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三元复合驱采出水复合清水剂的研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三元复合驱采出水含油量和悬浮固体含量高,去除困难,造成处理后回注采出水含油量和悬浮固体含量严重超标。为此,研制了由pH调节剂、混凝剂和助凝剂构成的复合清水剂CF1001、CF1002和CF1003。CF系列复合清水剂在大庆油田北三西试验区一口中心井和杏二中试验站三元复合驱采出水处理中得到了成功应用,处理后采出水的含油量和悬浮固体含量分别低于水驱采出水回注高渗透率油藏的含油量(20mg/L)和悬浮固体含量(10mg/L)的控制指标。  相似文献   

与常规聚驱采出水相比,高含聚采出水中聚合物浓度较高,粘度较大,Zeta电位电负值较高,小油珠所占比例较大,乳化程度较高,使得高含聚采出水油水分离难度远远高于常规聚驱采出水。高含聚采出水经过24h静沉,水中残余含油量能达到过滤单元进水要求;高含聚采出水中悬浮固体随着沉降时间的延长呈现忽高忽低的交替变化,仅仅通过单一沉降方式,其去除率不高;通过引入气浮的方式,能大大缩短油水分离时间,有效提高高含聚采出水油水分离效率;离心分离技术能在很短的时间内实现油、水、固三相的有效分离,并达到聚驱高渗透回注水指标要求。  相似文献   

概述了国内在三元复合驱采出污水O/W乳状液稳定机理、悬浮固体组成和检测问题、处理工艺和设备、水处理剂等方面的研究情况。重点介绍了反向破乳剂、油水分离剂、絮凝剂、除硅剂、水质稳定剂的应用,针对今后三元复合驱采出水处理技术的研究提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

油田采出水回注处理技术进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对油田采出污水进行处理以达到注入水水质标准,通常采用物理处理技术和化学处理技术。详细介绍了目前这两种处理技术在国内外油田的具体应用及发展现状,并提出了在常规油田、稠油油田、低渗透油田和聚合物驱油田采出水回注处理中存在的一些主要问题。最后,对未来油田采出水回注处理技术的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

长庆油田小型站场采出水处理工程改造面临着站场位置有限、成本控制严格及安全生产等问题。采用一体化设备对杨米涧集油站采出水处理工程进行改造,结果表明,经处理后采出水中p(油)≤10mg/L,p(SS)≤15mg/L,达到长庆油田采出水回注企业标准。该改造方案具有占地小、施工周期短、自动化程度高、运行费低、处理后出水水质好的特点。  相似文献   

In this study, novel coagulant poly(silicate aluminum)/Fe3O4 nanoparticles (PFeNPs) were prepared via magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (FeNPs) modified by poly(silicate aluminum) (PSA). The physiochemical properties of the PFeNPs were investigated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and ζ‐potential metric analysis. The effect of the aging time on the Al distribution of the PFeNPs was analyzed by the Al‐Ferron timed complex colorimetric method. Oilfield‐produced water was used for the assessment of the coagulation performances. The fractal dimensions, formation, breakage, and regrowth of the flocs were studied in turn. The experimental results show that the PFeNPs exhibited a porous layer of a net structure, and the PSA grafted onto the PFeNPs via Si? O? Fe enhanced the positive charge of the FeNPs. Meanwhile, the coagulation performance of the PFeNPs on total organic carbon, the turbidity, and the calcium removal were beyond 98%. In addition, the moisture content of the flocs derived from the PFeNPs was 68.7% (it is normally > 98%). We found that the compactness of the flocs derived from the PFeNPs was far greater than those of PSA. This will provide new sight into the preparation of magnetic single‐phase inorganic polymer coagulants. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018 , 135, 45735.  相似文献   

苏西区是苏里格气田近年来投入开发的重要区块,随着开发规模的不断扩大,部分生产井出现了含水较高的现象。为进一步提高气井综合开发水平,通过水质分析方法对产出水进行部分阴、阳离子质量浓度分析,利用产出水总体化学特征,矿化度与各离子的关系,结合化学特征系数(变质系数、脱硫系数、成因系数)确定了该区的产水类型(正常地层水、淡化地层水、凝析水),并对单井产水类型进行了识别,从而系统地总结了苏西区气田产水规律。最后,简述了产水规律在油气勘探中的应用。  相似文献   

黄斌  王晨  傅程  付思强  黄立凯  张伟森 《化工进展》2020,39(10):4238-4247
随着三元复合驱采油技术在油田的广泛应用,三元复合驱采出水产量不断增加。三元复合驱采出水水质复杂,具有矿化度高、黏度大、含油乳化程度高、小油滴含量高、油水分离困难等特点,对油田生产和环境的影响日益严重。因此,开展三元复合驱采出水高效处理方法的研究成为一项重要的任务。本文分析了影响三元复合驱采出水油水分离特性的各种因素,介绍了目前国内应用于三元采出水处理的先进技术,如膜分离法、气浮选分离法、高级氧化法、微生物法等,阐述了这些处理技术的优势及存在的问题,重点介绍了气浮选分离法和微生物法在三元采出水处理中的应用情况,并对大庆油田三元复合驱采出水现场处理工艺进行了介绍,最后对今后的研究工作提出了一些展望。  相似文献   

对示踪剂荧光素性质进行考察,通过对待测水样用KOH调节pH至8,利用荧光法测定油田采出水中示踪剂的含量.该方法简便、快速且灵敏度高,测定值的相对标准偏差在0.167%以内,加标回收率为96.73%~104.00%.  相似文献   

油田采出水的特性及处理技术   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:47  
总结了油田采出水的特性及现场采用的水处理工艺流程,比较不同处理方法的适用范围及优缺点。指出目前油田现场采出水处理存在的问题,特别是对大庆油田聚合物驱和三元复合驱采出水进行了深入分析,阐明了污水处理难度大的原因是聚合物增加污水粘度,表面活性剂使污水严重乳化,并指出处理该污水的有效途径。  相似文献   

油田采出水的超滤处理技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对油田采出水的水质特点,介绍了超滤膜技术及其应用特点以及超滤对采出水中悬浮物、油、细菌和有机物等污染物的去除特点和效果.讨论了一直制约着超滤膜技术处理油田采出水应用中的膜污染问题,提出了其改进措施和相关切实可行的超滤膜污染清洗方法,并指出了今后超滤技术在油田采出水处理中的发展研究方向.  相似文献   

介绍了一种生产水处理用紧凑型气浮技术,基于该技术的处理设备因结构紧凑、性能高效,尤其适用于海上石油平台。现场测试结果表明,该设备采用两级串联能将生产水中的油从2 000 mg/L以上降至20 mg/L以下,总水力停留时间仅为5 min,相较于常规处理设备体积至少减小50%,处理优势明显,值得继续开展产品优化及系列化设计,以加快工程应用进程。  相似文献   

大庆油田采出水处理工艺及技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对大庆油田目前已经形成的高含水后期油田采出水处理工艺、低渗透油田采出水处理工艺、聚合物驱油田采出水处理工艺、三元复合驱油田采出水处理工艺,论述了目前采出水处理工艺所面临的问题.针对这些问题,从提高沉降分离效率、改善过滤效果和反冲洗质量等方面提出了多项技术措施.从而达到了提高已建油田采出水处理设施的效率的目的,满足了油藏开发生产的需要。  相似文献   

煤层气产出水水质特征及处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了国内外煤层气产出水的水质特征及其处理技术的研究进展。煤层气产出水具有高钠度和高矿化度的特征。反渗透法普遍运用于处理煤层气产出水,并且已投入实际工程应用,通常和纳滤或超滤联用,处理后的产出水可进行再利用。而其他处理技术如离子交换法、电容去离子法、电絮凝法、吸附法和化学法等仍处于试点研究阶段。  相似文献   

三元复合驱污水的无机絮凝剂处理效果研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用模拟三元复合驱采出污水,选用硫酸铝、聚合硫酸铝、聚合氯化铝、聚合氯化铝铁4种无机絮凝剂,研究其对三元复合驱采出污水的处理效果。经4种絮凝剂处理后,污水的透光率均随加剂量的增加而先上升后下降;温度升高有利于提高絮凝效果;硫酸铝处理效果较聚合无机盐差,聚合氯化铝的絮凝效果最好,在温度为50℃时,最佳投加量为2750mg/L,最高透光率为84.1%。聚合氯化铝对聚合物驱污水、三元复合驱污水及仅含表面活性剂的污水处理试验表明,3种模拟污水处理难度由大到小依次为:三元复合驱污水、表面活性剂污水、聚合物驱污水。  相似文献   

气田采出水既是含有高盐、高硫、高硬、石油类和复杂有机物的难处理废水,又是具有多种高值元素的矿产资源,其中锂元素作为能源金属备受关注。通过有效预处理和锂吸附法相结合,成功从复杂组分的气田采出水中提取了锂元素,制备成合格的碳酸锂产品,同时处理后出水达到回用水水质要求。实验结果表明,通过高效旋流气浮分离和吹脱塔脱硫处理后,实现油、悬浮物和硫化物去除率分别达到90.4%、92.9%和98.1%;通过高效吸附法实现锂回收率达到88.0%;富锂液通过纳滤膜净化、反渗透和电渗析膜耦合高倍浓缩后,最终制备得到的碳酸锂产品纯度可达到99.8%,产品符合GB/T 11075—2013《碳酸锂》Li2CO3-1级标准。  相似文献   

Produced water (PW) is a by-product and one of the major pollutants from the oil and gas industry. PW contains various pollutants and must be treated as per environmental regulations before its disposal or reuse. Thus, it presents a substantial economic and ecological problem in the oil and gas industry. Currently, there is ongoing research on various methods to treat PW efficiently. Hydrate-based water desalination is one of the promising technologies. There is a continuing effort to identify a suitable hydrate former that can enhance the commercial feasibility of the process. This study investigates tetra-n-butyl ammonium chloride (TBAC) + methane as a potential clathrate former. The hydrate equilibrium temperatures of the mixed hydrates (TBAC + methane) are significantly higher at a given pressure than methane hydrates, suggesting the suitability of mixed hydrates for process development. There was a significant increase in the phase equilibrium temperature at 5 wt.% TBAC in the presence of PW compared to deionized water (DI), but the effect faded away as TBAC concentration increased in the solution. This can be attributed to a higher amount of chloride ions as the TBAC concentration is increased. These results elucidate the necessity to optimize the TBAC concentrations to develop an efficient hydrate desalination process for higher saline concentrations.  相似文献   

针对水包油型聚合物驱采出液破乳难度大、油水分离困难等问题,研究出了新型破乳剂,并进行了现场试验。结果表明:在游离水脱除器进液中投加11mg/L新研制的破乳剂,经原油脱水工艺处理后,脱水原油含水率均小于0.30%,分离采出水中油的质量浓度不超过500mg/L,达到了脱水后油中含水及水中含油指标的要求。1座处理规模为3×104m3/d的联合站使用新型破乳剂,每年可节省破乳剂费用23万元。  相似文献   

An electrodialysis (ED) setup with an 11 m3/h water treatment scale was designed based on a small experimental device. The setup adopts four-grade and four-segment (four-GS) reversal electrodialysis (EDR) technology to desalinate polymer-flooding produced water (PFPW). The removal rate of total dissolved solids (TDS) with different flow rates was measured with different grades and segments. The operating performance of this setup was determined to meet design standards. The maximum treatment capacity and the optimal operation conditions of the tested setup were studied. The design standards were met only by adopting a four-GS ED setup. The maximal capacity of the four-GS ED setup for treating PFPW was 5 m3/h. The optimal operating condition and results were at an operating electric current of 86 A, 62.5% production rate of diluted treated PFPW, 0.89 kW?h/m3 energy consumption, and 78.7% TDS removal rate. Under optimal conditions, the treated PFPW has two beneficial uses. First, the diluted treated PFPW is feasible for preparing polymer solutions. Second, the concentrated treated PFPW is feasible for replacing the original PFPW as the injecting water in the water-flooding process for high permeability layers.  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the potential of acclimated halophilic microorganisms, commercial microorganisms, and microorganisms from polluted soil to degrade crude oil in high salinity oily wastewater (synthetic produced water) at different salt concentrations ranging from zero to 250,000?mg?L?1 of total dissolved solids (TDS). The highest degradation of crude oil (>60%) was found for acclimated halophilic microorganisms at TDS of 35,000?mg?L?1. An increase in the TDS concentrations above 145,000?mg?L?1 leads to a significant decrease in the growth of microorganisms. The results showed that efficiency of the commercial microorganisms was less than the acclimated halophilic microorganisms. The oil biodegradation followed substrate inhibition kinetics and the specific growth rate were fitted to the Haldane model. The biokinetic constants for the saline oily water at TDS of 35,000?mg?L?1, i.e., Y, Ks, µmax, and 1/Ki, were 0.21?mg?MLSS/mg crude oil, 0.27?mg?L?1, 0.019?h?1, and 0.002?mg?L?1, respectively.  相似文献   

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