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《欧盟水框架指令》与水资源一体化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在分析《欧盟水框架指令》如何与几次大型国际会议上制定的有关水资源一体化管理(IWRM)的国际原则相符的情况。将国际水与环境会议、第2届世界水论坛、国际淡水会议以及世界可持续发展峰会的成果与《欧盟水框架指令》进行了比较。即使几个欧盟国家在这几次会议上起到了主导作用,仍发现几种明显不符的情况。  相似文献   

2010年11月,笔者赴荷兰、比利时、法国、丹麦等国进行了为期两周的考察学习,听取了40多个专题报告,内容涉及欧盟水框架指令、欧盟洪水风险管理指令、欧盟地下水指令、欧盟立法对水资源管理的作用,荷兰水资源综合管理与水行政管理,法国水资源管理、水利培训、水资源信息系统,  相似文献   

欧盟水框架指令与水资源管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟水框架指令(WFD)是近几十年来欧盟在水资源领域颁布的最重要指令。该指令致力于在2015年以前,在对水资源进行评估和大量监测的基础上,通过共同参与的流域管理规划系统,实现欧洲地区"良好的水状态"。贯彻指令需要大量跨学科或多学科、共同参与和重实效的科学研究。  相似文献   

英格兰和威尔士水资源管理的现行法律法规框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为欧盟成员,英国的国家立法中必须包括欧洲的水法律。这些法律以指令的形式集中在城市废水处理、危险物质、地下水保护等方面。在过去10a左右的时间里,个别指令已被合并为欧盟水框架指令,提供统一的水资源管理方法。近来颁布的文件明确了各成员国在水资源综合管理中的职责,实际上是采用了英格兰和威尔士已实行近40a的许多准则。概述了欧盟立法框架并总结了英格兰和威尔士与水资源管理相关的国家立法,简述了目前水资源管理的结构和责任。  相似文献   

介绍了斯洛文尼亚目前的水资源管理组织结构,该国环境机构及其与邻国组建的各种水资源管理委员会的作用,以及欧盟水框架指令在其中的演变发展情况.  相似文献   

欧盟自2000年颁布实施以流域管理为核心的《欧盟水框架指令》以来,水资源保护取得了显著成效,在国际上也享有盛誉。但近期评估显示,由于一些挑战性因素的存在,《欧盟水框架指令》中水政策目标的实现出现了一定的不确定性。为有效应对挑战与问题,2012年11月26—27日欧盟委员会在塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚召开了欧盟水蓝图会议,发布了《欧洲水资源保护蓝图》报告。报告介绍了出台背景,分别就土地利用与生态、化学状态与污染、用水效率、水体脆弱性等方面存在的问题提出了解决方案,并在归纳分析欧盟水政策的基础上,对未来前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

根据欧盟水框架指令的要求,欧盟国家要在2015年前实现全部水体达到良好状态,这需要通过实施流域管理规划来实现,而流域管理规划又要以水资源基线数据为基础。尽管流域管理规划有助于认清水框架指令设计中可能存在的误区,但现在即对水框架指令的实施效果进行评价还为时过早。对地下水资源的评价、地下水的利用状况,以及所面临的现实挑战等作了介绍,同时描述了流域管理规划的内容及其实施效果。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍英国的水资源管理体制和机构、流域涉水管理的主要政策及典型流域管理实践等。英国目前实行中央按流域统一管理和水务私有化相结合的水资源管理体制,涉水管理职责分散于多个政府部门、公共机构和企业,在欧盟《水框架指令》和英国《水法》体系下,制定实施流域综合规划,执行最严格的水环境保护标准,鼓励引导利益相关者参与。在此基础上,分析提出对我国流域管理有借鉴意义的经验和启示。  相似文献   

回顾了我国水污染防治面临的严重挑战,比较了中国与欧盟在水资源管理领域的战略与政策.指出了欧盟水框架指令值得我国借鉴的若干原则,诸如水资源水环境一体化管理的主体立法;水量、水质和水域生态系统的一体化管理政策;建立涉水政府部门的协调机制以及流域管理中的公众参与等.  相似文献   

欧盟水框架指令及其执行情况   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
石秋池 《中国水利》2005,(22):65-66,52
欧盟水框架指令具有法律效力,目标是保护和管理水资源.水框架指令作为一个基础性法律文件,内容丰富,涉及到保护水的各个方面,并将水域的保护与污染控制结合起来.从现在水框架的执行情况来看,由于各国的实际情况不同,水框架指令的执行又刚刚开始,效果并不明显,今后还有很多的工作要做.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze how the EU Water Framework Directive complies with the international principles concerning Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) agreed in major conferences. The outcomes of the International Conference on Water and Environment (Dublin, 1992), the Second World Water Forum (The Hague, 2000), the International Conference on Freshwater (Bonn, 2001), and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) (Johannesburg, 2002) were compared with the EU Water Framework Directive. Seven notable mismatches were found, even though several EU countries have played a leading role in those conferences. The question arises whether the outcome of these conferences is not efficient enough to influence EU policies—do the conferences just produce collections of idealistic buzzwords or is there a requirement for different principles regarding IWRM for developing countries and developed countries?  相似文献   

Giuseppe Rossi 《国际水》2013,38(4):441-450
The European Water Framework Directive 2000/60 (WFD), does not appear fully adequate to address drought risk. A Group on Drought and Water Scarcity has developed some proposals to improve the strategy for coping with drought and water scarcity issues. The main proposal consists in supplementing the River Basin Management indicated by the WFD with a specific Drought Management (sub)Plan aimed at minimizing the negative drought impacts on the economy, society and the environment. Also a list of indicators to identify prolonged droughts which permit a temporary suspension of the requirements of good ecological status in water bodies has been proposed. Some specific recommendations that the EU should issue to national governments, are discussed. Several criteria are suggested to achieve an effective drought management strategy.  相似文献   

Public and stakeholder participation in water management is a crucial element in the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Theoretically, the WFD identifies several advantages of public participation, such as the better use of knowledge and experiences from different stakeholders, increases in public acceptance and reduced litigation, delays, and inefficiencies in implementation. However, few studies have gone as deep, in practical terms, as the existing difficulty to introduce public participation in water management. The aim of this study was to cover this issue. It aims to conduct a literature review on public participation looking for successful social innovation experiences by the EU member states and also for the main limitations and difficulties of implementation detailing the study of the Spanish case.  相似文献   

总结了采用欧盟水框架指南标准,在北京山区生态清洁小流域建设中开展小型水体(小型河(沟)道)生态修复的做法及经验。从防洪、水质、生态和休闲娱乐等四个方面探讨了小型水体生态修复的目标、技术及做法,介绍了项目6个示范区河(沟)道生态修复措施的配置及其产生的生态效益,为全市开展生态清洁小流域建设提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   

Water scarcity is a threat to food production systems, with appropriate water management being a major part of the solution. From the adoption of the European Water Framework Directive to the latest proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy Horizon 2020, the strategic lines for establishing a balance between agriculture and water resources in the European Union have been defined, including an emphasis on water pricing. This paper discusses the situation of irrigated agriculture in semi-arid areas such as southern Spain in terms of water scarcity, highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages of water-pricing policies as a solution to more sustainable irrigation management.  相似文献   

The use of unit area loading approaches to address the requirements of the US Clean Water Act (CWA) and the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) to identify and manage diffuse urban pollution sources is outlined. Issues relating to traditional volume-concentration probabilistic modelling are highlighted and the robustness of total maximum daily load (TMDL) approaches is discussed. A hazard assessment methodology for catchment scale identification of source area pollutant loadings and receiving water ecological impacts is developed based on urban land use activities.  相似文献   

The EC Water Framework Directive requires that all Member States achieve "good water status" by 2015 for both surface water and groundwater. The procedures by which Sweden intends to implement the Framework Directive are described and involve the establishment of five water districts, each with a water authority; local cooperative bodies based on the main river basin areas; cooperative associations for water conservation; introduction of a system of charges for water conservation; and assigning responsibility for supervision of contingency measures to the water authorities.  相似文献   

The water quality management tool RIONET for river basins has been developed with regard to the EU Water Framework Directive. The management tool can simulate the water quality in catchment basins not only in the dimension of a single river but in whole river networks. A submodel of the IWA River Water Quality Model No. 1 is used in RIONET. The river model is based on the assumption that self purification processes in the river takes place both in the benthic biofilm and the bulk water phase. Laboratory experiments with sediment cores underline the major role of the benthic biofilm. The input parameters of the management tool such as volumetric flow rates from waste water treatment plants and flow velocities and discharge in the main river and its tributaries can be loaded directly from geographic information systems (GIS). The subcatchment basin of the river Bode in Saxon Anhalt was used for test runs of RIONET.  相似文献   

Hydromorphological status and risk assessments are crucial with regard to the planning of measures in keeping the aims of the EU’s Water Framework Directive. However, both status assessments and integrative habitat models are often based on one-time terrain measurements and therefore offer only limited potential for assessing dynamic potential. The aim of the paper is to address the importance of dynamic processes in rivers and to emphasize their importance for water management practice. In the context of an integrative habitat assessment, three different forms of dynamic processes need to be taken into account: (1) flow dynamics, (2) morphodynamics and (3) longer-term changes, e.g. those caused by global warming. However, given the various types of use, these dynamic processes are often affected by anthropogenic pressures. This paper describes to what extent and in which form these dynamic processes are/can be decisive for the quality and quantity of aquatic habitats. Here, the river-type-specific differences with regard to habitat assessment are also discussed. Case studies from rivers in southern Styria and Carinthia underline the significance of morphodynamics, both for the goals of the Water Framework Directive and with regard to the implementation of the Floods Directive, as self-forming processes may be as well important for flood protection issues  相似文献   

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