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Solid rocket propellants are modeled as Maxwell Fluid with single spring and single dashpot in series. Complete stress–strain curve is generated for case‐bonded composite propellant formulations by taking suitable values of spring constant and damping coefficient. Propellants from same lot are tested at different strain rate. It is observed that change in spring constant, representing elastic part is very small with strain rate but damping constant varies significantly with variation in strain rate. For a typical propellant formulation, when strain rate is varied from 0.00037 to 0.185 per second, spring constant (K) changed from 5.5 to 7.9 MPa, but damping coefficient (D) varied from 1400 to 4 MPas. For all strain rates, stress–strain curve is generated using developed Maxwell model and close matching with actual test curve is observed. This indicates validity of Maxwell fluid model for case‐bonded solid propellant formulations. It is observed that with increases in strain rate, spring constant increases but damping coefficient decreases representing solid rocket propellant as a true viscoelastic material. It is also established that at higher strain rate, damping coefficient becomes negligible as compared to spring constant. It is also observed that variation of spring constant is logarithmic with strain rate and that of damping coefficient follows a power law. The correlation coefficients are introduced to ascertain spring constants and damping coefficients at any strain rate from that at a reference strain rate. Correlation for spring constant needs a coefficient “H,” which is function of propellant formulation alone and not of test conditions and the equation developed is K2=(K1‐H)×{ln(dε2/dt)/ln(dε1/dt)}+H. Similarly for damping coefficient (D) also another constant “S” is introduced and prediction formula is given by D2=D1×{(dε2/dt)/(dε1/dt)}S. Evaluating constants “H” and “S” at different strain rates validate this mathematical formulation for different propellant formulations. Close matching of test and predicted stress–strain curve indicates propellant behavior as viscoelastic Maxwell Fluid. Uniqueness of approach is to predict complete stress–strain curves, which are not attempted by any other researchers. 相似文献
Based on the experiments on freeze-drying carrot and potato slabs, the effects of some parameters, such as heating temperature and pressure on the freeze-drying process are examined. A simple model of freeze-drying is established to predict drying time and the mass variations of materials during the drying. The experimental results agree well with those calculated by the model. 相似文献
Based on the experiments on freeze-drying carrot and potato slabs, the effects of some parameters, such as heating temperature and pressure on the freeze-drying process are examined. A simple model of freeze-drying is established to predict drying time and the mass variations of materials during the drying. The experimental results agree well with those calculated by the model. 相似文献
建立了单氧枪供氧强度为3000 m3/h时炉壁氧气射流冲击电弧炉熔池的三维两相流数值模型. 流体动力学数值模拟结果表明,在超音速射流作用下,熔池中形成的涡流促进了钢液循环流动,涡流中心位置处于液面下0.3 m、距熔池中心1.6 m处,位于氧枪轴线上、涡流中心以下的钢液流的速度呈分段线性分布. 竖直方向每降低1 cm,熔池中下部的钢液速度降低0.0015~0.002 m/s,靠近炉底的钢液速度降低0.006~0.007 m/s. 熔池表层钢液直接受射流的冲击作用,在喷吹初期钢液速度即可达0.1~0.5 m/s,之后基本不变;熔池中下部和偏心炉底区钢液速度最低,速度随喷吹时间增加而增加. 相似文献
针对某干燥塔的结构特点及运行过程中传热传质特性,建立了该干燥塔中干燥过程的传热传质微分模型,并用试验数据验证其合理性。运用经典龙格库塔法获得该模型的数值结果,分析了传热传质过程中干燥氮气温湿度和锦纶切片温湿度沿塔高的分布情况。通过仿真优化操作条件,提高了干燥塔的干燥能力。 相似文献
针对水煤气甲烷化多段绝热反应平衡计算模型,建立了“迭代循环,大小跨步,直接寻优”的数值求解方法,并给出了工业计算实例。 相似文献
A mathematical model for estimating the optimum design parameters of a desiccant wheel in order to reduce weight and size has been developed. Heat and mass transfer from both moist air and desiccant material were considered in this model. The design parameters were analyzed under the basic operating condition of simulation. Channel height, pitch, and length of the desiccant wheel were optimized, as well as other design parameters such as area ratio, aspect ratio, and porosity. 相似文献
A mathematical model of mass and heat transfer for vacuum far-infrared drying of potato slices is introduced in this study on the basis of energy and diffusion equations. The finite difference method is used to mathematically simulate the sample temperature and moisture content in different drying conditions. Calculated results are compared with the experimental findings at varying conditions of heater temperature (120°C, 140°C, and 160°C), chamber pressure (1500, 8000, and 15000 Pa), sample thickness (0.004, 0.006, and 0.008 m), and radiation distance (0.08, 0.12, and 0.16 m). Comparison results show that the model fits well the changes in sample temperature and moisture content at different times of drying, with the values of the coefficient of determination close to 1.0 and the relative error values less than 10%. 相似文献
橡胶冷喂料挤出机螺杆参数与机头压力实用数学模型的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用正交回归试验方法,在Φ橡胶冷喂料挤出机实验台上,研究了螺杆主要参数(长径比,螺旋角,螺槽深度,螺杆几何压缩比)及主要挤出工艺、物性参数(螺杆转速、机头口型,胶料种类)对橡胶冷喂料挤出机机头压力的影响。对各实验因素及实验结果做了统计分析,确定了上述各因素对冷喂挤出机机头压力影响的显著因素,得出了机头压力与螺杆及工艺、物性参数之间的定量计算数学模型。 相似文献
This paper integrated a two-dimensional axisymmetrical transient model applicable to cold-start emission applications.The model can be used to simulate and explain effects of the flow and temperature distribution on performance of a converter.The evolutions of distribution of the temperature and concentration in the monolith during the cold-start period and the effects of flow distribution in the monolith on the cold-start performance are simulated in terms of the integrated model.The investigation indicates that the axial and radial gradients of temperature of the solid become steeper as the inlet gas temperature ramp increases; this furthermore results in the movement of reaction region in the monolith,and the flow distribution in the monolith affects the radial distribution of temperature of the solid;the radial gradients of temperature of the solid become greater as the flow uniformity index decreases,whereas the light-off time doesn't always increase as the flow uniformity index decreases.The analyses on the distribution of temperature and concentration in the monolith show that the catalytic reaction zone concentrates in central area near the front face.The predicted curves of the velocity distribution have a good agreement with the experimental data. 相似文献
This paper integrated a two-dimensional axisymmetrical transient model applicable to cold-start emission applications. The model can be used to simulate and explain effects of the flow and temperature distribution on performance of a converter. The evolutions of distribution of the temperature and concentration in the monolith during the cold-start period and the effects of flow distribution in the monolith on the cold-start performance are simulated in terms of the integrated model. The investigation indicates that the axial and radial gradients of temperature of the solid become steeper as the inlet gas temperature ramp increases; this furthermore results in the movement of reaction region in the monolith, and the flow distribution in the monolith affects the radial distribution of temperature of the solid;the radial gradients of temperature of the solid become greater as the flow uniformity index decreases, whereas the light-off time doesn‘t always increase as the flow uniformity index decreases. The analyses on the distribution of temperature and concentration in the monolith show that the catalytic reaction zone concentrates in central area near the front face. The predicted curves of the velocity distribution have a good agreement with the experimental data. 相似文献
煤粉锅炉炉膛燃烧一维数学模型的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了有效地进行直流煤粉多相流动与燃烧数值模拟,实现煤粉低NOx燃烧,本文在连续介质模型的框架中建立了综合考虑气—固两相流流动、燃烧与传热的直流煤粉燃烧一维数学模型。应用这一模型对一维煤粉炉炉膛内煤粉燃烧和气体燃烧的数值计算表明,该模型可快速有效地用于模拟直流煤粉多相流动与燃烧过程,给出炉内温度、NOx分布等主要参数。 相似文献
An impinging stream dryer (ISD) belongs to a unique class of dryers that has proved to be an excellent alternative to flash dryers for removing surface moisture of particulate materials due to the collision of streams and particles in the dryer. However, the performance analysis of such devices, from a viewpoint of mathematical modeling, has not been investigated extensively. In this study, a mathematical model based on the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is proposed to describe the drying process of particulate materials in a coaxial ISD. The collisions between particles and the heat exchange between impacting particles are included in the present mathematical model. The predicted results were in good agreement with the experimental data, which indicates the validity of the present model. The drying process and the effects of various parameters, including the feeding mode and impinging distance, on the drying performance of the dryer were then numerically investigated and discussed. 相似文献
A two-phase heavy crude oil flow with low gas fraction is common in the oil transportation process. However, most of the studies of a gas–liquid flow are based on low viscosity fluid, such as water and light oil; as a result, the results cannot be introduced successfully into the mixture flow of gas and heavy crude oil. In this work, a two-phase flow of gas and heavy crude oil, which originated from the Bo-hai oilfield in China, was investigated in a horizontal pipe with 47-mm inner diameter. Data were acquired for the oil flow rate ranging from 2 m3/h to 10 m3/h, the input gas volume fraction ranging from 0.01 to 0.15, and the viscosity of crude oil ranging from 2.41 Pa·s to 0.34 Pa · s. Based on the drift-flux model, a new simplified correlation was developed to predict the void fraction and the pressure gradient. A comparison between the predicted and measured data demonstrates a reasonable agreement, and the correlation might be helpful for practical application in industry, especially in initially estimating the flow characteristic parameters. 相似文献
^1H NMR chemical shifts of binary aqueous mixtures of acylamide, alcohol, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), and acetone are correlated by statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) association model. The comparison between SAFT association model and Wilson equation shows that the former is better for dealing with aqueous solutions. Finally, the specialties of both models are discussed. 相似文献
为研究火药的实际燃烧规律,建立了定容条件下火药燃烧的修正数学模型,分析了火药实际弧厚的分布及变化、点火不同步和燃速系数变化等因素对火药实际燃烧规律的影响。在此基础上,用考虑综合因素的修正数学模型对定容条件下火药的实际燃烧过程进行了模拟,计算值与实验结果具有较好的一致性,说明修正模型所建立的假设及处理方案是合理的。 相似文献