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为了解决面包品质风味和面包生产周期的矛盾。本研究通过过夜面团发酵法同传统二次发酵法进行比较,并结合作者实际工作中的应用探索,利用夜间非工作时间进行面种发酵,得到了一个实际可行的新方法,所生产出的面包体积大,组织细薄松软,酵香浓郁,用传统二次发酵法一半的工作时间,生产出同样品质优良的面包产品。 相似文献
过夜种子面团法是吸取二次发酵法和快速发酵法的优点研究而成的一种加工面包的新方法。特点是面包体积要比快速发酵法面包大得多,且发酵风味和香气浓郁。该法缩短了生产周期,面包品质好。 相似文献
过夜种子面团法是吸取二次发酵法和快速发酵法的优点研究而成的一种加工面包的新方法,特点是面包体积要比快速发酵法面包大得多,且发酵风味和香气浓郁。该法缩短了生产周期,面包品质好。 相似文献
高梁—小麦粉复合面包面团发酵流变学与烘焙特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究高粱粉(过100目筛)对高粱—小麦粉复合面团特性及其面包品质的影响.以小麦粉为参照样,将高粱粉与小麦粉分别按照10/90,20/80,30/70,40/60,50/50(m/m)的比例进行混合,然后采用Mixolab和F3发酵流变仪分析测定面团搅拌和发酵流变特性,并对面包的品质进行评定.结果表明:用高梁粉取代部分小麦粉,随着取代率的增加会降低面团吸水率、面团形成时间及其稳定性.当取代率为l0%时,面包芯和面包皮色泽(除b值外)与参照样无显著差别.除弹性和回复性外,当高粱粉对小麦粉的取代率不高于20%时,面包的其它质构参数都没有显著差异.高梁粉取代率为10%和20%的面包在感官特性方面都与参照样无显著差别,而当高粱粉取代率高达40%时,所制得的面包仍能获得评定者的接受. 相似文献
研究添加不同比例(0.1%、0.3%、0.5%和0.7%)海藻酸钠对冷冻面团面包烘焙特性的影响。结果表明,添加海藻酸钠能提高冷冻面团的持水率,减少冷冻面团醒发时间;增大面包的比容,降低面包的硬度和咀嚼性,提高弹性,改善冷冻面团面包的品质。感官评定显示,冻藏不同天数后,添加0.3%的海藻酸钠面包感官评分值最高。 相似文献
冷冻面团技术—国内面包加工新模式 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
近年来 ,随着人民生活水平的提高和消费形态的改变 ,冷冻食品的需求迅速增加 ,产品也由原先初级加工的冷冻食品逐渐发展成深加工的调理食品(FrozenPreparedFood)。冷冻面团技术也随之产生 ,并得到迅速推广[1]。冷冻面团技术 ,是指在面包、蛋糕、西点或中点的生产过程中 ,运用冷冻原理与技术 ,处理半成品或成品 ,使其在此阶段保留或储存若干时间 ,待需用时经解冻处理 ,而后继续余下的生产流程 ,直至成为成品[2 ]。在烘焙产品中 ,可应用冷冻技术的有[2 ]:①酵母起发制品 健康面包 (低成分面包 )、高成分面包 (甜面包类 )、… 相似文献
Effect of endoxylanases on dough properties and making performance of Chinese steamed bread 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Dongmin Su Changhe Ding Lite Li Donghai Su Xinyu Zheng 《European Food Research and Technology》2005,220(5-6):540-545
Two kinds of endoxylanase (XYL), one is a solid-phase enzyme (S-XYL) and the other a liquid-phase enzyme (L-XYL), were used to test their effect on the properties of dough and the quality of Chinese steamed bread (CSB). The textural properties of wheat dough made with the two enzymes were investigated. Parameters from the texture profile analysis (TPA) were determined after mixing the dough at 0th, 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th min, respectively. Both enzymes decreased farinograph parameters. They also influenced mixograms including decreasing time to peak and peak height. It was apparent that the decrease in hardness of the dough by adding S-XYL and L-XYL, respectively was more than that of the control sample and the sample with added yeast. It was found that the longer the time of fermentation, the lower the hardness of the dough. The mixing time was reduced by adding L-XYL by about 27.5%. The fermentation time was decreased by adding S-XYL or L-XYL. The addition of S-XYL and L-XYL on CSB resulted in increased specific volume, spread ratio and decreased crumb softness. A decreasing trend in L* value, a slightly increasing tendency in a* value and a slightly decreasing trend in b* value exist in crumb colour. 相似文献
Hardeep Singh Gujral Narpinder Singh 《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》1999,32(10):1999-697
The study was carried out to investigate the effect of additives (lactic acid, fat and sodium chloride) and process variables (mixing duration and fermentation temperature) on dough development and gaseous release characteristics measured by Rheofermentometer F2 and bread volume. Hm (maximum dough height) was most significantly affected by mixing duration and sodium chloride whereas Hm′ was most significantly affected by fermentation temperature and fat levels. Increased levels of fat (%) showed improving effects on dough development and bread volume, however fat addition did not counteract the adverse affects of over mixing and addition of lactic acid and sodium chloride at higher levels. The models computed had R2 value ranged between 91.5–98.7%, indicating they are appropriate and can be a useful tool to predict the effect of addition of lactic acid. fat and sodium chloride and process variables mixing duration and fermentation temperature on dough development, gaseous release and bread volume. 相似文献
冷冻面团法生产面包的关键工艺讨论 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冷冻面团法在烘焙食品领域中的应用越来越广泛,但也面临着一些技术难题。本文详细阐述了冷冻面团法生产面包的关键工艺,包括冷冻条件、酵母发酵活力的保持以及解冻工艺条件等。 相似文献
<正> 面团改良剂是指能够改善面团加工性能的一类添加剂的统称。在面包生产的过程中,面团的发酵情况是一个关键环节,面团在发酵过程中往往因为面粉中面筋蛋白质分解酶分解而影响面团的发酵,从而使成品面包的质量下降。因此,应使用面团改良剂,其作用是帮助快速发酵,使面包松软可口、抑制老化、延长保鲜期等。所生产的面包其体积、重量、外观、组织和口味都较好,并且营养价值高。它是面包生产过程中重要的添加剂之一。 相似文献
Bárbara Marques Bianchini Condessa Kamila Veloso da Silva Juliana Fonseca Moreira da Silva Paula Benevides de Morais Fernanda M. A. Leal Zimmer Alex Fernando de Almeida Edenilson dos Santos Niculau Karolina Lima Nogueira Claudia Cristina Auler do Amaral Santos 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2022,57(5):3046-3059
The use of wild Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts might result in bread with different and attractive sensory characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts as starter culture in dough fermentation to bread making and the physicochemical parameters and aromatic profile of bread. All 26 wild yeasts strains isolated from Brazilian Cerrado fruit and tree bark were osmotolerant, and 19.4% were able to ferment maltose. Candida tropicalis ART101.3 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC5952 had the best growth capacity under high concentrations of glucose and maltose. Also, they were resistant to lyophilisation. Kinetic parameters of bioreactor cultivations showed high cell growth and lower generation time with 10 g L−1 maltose. Bread produced with C. tropicalis ART101.3 and the control bread had similar physicochemical properties and acceptance of consumers. Bread with S. cerevisiae SC5951 had a lower specific volume and a different colour than control bread; however, the consumers found no significant difference. More than 70% of the consumers demonstrated purchase intention of bread produced with both wild yeasts. The present study shows the potential of native Cerrado yeasts to be used and exploited in industrial processes and contributes to the diversification of bread starter cultures. 相似文献
Andrs Crdoba 《Journal of food engineering》2010,96(3):440-448
The early stages of bread dough proving were modeled following the diffusion theory and using a newtonian constitutive equation to account for dough rheology. The model was fitted, by constrained minimization of the sum of squared errors function, to experimental growth curves of common dough formulations. Values for the dough viscosity, a first order fermentation rate constant and the bubble size at the beginning of proving were chosen as the degrees of freedom in the fitting procedure. The viscosity value obtained for a plain dough formulation was 30 × 106 Pa s, this value is in the range of viscosity values determined by Rouillé et al. (2005), for wheat dough through creep-recovery and lubricated squeezing flow tests. The results obtained were plotted as a function of dough formulation composition and the trends were observed and analyzed. The observed tendencies and correlations between dough properties and dough formulation follow the trends observed in experimental data reported in the literature for dough systems. 相似文献
冷冻面团技术是面包生产的一种新工艺,在烘烤前利用冷冻技术来处理面包坯或半成品,能够延长面包面团的货架储存期.选取不同冷冻储藏期内的冷冻面团,制作成面包并分析它们的比容、高径比、表皮和内部组织色泽及柔软度等指标,观察未发酵冷冻甜面团及其面包产品的品质特性.结果显示,在冷冻期间的前3~4周内,由冷冻面团制作成的甜面包品质急速降级.并在以后长达70天的冷冻储藏期间内趋于不可逆转的稳定状态.在进一步的研究中发现,使用一种以水溶性米糠多糖为乳化载体的冷冻甜面团改良剂能够使冷冻甜面团面包在长迭70天的冷冻储藏期间呈现出相当满意的产品质量特性. 相似文献