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This study investigates the relationship between wholesale electricity price behaviour and the integration of new renewable energy sources in the electricity system in Portugal. The research analyses two different samples, namely: the significant deployment of wind power versus the abrupt increase in the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic. Daily data from 2011 until 2019 and, a SARMAX/EGARCH approach has been conducted to assess the merit-order effect. The main results suggest that electricity production from wind power is decreasing the price of electricity but increasing its volatility. In addition, there is evidence for the leverage effect in electricity price.  相似文献   

The paper proposes that landscape quality assessment may be approached on the basis of two contrasting paradigms, one which regards quality as inherent in the physical landscape, and the other which regards quality as a product of the mind – eye of the beholder. These are termed, respectively, the objectivist and subjectivist paradigms. These paradigms underlie the surveys of the physical landscape and studies of observer preferences.Examination of these paradigms through the approaches taken by philosophers from Plato to modern times demonstrates the ubiquity of the paradigms in underlying human perception of landscape. Until recent centuries, the objectivist paradigm provided philosophers with the basis for understanding beauty, including landscape beauty. However, the philosophers Locke, Hume, Burke and particularly Immanuel Kant identified beauty as lying in the eyes of the beholder rather than in the object. The parallels between Kant's aesthetic philosophy and contemporary theories of landscape quality based on an evolutionary perspective are examined. Most philosophers over recent centuries have adopted the subjectivist view of aesthetics.The paper concludes by proposing that only the subjectivist model should be used in research of landscape quality.  相似文献   

Using data from the Damage Assessment Reports from the Civil Defence, the current study investigates the relationship between the damage caused by natural disasters and local development at the municipality level in Ceará state, Brazil. The results show that a better urban and water supply infrastructure, a lower population density, and a higher proportion of own revenues relative to total revenues are associated with smaller disaster damage. However, economic development in terms of GDP per capita exhibits a convex relationship with the impact of natural disasters across municipalities, reflecting the potential decreasing returns of preventive investments due to the highly hazardous environment that involves municipalities.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that landscape preferences vary systematically amongst people. While various sources of heterogeneity have been considered in landscape preference literature, the role of emotions on willingness to pay for landscape features has never been examined. This article presents results of a choice experiment carried out for eliciting tourists’ for Alpine landscapes. The emotional state of respondents was used to model heterogeneity in a latent class approach. The study area is a valley in the Italian Alps, characterised by a strong importance of the primary sector and a low number of tourists. Landscape management could attract new visitors, providing additional income for the local inhabitants. Results indicate that respondents prefer a variegated and multi-faceted landscape, with a mix of tree species, several agricultural crops and open areas with grazing animals and that incidental emotions play a role in the construction of landscape preferences and influence willingness to pay.  相似文献   

Needleman et al. concluded that, on average, an increase in the dentine lead of children from <6 ppm to >24 ppm was associated with a 4‐point IQ decrement. Recently, a spate of papers has conjectured that the reports of Needleman et al. and others could be spurious because of measurement error and omitted variable bias. In this Bayesian analysis of the reconstituted Needleman et al. data set, we replace such conjectures by empirical tests. Even though we structure the tests to provide very favourable opportunities for the conjectures to acquire support, the possibility is seen to be remote that omitted variable bias significantly alters the estimated influence of lead exposures upon childrens’ psychometric intelligence. Similarly, the Bayesian analysis demonstrates that other included covariates are likely to affect the estimated influence of lead exposures only if they are quite poorly measured.  相似文献   

With its relatively short European history, Australia's earliest paintings may provide information on both the pre-European landscape and changes since first settlement. The pictorial record is examined as historical documentation of natural landscape, particularly vegetation, by considering artistic depictions of the region around Sydney, New South Wales, from initial settlement in 1788 to the early 1850s. Critical comment relating to the accuracy of the landscape paintings is examined by reference to the pictures and to Sydney's dramatically varied geology that shaped the landscapes and the vegetation communities that artists painted. There are few detailed studies of Australian landscape painting and much of the critical comment is found to be generalized and only partly accurate, including the persistent criticism that artists misrepresented Australian environments for a multitude of reasons. The pictorial record displays consistent observation of the real variation in landscape character, and in vegetation structure, communities and species. It also appears to provide interesting evidence of differential impact of fire, indicating different pre-settlement fire regimes in different landscape types.  相似文献   

In this study we assess how higher education students (pre-service teachers) value and understand the impact of livestock production on global warming. We used a questionnaire with 91 students from a Portuguese institution and 111 from a Spanish one. The students had to mention measures to fight global warming, to explain the relationship between livestock production and global warming and to rank the impact of this cause compared to others. The Portuguese students showed a better understanding of this issue. Even so, the majority of the students do not recognize the high impact of livestock on global warming and consider other causes more relevant.  相似文献   

Here we evaluated a possible relationship between chronic hyperplastic sinusitis (CHS) and moisture exposure and secondly a seasonal variation of fungal and bacterial findings in the healthy nose. In 28 CHS patients sinus mucus was collected during endoscopic sinus surgery. Samples from the nasal cavities of 19 healthy volunteers were collected by nasal lavage (NAL) in January and in September. Bacterial culture and fungal staining and culture were carried out. Histological samples from the sinus mucosa were obtained. Patients' medical history and environmental factors were enquired. Mold odor or moisture problems in the home or work environment were reported by 46% of the CHS patients. Patients who reported moisture exposure did not differ significantly from those who had not been exposed with regards to microbiological findings, tissue eosinophilia, and earlier operations. Cladosporium (16%) and Alternaria (11%) were found in NAL fluid collected in the autumn from the control subjects. No fungi were isolated from samples taken during the winter. An association between CHS or fungal sinusitis and moisture damage was not apparent in the present study. The fungal findings in the nasal cavity reflect the environmental exposure. This should be taken into account when NAL is used for microbiological studies. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Living in a moldy house or working in a similar environment may increase the risk of respiratory symptoms and infections. However, our results suggest that chronic hyperplastic sinusitis and fungal sinusitis are not associated with moisture exposure. The nose is a good collector of particles in the air. Especially samples taken by the nasal lavage method reflect the environmental exposure. This should be taken into account when this method is used for microbiological studies.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the effect of the international development policies promoted by the United Nations Development Programme on civil society participation in urban development process in the countries of the South. More specifically, the case of Syria during the period 2005–2010 was examined. An institutional analysis was conducted in order to investigate the question of whether development institutions in particular contexts, in terms of both the mental models and the organizational forms of development, permitted the space needed to apply this principle in practice. In this, the paper argues the need to promote a proactive approach to enable civil society participation in the countries of the South rather than a normative internationally accepted approach developed in isolation from the given political and institutional context.  相似文献   

This paper makes a novel contribution by examining the impacts of housing suitability on the commute. Smart Growth and related planning policies have contributed to higher residential densities with the aim to reduce commute distances and enhance urban sustainability. While important in terms of alleviating sprawl, reductions in space accompanying increases in densities may not be suitable for larger households. If households instead commute longer distances, the sustainability objective of minimizing commute distances is undercut. We operationalize housing suitability at the household level in different ways, analysing the characteristics of housing available near the place of work in relation to the housing suitability needs based on household characteristics. Regardless of the measure used, the better the match between workers’ housing suitability needs and the housing stock available near work, the shorter the commute. The paper uniquely highlights the importance of explicitly considering housing suitability in planning for sustainability.  相似文献   

The English word and Western idea of landscape was introduced during the colonial restructuring of Arab cities in the early decades of the twentieth century. Thereafter, landscape came to be understood predominantly in the context of urban modernity, associated with the Western picturesque tradition adopted in landscaping municipal parks and public urban spaces. The formal conception that prevails today precludes a broader appreciation of landscape as a source of livelihood, the fabric of lived-in experiences and collective identities, just as it reduces the scope of landscape architecture, an emerging profession in the Arab Middle East, to urban beautification. Inspired by the integrative and community-centred conception advanced by the European Landscape Convention, this paper argues for a holistic landscape approach that contributes to development while responding to regional environmental and ecological constraints. The methodology of ecological landscape design is applied to secure a holistic reading of people and place and to engender integrative solutions that address socio-economic, environmental and heritage concerns. A selection of projects are cited to demonstrate the potential of a holistic approach in changing current limited perceptions of landscape and in expanding the discourse of landscape in the region beyond the current focus on appearance and beautification.  相似文献   

Section 106 (S106) of the English 1990 Town and Country Planning Act provides local planning authorities with powers to require developers to contribute towards affordable housing provision. Over the last two decades, the success of S106, which seeks to extract some of the development value created by planning consent, has been predicated on rising land values and market demand, thus enabling developers to agree and fulfill their planning obligations. The purpose of this article is to explore how negotiations between local authorities and developers with regard to meeting S106 have altered during the economic downturn in England. Drawing on recent empirical research, and through the use of case studies, the article highlights the ways in which S106 agreements have been renegotiated at the site level, with the discretionary nature of the planning system allowing compromises to be made. Despite S106 being tied to market activity, with developer contributions being reduced in a downturn, it remains an important policy tool in securing affordable housing and achieving inclusionary housing goals within England to date.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine potential for critical visual research studies in landscape architecture and related disciplines. The reasons for a neglect of imagery in research publications and the gap between landscape architectural practice and theory are considered, and the ways in which this restricts understanding are explored. I argue that visual studies can be used to bridge the practice–theory divide and enable investigations which are currently limited or absent in text-based methods and dissemination. To this end, five kinds of visual study are defined and their philosophical and methodological underpinnings and potential discussed. I conclude with an examination of the relationship between critical thinking and visual processes and the role of the viewer. The overall aim is to provide openings for future visual research studies and the development of critical visual discourses.  相似文献   

High residential density is an important element of the compact city concept alongside mixed land uses, well-connected urban layouts, and easily accessible public transport networks. However, there is little consensus on how dense ‘high-density’ residential development should be, nor on what are the impacts of such urban environments on residents. This paper attempts to address this gap in knowledge by exploring the concept of density within the context of sustainability, calling on empirical evidence conducted in the UK by the CityForm research project. This research examined the relationship between elements of urban form (including density) and sustainability. This paper specifically makes reference to the relationship between density and aspects of social sustainability, specifically social equity (i.e. access to services and facilities), environmental equity (i.e. access to and use of green/open space) and sustainability of community (including perceptions of safety, social interaction and community stability). An extensive postal questionnaire survey and series of follow-up in-depth focus groups were conducted in a number of neighbourhoods in five UK cities to examine the hypothesis that high-density neighbourhoods were less likely to support socially sustainable behaviour and attitudes than low-density ones.  相似文献   

Unemployment issues, particularly recently, have been the subject of heated rhetoric in Taiwan due to the currently high unemployment rate in this small open economy. This paper investigates regional unemployment in 23 counties or cities from 1982 to 2004. Izraeli and Murphy (Ann Reg Sci 37:1–14, 2003) suggested that the Herfindahl index of industrial structure is positively correlated with the unemployment rate. In this regard, the portfolio theory argues that industrial diversification can only reduce volatility in the regional labor market. In other words, there is a relatively higher regional unemployment rate during periods of economic prosperity and relatively lower unemployment rate during periods of economic slowdown. This view is fully confirmed from the fixed effects model using panel data and the implication is that a comprehensive industrial policy to lower both the unemployment rate and risk in regional labor markets is critical in Taiwan today.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe the landscape patterns and the urbanization process which evolved due to the mate tea (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill) cultivation in the Brazilian state of Paraná. Drinking mate tea is an ancient tradition of the Guarani Indians who settled the southeastern region of South America. The large-scale cultivation of mate in Paraná has been taking place for centuries, mainly in the region around the city of Irati. Mate cultivation induced the development of settlements and influenced their growth; it stamped the economic and social character of the region, and shaped a rich and characteristic landscape. As other cultural landscapes, the ‘mate landscape’ is undergoing changes, with agriculture and urbanization being the most important drivers. To sustain its values it is necessary to call for attention to its environmental, economic, social and cultural virtues. We discuss the ecological and aesthetic value of mate culture, and the social and environmental demands of its future. We also offer arguments and some ideas to create from the landscape a significant community added value, bearing in mind that landscape is a key element of the quality of life and an important asset for future generations.  相似文献   

A trans‐boundary and multi‐disciplinary approach to the river contract project for the Semois valley in Wallonia (Belgium) is described that provided the opportunity for a landscape‐scale focus during actions to restore the watercourses and the associated valley area. A trans‐boundary landscape survey was carried out under the context of the Interreg III European programme. This resulted in the rediscovery of lost views and viewpoints within the landscape and in the implementation of actions leading to the opening up of the valley, which provided opportunities to re‐establish lost landscape features, such as hay meadows. The gathering of many partners in the negotiation process of this project can be seen as an example of ‘landscape democratization’ or participative management of landscapes in a trans‐boundary and trans‐disciplinary context and as such this project is a concrete realization of the aims of the European Landscape Convention (ELC).  相似文献   

Recent trends in migration in the United States are reviewed, focusing on the links between regional and metropolitan population change. Three explanations for the counterurbanization phenomenon of the 1970s are presented and their implications for future migration trends considered. The author concludes that "while 1970s core region declines may have been strongly linked to the counterurbanization process, post-1980 core region gains do not appear to signal a return to the metropolis."  相似文献   

The United States has experienced swings of public and private operation of its water services for more than 150 years. This paper examines the most recent swing, that of remunicipalization. We argue that much of this remunicipalization is taking place for ‘pragmatic’ reasons related to cost savings and service quality, but there are also signs of more ‘politicized’ forms of water remunicipalization taking place, similar to efforts elsewhere in the world where the process has often involved heated ideological debates and mass mobilizations. Combined with a growing politicization of other social, economic, and environmental issues in the US, water remunicipalization could become more politicized in the future, but a fragmented ‘pro-public’ movement, combined with ongoing efforts to outsource water services and growing resistance to remunicipalization from private water companies, may constrain this potential.  相似文献   

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