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以绿色照明工程为契机促进节能照明的发展吕佳东东南大学电光源研究中心一.绿色照明工程实施的背景及意义1992年美国环境保护署首先提出了绿色照明工程计划,其目标就是用高效节能照明产品取代传统照明产品,以达到节能、净化环境的目的,同时制定相关法规,限制照明...  相似文献   

市场经济体制下的中国绿色照明工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济体制下的中国绿色照明工程国家发展计划委员会能源研究所郁聪80年代末期,一些发达国家如美国、日本、英国、德国、荷兰等率先开展了“绿色照明”的推广工作,在商用建筑、政府建筑采用高效节能的光源、灯具、灯用电器附件和控光开关等替换原有的照明系统,使建...  相似文献   

浅谈公共场所照明节电──军达牌SGK系列声光延时开关的开发与应用北京海淀香山节能电器厂敬万合(北京军区通信训练大队)近年来,随着改革开放的不断发展,我国能源日趋紧张,价格也逐步放开,公共场所照明节电以及照明自动化控制问题越来越引起全社会的关注和重视。...  相似文献   

一些企业单位住宅楼中的楼梯灯往往不经过分户电能表,直接接在企业的供电线路上。这些楼梯灯常常整夜不灭,不仅缩短了灯泡的使用寿命,而且浪费大量电能。兰溪农药厂将13幢家属宿舍225盖楼梯灯全部装了照明延时开关,取得了较好的节能效果。每盏楼梯灯按60W计,从晚上7:30亮到天亮5:30,需耗电600Wb,加装延时开关后,每晚耗电不到60Wh,节电率达90%以上。该厂225宿舍盏楼梯灯每年可节能444万kwh,效益显著。这种做法值得推广。公用楼梯灯加装延时开关效果好  相似文献   

SL—Ⅰ、Ⅱ型声光电子节能开关系列产品采用集成电路,体积小,工作可靠,具有声光时全自动控制灯光照明。白天或光线强时,开关为关闭状态,灯不亮;夜间或光线暗时,开关进入预备工作状态;当来人时由脚步声、说话声、拍手声等控制,开关自动接通灯亮,延时近一分钟时间后开关自动关闭。 本产品适用于楼道、建筑走廊、洗涮室、厕所等公共场所,可实现来人灯亮,人走灯灭,既方便照明,又能杜绝长明灯,节省电能,并还能延长灯泡使用寿命,是更新换代的新  相似文献   

龚昭 《节能》1996,(8):29-31
阐述了照明节能的重要意义,提出了实施照明节能宣传教育的必要性和紧迫性  相似文献   

低碳照明(节能照明)是当今世界照明产业发展的主旋律,大力发展价廉物美、能被千家万户接受的LED照明是时代的必然要求。然而,在迅猛发展起来的成千上万的LED照明企业中,产品鱼龙混杂,使消费者真伪难辨。因而,正确理解LED通用照明的要素,有利于LED照明产业可持续发展。由于LED照明与传统的照明技术有很大的不同,文章从LED照明的技术特点出发,解释了通用照明基本性能要求的含义,供从事LED节能照明的相关人员及希望对LED照明产品有理性了解的广大消费者参考。  相似文献   

“绿色照明”活动发起于上世纪90年代初,是旨在推广应用高效照明产品、促进经济社会可持续发展的节能环保活动,是国际社会公认的实施可持续发展战略的成功范例。“十五”时期,我国政府与联合国开发计划署、全球环境基金合作开发了“中国绿色照明工程促进项目”,共同推进中国绿色照明工程。通过制定高效照明产品能效标准、制定建筑照明设计能效标准、提高照明电器产品国家实验室检测一致性、节能照明产品认证、公众宣传、教育培训、质量承诺等工作,取得了良好成效。山西省绿色照明工程在省经委和省绿色照明指导小组的领导下,近几年也得到了稳步发展。  相似文献   

LED在绿色节能照明中的应用进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了LED电光源的特性及在绿色节能照明中的地位;介绍了IED照明光源的发展、IED光源的设计和与太阳能相结合的LED光源的实际应用;对LED替代传统照明做了市场分析;对其发展前景做了分析和展望.  相似文献   

朱红 《节能》2007,26(2):7-9
阐述了城市景观照明节能的重要性,介绍了节能方法:严格按城市照明专项规划进行设计方案优选、确保城市景观照明与周围环境协调统一;合理确定照度标准及照明功率密度值;光源、灯具和控制系统的选用;照明方式的确定;大力加强照明设施维护与管理、提高节能效果和防治光污染等问题。  相似文献   

节能照明系统的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴文进  李庆武  彭聪 《节能》2002,(3):11-12
设计的照明控制系统是一种新型的节能照明控制系统。该系统能较好地适应HID灯的特性。在电压波动范围较大的情况下,系统能使灯具在给定电压下正常稳定运行。此外,系统还能有效地降低灯的启动电压,减少甚至消除频闪现象,因而能降低对电网的干扰,延长灯的寿命,并达到节能效果。该系统具有可靠性高、节能明显、无噪音、可移植性强等特点,可适用于各种照明场所。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的开关量检测电路的方法,通过汽车电控单元与可编程多路开关检测接口器件MC33972芯片之间进行SPI通信来实现,将之与传统的分立元件组成的开关量检测电路相比,电路设计简单,保证了车用开关工作的可靠性和有效性.  相似文献   

黄程云  韩哲 《节能技术》2013,(6):572-574
为帮助用户在选择照明节电控制产品时了解其真实技术内涵,避免陷入“唯价格论”误区,由斯忒藩——波耳兹曼定律及背景噪声扰动,分析得出传统PIR探测在“静止状态”人体检测中无法实现,可通过采用折反式光学系统,辅以DSP构成数字准静态人体探测器加以解决.鉴于传统人体感应优先控制存在诸多不足,可采取照度与人体感应电路同时工作的方式,实现照度优先控制.实际应用证明,两种技术相结合的智能照明控制器节电效果十分显著.  相似文献   

教学楼智能照明系统的节能控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢静  胡耀斌  何霖 《节能》2009,28(8):45-47
针对学校教学楼照明系统电能浪费严重的问题,提出了一种智能控制的新方法。该方法以单片机为核心,根据传感器测得的光照度以及人数等信息,对室内灯具实现分片定时控制,系统设有RS485总线,并选用上位机实现各教室照明系统的网络化管理,实现了智能控制、节约能源的目的。  相似文献   

逆变是重要的电能转换方式,在实现电能形态转换的同时,也会对电网电能质量产生严重影响,智能电网对电能质量提出了更高的要求,针对传统逆变技术的种种缺陷。提出了一种适应智能电网要求的新型逆变装置,该装置是一种新型的低谐波三相低频逆变装置,开关器件工作于工频50Hz,的状态,具有开关损耗小、谐波含量少、可靠性高、直流电,矗利用率高、控制简单成本少等特性,实验结果表明,该装置具有很高的实际使用价值和推广性。  相似文献   

A dual input LED lighting scheme with constant illumination is proposed in this paper. The scheme employs a photovoltaic array as the first input and a battery as the second one. A microcontroller is programmed to operate a changeover switch as well as a DC-DC converter for uninterrupted and constant illumination in work place. The scheme is suitable for conference halls, laboratories, clean rooms, marriage halls, theaters, etc. The complete modeling, design and experimentation of the proposed scheme are explained and the economic viability of the scheme is justified.  相似文献   

实施大气污染物排放总量控制后能源系统的减排效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
要以上海为例,采用MARKAL模型研究了能源系统对未来环境政策的响应。政策情景包括提高能源效率、能源结构调整、实施SO2排放总量控制等。研究结果显示,提高能源效率和实施能源结构调整后,上海市CO2、SO2和PM10排放量将明显降低。进一步削减NOx和PM10排放将主要取决于末端处理技术。  相似文献   

Although 40% of the global population relies on traditional biomass use, mainly firewood and charcoal, for cooking, traditional biomass has received very little attention in the current biomass debate, because of its considered primitive and unsustainable nature. In this review, we discuss how the sustainability of household cooking in developing countries can be improved.Indoor air pollution due to incomplete combustion of traditional biomass causes the death of 1.45 million people every year, mainly of women and children, who also carry the heavy burden of fuelwood collection. In addition, charcoal production and combustion is responsible for very high greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy. On the other hand, fuelwood production and trade is of vital importance for local economies and serves as safety net for the poorest people. Moreover, fuelwood collection is not a driver of deforestation and global fuelwood shortage will not occur, despite local problems of fuelwood provision.There are two distinct policy alternatives to increase the sustainability of cooking in developing countries. The first option is to climb the energy ladder and to switch from solid fuels to fossil fuels (LPG or kerosene), biogas or electricity. As this largely avoids the severe health damages of traditional biomass use, this option is considered the most desirable by numerous countries and by international organizations. However, as most developing countries are far away from meeting the necessary requirements, related to infrastructure, economics and local culture, expecting a large-scale switch to liquid fuels or electricity is unrealistic.In that case, the second policy option, increasing the sustainability of the current traditional biomass system, must be considered. This can be realized by an integrated approach, in which national and regional fuelwood policies are adapted, improved systems for charcoal production are implied and improved stoves, in combination with chimneys, are distributed.  相似文献   

Internal illumination prediction based on a simplified radiosity algorithm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes a new model for predicting natural interior illumination in the urban context. A simplified radiosity algorithm is used to define the external luminous environment and this model structure is used to predict internal illumination from sky and external obstructions for the range of sky conditions. This illumination is predicted with comparable accuracy to the ray tracing program RADIANCE, but at a computational cost several orders of magnitude lower. A standard diffusing sphere approximation (the BRS split flux equation) is currently used to solve internally reflected light. Comparisons suggest that the accuracy of this approach is adequate for the purpose of predicting the energy implications of photoresponsive lighting control. The model is in a form readily amenable for inclusion into other programs that require internal illuminance as an input, to improve the accuracy of their predictions without recourse to external simulation programs.  相似文献   

Modern applications for energy saving in buildings need to include daylighting. Natural illumination will not only reduce the demand of electrical energy for fixtures but will also reduce the energy demand of air conditioning during a hot period. Conventional approaches consider the natural illumination of architectural spaces by using a statically sky lumination distribution, e.g. the standard overcast sky according to the German DIN (DIN, 1983).This approach is not sufficient if energy saving should be calculated since it does not take the fluctuating sky lumination at the site of the building into account. This defect can be overcome by extend an existing illumination simulation program that computes only statically by a dynamic routine.  相似文献   

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