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T cell vaccination (TCV) is a method to induce resistance to autoimmune diseases by priming the immune system with autoreactive T cells. This priming evokes an anti-idiotypic regulatory T cell response to the receptors on the autoreactive T cells. Hence resistance is induced. To prevent the inoculated autoreactive cells from inducing autoimmunity, cells are given in a subpathogenic dose or in an attenuated form. We developed a mathematical model to study how the interactions between autoreactive T cells, self epitopes, and regulatory cells can explain TCV. The model is based on detailed data on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, but can be generalized to other autoimmune diseases. We show that all of the phenomena collectively described as TCV occur quite naturally in systems where autoreactive T cells can be controlled by anti-idiotypic regulatory T cells. The essential assumption that we make is that TCV generally involves self epitopes for which T cell tolerance is incomplete. The model predicts a qualitative difference between the two vaccination methods: vaccination with normal autoreactive cells should give rise to a steady state of long lasting protection, whereas vaccination with attenuated cells should only confer transient resistance. Moreover, the model shows how autoimmune relapses can occur naturally without the involvement of T cells arising due to determinant spreading.  相似文献   

This study reports the cellular localization of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and MHC class II antigen (Ia) in the spinal cord of rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced by adoptive transfer of myelin basic protein-specific T cells. Numerous IFN-gamma-positive cells, stained with two different monoclonal antibodies against IFN-gamma, were present from days 3 to 7 after cell transfer. Their number was greatly reduced on day 10. A subpopulation of T cells was IFN-gamma positive. Moreover, a large number of ED1-positive macrophages contained IFN-gamma immunoreactivity. The transient presence of immune cells containing IFN-gamma immunoreactivity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis suggests a pathogenic role of this cytokine in immune-mediated demyelination of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The ultimate aim in the treatment of autoimmune disease is to restore self-tolerance to the autoantigen(s) in question. In lieu of this ideal result, the conversion of a destructive or pathogenic autoimmune response into one of benign autoimmunity would also be highly desirable. In either case the use of the antigenic epitope, which is the target of the destructive immune response, would ideally be employed so as to give specificity to the protection without the need for long-term immunosuppression. This review describes a number of different approaches using various forms, doses, and routes of injection of specific neuroantigen to inhibit the different clinical varieties of autoimmune encephalomyelitis in a number of animal models; all done with the view to translating the findings into the clinic for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. We conclude that any treatment strategy for multiple sclerosis (MS) must have a number of features: it must be clinically acceptable, specific, long-lasting, require only short-term treatment, able to shunt off ongoing disease, and have the potential to prevent or deal with epitope spreading. Few of the approaches we describe fulfill all of these criteria. We suggest that investigations of new adjunctive agents to be used with a specific antigen be pursued, and that currently the use of chimeric proteins or DNA vaccination with or without the new adjunctives may hold the most hope for the future.  相似文献   

Iron has been proposed to promote oxidative tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (MS). In order to gain insights about how iron gets processed during MS, the deposition of iron was investigated in the CNS of mice with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), which is a commonly used animal model of MS. Control mice (adjuvant only) and EAE mice (myelin basic protein plus adjuvant), were sacrificed at 4-8 days (preclinical phase), 10-13 days (clinical phase), or 18 days (recovery phase) post injection. Sections from the cerebrum, hindbrain, and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal cord were stained as previously described (J. Neurosci. Res. 29:413, 1991), and scored blindly for histopathological staining. There was minimal histopathological staining at any age in control animals or during the preclinical stage in EAE animals. At the clinical stage of EAE, stained pathological features (macrophages, extravasated RBC and granular staining) were significantly increased compared to the preclinical stage. In the recovery phase, macrophage and granular staining persisted but there was loss of extravasated RBC. Dual labeling studies revealed that granular deposits were present in astrocytes and in locations that appeared to be extracellular. In order to gain insights about the origin of iron deposits in EAE mice, additional studies were performed on brains of mice with extravasated blood lesions. These brains had granular, macrophage and RBC staining. Thus, each of the stained features in EAE animals could be due to the extravasation of blood which occurs in the SJL model of EAE, although some of the iron could have originated from myelin and oligodendrocytes damaged during EAE.  相似文献   

Morphological studies have shown that macrophages and microglia undergo apoptosis in the central nervous system (CNS) in acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in the Lewis rat. To assess the relative levels of macrophage and microglial apoptosis, and the molecular mechanisms involved in this process, we used three-colour flow cytometry to identify CD45lowCD11b/c+ microglial cells and CD45highCD11b/c+ macrophages in the inflammatory cells isolated from the spinal cords of Lewis rats 13 days after immunization with myelin basic protein (MBP) and complete Freund's adjuvant. Simultaneously, we analyzed the DNA content of these cell populations to assess the proportions of cells undergoing apoptosis and in different stages of the cell cycle or examined their expression of three apoptosis-regulating proteins, i.e. Fas (CD95), Fas ligand (FasL) and Bcl-2. Microglia were highly vulnerable to apoptosis and were over-represented in the apoptotic population. Macrophages were less susceptible to apoptosis than microglia and underwent mitosis more frequently than microglia. The different susceptibilities of microglia and macrophages to apoptosis did not appear to be due to variations in Fas, FasL or Bcl-2 expression, as the proportions of microglia and macrophages expressing these proteins were similar, and were relatively high. Furthermore, in contrast to T cell apoptosis, apoptosis of microglia/macrophages did not occur more frequently in cells expressing Fas or FasL, or less frequently in cells expressing Bcl-2. These results indicate that the apoptosis of microglia and CNS macrophages in EAE is not mediated through the Fas pathway, and that Bcl-2 expression does not protect them from apoptosis. Expression of FasL by macrophages and microglia may contribute to the pathogenesis and immunoregulation of EAE through interactions with Fas+ oligodendrocytes and Fas+ T cells. The high level of microglial apoptosis in EAE indicates that microglial apoptosis may be an important homeostatic mechanism for controlling the number of microglia in the CNS following microglial activation and proliferation.  相似文献   

The synthetic amino acid copolymer, copolymer 1 (Cop 1) induces T suppressor (Ts) lines/clones, which are confined to the Th2 pathway, cross react with myelin basic protein (MBP), but not with other myelin antigens on the level of Th2 cytokine secretion. Nevertheless, Cop 1 Ts cells inhibited the IL-2 response of a proteolipid protein (PLP) specific line. Furthermore, Cop 1 Ts cells ameliorated EAE induced by two unrelated encephalitogenic epitopes of PLP: p139-151 and p178-191, that produced different forms of disease. This bystander suppression demonstrated by the Cop 1 Ts cells may explain the therapeutic effect of Cop 1 in EAE and MS.  相似文献   

Monitoring the TCR repertoire is indispensable for the assessment of T cell-associated autoimmune diseases and subsequent TCR-based immunotherapy. In the present study, we examined the TCR repertoire of spinal cord T cells of Lewis rats by CDR3 spectratyping during chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by immunization with spinal cord homogenate. It was found that Vbeta8.2 spectratype with the shortest CDR3 expanded oligoclonally throughout the course of the disease. In addition, Vbeta12 spectratype expansion was observed at the first and second attacks of EAE. Sequence analysis revealed that clones with the DSSYEQYF sequence, which is a representative sequence of myelin basic protein (MBP)-reactive T cell clones, constituted the predominant population in the Vbeta8.2 family. Surprisingly, Vbeta12 also used the identical amino acid sequence in the CDR3 region. These findings indicate that although infiltrating T cells in the central nervous system are activated polyclonally, the TCR repertoire remains unchanged throughout the course. Moreover, the finding that the predominant CDR3 amino acid sequence of Vbeta8.2 and Vbeta12 spectratypes is identical with that of MBP-induced EAE suggests that a single Ag in spinal cord homogenate, possibly MBP, is involved in disease development.  相似文献   

During studies of transplacental virus infections in random bred hamsters purchased with timed pregnancies from three commercial dealers, spontaneous hemorrhagic necrosis of the central nervous system was seen in fetuses harvested near term. Ninety-seven pregnant hamsters from three colonies were examined during a 6-month period; this condition was seen in 25 of 41, 19 of 36, and five of 20 litters. Hamsters from another commercial colony were received, housed, and fed under the same conditions, but remained free of the disease. The pathological process was characterized by multiple spreading zones of edema, malacia, and hemorrhage. Lesions were restricted to neural tissues, including the retina and internal ear. Neuroepithelial proliferation with rosette formation, accompanying the destructive process, constituted a striking reparative response. No inflammatory reaction or cytopathic effects suggestive of virus-induced disease were seen. Studies on the cause of this condition were negative at the time when the disease disappeared spontaneously.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a CD4+ T cell-mediated, inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that serves as a model for the human demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis. A critical event in the pathogenesis of EAE is the entry of both Ag-specific T lymphocytes and Ag-nonspecific mononuclear cells into the CNS. In the present report we investigated the role of two C-C chemokines (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha) and monocyte chemotactic protein-1) and a C-x-C chemokine (MIP-2) in the pathogenesis of EAE. Production in the CNS of MIP-1 alpha, but not that of MIP-2, a rodent homologue of IL-8, or monocyte chemotactic protein-1, correlated with development of severe clinical disease. Administration of anti-MIP-1 alpha, but not that of anti-monocyte chemotactic protein-1, prevented the development of both acute and relapsing paralytic disease as well as infiltration of mononuclear cells into the CNS initiated by the transfer of neuroantigen peptide-activated T cells. Ab therapy could also be used to ameliorate the severity of ongoing clinical disease. Anti-MIP-1 alpha did not affect the activation of encepahlitogenic T cells as measured by cytokine secretion, surface marker expression, and ability to adoptively transfer EAE. These results demonstrate that MIP-1 alpha plays an important role in directing the chemoattraction of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the T cell-mediated autoimmune disease, EAE.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin (LT) is widely regarded as a proinflammatory cytokine with activities equivalent to tumor necrosis factor (TNF). The contribution of LT to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was examined using TNF/LTalpha-/- mice, TNF-/- mice, and a new LTalpha-/- line described here. All mice were generated directly in the C57BL/6 strain and used for the preparation of radiation bone marrow chimeras to reconstitute peripheral lymphoid organs and restore immunocompetence. This approach overcame the problems related to the lack of lymph nodes that results from LTalpha gene targeting. We show here that when LT is absent but TNF is present, EAE progresses normally. In contrast, when TNF is absent but LT is present, EAE is delayed in onset and inflammatory leukocytes fail to move normally into the central nervous system parenchyma, even at the peak of disease. In the absence of both cytokines, the clinical and histological picture is identical to that seen when TNF alone is deficient, including demyelination. Furthermore, the therapeutic inhibition of TNF and LTalpha with soluble TNF receptor in unmanipulated wild-type or TNF-/- mice exactly reproduces these outcomes. We conclude from these studies that TNF and LT are functionally distinct cytokines in vivo, and despite sharing common receptors, show no redundancy of function nor mutual compensation.  相似文献   

To determine whether the rat homolog of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) we examined the effect of anti-ICAM-1 mAb, 1A29, on both active and passive EAE. We also examined its effect on a model of cytokine-induced inflammation in the central nervous system. Treatment of recipients of EAE effector cells with anti-ICAM-1 had no inhibitory activity, and in fact at high doses, treatment enhanced disease as evidenced by an earlier onset of symptoms. Treatment of active EAE with anti-ICAM-1 beginning on the day of sensitization did protect a proportion of animals from development of disease as well as reduce the severity of clinical signs in those which developed symptoms. Lymphocytes from both the draining lymph nodes and spleens of myelin basic protein (MBP)-immunized rats treated with anti-ICAM-1 failed to proliferate in response to MBP in vitro, suggesting that the antibody had prevented the animals from becoming sensitized to the antigen. Microinjection of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha into the spinal cords of rats led to the expression of ICAM-1 on vascular endothelium, and to the accumulation of leukocytes at sites of injection. The peak expression of ICAM-1 by endothelium and the peak accumulation of leukocytes following TNF alpha injection were not positively correlated. Furthermore, treatment of TNF alpha injected rats with anti-ICAM-1 did not inhibit the accumulation of leukocytes at the site of cytokine injection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) generates nitric oxide of which the excessive production is associated with central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory diseases. The investigation of iNOS expression during experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) of the Lewis rat demonstrated iNOS immunoreactivity and mRNA both during inflammatory bursts (days 12 and 23 post-immunization) and during the remission phase (day 18). iNOS expression was region-specific and expanded with time along a caudo-rostral axis, thus, correlating with the development of inflammatory infiltrates. Whereas cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage continuously contributed to iNOS expression, astrocytes only expressed iNOS immunoreactivity or mRNA during the relapse (day 23). In order to investigate possible regulatory effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-D3) on iNOS expression, rats were treated with the hormone after the beginning of clinical signs (days 11, 13, 19, 21 and 23 post-immunization), and areas of the CNS were examined at day 23. 1,25-D3 exerted a drastic inhibitory effect on iNOS expression, both at the protein and the mRNA levels. However, this effect was region-specific, and was most pronounced in the cerebellum and brainstem, but non-existent in cerebral cortex. iNOS down-regulation occurred in macrophages, activated microglia and astrocytes. The inhibition of iNOS expression in some CNS structures could account for the improvement of clinical signs observed in EAE-rats treated with 1,25-D3. Since 1,25-D3 can be synthesized by activated macrophages or microglia, our results support the hypothesis that this hormone might be implicated in the control of the CNS-specific immune responses. 1,25-D3 or its analogues could, thus, be of therapeutic value in the management of iNOS-associated diseases of the CNS.  相似文献   

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit prostaglandin (PG) synthesis, augment production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in most experimental models. We investigated the effect of two NSAIDs, indomethacin and ibuprofen, on the production of TNF in the CNS induced by intracerebroventricular injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Indomethacin and ibuprofen, administered intraperitoneally, augmented (three- to ninefold) the levels of TNF in serum and peripheral organs of mice injected intraperitoneally with LPS and in rats with adjuvant arthritis (up to a sevenfold increase). However, NSAIDs (intraperitoneally or intracerebroventricularly) did not increase brain TNF production induced by intravenous LPS. In fact, indomethacin decreased (1.4-1.8-fold) TNF levels in the spinal cord of rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and in the cortex of rats with focal cerebral ischemia. Systemic administration of iloprost inhibited serum TNF levels after intraperitoneal LPS, whereas intracerebroventricular injection of iloprost or PGE2 did not inhibit brain TNF induced by intracerebroventricular LPS. Both peripheral and central TNF productions were inhibited by cyclic AMP level-elevating agents or dexamethasone. Thus, a PG-driven negative feedback controls TNF production in the periphery but not in the CNS.  相似文献   

Time-response curves were established for the effect of 3 doses of pimozide, a potent and specific dopamine receptor blocker, on deprivation-induced drinking in rats. Injections occurred once every 3 days at intervals of 2, 4, 8, and 16 hr prior to the daily 15 min drinking period. Pimozide produced a significant attenuation in the amount of water normally consumed (on nondrug days) whose degree varied with the proximity of the injection to the drinking period. Only the 2 higher doses (0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) produced a significant dose dependent effect which was strongest at the 2 hr interval and which gradually weakened by the 8th post injection hr. The relevance of these findings for a direct versus an indirect action of the drug on water intake is discussed.  相似文献   

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