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对2012年我国禽蛋市场形势进行了分析。2012年全国鸡蛋零售价格波动频繁,零售均价为9.50元/kg,与2011年同期相比大幅下跌5.6%。蛋鸡配合饲料价格同比大幅上涨,蛋鸡养殖效益连创新低。展望2013年,鸡蛋零售价格总体将高于2012年,蛋鸡养殖总体处于盈利状态。  相似文献   

国内市场方面,2010年我国禽蛋市场平稳发展,禽蛋产量较去年同比增长0.8%,居民人均鲜蛋消费达10kg。进入2011年第一季度,全国鸡蛋零售价格同比、环比均大幅上涨,但季度内先升后降,波动幅度大于往年;蛋雏鸡价格、蛋鸡配合饲料价格高位运行,同比大幅上涨;蛋料比价先升后降,养殖户仍有赢利;在禽蛋贸易方面,1-2月我国禽蛋进口总量同比大幅下降,进口总额同比大幅增长;禽蛋出口量和出口金额同比均有所增加。国际市场方面,2011年第一季度美国鸡蛋批发价格同比、环比均大幅下降,加拿大鸡蛋批发价格同比、环比均上涨。展望未来,国内鸡蛋价格总体仍处于调整期,在第二季度以先降后升的态势发展。美国方面,2011年鸡蛋产量将继续小幅增加。  相似文献   

2009年是极不寻常的一年,国际金融危机蔓延对世界经济产生了重大影响。回顾2009年,国内鸡蛋零售价格一波三折,总体是震荡上升的。引起鸡蛋价格波动的原因来自多方面,主要包括饲料成本不断上涨、蛋鸡存栏出现短期变化、季节效应和节日效应明显、突发事件引发短暂剧烈波动等。国际市场方面,美国鸡蛋批发价格上半年受金融危机影响甚大,下半年随着经济形势好转价格回升明显,全年呈现"V"型反弹;加拿大鸡蛋批发价格较为平稳;国际期货市场价格年底大幅跳水。  相似文献   

2013年,中国禽蛋市场形势总体疲软,全年价格平均波幅小于上年;禽蛋进出口贸易额、贸易量同比均下降.国际市场方面,美国鸡蛋批发价格呈震荡上行走势,同比大幅上涨;加拿大市场鸡蛋收购价格企稳,同比明显上涨.展望2014年,中国禽蛋价格将继续呈现高位震荡走势,进出口贸易相对稳定.  相似文献   

对2012年国内外禽蛋市场及贸易形势进行了分析。中国禽蛋市场总体形势低迷,价格波动幅度较大;进出口贸易方面,与2011年同期相比,2012年我国禽蛋进口规模大幅下降;出口额略有增加,但出口数量减少。国际市场方面,2012年,美国鸡蛋批发价格同比大幅上涨;加拿大市场鸡蛋收购价格企稳,同比大幅上涨。展望2013年,禽蛋价格将继续维持高位走势,进出口贸易相对稳定。  相似文献   

正1黑龙江省目前猪肉市场运行情况概述2016年年初以来,由于全国和我省猪出栏量大幅降低,猪源减少,黑龙江省生猪收购价格一路上涨,达到了建国以来历史最高价格。生猪收购价格的暴涨推动了猪肉批发和零售价格的上涨,2016年5月17日我省白条猪肉批发价格28.4元/kg,比2015年5月19日上涨37.86%;省内各大中城市的猪肉零售价格也大幅上涨,据省肉食中心监测,5月17日哈尔滨市超市猪肉平均零售价格  相似文献   

正近来,快速上涨的鸡蛋价格引发关注。据农业农村部数据,8月10日,全国农产品批发市场鸡蛋平均价格为每公斤8.33元,相对于7月7日每公斤6.26元的平均价格,一个多月鸡蛋价格上涨了约33%。对此专家表示,随着现有蛋鸡的不断成熟,鸡蛋供应会慢慢跟上,后续蛋价上涨的空间不会很大。  相似文献   

根据国家统计局的数据,2013年4月份国内服装类商品居民消费价格同比上涨2.7%,涨幅较上年同期下降1.1个百分点,高于今年前三个月水平。另据中华全国商业信息中心的统计,2013年4月份全国重点大型零售企业服装零售价格同比上涨6.5%,是今年年初以来最高涨幅。4月服装零售额增长贡献度下滑国家统计局数据显示,2013年4月份限额以上企业服装鞋帽、针纺织品零售额同比增长9.5%,相比上月  相似文献   

2010年,我国禽蛋市场受养殖成本上涨、市场供需紧平衡、主要农产品市场价格上涨拉动以及节假日和季节性变化等因素的共同影响,鸡蛋市场价格走出了先抑后扬的态势,总体呈现主产区价格高于主销区价格、价格月度间的波动幅度加剧、价格走势异于常态、养殖户收益略有赢利等特点。在对禽蛋市场未来可能面临的因素进行分析判断的基础上,认为2011年国内鸡蛋市场价格总体水平将维持在高位震荡运行。  相似文献   

5月份商家打折促销导致的价格下降在一定程度上带动了销量的增长。销售价格同比小幅下降根据国家统计局的统计数据,2013年5月,国内服装类商品居民消费价格同比分别上涨2.7%,涨幅与上月持平,是今年年初以来的最高值。但根据中华全国商业信息中心的统计,2013年5月份,全国重点大型零售企业服装零售价格同比下降0.7%。  相似文献   

Vaccination of hens withSalmonella enteritidis(SE) bacterin has become an important industry management tool to reduce both the incidence of SE in flocks and the production of SE-contaminated eggs. After vaccination, antibodies to SE can be found in both the serum and egg yolks. The current study was undertaken to examine whether the antibodies deposited in eggs after vaccination would have any effect on thein vitrogrowth of 10 SE seeded into pooled egg contents and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The SE inoculum grew well in egg contents from control-vaccinated hens, and a high percentage of these samples were culture positive for SE. Conversely, significantly fewer egg contents from vaccinated hens were positive for SE at weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 post-primary vaccination and weeks 1, 2, and 4 post-secondary vaccination. After 24 h incubation, the SE inoculum grew to 108–109organisms ml−1in egg contents from control hens, while growing to less than 104organisms ml−1in egg contents from vaccinated hens. No inhibition of growth was observed for a second organism,Proteus mirabilis, in egg contents from bacterin-vaccinated hens, indicating antigen-specificity of the activity. Inhibition of SE growth was observed in egg contents from vaccinated hens diluted 1:5 in eggs from control hens. Mixed results were observed for egg contents receiving a 10-fold higher SE inoculum with significant inhibition of growth observed in one trial and minimal inhibition observed in a second trial. Supplementing the egg samples with an iron source abrogated the inhibition, suggesting that the iron- restricted environment found in eggs may play a role in the observed inhibition.  相似文献   

We investigated the contents in yolk and albumen of the trace minerals Se, Zn, Mn, Co, Cu, Mo, V, Cr, Ni, Tl, As and Cd in eggs from hens from three husbandry systems by ICP-MS. Conventional hens were given a commercial feed with added minerals, organic hens were given a feed based on organic feedstuffs also with added minerals, and courtyard hens were fed on cereals, legumes, grass and swill. Dietary Se, Zn, Mn, Co and Cu concentrations were lower in courtyard compared to conventional and organic diets; Cr concentration was highest in courtyard compared to organic diet. Trace element contents in yolks were higher than those in albumen. The highest content of Se in yolks was in organic, followed by conventional eggs. Zn contents were highest in courtyard yolk, followed by conventional, which in turn was higher than organic. Mn yolk contents were lowest in courtyard eggs; Cr contents were highest in courtyard eggs. The differences in albumen were in Zn and Cr values, which were highest in courtyard eggs. Τhe results provide baseline measurements of trace mineral contents of eggs and suggest measurable differences amongst eggs from hens in different husbandry systems; the physiological significance of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

A ‘fishy’ or ‘crabby’ taint in brown eggs from commercial flocks was associated with the use of capelin meal as a protein supplement and was reproduced under controlled conditions. Analysis of eggs and samples of the meal established that trimethylamine (TMA) was responsible for the taint and that the meal may contain rich sources of TMA in the form of TMA oxide and choline. Only certain hens were affected and their ability to metabolise TMA was very low as indicated by the oxidation of an intravenous dose of 14C-TMA and the activity of hepatic TMA oxidase. Oxidation of the 14C-TMA was further depressed by feeding the meal or injecting non-radioactive TMA. Experiments with hens and chickens which had been bred for sensitivity to the inhibition of TMA oxidation by thionamides (and rapeseed meal) gave no indication that the meal supplied a potent inhibitor of this kind. It was concluded that the tainting is caused by overloading hens with TMA and that these hens have a genetic defect which impairs their synthesis of TMA oxidase and consequently their ability to metabolise TMA. The removal of this defect from commercial flocks by selective breeding would probably prevent tainting by both fish and rapeseed meals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of antibiotic growth promoters in animal feeds is not approved for laying hens in many countries, and economically feasible biological measures which include probiotics are developed to improve hen performance. The present study investigated the effects of probiotics on hen performance for a 48‐week period and the cholesterol, total lipid and fatty acid composition of egg yolk at 24, 28 and 32 weeks of age. RESULTS: Egg weight of Lactobacillus culture (LC)‐fed hens was significantly (P < 0.05) greater than that of control hens throughout the laying period. From 20 to 44 weeks of age, LC‐fed hens produced a significantly (P < 0.05) lower percentage of small eggs and a higher percentage of large eggs, and from 45 to 68 weeks of age a significantly (P < 0.05) lower percentage of medium eggs and a higher percentage of large and extra‐large eggs than control hens. Significantly (P < 0.05) less cholesterol was found in egg yolks of hens fed LC at 24 and 28 weeks of age, but not at 32 weeks of age. The total lipid content and the fatty acid composition of egg yolks were similar between the treatments at 24, 28 and 32 weeks of age, except for stearic acid (C18 : 0), which was significantly reduced in the egg yolk of LC‐fed hens at 28–32 weeks of age. CONCLUSION: The greatest benefit of LC was in increasing egg weight and improving egg size by influencing a shift from small and medium to large and extra‐large eggs. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether anti-ovarian autoantibodies appear in the circulation of laying hens and whether the concentrations of these antibodies change with respect to ageing and egg laying rate. Autoantibodies to ovarian tissues in the circulation of aged (aged approximately 670 days) White Leghorn hens with low (< 50%) and high (> 90%) egg laying rates were examined by ELISA and western blotting. Young laying hens (aged 185 days) with > 95% egg production were used as controls. The results of the ELISA indicated that IgG, which bound to the ovary and small white follicles, was present in the circulation of old laying hens. More hens that laid few eggs had circulatory autoantibodies to the ovary and small white follicles, as determined by the cut-off value in ELISA (mean absorbance + 2 SD of young laying hens), than did hens that laid greater numbers of eggs, and the concentration of IgG was significantly higher in the hens that laid few eggs. In contrast, when the muscle proteins were used as antigens there were no significant differences in the absorbance values among low and high laying frequency old hens or young hens. Western blotting revealed many bands of immunoprecipitates formed by ovarian antigens and antibodies in the serum of old hens, indicating the presence of many binding sites for circulatory IgG in ovarian tissues. These results indicate that antibodies to ovarian tissues appear in the circulation of laying hens during ageing, and that the concentration of these autoantibodies is related inversely to the rate of egg laying by hens.  相似文献   

In 367 domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) eggs collected from 61 farms, residues of 10 pesticides were detected in various combinations and in the following order of frequency: p,p′-DDE (in 100% of the eggs), p,p′-DDT (98%), dieldrin (95%), Indiane (66%), p,p′-DDD (46%), o,p′-DDT (17%), β-HCH (9%), γ-HCH (5%), endrin (4%) and aldrin (0–5%). No residues of heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, HCB or PCBs were found. The mean concentration (0–70 mg kg?1 eggs; range <0–01–10–25) of total DDT exceeded the extraneous residue limit (ERL) of 0–50 mg kg?1. The mean dieldrin residue level (0–35 mg kg?1; range 0–01–14–90) was 3–5 times higher than the ERL (0–10 mg kg?1). Only 3% of the eggs exceeded the ERL for Indane. The 156 eggs from free-range hens had significantly (P<0–05) higher residue concentrations of total DDT, dieldrin and Iindane than eggs collected from hens kept in enclosures. The mean ratio [p,p′-DDT]/[p,p′-DDE] in eggs from enclosed hens (0–97) was significantly higher (P<0–01) than in eggs from free-range hens (0–53), indicating that the former had a more direct exposure to p,p′-DDT, whereas the latter obtained more of it after environmental conversion to p,p′-DDE. Eggs from a rice-growing area had the highest concentrations of all pesticide residues detected. Accumulation ratios indicated that the levels of DDT and Iindane in the feed of enclosed hens could account for the levels in the corresponding eggs. The much higher accumulation ratios calculated for the free-range hens demonstrated that the feed ingested by these chickens obviously contained ingredients additional to those sampled, and revealed probable extensive environmental contamination by these persistent pesticides. The present results indicate that there is a need to identify sources of dieldrin in the eggs of domestic fowls and, where necessary to investigate local wildlife samples. The amounts of total DDT and dieldrin in eggs in this study seem to be higher than reported from any other country. Toxicological evaluation of the results indicates that, at lest in parts of KEnya there is a need for improved practices in the use of some organochlorine pesticides.  相似文献   

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