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The 1966 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 83 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to November 1, 1974. Information from approximately 90 papers and communications has been included in the present evaluation.Data on nine A = 83 nuclei are presented. This A-chain is characterized by a paucity of reaction data compared with radioactive decay data. Only the half-life for 83Ge is known. For 83As, the half-life is known but few details of the decay scheme have been determined. The decay schemes of the 83Se ground state and first-excited state are reasonably well established, and levels in 83Se are known from (d,p). The decay schemes of 83Br and 83Rb are well established, and these decays give all adopted information on levels in stable 83Kr. The complex decay scheme for 83Sr is reasonably well established, which leads to all information on levels in 83Rb. Information on 83Sr levels is obtained from 83Y decays and (d,t). The decay schemes for two 83Y isomers have been reasonably well determined, but the ordering of the isomers is not known. The compilers regard the identification of 83Zr as uncertain.  相似文献   

The 1960 version of the Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 100 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to December 1, 1973. Information from approximately 100 papers and communications has been included in the present evaluation.Data on nine A = 100 nuclei are presented. The assignment of a 7.1-s activity to the decay of the 100Zr ground state and the assignment of 1.5-s and 3.1-s activities to the decay of 100Nb isomers adopted by the compilers differ from assignments proposed in the published literature. The decay scheme for 100Zr is not known, and the separate decay schemes for the two 100Nb isomers have not yet been determined. Many spin assignments have been made for the stable nuclei 100Mo and 100Ru. The decay scheme for 100Tc is well established, but no excited levels in this nucleus are known. The decay of 100Rh has been extensively studied. From an evaluation of all data, the compilers propose decay branching ratios to low-lying levels in 100Ru which differ somewhat from those given in the literature. The spins of a few low-lying lying levels in 100Rh are known. Details of the 100Pd decay scheme are uncertain since the decay energy and the decay branching ratio to the 100Rh ground state have not been measured and relative photon intensities for some transitions in the decay are not accurately known. The first level scheme for 100Pd, which has recently been proposed, is presented. The assignment of a 2.3-m activity to 100Ag decay appears well established, but the compilers regard the assignment of an 8-m activity to 100Ag decay as uncertain. The half-life of the 100Cd ground state has been measured, but no decay scheme has been proposed.  相似文献   

The 1975 version of Nuclear Data Sheets (75Ur03) has been revised. Nuclear spectroscopic information for known nuclides of mass number 79 (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr) has been evaluated and presented together with adopted level energies, level Jπ's and γ-rays in these nuclei. No data are yet available for excited states in 79Zn and 79Ga.  相似文献   

The experimental nuclear spectroscopic data for known nuclides of mass number 75 (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr) have been evaluated and presented together with Adopted properties for levels and γ rays. New high-spin data are available for 75Ga, and 75Rb; and lifetime data for high-spin states in 75Br and 75Kr. For ΔJ =1, M1+E2 transitions in two rotational bands in 75Kr, several B(E2)(W.u.) values are anomalously high, deviating by 2–3 σ values from currently accepted RUL(E2) = 300. In the opinion of the evaluators, there is need to remeasure level lifetimes and multipole mixing ratios in 75Kr to resolve this serious discrepancy. New precise single-particle transfer cross section data are available for 75Ga, 75Ge, 75As and 75Se from several different reactions (2009Ka06,2008Sc03); these data give information for occupancy of valence neutron orbitals in the ground states of target nuclides: 76Ge, 76Se and 78Se. No significant new data since the 1999 NDS for A = 75 have been reported for 75As and 75Se. No data are yet available for excited states in 75Co, 75Ni and 75Sr. For 75Fe, only the isotopic identification is made with one observed event. The radioactive decay schemes of 75Co and 75Ni are unknown while those for 75Rb and 75Sr are incomplete. This work supersedes the data presented in the previous NDS evaluation of A = 75 published by 1999Fa05.  相似文献   

The 1976 version of A=76 mass chain (76Be41) has been revised. Nuclear spectroscopic information for known nuclides of mass number 76 (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb) has been evaluated and presented together with adopted level energies, level Jπ's and γ-rays in these nuclei. No data are yet available for excited states in 76Zn and 76Rb. Levels in 76Ga are known only from a tentative level scheme from 76Zn decay.High spin levels and band structures are known for 76Se, 76Br, and 76Kr from (HI,xnγ) reactions.  相似文献   

The evaluated spectroscopic data are presented for known nuclides of mass 78 (Ni,Cu,Zn,Ga,Ge,As,Se,Br,Kr,Rb,Sr,Y,Zr). Excited-state data are nonexistent for 78Ni, 78Cu and 78Zr. For 78Zr, only the isotopic identification is established without any knowledge of its half-life and decay modes. Only limited excited state data exist for 78Y. The radioactive decays of the following isotopes are not considered by the evaluators as well established: 78Cu, 78mRb, 78Sr and 78Y. High-spin excitations are known for 78As, 78Se, 78Br, 78Kr, 78Rb and 78Sr. Significant amounts of new data have been added since the last NDS publication of A = 78 evaluation more than 18 years ago.This work supersedes earlier full evaluations of A = 78 published by 1981Si13 and 1975Ru01 and the one published in ‘update’ mode by 1991Ra06.  相似文献   

The 1966 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 74 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to December 1, 1975. Results from approximately 95 papers and communications have been included in the present evaluation.Data on seven A = 74 nuclei are presented. The main features of the decay schemes for 74Zn and 8.1-m 74Ga appear to be known. An upper limit of 50% has been established for the β-decay branching ratio for 9.5-s 74Ga. Both β+- and β?,-decays of 74As are well established. Many excited levels are known in 74Ge, 74As, and 74Se from a variety of decay and reaction experiments, but few spin assignments are firm. The level identification for a 26.8-ns isomer in 74As is uncertain. An 8.0-s activity previously assigned to 74As is now believed to occur 197Au. The decay schemes for two 74Br isomers are reasonably well established, but the energy difference between the two isomers is not well known. The decay scheme for 74Kr is well established, but results on excited levels in 74Kr are contradictory.  相似文献   

The experimental nuclear spectroscopic data for known nuclides of mass number 77 (Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y) have been evaluated and presented together with adopted properties for levels and γ rays. New high-spin data are available for 77Ga, 77Br and 77Kr. New precise single-particle transfer cross section data are available for 77Ge, 77As, 77Se and 77Br from eight different reactions (2009Ka06,2008Sc03); these data give information for occupancy of valence neutron orbitals in the ground states of target nuclides: 76Ge, 76Se and 78Se. No significant new data since the 1997 NDS for A = 77 (1997Fa12) have been reported for 77Rb and 77Sr. No data are yet available for excited states in 77Ni, 77Cu and 77Y. Level schemes from the radioactive decays of 77Ni to 77Cu and 77Y to 77Sr are unknown, while those for the decays of 77Cu to 77Zn and 77Ga to 77Ge are incomplete. Detailed gamma-ray data for 77Ge from thermal-neutron capture in 76Ge, together with extensive gamma-ray data from 77Ge decay to 77As have become available from 2012Me04. This work benefited from earlier evaluations (1997Fa12,1989Fa07,1980Si05,1973Ur02) of A = 77 nuclides, however, the data presented here supersede those in above evaluations.  相似文献   

Experimental data on ground and excited state properties for all known nuclei with mass number A=95 have been compiled and evaluated. States populated in radioactive decay, as well as in nuclear reactions, have been considered. For these nuclei, level and decay schemes, as well as tables of nuclear properties, are presented. This work supersedes the 1993 evaluation by T. W. Burrows (1993Bu08). In summary, three isomers were identified in 95Ag and their respective decay schemes were presented (2003Do09) though only limits on their half lives could be obtained. Besides, high resolution prompt gamma-spectroscopy of 95Ag has been reported for the first time (2003Ma24). A comprehensive level scheme 95Pd is now available through the ε decay of 95Ag (2005Ha45) and the energy of the 21/2+ spin-gap isomer have been established for the first time by observing the gamma-rays from the yrast levels (2003Ma24). The level scheme of 95Rh has been extended up to 39/2 h by in-beam spectroscopy (1994Ro08) and the γ-delayed proton decays from 96Ag isomers to low-lying levels in 95Pd have been observed (2003Ba39). The high spin level scheme of 95Ru has been extended up 43/2 h (1994Gh06) and the lifetime or lifetime limits of several high spin states have been reported (2004Ga08). In 95Tc, the level scheme has been extended by in-beam spectroscopy (2000Gh01). New data on high spin states in 95Mo have been available through in-beam spectroscopy using heavy ion reactions [(1998Kh04),(2004Ch18),(2009Zh11)]. The data on 95Nb has been considerably extended by (t,p) reaction (2005Ra30) and by (82Se,p2nγ) reaction (2005Bu08). In 95Zr, new measurements on μ (2005St24) and Q (1998Se01) have become available. Controversy on the existence of a 23 keV state in 95Zr has been resolved by a high-resolution measurement using magnetic spectrometer (2003So23). New data on high spin states have been published through heavy-ion induced fission [(2002Fo03), (2005Pa48)]. Very recently, new high spin data on 95Y by n-induced and spontaneous fission decay have been available (2009Ur02). High spin data on 95Sr have been reported by γ-spectroscopy of spontaneous fission decay (2004Hw04). In 95Rb, revised estimate of γ-n decay intensity (2002Pf04) and mass excess (2007Ra23) have been reported. New data on 85Kr it decay have been reported [(2006Ge05),(2007Si17)] and incorporated.  相似文献   

Nuclear spectroscopic information for known nuclides of mass number 80 (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y) have been evaluated and presented together with adopted energies and Jπ of levels in these nuclei. No data are yet available for excited states in 80Zn, 80Ga and 80Y.  相似文献   

The Midstream Evaluation, A = 88 [Nuclear Data Tables A8, 345–371 (1970)] has been revised on the basis of experimental data received before September 1, 1975. Data for the nine known members of the A = 88 isobar are presented.Very little is known about 88Se and the available data are inconsistent. The γ-ray spectrum following the 88Br decay has been measured. The resulting level scheme for 88Kr is shown in Drawing 2. The dashed levels result from energy sums involving only two γ-rays and no coincidence data. These data and the 86Kr(t,p) data indicate that the levels at 1644.1 keV (β?) and 1654 keV (t,p) are not equivalent. More decay and reaction data are required before the 88Kr level properties can be considered firm. The γ-rays following the 88Kr β-decay are well established. The agreement of the resulting 88Rb level scheme with that obtained from the 87Rb(d,p) reactions is quite good. The 88Rb β-decay has been well established through many extensive measurements using several different source preparations. The levels of 88Sr have been investigated through many reactions (more than 20 given here) and the 88Rb β- and 88Y ε-decays. Adopted levels through 4.85 MeV are given on the Data Sheets. Above 4.85 MeV inconsistencies in the various energy calibrations obscure the assignment of corresponding levels. A detailed discussion of the various 88Sr(n,γ) experiments can be found in 69Ly07. The 88Y ε-decay is presented as an adopted scheme derived from data discussed in ten publications. The levels of 88Y are well established through many reactions including several (charged particle, nγ) which provide some very accurate level energies. The simple 88Zr ε-decay is shown on Drawing 1. The adopted level properties are from the 90Zr(p,t)88Zr reactions. These data correspond well through 3 MeV. The 88Nb ground-state and isomeric ε-decays need further work. The 14.3-m decay data presented here are in poor agreement with a recent measurement by 74Ba55 which identifies an additional 26 γ-rays, 18 of which are not placed in the decay scheme. The tentative assignment of Jπ(88gNb)=(8+) and Jπ(88mNb)=(4?) are based on weak arguments and should be reconsidered in the light of new decay data. The relative position of these levels is unknown. Very little data are available for 88Mo.In a few cases unpublished data have been frequently cited by other researchers. These unpublished data have been included for reference and are clearly marked as such. The Adopted Properties were not influenced by these data.  相似文献   

The 1961 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 89 and the 1970 Midstream Evaluation, A = 89 [M. W. Johns, J. Y. Park, S. M. Shafroth, D. M. Van Patter, and K. Way, Nuclear Data Tables 8, 373 (1970)], have been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to August 1, 1975. Results from approximately 150 papers and communications chosen from the extensive literature for this A-chain have been included in the present evaluation. Numerous additional references dealing wtih reaction mechanism studies and nuclear structure theory are not included in this compilation, but are available upon request from the Nuclear Data Project.Data on nine A = 89 nuclei are presented. Only the half-lives for 89Se and 89Br have been determined. The decay schemes for 89Kr and 89Rb appear to be well established. The decay scheme for 89Sr is particularly simple, but the intensity for the single γ-ray in the decay is not well known. Many spin assignments have been made for levels in 89Sr, 89Y, and 89Zr from a variety of decay and reaction studies. The decay schemes for low-spin and high-spin isomers in both 89Zr and 89Nb appear to be well established, but the energy ordering of the two isomers in 89Nb is not known. On the basis of recent results, it appears that the previously claimed isotope 89Mo has not yet been observed.  相似文献   

Nuclear spectroscopic information for known nuclides of mass number 78 (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr) have been evaluated and presented together with adopted energies and Jπ of levels in these nuclei. No data are yet available for excited states in 78Zn. Data for 78Rb and 78Sr are very scarce.  相似文献   

The experimental nuclear data for mass=75 have been reviewed, superceding 1981 evaluation by Ekstrom (81Ek02). Detailed level and decay schemes together with summary (adopted), arguments for Jπ assignments and experimental data of the known nuclei (Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb) are presented. 75Cu has been identified as a β delayed neutron emission precursor while 75Ga has been studied in detail in 75Zn β decay recently. In 75Ge, there are quite a few new data available, specially on particle-transfer reactions. Not much new information is known for 75As except for a particle transfer reaction and 75Se ε decay. The same is true for 75Se except for a neutron capture study. New data have been reported for 75Kr and 75Br.  相似文献   

Experimental nuclear structure and decay data for all known A=91 nuclides (As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd) have been evaluated. This evaluation, covering data received by 1 September 2013, supersedes the 1998 evaluation by C. M. Baglin published in Nuclear Data Sheets86, 1 (1999) (15 December 1998 literature cutoff), and subsequent evaluations by C. M. Baglin added to the ENSDF database for Kr, Sr and Zr (29 December 2000 literature cutoff) and by B. Singh for 91Tc (6 November 2000 literature cutoff).  相似文献   

The 1966 version of the Nuclear Data Sheets has been revised according to experimental data received prior to January 1974, including approximately 150 papers.Data are presented for 11 nuclei (I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, and Eu). No decay schemes are available for the ground-state decay of I, Pm, Sm, or Eu, and no excited states or gamma transitions have been definitely assigned to I, Xe, Pm, or Eu. The Xe and Cs decay schemes have been extensively studied; however, no Jπ assignments are available for the 50 excited states of Cs because of the lack of gamma multipolarity assignments and no Jπ assignment for the Xe ground state. The Ba level scheme includes about 100 levels with about 43 Jπ assignments because of the extensive Cs decay, (n,γ), and (d,p) data. The La level scheme includes about 80 levels with about 27 Jπ assignments. More detailed Jπ assignments cannot be made primarily because of the lack of gamma multipolarity data or definitive l-values in reaction data. About 28 levels have been assigned to Ce with only 17 Jπ assignments, again primarily because of the lack of gamma multipolarities. Pr has been assigned 30 levels with 24 Jπ values. Rather extensive gamma multipolarities (35) are assigned in Pr. Only 6 levels have been placed in Nd, with Jπ assignments for only the ground state (29.7 m) and isomer (5.5 h), the other four levels being due to (α,xnγ) data. Four levels are suggested in Sm from the 9.5-s isomer internal gamma decay to the ground state (2.6 m), although no Jπ values are known since no gamma multipolarities are known and no decay scheme is available for the ground state.  相似文献   

The 1961 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A=90and the 1970 Midstream Evaluation, A=90+J. B. Ball, M. W. Johns, and K. Way, Nuclear Data Tables8, 407 (1970)+, have been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to May 1, 1975. Results from approximately 225 papers and communications chosen from the extensive literature for this A-chain have been included in the present evaluation. Numerous additional references dealing with reaction mechanism studies and nuclear structure theory are not included in this compilation, but are available upon request from the Nuclear Data Project.Data on nine A=90 nuclei are presented. The decay of 90Br has been observed, but the decay scheme has not been established. Recent unpublished results on 90Kr and 90Rb decays are presented. These results are not yet comlete, but appear to be considerably more extensive than previously published work. The particularly simple decay schemes for 90Sr and 90Y are wellk known. A few spin assignments have been proposed for levels in 90Sr, but additional reaction studies would be useful. Many spin assignments have been made for levels in 90Y, 90Zr, 90Nb, and 90Mo from a variety of decay and reaction studies. The results for 90Zr are particularly extensive. The decay schemes for 90Nb and 90Mo appear reasonably well established. Recent results on the decay of two 90Tc isomers are presented, but the decay schemes have not been established and the energy ordering of the two isomers is not known.  相似文献   

The 1966 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 78 has been revised on the basis of all experimental data received before September 1, 1974. Experimental data, detailed level schemes, and arguments for Jπ-assignments are presented. Two new isotopes, 78Ga and 78Rb, are now known to exist and a third, 78Sr, has been tentatively identified. A significant amount of new information is given for the 78Se, 78Br, and 78Kr level schemes, while very little new information is available for the level schemes of 78Ge and 78As.  相似文献   

《Nuclear Data Sheets》1987,51(2):225-327
The 1976 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 74 (76Ko07) has been revised. Nuclear structure data for known nuclides (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb) of A = 74 have been evaluated and presented. The excited-state data on 74Rb are non-existent and those for 74Zn, 74Ga, and 74Kr are scarce. High spin levels are known for 74Se, 74Br and 74Kr.  相似文献   

The 1961 version of the Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 103 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to March 1, 1974. Information from approximately 150 papers and communications has been included in the present evaluation.Data on nine A = 103 nuclei are presented. The compilers regard the assignment of fission-fragment γ-rays to 103Zr and 103Nb as uncertain, and no measurements on the decay of these nuclei have been made. The half-lives of 103Mo and 103Cd are known, but no decay schemes have been proposed. The compilers propose a decay scheme for 103Tc based mainly on unpublished measurements, but further work is needed to determine absolute transition intensities and the decay energy. The decay schemes for 103Ru, 103Pd, and 103Ag appear to be well established on the basis of extensive but mainly unpublished results. The spins of a few low-lying levels in 103Ru are determined by single-nucleon transfer reactions. Spin assignments have been made for most low-lying levels in the stable nucleus 103Rh from 103Ru decay, 103Pd decay, and Coulomb excitation. The spins of many levels in 103Pd have been determined from extensive unpublished results in 103Ag decay, single-nucleon transfer reactions, and in-beam γ-ray studies. Only one excited level is known in 103Ag.For papers concerned with nuclear structure theory for A = 103 nuclei, see 66Sh18, 72Ku25, 73Bo16, and 73Im01.  相似文献   

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