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Immatureoilisknownasakindofimportantirregularoilresourcegeneratedfromkerogenbeforetheoilwindowunderlowmaturity(suchasR.r0'7%).Inrecentyears,commercialimmature0ilfieldshavebeenfound0vertheworldandalsoins0meregions0fEastChina[1].Apartofimmatureoilisinherite…  相似文献   


研究了海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷油藏和油藏与“源、断、势”之间空间分布关系,以及“源、断、势”对油成藏分布的控制作用及模式,得到:“源”控制油成藏范围;“势”控制油成藏部位,反向断裂翘倾隆起低势区控制着南屯组和铜钵庙组油聚集成藏,反转构造低势区控制着大磨拐河组油聚集成藏,古隆起低势区控制着基岩的油聚集成藏;“断”控制油的运聚,长期发育的断裂控制着南一段源岩生成的油向大磨拐河组中运移,早期伸展断裂控制着南屯组和铜钵庙组油的聚集.“源、断、势”3个因素空间合理匹配控制着乌尔逊凹陷油成藏与分布.但不同层位表现特征不同,南屯组和铜钵庙组主要集中表现在反向断裂翘倾隆起上,而大磨拐河组则集中表现在反转构造上,基岩集中表现在古隆起上.  相似文献   

长庆石油勘探局在安塞油田塞平一井分段试油压裂工艺技术研究中,自行设计研制了水平井自定位定向射初装置,进行了裂缝数目和工艺参数优选,并研制了液体胶塞技术,成功地实现了井筒隔离,保证了该井分4段射孔、试油压裂施工的顺利进行,取得了明显的增产效果。此项技术研究和实践的成功,填补了我国水平井分段试油压裂工艺技术的空白,为特低渗透油层水平井的开发提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

The Carpathian Foredeep to the north and NE of the Carpathian orogenic belt in SE Poland and NW Ukraine is divided into internal and external sectors. In the narrow internal foredeep, Lower and Middle Miocene shales, sandstones and interbedded evaporites are tightly folded. By contrast the external foredeep is characterized by the presence of a thick, unfolded Middle Miocene molasse succession. This ranges in thickness from a few hundred metres in the north of the external foredeep to >5000 m in the south, near the Carpathian thrust front. Middle Miocene sandstones in the external foredeep form a major reservoir for biogenic gas at fields in Poland and Ukraine. The Middle Miocene molasse succession in the external Carpathian Foredeep also contains organic-rich intervals which have source rock potential. For this paper, core samples (n = 670) of Badenian and Sarmatian mudstones from 43 boreholes in the Polish sector of the external foredeep were analysed to investigate their organic geochemistry and hydrocarbon potential. Results show that the samples analysed in general have low to fair (but locally high) total organic carbon (TOC) contents which range up 4.6 wt.% although the average is only 0.7 wt.%. Rock-Eval (S1+S2) values are poor to fair and the hydrogen index is also low with a mean value of less than 100 mg/g TOC. The samples analysed are dominated by gas-prone Type III kerogen and this is consistent with previous studies of time-equivalent samples from the Ukrainian part of the external foredeep. The organic matter is in general thermally immature and is interpreted to have been deposited in anoxic and/or sub-oxic conditions. However in the Polish part of the external foredeep, thermal maturities may locally reach the initial phase of the oil window where the Middle Miocene source rocks have been buried deeply beneath the Carpathian thrust front. The burial history and thermal evolution of the Middle Miocene succession were reconstructed by means of 1-D modelling at nine boreholes located in both the Polish and Ukrainian parts of the external Carpathian foredeep. The modelling indicated that Middle Miocene source rocks have only entered the initial phase of the oil window locally where they are buried beneath the flysch nappes of the Carpathian foldbelt. At these locations the generation of thermogenic gas may have begun at depths of more than 3 km. However, Middle Miocene source rocks are still immature at depths of >4000 m in some boreholes in the Ukrainian part of the study area. The absence of accumulations of thermogenic natural gas is consistent with the observed low levels of source rock maturity.  相似文献   

Honored ladies and gentlemen,comrades: Today,July 12,1990,is the seventh anniversary of the founding of the China Petrochemieal Gorporation.I have the privilege and honor to inform you  相似文献   

This study investigates the hydrocarbon generation potential, kerogen quality, thermal maturity and depositional environment of Middle – Upper Jurassic sedimentary rocks in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, using organic petrography, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and molecular organic geochemistry. Thirty-seven outcrop samples were analysed for their total organic carbon (TOC) and inorganic carbon (TIC) contents. The samples came from a Toarcian – Bathonian transitional glauconitic shale-mudstone unit, the overlying Upper Bathonian Gohatsion Formation, and the Lower Callovian – Upper Tithonian Antalo Limestone Formation. Thirteen samples with sufficient TOC contents for further analysis of the organic matter, eight from the Antalo Limestone Formation and five from the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit, were selected and analysed using Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Vitrinite reflectance (VRr) was measured on random particles, and qualitative maceral analysis was performed under normal incident and UV light. Nine samples were selected for molecular organic-geochemical analyses. All the samples originating from the Gohatsion Formation showed TOC values which were too low for further analyses of the organic matter. The TOC contents of shales and limestones from the Antalo Limestone Formation and and of shales from the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit were 3.43-6.43% (average 4.85%) and 0.76-3.15% (average 1.72%), respectively, and two coaly shale samples from the latter unit have average TOC values of 18.48%. HI values are very high for shales in the Antalo Limestone Formation (average 575 mg HC/g TOC) but lower for the shales in the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit. The vitrinite reflectance of shales from the Antalo Limestone Formation ranged between 0.21% and 0.47%; coaly shales from the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit have VRr% of between 0.29% and 0.35%. Pr/Ph ratios for samples of the Antalo Limestone Formation shales ranged from 0.8 to 1.1, indicating anoxic to suboxic depositional conditions; while shales in the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit show higher values of up to 4.9. In terms of organic petrography, the Antalo Limestone Formation samples are dominated by finely dispersed liptinite particles and alginite; the organic material in the glauconitic shale-mudstone unit is of higher land plant origin, with abundant vitrinite and inertinite. Sterane and hopane biomarker ratios suggest an anoxic/suboxic depositional environment for the Antalo Limestone Formation shales and limestones. These values together with Rock-Eval Tmax (average 414 °C), the high ratio of pristane and phytane over the n-alkanes C17 and C18, and hopane biomarker ratios indicate that the Middle – Upper Jurassic succession is of low thermal maturity in the central parts of the Blue Nile Basin. The Antalo Limestone Formation shales have a high petroleum generation potential, making them a viable target for future exploration activities.  相似文献   


The paper describes the effect of time and pressure on liquid product yields when Green River shale was exposed to supercritical methanol-water at 400°C and then extracted with benzene-methanol. Reaction times between 1 second and 34 minutes were studied as were pressures between 1800 and 5200 psi. Maximum yields of liquid product were obtained after a methanol-water treatment time of about 34 minutes. Presssure did not have a significant effect on product yields. Chemical characterization of Selected liquid products is reported and shows that the product composition varies with time. Exfoliation of shale also increases with treatment time. This phenomenon is discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

本文探讨当前海相碳酸盐岩生烃机制及其评价研究中的几大技术难题。提出高、过成熟碳酸盐岩残余有机碳恢复系数和残余生烃潜力恢复系数;干酪根芳核平均结构尺寸可作为前泥盆系海相碳酸盐岩新的热演化衡量标尺,它与镜质体反射率有良好线性关系;高演化阶段碳酸盐岩包裹体有机质仍能产生部分液态烃类,从而构成“三段式生烃模式”。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩生烃机制的新认识   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
作者通过逐阶抽提加热和逐阶加热模拟实验对碳酸盐岩的生烃机理进行了研究。研究中发现,(1)碳酸盐矿物对干酪根具有缩合脱氢作用,在较低温度下能促使干酪根降解成液态烃,从而也增加了气态烃的产率。(2)蒙脱石具有促进碳链断裂的作用,使液态烃在较低温度下向气态烃转化。(3)碳酸盐岩中粘土矿物的存在,影响了碳酸盐矿物对干酪根的缩合脱氢作用,从而降低了产烃率。(4)碳酸盐源岩生气高峰晚于泥质源岩。另外,通过对国内各地区各层系碳酸盐源岩剩余生气率的测定和低演化样品的模拟实验研究,可认为碳酸盐岩液态烃在地史上的运移率远高于泥质岩,纯灰岩可达60%,泥灰岩仅约25%。   相似文献   

冀中廊固凹陷火成岩对烃源岩及油气生成的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对冀中廊固凹陷火成岩侵入段烃源岩有机地球化学分析数据进行研究可知,火成岩侵入对镜质体反射率、H/C原子比等影响明显,而对烃比值、氢指数等影响不大,同时并未造成有机质过度熟化,而只是使生油高峰和湿气带上限提前.可见,火成岩侵入并非只是对烃源岩和先存油气藏起破坏作用,其短期的烘烤作用会使有机质的成熟度迅速增加,从而相比正常演化阶段要有所提前,尤其对未熟-低熟阶段烃源岩,可加速其熟化.而且火成岩多层侵入可增大生烃阶段烃源岩的厚度,更有利于油气生成.  相似文献   

运用有机地球化学和有机岩石学相结合的方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部中奥陶统平凉组烃源岩进行了较系统的研究。研究区内平凉组烃源岩厚度平面分布特点为南厚北薄,纵向上岩性组合为上部灰岩、下部泥岩,下部烃源岩有机质丰度高于上部。烃源岩有机质类型属于Ⅰ—Ⅱ型,并以Ⅰ型干酪根为主。作为海相烃源岩成熟度研究的指标,海相镜质组反射率揭示研究区平凉组烃源岩成熟度为西低东高,现今主体处于成熟晚期—高成熟的演化阶段。通过PetroMod软件盆地模拟,并结合生烃热模拟实验结果综合分析,认为该区平凉组烃源岩于晚三叠世早期开始生油,中侏罗世末到达生油高峰,大规模生气期为早白垩世,具有一定的天然气勘探潜力。  相似文献   

干酪根在不同生油岩中的生烃动力学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过Ⅰ型干酪根和Ⅱ2-Ⅲ1型干酪根在泥质岩和碳酸盐岩中的热解生烃动力学特征的分析, 认为在岩性相同时对生烃动力学起决定作用的是有机质类型, 但在有机质类型相同时, 不同生油岩岩性对其生烃动力学有一定的影响(尤其是主要生烃早期和生烃后期);岩性不同时, 相同有机质的活化能分布较为相似;Ⅰ 型干酪根的活化能分布范围很窄, 泥质岩与碳酸盐岩中主要分布于50 837~ 53 828 cal/mol;Ⅱ2-Ⅲ1 型干酪根活化能分布比Ⅰ 型干酪根范围宽, 但又表现为泥质岩活化能分布宽于碳酸盐岩。最后根据碳酸盐岩的热解动力学特征确定了含Ⅰ 型和Ⅱ2-Ⅲ1 型干酪根的碳酸盐岩生油岩剖面的生烃定量模型。  相似文献   

依据海相碳酸盐岩成烃特征探讨中扬子地区油气勘探前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从碳酸盐岩有机质丰度的下限评价标准入手,探讨了碳酸盐岩作为烃源岩的评价问题,并结合中扬子地区海相地层的发育特点,从烃源岩的角度分析了该区海相地层的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

随着勘探程度的提高,塔东地区寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层展现出良好油气勘探前景。根据碳酸盐岩沉积模式,通过岩石学特征、地震相、沉积古地貌解剖等研究,在塔东地区识别出盆地、广海陆棚、台缘斜坡、台缘礁滩、台缘浅滩、开阔台地、局限台地相等7种碳酸盐岩沉积相类型,指出塔东地区寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩沉积相具有三分结构特征:中部发育盆地相区,东部和西部发育台地相区及台缘相区。确定了下寒武统深水盆地—开阔台地,中—上寒武统(较)深水、浅水盆地—局限台地,中—下奥陶统浅水、深水盆地—开阔/局限台地沉积相组合序列及沉积体系展布特征,并结合相对海平面升降分析建立了塔东地区碳酸盐岩缓坡台盆体系—镶边台盆体系—远端变陡型台盆体系的沉积演化模式。指出台地边缘相发育礁滩储层、台缘斜坡相发育重力流沉积储层及局限台地内发育膏溶储层,是油气聚集的有利相带。  相似文献   

西北中生界煤系烃源岩中普遍含有木栓质体,它来源于植物周皮的木栓化细胞壁。在株罗系煤的显微组分中,如仅以木栓化细胞壁计,木栓质体一般占2%以下,若与充填在细胞腔中的四块镜质体同计,则最高可达20%左右。在Ro为0.35%~0.70%的热演化阶段,木栓质体光性变化明显,但形态、数量没有显著变化,反映在低成熟阶段木栓化细胞壁中明显失去木栓质和蜡质,而作为细胞壁格架的纤维素、木质化纤维素变化不大。随热成熟作用加深,木栓质体光性逐渐向结构镜质体和均质镜质体演化,至Ro达0.90%已难分辨。木栓质体具有低成熟度成烃特点,但在西北中生界烃源岩中,由于其含量较低,并非是最重要的生油组分。  相似文献   

下古生界烃源岩中镜状体的成因及其热演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
下古生界高、过成熟烃源岩中普遍存在镜状体,其成因至今尚未有统一的认识。通过对塔里木盆地、华北东部地区及湘西地区下古生界烃夺的有机岩石学分析发现:烃源岩中镜状体明显出现是在镜质体反射率大于0.9%以后;大量未熟和低熟腐泥型油源岩镜检分析均未见镜状体;镜状体的光性特征、成因特征和热演化特征均不沥青;在观察到的镜状体周围,有时可见到藻类体降解残迹。进而对爱泥尼亚奥陶系库同页岩进行热模拟实验,最终确认镜状  相似文献   

中国南方海相烃源岩生烃动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用Rock-Eval 6热解仪和Optkin动力学软件对中国南方海相烃源岩4种有机质类型样品进行了动力学分析,研究得出在相近演化阶段样品平均活化能是Ⅲ型>Ⅱ2型>Ⅱ1型>Ⅰ型,生烃能力是Ⅰ型>Ⅱ1型>Ⅱ2型>Ⅲ型,有效生烃期间(干酪根生烃转化率10%~90%)活化能跨度ΔE<15kJ/mol,15kJ/mol<ΔE1<20kJ/mol,20kJ/mol<ΔE2<30kJ/mol,ΔE>30kJ/mol,有效生烃温度跨度ΔT≤65℃,65℃≤ΔT1≤75℃,75℃≤ΔT2≤85℃,ΔT≥110℃.达到干酪根10%转化率的时间顺序是Ⅲ型最早,Ⅱ2型早于Ⅱ1型,Ⅰ型最晚.而完成90%干酪根转化率时间则是Ⅰ型早于Ⅱ1型,Ⅱ2型次之,Ⅲ型最晚.干酪根有机大分子结构特征和元素组成决定了其生烃活化能的频率分布特征,海相优质烃源岩具有快速生烃的特质.  相似文献   

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