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赵德贵 《烹调知识》2011,(22):54-55
我国疆域辽阔,民族众多,除汉族外,还有55个少数民族。而"天府之国"四川,世代居住着藏、羌、苗、彝、土家、纳西、傈僳、布依、傣、满、侗、蒙古等十四个少数民族,他们大都居住在边疆和西部地区,由于自然环境不同、生产活动、生活方式、历史进程、宗教信仰、风俗习惯的差异,因此,其  相似文献   

海参的营养及药用功效海参的营养价值较高,每百克水发海参含蛋白质14.9g,脂肪0.9g,碳水化合物0.4g,钙357mg,硒256mg,磷12mg,铁2.4mg以及维生素B1、维生素B2、尼克酸等。海参含胆固醇极低,为一种典型的高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇食物。加上其肉质细嫩,易于消化,所以,非常适宜于老年人、儿童以及体质虚弱的人食用。故人们将海参当作高档名菜,用作烧、扒、烩、拌、汤等菜肴,如虾籽大乌参、红烧海参、扒海参、扒鸡腿海参、氽海参玉兰片、烩海参四丝、烩三丁、麻酱海参、蝴蝶海参、冰糖海参羹、海参猪肉木耳汤、海参羊肉淡菜汤等等。  相似文献   

<正>过去过年,竹网篓里盛放的是苹果、桔子、梨,一串香蕉拎在手里,蛮有腔调,是沪人走亲戚必备的"重礼"。往昔,吃水果是奢侈事,买几只水果装在纸袋带回家,小囡开心。后来,"竹篓"变成透明塑料袋,水果拎在手里,更加风光。老上海人吃什么水果呢?查阅资料,宋代,上海果树有桃、李。明万历年间,出现成片桃园。民国,上海县果树有"桃、柿、杏、梅、李、橙、香橼、代橘、石榴、花红、葡萄、银杏、枣、菱、无花果、  相似文献   

温性、热性食物大多能温中、散寒和助阳,适于体质虚寒者或冬令季节食用,阴虚火旺者慎食,如面粉、糯米、豆油、酒、醋、大枣、荔枝、红糖、羊肉、牛肉、狗肉、虾、鸡、鲫鱼、鲢鱼、葱、姜、韭菜、大蒜、辣椒、胡椒等。寒性、凉性食物一般具有清热泻火、解毒养阴之功,适于体质偏热者或夏天食用,如小米、绿豆、赤小豆、豆腐、豆浆、西瓜、梨、柑、柿、甘蔗、鸭肉、兔肉、猪肉、蟹、甲鱼、田鸡、蜂蜜、竹笋、苦瓜、黄瓜、白菜、蕹菜、萝卜、番茄、菠菜、荸荠等。对于平性食物,健康者可长年食用,如蛋黄、牛奶、黄豆、黑豆、红薯、马铃薯、南瓜、…  相似文献   

夏育成 《美食》2011,(9):55-56
功夫百味鸡〉〉原料:光仔鸡一只(约1200克)、大茴香10克、丁香18克,麻油50克,甘草40克,葱姜各20克,精盐、白糖、味精、辣酱油、玫瑰酒各适量。〉〉制法:将鸡镊净绒毛,斩去鸡爪,胁开取出内脏,洗净。将大茴香、甘草、葱、姜、盐、糖、丁香、味精、玫瑰酒、麻油调和,抹在鸡身上,剩下的葱、姜等香料塞在鸡腹内,放在深碗内,上笼用大火蒸约半小时至熟。  相似文献   

李静  董同沅 《食品科学》1998,19(2):10-12
自七十年代以来,由美国,日本,俄罗斯,德国等国垄断的木质纤维素,作为高级助滤剂控制着包括我国在内的整个需求市场。进入九十年代,由我国研制成功的木质纤维素,不但在产品质量上领先于国外同类产品,而且在工业化生产能力上初具规模。该产品可广泛地应用于化工、电力、油品加工、冶金、化纤、乙烯、印染、啤酒、酒制品、医疗等行业,可开发应用的场所十分广泛,如:污水处理、海水淡化、味精、酱油、食糖、食用油、保健饮料精制、保健烟嘴等方面。由于它独特的性能,将会得到更加广泛的应用。木质纤维素是以木浆为原料,经过降解、提纯、烘干而成。产品色泽洁白、无毒、无味、无杂质、细腻、滑散、无结团,含水份5%~7%,纤维直径10~ ......  相似文献   

罗飞 《美食》2012,(3):54-55
原料:水发牛蹄筋300克,牛蛙200克,蒜仔50克,生姜、香葱、熟芝麻各5克,精盐、绍酒,酱油、豆瓣酱、白糖、米醋、清汤、食用油各适量。  相似文献   

桂林市临桂县义江边的两江古镇,是名副其实的风水宝地,古树参天,车水马龙,商贾如云。现在是桂林国际航空港,数百年前,是出入融安、融水、灵川、龙胜的交通要道,商贸交易辐射到湖南、广东。古往今来,繁华的集市,忙碌的商贩,朴实的居民,已打造出诸多远近闻名品牌,如:铁器加工、木材家俱、成品衣物……,同时,也推出颇具本地特色的各类小吃,如:牛血、松糕、汤圆、米豆腐、剔河螺、马蹄糕,其中名气最大当数远  相似文献   

在我国,烹调是一种技能,也是一种艺术,甚至可以说也是物质文明和精神文明相结合的产物。"中国菜好吃",这已是各国友人在宴席之上,餐厅之外异口同声的赞誉。"中国菜好吃"奥妙在哪里呢?1.技法多样:中国菜的烹调技法多达数十种,如炒、爆、烹、炸、溜、烩、煎、贴、烧、焖、扒、蒸、烤、涮、汆、炖、煨、酱、卤、熏、拌、炝、煮、熬以及甜菜的拔丝、蜜汁、挂霜等,各种技法各有各的独特风味。2.花样多:中国菜的花样没有精确统计过,但至少在万种以上。仅以山东、四川、湖南、江苏、广东五大风味菜系来看,就有名菜数千种,如同百花争艳,美不胜收。有些国际友人说:"吃中国菜是一种令人难忘的  相似文献   

巴克拉鸡球 主料:鸡胸肉1000克。 辅料:面包糠50克,马蹄50克。 调料:干葱碎5克,蒜蓉5克,葱白蓉5克,九层塔5克,盐、糖、鸡粉、味精、芜茜粉、生抽各适量。制法:鸡胸肉打碎,马蹄切碎,放入干葱碎、蒜蓉、葱白蓉、九层塔,加盐、糖、鸡粉、味精、芜茜粉、生抽调味,拌匀后做成鸡球,裹上面包糠炸成金黄色即可。  相似文献   

目的 基于纳米CeO2修饰电极建立一种克氏原螯虾中次黄嘌呤的电化学检测方法。方法 以水热法制备了均匀的纳米二氧化铈,并将其制作成纳米二氧化铈修饰电极,将其应用于克氏原螯虾鲜度特征物次黄嘌呤的电化学研究。优化了扫描速度、电解液pH等相关因素后,将纳米二氧化铈修饰电极用于次黄嘌呤的电化学检测。建立线性方程后,测定小龙虾中的次黄嘌呤含量,进行回收率实验,并探讨了克氏原螯虾样品贮藏时间对次黄嘌呤峰电流之间的关系。结果 纳米二氧化铈修饰电极对次黄嘌呤表现出明显的电化学响应。且次黄嘌呤的浓度与其峰电流呈现出良好的线性关系,其线性方程为I=12.93+6.43C,相关系数r=0.9935。该方法与国家标准标方法相比,回收率达到97.6%。将其应用于克氏原螯虾样品鲜度研究,该方法得到的次黄嘌呤峰电流与样品贮藏时间成正比。结论 纳米CeO2修饰电极可用于克氏原螯虾中次黄嘌呤的电化学检测,并可进一步用于其新鲜度评价。  相似文献   

Adenine, guanine and hypoxanthine were determined in raw and roasted broiler parts. The levels of adenine and guanine increased slightly when the meat was cooked. These increases were attributed to moisture and fat losses by the tissues during roasting. The level of hypoxanthine remained constant or decreased in the tissues because some of the purine was removed with the cooking juices. The cooking juices were found to contain high levels of hypoxanthine and only trace amounts of adenine and guanine.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine was the major catabolite of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in rock, yellowfin, flathead and Dover soles examined from the Gulf of Alaska. Inosine monophosphate (IMP)/hypoxanthine (Hx) ratios were as effective as K1 values for assessing freshness. In contrast, inosine (HxR) was the end catabolite in rex sole and hypoxanthine was barely detectable. The gradual accumulation of hypoxanthine in rock and yellowfin soles made this catabolite a useful freshness indicator for these species.  相似文献   

The sensory characteristics and biochemical freshness-indicator contents of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stored for up to 12 days (a) in ice without previous gutting (group A), (b) in ice after gutting (group B) and (c) under refrigeration (4–5 °C) after gutting and vacuum-packing (group C) were compared. Acceptable freshness was maintained for five days in groups A and C, and for six days in group B. The results indicate that the hypoxanthine ratio ie hypoxanthine content: (inosine monophosphate + inosine + hypoxanthine content) and K1 ie (inosine + hypoxanthine content): (inosine monophosphate + inosine + hypoxanthine content) are both useful indicators of the freshness of trout stored in ice, regardless of whether or not they have been gutted beforehand. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

构建一种新型的顺磁离子价态转换介导的磁弛豫生物传感方法,用于鱼肉中次黄嘌呤和组胺的快速检测,进而评定鱼肉的新鲜度和品质。通过利用次黄嘌呤和组胺被酶催化分解产生的过氧化氢的还原性和氧化性,诱导不同价态顺磁离子(Mn(VII)/Mn(II)和Fe(II)/Fe(III))的转化,使磁信号发生变化,实现次黄嘌呤和组胺的定量分析。结果表明:顺磁离子介导的磁弛豫生物传感器能够实现次黄嘌呤和组胺的高灵敏检测,次黄嘌呤和组胺的线性范围分别为0.525~1 050 μmol/L和5~1 000 μmol/L,检出限分别为0.17 μmol/L和2.34 μmol/L,且在鱼肉样本检测中与高效液相色谱法一致性良好。该传感器灵敏度高、检测速度快、成本低,在鱼肉及相关产品新鲜度评定和品质控制方面具有良好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

The traditional determination of fish freshness is to detect total volatile basic nitrogen, microbial load or hypoxanthine. These methods are complex and expensive. A hypoxanthine biosensor was constructed by using immobilised xanthine oxidase and a platinum electrode. The enzyme was immobilised on a silk membrane. The electrode detected the hydrogen peroxide released during the enzymatic reaction. A linear range from 0·05 to 100×10−6 M of hypoxanthine was observed. When the method was applied to fish samples, the results obtained agreed well with those obtained by the conventional total volatile basic nitrogen and microbial load. This biosensor provides a reliable, simple, rapid and economical method for the measurement of fish freshness.  相似文献   

Postmortem formation of 5′-inosine monophosphate, inosine and hypoxanthine in Pacific cod and pollock fillets during chilled storage was monitored over a two week period. Accumulation of hypoxanthine in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) fillets proceeded more slowly than has been reported for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) but similar to North Sea cod (Gadus callarias L.). For both both cod and pollock, hypoxanthine was negatively correlated with flavor and desirability (p < 0.01), while both inosine and 5′-inosine monophosphate were positively correlated with overall desirability (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

通过对产黄嘌呤氧化酶菌株进行16S rDNA序列分析,构建系统进化树,确定该菌株为球形节杆菌(Arthrobacter globiformis)。添加辅酶前体(核黄素、硫胺素)及诱导物(次黄嘌呤,3.6 g/L),提高了发酵产酶;通过两种方式流加葡萄糖及次黄嘌呤,结果表明,发酵至24 h,一次性补葡萄糖质量浓度4.0 g/L,流加次黄嘌呤质量浓度至3.6 g/L,酶产率可达8 952.7 U/L,比未补料时提高25.7%,平均产率系数达1 041.0 U/g。测定流加发酵过程中铵根离子浓度变化,发现一定质量浓度的铵根离子抑制发酵产黄嘌呤氧化酶。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Trimethylamine (TMA) and ammonia contents in Chilipepper rockfishes were determined by ion specific electrodes, as a late indicator of fish freshness. After 9 days of storage in ice, TMA contents significantly increased, indicating that bacterial spoilage was in progress. The pattern of changes in ammonia contents was similar to that of TMA. Determination of ATP degradation products in Chilipepper rockfish by HPLC showed that AMP and hypoxanthine levels were low and did not change much during storage. The concentration of IMP initially increased and then continuously decreased as inosine accumulated. Only trace amounts of hypoxanthine were detected in rockfish tissues. Chilipepper rockfish appears to differ from other Sebastes species in that ATP degradation results in inosine accumulation rather than hypoxanthine.  相似文献   

K-value, inosine mono-phosphate, and hypoxanthine concentrations of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets were determined during storage at 273, 277, 281, 288, and 293 K. Simultaneously, a feed-forward artificial neural network was developed to predict these changes in grass carp fillets during storage, and a comparative study on K-value prediction between the artificial neural network and Arrhenius model was also performed. The results showed that the K-value and hypoxanthine concentrations increased with storage time, while inosine mono-phosphate reached a peak and then decreased with time. The artificial neural network was successful in predicting changes in the K-value, inosine mono-phosphate, and hypoxanthine concentrations throughout storage, and it was even more effective in predicting K-value with lower relative errors than the Arrhenius model. The high regression coefficient (R2) and low mean squared error indicated that the artificial neural network could be a potential tool in modeling changes in K-value, inosine mono-phosphate, and hypoxanthine concentrations of grass carp fillets within 273–293 K.  相似文献   

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