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Organizations have recognized the revenue potential for social commerce (purchasing products via social networks), but such transactions only comprise a small percentage of revenue. Companies have yet to determine the factors that contribute to social commerce failure. In social networking, trust is established when two parties have a history of trustworthy interactions. Acknowledging that social commerce represents a fundamentally different purchasing environment than typical business transactions, we examine the role of trust in determining consumers’ decisions to engage in social commerce for their purchases. We apply trust transfer theory to the social commerce context to assess whether trust in known entities can be transferred to business transactions facilitated through a social network with unknown parties. Using a field survey, we found that trust in the Internet and trust in firms significantly influence consumers’ trust and ultimately their intention to engage in social commerce. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Social media are often argued to change political communication, decreasing the distance between politicians and citizens, and increasing citizens' influence on policymaking. This paper presents findings from a study of how the Norwegian Labour Party uses social media, focusing on the community platform MyLabourParty. Interviews with politicians and a survey with citizens as respondents were conducted to examine the experiences of online political discussions. Findings show that citizens and politicians expect MyLabourParty to strengthen citizen participation. Yet, citizens still experience communication asymmetry and politicians may find it challenging to participate to the extent citizens expect. Means for bridging the gap between expectations and experiences are called for, in particular redefinition of the offering, changes of user‐practices, and system improvements.  相似文献   

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经过早前N—GAGE震撼上市.E700炒到飞天等事件之后.手机界再度回复平静.一部又一部手机慢慢推出,虽然回响淡然.不过当中其实不乏好机.反而属真正用户之选.请慢慢欣赏。  相似文献   

网上购物是目前的热门话题,基于Internet、WEB和购物界面技术化的B to C模式是面向全国乃至全世界的大而统的虚拟商场.随着信息时代的快速发展,一种专门针对智能型社区的零售业电子商务理念应运而生,这便是B(零售商) to B( 地产商) to C(消费者).  相似文献   

在游戏业内有一种说法很流行,“超过30岁的技术人员还没有转管理层的话,未来可能不会有什么更好的发展了”,这种说法你认同吗?随着年龄的增长,每个人都在思索未来发展的道路,年届而立,在行业摸爬滚打已经多年,也许在技术上已经作出一番成绩,这时的我们是要朝既定的方向继续走下去,还是考虑从技术人员转向管理人员?究竟什幺样的人适合转向管理工作,在转型之后我们应该注意什么,又该如何为职业转型做好准备呢……很多读者来信向我们诉说了这方面的困惑,希望能请“过来人”为他们解惑,本期就这个带有普遍性的疑惑为题请西门孟先生为大家解惑。  相似文献   

ByDr.XiuziYe,SolidWorksCorporation,Concord,MA01742,USAEmail:xiuzi@solidworks.com1ReceivedFeb.10,19981003-4951C1998-ChinaEngin...  相似文献   


The number of single-bicycle crash victims is substantial in countries with high levels of cycling. To study the role of visual characteristics of the infrastructure, such as pavement markings, in single-bicycle crashes, a study in two steps was conducted. In Study 1, a questionnaire study was conducted among bicycle crash victims (n = 734). Logistic regression was used to study the relationship between the crashes and age, light condition, alcohol use, gaze direction and familiarity with the crash scene. In Study 2, the image degrading and edge detection method (IDED-method) was used to investigate the visual characteristics of 21 of the crash scenes. The results of the studies indicate that crashes, in which the cyclist collided with a bollard or road narrowing or rode off the road, were related to the visual characteristics of bicycle facilities. Edge markings, especially in curves of bicycle tracks, and improved conspicuity of bollards are recommended. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: Elevated single-bicycle crash numbers are common in countries with high levels of cycling. No research has been conducted on what cyclists need to see to avoid this type of crash. The IDED-method to investigate crash scenes is new and proves to be a powerful tool to quantify 'visual accessibility'.  相似文献   

佳信网总经理周春浩:佳信网与其他网站不同的是,这是一个以玩具销售为主的网站。而玩具与通常的计算机类商品不同,它的利润很大,会达到50%,甚至100%以上。因此,对于玩具来说,打折是很正常的事情。尤其是网上销售,减少了中间环节,网站直接同厂  相似文献   

Common stereotypes of virtual game or community users are often portrayed as young and socially inept male addicts. Recent studies, however, defy many of the common prejudices about game or community users. As an extension of recent research, this study looks at gender differences in Virtual Worlds and finds that female users are actually a driving force behind the recent success of online communities. The study results indicate that female users more actively participate in social life, information seeking, and building activities in Virtual Worlds than their male counterparts. Similarly, female users have greater appreciation for the value of Virtual Worlds, although both male and female users recognize Virtual Worlds as a highly useful entertainment tool.  相似文献   

In this paper we want to explore Field as a concept and as a metaphor for understanding interactive systems. By interactive systems we mean both systems and artworks, where the user by interacting changes the course of events. We intend to show why we need new terms and why we consider Field to be a fruitful concept and term. Further we will show how the Field concept changes both our understanding of what we do as designers and composers and how we acknowledge our audience. We will exemplify the design consequences of the Field concept by going through some design considerations we made when designing the audio tactile installation Mufi.  相似文献   

The science of complexity studies the behavior and properties of complex systems in mture and human society.Particular interest has been put on their certain simple common properties. Symmetry is one of such properties. Symmetric phenomena can be found in many complex systems. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the internal reason of the symmetry.Using some physical systems and geometric objects,the paper shows that many symmetries are caused by optinfizadon under certain criteria. It has also been revealed that an evolutional process may lead to symmetry.  相似文献   

This paper investigates networked control systems where a number of actuators are involved but only a subset of them is assigned to be active at a time. The assignment of actuators is driven by a random event modeled as a Markov chain. When an actuator is not assigned access to the current control signal, either a zero or the output of a zero‐order hold (ZOH) is used as the control signal. For both cases, a stability analysis and control design framework dependent on the states of the Markov chain is established for linear discrete systems. It is shown that the resulted sufficient and necessary stability condition for the zero‐based system is more easily solvable than that of the ZOH‐based case. Numerical examples have shown that the use of zero control may yield better performance than the ZOH strategy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At present many CAD software products did not fully meet the requirements of National Standard 《Technical drafting and Mechanical Drawing》 that greatly affects the quality and speed of engineering design. Taking computer-aided design of typical mechanical parts as an example, this paper proposes an approach to develop corresponding functions in CAD software to enhance the standardization of engineering design.  相似文献   

Although many organizations operate in a process-driven way, few members are skilled in specifying and developing business processes??a skill that has become crucial for organization development, in particular to establish agile enterprises. This paper shows, on the basis of natural language constructs (subject, predicate, object) and communication patterns between actors (subjects), how individual members of an organization could contribute to coherent and intelligible process specifications. A language and tool supporting Subject-oriented Business Process Management (S-BPM) are introduced, allowing organizations to cope with strategic and operational challenges dynamically. As many organizations already work with BPM concepts and technologies, existing approaches to process modelling are also revisited with respect to representing natural language constructs and standard sentence syntax. Since most of them refer either to subjects, predicates, objects or to a respective combination, a roadmap can be developed for enriching existing modelling approaches. In doing so, organizations can benefit from stakeholder inputs for effective business process engineering re-using existing specifications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method developed to solve industrial decision problems based on Expected Utility Theory. The approach involves five steps:  相似文献   

iSwitch是连接一个城市现有和将来的各种通信网络的信息应用交换平台,这一产品日前已经通过国家鉴定,它提供了各种通信网络上的各类电子终端设备连接Internet上的各种电子商务服务的统一信息交换机制,将复杂的电子商务归结为简单的平台运营。其总体技术已经达到国际领先水平,它将使电子商务活动产生根本变革。  相似文献   

以单位物资供应管理查询系统为实例,介绍了运用LINQ to Data Set查询语言开发物资供应管理的各种查询,总结了在实际开发过程中遇到的问题和几点体会。  相似文献   

浅析6 to 4机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
6to4机制是为了顺利完成从IPv4到IPv6的过渡而提出的一种策略。其优点在于任何一个IPv6域,只要可以与IPv4网络相连就能将标准的IPv6数据包经过特殊封装后由IPv4网络发送,并且不需要对现有的IPv4网络做很多的改动。  相似文献   

This paper describes briefly common features for online help, introduces methods to test and fix errors in Search, Index, Bookmark, Contents, Links, Help UI and Graphics in online help detailedly; also describes common errors for online help UI and gives constructive solution based on the analysis of current process.  相似文献   

(1)Structuring of the decision problem — this task encompasses the listing of the main objectives, technological alternatives available and the definition of the attributes of the decision problem.
(2)construction of the scales to measure the attributes.
(3)testing of the independence conditions needed to validate the final multiattribute utility model.
(4)assessment of utility trade-offs between the attributes and construction of the final multiattribute utility model.
(5)assessment of the utility of every alternative with respect to all the attributes and subsequent ranking of them.
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