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The chemical states of radioactive Cs (caused by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident) in the contaminated soils have been characterized by the desorption experiments using appropriate reagent solutions and size fractionation of the contaminated soils. More than 65% of radioactive Cs remained in the residual fraction of the soil samples after treatment of 1 mole L?1 NH4Cl solution and 1 mole L?1 CH3COOH solution. Approximately 70% of radioactive Cs in the residual fraction were associated with the size fractions larger than the elutriated one, even though mica-like minerals were present in the elutriated one. These results strongly suggest that radioactive Cs was irreversibly associated with soil components other than mica-like minerals in the contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Although treatment policies for debris from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have not been decided yet, they may include medium-and long-term debris storage. Dry storage may be desirable in terms of cost and handling, but before implementation, it is necessary to assess hydrogen generation that occurs during storage due to the radiolysis of the water accompanying the debris. Herein, Al2O3, SiO2, ZrO2, UO2, and cement paste pellets were prepared as simulated debris with various porosities and pore size distributions. The weight changes of the wet samples were measured at various drying temperatures (100°C, 200°C, 300°C, and 1000°C) via thermogravimetry under helium gas flow (50 cc/min) or reduced pressure conditions (rate: 200 Pa in 30 min), and the resulting drying curves were evaluated. All ceramic pellets exhibited similar drying characteristics in this experiment, indicating that cold ceramics could be used for predicting the drying behavior of ceramic debris. In compariosn with ceramic pellets, cement paste pellets exhibited different behavior and a longer drying time even under 1000°C. In conclusion, it is necessary to decide a standard level for the dry state of molten core concrete interaction (MCCI) products that accompany concrete.  相似文献   

The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster on 11 March 2011 caused an unprecedented accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency performed internal dose measurements of 560 employees involved in the accident during the period from 20 April to 5 August in 2011 at the request of TEPCO. The present paper describes our measurements of 131I in the thyroid that is the predominant contributor to the internal dose. These measurements were carried out using an HPGe detector installed in a low-background shielded chamber made of 20-cm-thick steel and the detector was placed adjacent to the subject's neck. The typical minimum detectable activity of this technique was 10 Bq for a counting time of 10 min; however, this sensitivity made it difficult to identify a residual thyroid content of 131I corresponding to a committed effective dose of 20 mSv for late subjects. This paper discussed technical issues experienced through the measurements such as the influence of 131I in the rest of the body, the calibration phantom of use, and so on.  相似文献   

In response to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, emergency monitoring of the environmental radiation was performed at the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories (NCL), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). This article describes the results of the monitoring, including air absorbed dose rate and radionuclide concentration in air and fallout. The air absorbed dose rate began to increase from about 1 am on 15 March 2011 and varied over time, with three peaks: 4.8 μGy/h, 2.1 μGy/h and 3.1 μGy/h at 8 am on 15 March, 5 am on 16 March and 4 am on 21 March, respectively. The increase in the radionuclide concentrations in air and fallout showed a tendency similar to that in the case of the dose rate. The 131I/137Cs concentration ratio in air varied considerably every day, and the maximum was about 100. The 137Cs amount in the fallout for a month from 15 March to April 15 was about 120 times higher than that after the Chernobyl accident in May 1986 and about 30 times higher than that in Tokyo in June 1963 during the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests. The committed effective dose due to inhalation was estimated from the observed radionuclide concentration in air.  相似文献   

During the process of core cooling at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants accident, large amount of contaminated water was accumulated in the basements of the reactor buildings at Units 1–4. The present study estimated the quantities of I-131 and Cs-137 in the water as of late March based on the press-opened data. The estimated ratios of I-131 and Cs-137 quantities to the core inventories are 0.51%, 0.85% at Unit 1, 74%, 38% at Unit 2 and 26%, 18% at Unit 3, respectively. According to the Henry's law, certain fraction of iodine in water could be released to atmosphere due to gas–liquid partition and contribute to increase in the release to environment. A lot of evaluations for I-131 release have been performed so far by the MELCOR calculation or the SPEEDI reverse estimation. The SPEEDI reverse predicted significant release until 26 March, while no prediction in MELCOR after 17 March. The present study showed that iodine release from accumulated water may explain the release between 17 and 26 March. This strongly suggests a need for improvement of current MELCOR approach which treats the release only from containment breaks for several days after the core melt.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the measured data with review of calculated results on the core melt accident, a scenario is investigated for large amount of radioactive materials discharge to the air from the Unit 2 reactor. The containment pressure suppression chamber (S/C) should have failed until the noon on 12 March 2011 only by seismic load due to the huge earthquake on 11 March or by combination of seismic deterioration and dynamic load due to steam flowing-in through safety relief valve. Opening of the two safety relief valves (SRVs) at 14 March 21:18 should have resulted in discharge of large amount of radioactive materials through the S/C breach with the measured air dose rate peak value of 3.130E-3Sv/h at 21:37 near the main gate of the site. The containment drywell (D/W) should have failed at 15 March 06:25, at the cable penetration seal due to high temperature caused by the fuel materials heating up on the floor of the D/W, which had flowed out from the reactor pressure vessel. Then large amount of radioactive materials should have been discharged through the D/W breach with the measured air dose rate peak value of 1.193E-2Sv/h at 15 March 9:00.  相似文献   


After direct discharges of highly contaminated water of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1 F) from April to May 2011, Kanda suggested that relatively small amounts of run-off of radionuclides from the 1 F port into the Fukushima coastal region subsequently continued by his estimation method. However, the estimation period was limited to up to September 2012. Therefore, this paper estimatesthe discharge inventory up to June 2018. In the missing period, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings have continued efforts to stop the discharge, and consequently, the radionuclide concentration in seawater inside the 1 F port has gradually diminished. We show the monthly discharge inventory of 137Cs up to June 2018 by two methods, i.e., Kanda method partially improved by the authors and a more sophisticated method using Voronoi tessellation reflecting the increase in the number of monitoring points inside the 1 F port. The results show that the former always yields overestimated results compared with the latter, but the ratio of the former to the latter is less than one order of magnitude. Using these results, we evaluate the impact of the discharge inventory from the 1 F port into the coastal area and radiation dose upon fish ingestion.  相似文献   

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