a, R32/R134a, and R32/R125; 265–583 kg m−2 s−1 for R290, R600a, and R290/R600a. Heat transfer coefficients depend strongly on heat flux at a low quality region and become independent as quality increases. The Gungor and Winterton correlation for pure substances and the Thome-Shakil modification of this correlation for refrigerant mixtures overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients measured in this study.  相似文献   

Apart from ternary mixtures of R32 with R125 and R134a, similar mixtures with R143a instead of R32 are discussed as alternatives to the widely used refrigerants R22 and R502. In the present work, the phase equilibrium of such ternary mixtures is described by simple cubic equations of state which are based only on experimental data for the pure substances and for a nearly equimolar mixture of every binary system.In addition to previous experimental investigations the critical properties and the saturation pressure were measured for pure R143a and for nearly equimolar mixtures of the binary systems and . The temperature ranged from −70°C up to the respective critical point. The validity of the resulting equations of state for ternary mixtures of R125, R143a and R134a is confirmed by comparison with experimental results of the vapour-liquid equilibrium for a mixture with about 17mol% of R125 and R143a, respectively, and about 66mol% of R134a.  相似文献   

Ternary mixtures of R32, R125 and R134a of different compositions are recommended for replacing refrigerants R22 and R502. As a prerequisite for reliably calculating vapour pressure and phase equilibria of ternary mixtures within the relevant range of temperature and composition, VLE data of the three binary systems R32/R134a, R125/R134a and R32/R125 have been measured from −70°C up to the critical temperature. The real mixing behaviour of these binary systems is described by simple cubic equations of state, based only on precise experimental data of the critical properties and one value of the vapour pressure at T/Tc ≈ 0.7 for one mixture of nearly equimolar composition, respectively. Besides the properties of the pure substances, these data are sufficient to calculate the saturation pressure as well as the composition of the coexisting phases with rather high accuracy for both the binary and the ternary mixtures. This has been proved by comparison with experimental data for binary mixtures and for three ternary mixtures of different compositions.  相似文献   

In the present study, the local characteristics of pressure drop and heat transfer are investigated experimentally for the condensation of pure refrigerant R134a in two kinds of 865 mm long multi-port extruded tubes having eight channels in 1.11 mm hydraulic diameter and 19 channels in 0.80 mm hydraulic diameter. The pressure drop is measured at an interval of 191 mm through small pressure measuring ports. The local heat transfer rate is measured in every subsection of 75 mm in effective cooling length using heat flux sensors. It is found that the experimental data of frictional pressure drop agree with the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki [Trans. JMSE (B) 61 (1995) 99], while the correlations of Chisholm and Laird [Trans. ASME 80 (1958) 227], Soliman et al. [Trans. ASME, Ser. C 90 (1998) 267], and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 239], overpredict. As a trial, the data of local heat transfer coefficient are also compared with correlations of Moser et al. [J. Heat Transfer 120 (1998) 410] and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 245]. The data of high mass velocity agree with the correlation of Moser et al., while those of low mass velocity show different trends. The correlation of Haraguchi et al. shows the trend similar to the data when the shear stress in their correlation is estimated using the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the condensation of pure and mixed refrigerants of R22 and R114 inside a spirally grooved horizontal copper tube has been carried out. A double-tube counterflow condenser in the pressure range 3–21 bar and at a mass flow-rate 26–70 kg h−1 was used. The axial distributions of refrigerant, tube wall and cooling water temperatures, wall heat flux density and vapour quality are shown graphically. The variation of tube wall temperature around the circumference of the tube is also shown. The local Nusselt number depends on the molar fraction, whereas the average Nusselt number can be correlated by an equation which is modified from a previously established equation for pure refrigerants inside a horizontal smooth tube. The frictional pressure drop evaluated is correlated well by the Lockhart-Martinelli parameters and is independent of the concentration of the mixture.  相似文献   

This paper describes experimental results that show the effects of mass velocity and condensation temperature difference on the local heat transfer characteristics during condensation of R407C in a horizontal microfin tube. The experiments were performed at the saturation temperature of 40 °C, the refrigerant mass velocity of 50, 100, 200 and 300 kg m−2 s−1, and the condensation temperature difference of 1.5, 2.5 and 4.5 K. A superficial heat transfer coefficient for the vapor phase was obtained by subtracting the heat transfer resistance of condensate film estimated by using a previously developed theoretical model of film condensation of pure vapor from the overall heat transfer resistance. On the basis of the analogy between heat and mass transfer, an empirical equation for the superficial vapor phase heat transfer coefficient was developed. The heat transfer coefficient predicted by the combination of the previously developed theoretical model of film condensation of pure vapor and the empirical equation of the superficial vapor phase heat transfer coefficient agreed with the measured values with the r.m.s. error of 9.2%.  相似文献   

This study investigated the condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of refrigerants R134a, R32, R1234ze(E), and R410A in a horizontal multiport tube with rectangular minichannels, in the mass velocity range of 100–400 kg m−2 s−1 and saturation temperature set at 40 and 60 °C. The effect of mass velocity, vapor quality, saturation temperature, refrigerant properties, and hydraulic diameter of rectangular channels on condensation characteristics is clarified. A new correlation is proposed for predicting the frictional pressure drop for condensation flow in minichannels. A heat transfer model for condensation heat transfer in rectangular minichannels is developed considering the flow patterns and effects of vapor shear stress and surface tension. Then, based on this model, a new heat transfer correlation is proposed. The proposed correlations successfully predict the experimental frictional pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients of the test refrigerants in horizontal rectangular minichannels.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of HFC134a in an industrial (water to water) heat-pump test facility at Electricité de France with a twin-screw compressor are presented. The performance of HFC134a has been studied in terms of performance parameters of the compressor (e.g. its volumetric and isentropic efficiencies) and of the heat-pump system (e.g. coefficient of performance and volumetric heating capacity) with a view to using it in new installations for low to medium temperature (< 70°C) applications as well as to replacing CFC12 in existing installations. The influence of degree of superheat on the miscibility of HFC134a with ester oil and on the viscosity of the oil-refrigerant mixture has also been studied for various discharge pressures.  相似文献   

New viscosity measurements for the gaseous and supercritical state of the halogenated hydrocarbons R12, R113, and R114 and binary mixtures of R12 + R114 of different compositions are presented. The measurements were carried out at superheated and supercritical temperatures from 30 to 200° C and in the pressure range from 1 to 80 bar. Viscosity was measured with an oscillating-disk viscometer and the data obtained are relative to the viscosity of nitrogen. The estimated accuracy of the measured results is ±0.6%. The results obtained show that, at subcritical temperatures, the pressure effect on viscosity is negative. This anomalous behaviour is investigated in detail in this work. At atmospheric pressure the viscosity of gas mixtures is almost a linear function of their composition. At high pressure, the residual viscosities - 0 of both the pure components and the mixtures were used to follow a single relationship versus the residual reduced density r0.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients of R22, R134a, R507, R404A and R410A inside a smooth horizontal tube (6 mm I.D., 6 m length) were measured at a refrigerant mass flux of about 360 kg/m2 s varying the evaporating pressure within the range 3–12 bar, with heat fluxes within the range 11–21 kW/m2. The experimental data are discussed in terms of the heat transfer coefficients as a function of the vapour quality. The experimental results clearly show that the heat transfer coefficients of R134a are always higher than those pertaining to R22 (from a minimum of +6 to a maximum of +45%).  相似文献   

Using a transient coaxial cylinder technique, thermal conductivities were measured for liquid 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,2-dichloroethane (refrigerant R123), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (refrigerant R134a). and pentalluoroethane (refrigerant R 125). The uncertainty of the experimental data is estimated to be within 2–3 %. Thermal conductivities of refrigerants were measured at temperatures ranging from –114 to 20°C under pressures up to IOMPa. The apparatus was calibrated with four kinds of liquids and gases. The features of the density dependence of thermal conductivity are indicated. Existing equations for calculating the coefficient are analyzed in cases where development has been sufficient to enable comparisons to be made with experiment. Saturated-liquid thermal conductivities for R134a and R123 are compared with corresponding experimental values.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound on pool boiling heat transfer to mixtures of the refrigerants R23 and R134a has been investigated in a wide range of heat flux and saturation pressure. The enhancement of the heat transfer coefficient, which can be achieved by ultrasound, is much more pronounced for mixtures than for pure substances. It is, however, limited to rather small heat fluxes ( ). Especially remarkable is the fact, that the maximum influence of ultrasound on the heat transfer coefficient of the mixtures occurs at medium saturation pressures (p/pc ≈ 0.2); the effect is markedly less for higher and for lower saturation pressures. Obviously, the improvement of the heat transfer to mixtures is mainly caused by a decrease of the local saturation temperature near the heating wall, due to a better mixing in the liquid boundary. This explanation is supported by evaluating important parameters of bubble formation from high-speed photographs of the heating surface. It is further noticeable, that the well known hysteresis effect at the beginning of pool boiling is reduced to a great extent by exposure to ultrasound.  相似文献   

A comparison of the refrigerants HFC 134a and CFC 12 has been carried out and the results from a theoretical analysis and from tests with an open piston compressor are reported in this paper. The results indicate that the tested compressor will give a greater refrigerating capacity with HFC 134a than with CFC 12 for certain operating conditions. However, the results also indicate an increased operating power for the compressor over the entire temperature range. As a result the coefficient of performance is decreased. Another noticeable result is dependency of the compressor's isentropic efficiency on temperature when using HFC 134a. This might be explained by the properties of the polyalkene glycol oil which is used with HFC 134a. The increased cost of using HFC 134a is justified if the environmental aspects are considered and the practical problems, such as the influence on the material in the refrigeration cycle, can be solved.  相似文献   

在对R134a在水平直齿外翅片管表面冷凝传热理论研究的基础上,利用用计算机建立了传热数学模型,并在实验室中用5根紫铜外翅片铜管进行试验验证,结果表明该理论数学模型在一定范围内的预测值是准确的.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of condensation heat transfer and pressure drop from tests with pure and oil-contaminated refrigerant HFC134a in a horizontal tube (10 m in length, 6 mm ID). The experimental results are compared with prediction from correlation. The heat transfer coefficient in the case of oil-contaminated refrigerant is shown to depend strongly on the definition of the saturation temperature. Using the pure refrigerant saturation temperature (hence disregarding the influence of oil on the vapour pressure), the results for average heat transfer coefficient show only minor effect of the oil contents. If the saturation temperature of the refrigerant—oil mixture is used, there is thus a significant degradation of the heat transfer coefficient (as expected) with increasing oil concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of R314a substitution with a natural refrigerant fluid. A comparison is performed between R134a and R744 (CO2). R134a is a hydrofluorocarbon with a large direct warming impact (GWP), whereas the R744 contribution is negligible. A comparative exergetic analysis, carried out with experimental tests, has been presented. This paper compares a commercial R134a refrigeration plant and a prototype R744 system working in a trans-critical cycle. Based on the experimental data an exergetic analysis has been carried out on the overall plant and on each device. The overall exergetic performances of the classical vapour compression plant working with R134a are consistently better than that of R744 (from a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 44%). The performance of the individual components of the plant has been analyzed, in order to pinpoint those contributing most to the decrease in the exergetic performance of R744.  相似文献   

In the present study, two-phase refrigerant flow is simulated using drift flux model for straight and helical capillary tubes. The conservation equations of mass, energy and momentum are solved using the 4th order Runge–Kutta method. This model is validated by previously published experimental and numerical results and also by experimental results presented in this work. The effect of various parameters such as inlet pressure, inlet temperature, sub-cooling degree, and geometric dimensions are studied. The results of the present study show that for the same length and under similar conditions, mass flux through helical capillary tube with coil diameter of 40 mm are about 11% less than that through the straight tube, where the helical tube length is about 14% shorter than the straight one for the same refrigerant mass flux.  相似文献   

A numerical solution is presented for a system of differential equations of heat and mass transfer in a boundary layer in the laminar condensation of a gas on a horizontal tube.Notation g acceleration due to gravity - r external radius of tube - rk latent heat of condensation - Pr Prandtl number - Sc Schmidt number - T temperature - x distance along circumference - y distance along radius beyond the cylindrical surface - viscosity - density - kinematic viscosity Indices s saturated - liquid-gas interface - h gas - q liquid - wl wall Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 793–799, May, 1981.  相似文献   

Experiments on flow condensation have been conducted with both pure R32, R134a and their mixtures inside a tube (10 m long, 6 mm ID), with a mass flux of 131–369 kg m−2s−1 and average condensation temperature of 23–40°C. The experimental heat transfer coefficients are compared with those predicted from correlations. The maximum mean heat transfer coefficient reduction (from a linear interpolation of the single component values) occurs at a concentration of roughly 30% R32 for the same mass flux basis, and is approximately 20% at Gr = 190 kg m−2s−1, 16% at Gr = 300 kg m−2s−1. Non-ideal properties of the mixture have a certain, but relatively small, influence on the degradation. Among others, temperature and concentration gradients, slip, etc. are also causes of heat transfer degradation.  相似文献   

Microfin tubes are widely used in air cooled and water cooled heat exchangers for heat pump and refrigeration applications during condensation or evaporation of refrigerants. In order to design heat exchangers and to optimize heat transfer surfaces, accurate procedures for computing pressure drops and heat transfer coefficients are necessary. This paper presents a new simple model for the prediction of the heat transfer coefficient to be applied to condensation in horizontal microfin tubes of halogenated and natural refrigerants, pure fluids or nearly azeotropic mixtures. The updated model accounts for refrigerant physical properties, two-phase flow patterns in microfin tubes and geometrical characteristics of the tubes. It is validated against a data bank of 3115 experimental heat transfer coefficients measured in different independent laboratories all over the world including diverse inside tube geometries and different condensing refrigerants among which R22, R134a, R123, R410A and CO2.  相似文献   

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