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The authors introduce a form of automatic repeat request (ARQ), referred to as variable-rate type-I hybrid ARQ, in which the code rate varies in response to the fluctuations in the power received from a meteor trail. For one implementation, the source or the destination periodically obtains estimates of the signal power at the destination, and the source uses these estimates to select the rate of the code. For an alternative approach, the code rate is determined completely by the decoding successes and failures during previous transmissions. The performance measure is the throughput per trail, which is defined as the expected number of information bits received correctly for a given meteor trail. Numerical results for Reed-Solomon codes are included to illustrate the relative performance of the various schemes. It is shown that the throughput is larger for both implementations of variable-rate type-I hybrid ARQ than for fixed-rate type-I hybrid ARQ and ARQ without forward error correction  相似文献   

Incremental-redundancy transmission for meteor-burst communications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The performance of type-II hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ) is compared to that of fixed-rate type-I hybrid ARQ for meteor-burst communications. Maximum throughput is obtained for meteor-burst communications by using a transmission scheme for which the information rate of the code, varies in response to the fluctuations in the power received from a meteor trail. For type-II hybrid ARQ, a variation in the code rate is inherent in the coding scheme. On the first transmission that is made for a data block, a code of relatively high rate is used, but if an additional transmission is required, only redundant symbols are sent, and this reduces the overall rate of the code. The performance measure is the throughput per trail, which is defined as the expected number of successfully received information bits for a given meteor trail. The authors also develop an approximation for the average value of the throughput, averaged over the parameters of the meteor trail. Numerical results for Reed-Solomon codes are included to illustrate the relative performance of the various schemes. It is shown that the throughput is larger for type-II hybrid ARQ than for either fixed-rate type-I hybrid ARQ or ARQ without forward-error-correction  相似文献   

Four types of variable-rate convolutional network codes are investigated over a single-source finite cyclic network.It is found that variable-rate generic,dispersion and broadcast can be implemented on the same network without changing the local encoding kernels of the non-source nodes.The efficient implementation has the advantage that each non-source node only needs to store one copy of the local encoding kernel within a session.However,it is also shown by an example that variable-rate multicast may not always be implemented under the above condition.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a theoretical study of the meteor-burst channel which illustrates its time-varying bursty nature. In addition, the authors describe an innovative approach to data transmission over meteor-burst systems, i.e. the use of the feedback adaptive variable rate (FAVR) system which allows the maximum amount of information to be transmitted over each meteor-burst channel. For underdense meteor channels the FAVR performance is compared to an optimum system, i.e. a system capable of changing its bit rate instantaneously to channel conditions so as to maintain a constant SNR in each bit, and to a constant optimum rate/burst system. It is shown that when compared to an optimum rate per burst system, FAVR can result in a throughput increase exceeding a factor of 10. It is also shown that FAVR can approach the optimum system performance, although for practical purposes, it appears that 83-88% of optimum is attainable  相似文献   

For a stationary ergodic source, the source coding theorem and its converse imply that the optimal performance theoretically achievable by a fixed-rate or variable-rate block quantizer is equal to the distortion-rate function, which is defined as the infimum of an expected distortion subject to a mutual information constraint. For a stationary nonergodic source, however, the. Distortion-rate function cannot in general be achieved arbitrarily closely by a fixed-rate block code. We show, though, that for any stationary nonergodic source with a Polish alphabet, the distortion-rate function can be achieved arbitrarily closely by a variable-rate block code. We also show that the distortion-rate function of a stationary nonergodic source has a decomposition as the average of the distortion-rate functions of the source's stationary ergodic components, where the average is taken over points on the component distortion-rate functions having the same slope. These results extend previously known results for finite alphabets  相似文献   

Erasure generation techniques are investigated in conjunction with symbol interleaving as methods to improve the performance of meteor-burst communication systems. Erasure generation via Viterbi's (1982) ratio-threshold test (RTT) and a Bayesian scheme are both considered. It is found that a system using fixed-rate coding, interleaving, and erasure generation can significantly outperform more complex variable-rate coding schemes which do not use erasures  相似文献   

流星余迹通信是一种利用流星电离余迹反射电波实现数据传输的通信方式。衡量流星余迹通信系统性能的指标之一是所采用编码的数据包正确传输概率。通常采用的编码方式为固定速率编码,这种编码数据包传输正确概率较低,系统性能较差。变速率编码根据流星余迹通信信道特点,通过改变数据包中各个码字的码率,提高数据包正确传输概率,改善系统性能。理论分析和仿真结果表明,采用变速率编码系统性能提高。  相似文献   

We consider a nonergodic multiple-access Gaussian block-fading channel where a fixed number of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) fading coefficients affect each codeword. Variable-rate coding with input power constraint enforced on a per-codeword basis is examined. A centralized power and rate allocation policy is determined as a function of the previous and present fading coefficients. The power control policy that optimizes the expected rates is obtained through dynamic programming and the average capacity region and the average capacity region per unit energy are characterized. Moreover, we study the slope of spectral efficiency curve versus E/sub b//N/sub 0/ (dB), and we quantify the penalty incurred by time-division multiple access (TDMA) over superposition coding in the low-power regime.  相似文献   

Discrete-time source coding theorems are established for more general reproduction alphabets than allowed in previous results on coding for a class of sources subject to a fidelity constraint. The two different alphabets considered are metric spaces for which every closed bounded subset is compact and separable Hilbert spaces. Potential applications of the Hilbert space results to continuous-time source coding are discussed.  相似文献   

Distributed source coding for satellite communications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inspired by mobile satellite communications systems, we consider a source coding system which consists of multiple sources, multiple encoders, and multiple decoders. Each encoder has access to a certain subset of the sources, each decoder has access to certain subset of the encoders, and each decoder reconstructs a certain subset of the sources almost perfectly. The connectivity between the sources and the encoders, the connectivity between the encoders and the decoders, and the reconstruction requirements for the decoders are all arbitrary. Our goal is to characterize the admissible coding rate region. Despite the generality of the problem, we have developed an approach which enables us to study all cases on the same footing. We obtain inner and outer bounds of the admissible coding rate region in terms of ΓN * and Γ¯N*, respectively, which are fundamental regions in the entropy space defined by Yeung (1991). So far, there has not been a full characterization of ΓN*, so these bounds cannot be evaluated explicitly except for some special cases. Nevertheless, we obtain an alternative outer bound which can be evaluated explicitly. We show that this bound is tight for all the special cases for which the admissible coding rate region is known. The model we study in this paper is more general than all previously reported models on multilevel diversity coding, and the tools we use are new in multiuser information theory  相似文献   

Current and future visual communications for applications such as broadcasting videotelephony, video- and audiographic-conferencing, and interactive multimedia services assume a substantial audio component. Even text, graphics, fax, still images, email documents, etc. will gain from voice annotation and audio clips. A wide range of speech, wideband speech, and wideband audio coders is available for such applications. In the context of audiovisual communications, the quality of telephone-bandwidth speech is acceptable for some videotelephony and videoconferencing services. Higher bandwidths (wideband speech) may be necessary to improve the intelligibility and naturalness of speech. High quality audio coding including multichannel audio will be necessary in advanced digital TV and multimedia services. This paper explains basic approaches to speech, wideband speech, and audio bit rate compressions in audiovisual communications. These signal classes differ in bandwidth, dynamic range, and in listener expectation of offered quality. It will become obvious that the use of our knowledge of auditory perception helps minimizing perception of coding artifacts and leads to efficient low bit rate coding algorithms which can achieve substantially more compression than was thought possible only a few years ago. The paper concentrates on worldwide source coding standards beneficial for consumers, service providers, and manufacturers  相似文献   

Variable-rate universal source codes are data compression schemes that are optimum for the coding of a collection of sources (e.g., a source with unknown parameters) subject to a fixed average distortion constraint. Existence of variable-rate universal source codes is demonstrated for very general classes of sources and distortion measures.  相似文献   

The efficiency of medium access control strongly influences the performance of distributed wireless networks. Collisions in the channel and unused timeslots result in poor performance. On the other hand, quantum superdense coding proved that entanglement‐assisted quantum communications can improve the data transmission rates compared with classical systems. It allows sending two classical bits from one party to another in exchange of one quantum bit and a pre‐shared entangled Bell pair. This paper introduces a new protocol, which involves a modified version of superdense coding to medium access control of distributed communication systems. Using a pre‐shared entangled Bell pair and one classical bit, 2.5 classical bits can be transmitted in average between the parties in each timeslot. This means not only valuable increase in capacity, but the two‐way distributed operation opens new fields of investigation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Improved space-time coding for MIMO-OFDM wireless communications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Improved space-time coding for multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is studied for wireless systems using QPSK modulation for four transmit and four receive antennas. A 256-state code is shown to perform within 3 dB of outage capacity (and within 2 dB with perfect channel estimation), which is better than any other published result without using iterative decoding  相似文献   

Channel coding for asynchronous fiberoptic CDMA communications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several studies have explored the feasibility and systems performance aspects of a code division multiple access (CDMA) format for fiberoptic networks. Previously discussed CDMA architectures would either have to tolerate a high bit error rate or be forced to use long code sequences in networks with even a moderate number of simultaneous users. The use of long sequences lowers the maximum achievable bit rate or places unrealistic requirements on the system hardware. This paper examines some of the possible improvements to system performance that could be realized by combining the CDMA format with external error correcting codes (ECCs) or a PPM format. It is determined that ECCs can be highly effective in lowering the BER, and/or increasing the achievable information bit rate and number of network users. The results are sufficiently encouraging to conclude that one should seriously consider including ECCs in any practical fiberoptic CDMA network  相似文献   

A correction is presented in this note for an error which appears in the subject paper (see ibid., vol.37, p.1105-12, 1989). In addition, attached as an addendum is a proof that a modified version of an algorithm presented in the subject paper produces an optimal packet configuration for variable-rate coding in meteor-burst communications. The proof of optimality for the original algorithm is quite tedious, and was not included in the subject paper  相似文献   

差错控制编码在卫星通信中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文回顾了差错控制编码在航天卫星通信中30多年来的发展概况,重点介绍和分析了CCSDS级联码标准及其改进译码方法。文中还对近来出现的Turbo码的原理与特性进行总结,分析了Turbo码在卫星通信中应用的主要问题  相似文献   

We document the performance of space-time block codes, which provide a new paradigm for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmit antennas. Data is encoded using a space-time block code, and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted signals perturbed by noise. Maximum likelihood decoding is achieved in a simple way through decoupling of the signals transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detection. This uses the orthogonal structure of the space-time block code and gives a maximum likelihood decoding algorithm which is based only on linear processing at the receiver. We review the encoding and decoding algorithms for various codes and provide simulation results demonstrating their performance. It is shown that using multiple transmit antennas and space-time block coding provides remarkable performance at the expense of almost no extra processing  相似文献   

Modulation and coding for satellite and space communications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several modulation and coding advances supported by NASA are summarized. To support long-constraint-length convolutional code, a VLSI maximum-likelihood decoder, utilizing parallel processing techniques, which is being developed to decode convolutional codes of constraint length 15 and a code rate as low as 1/6 is discussed. A VLSI high-speed 8-b Reed-Solomon decoder which is being developed for advanced tracking and data relay satellite (ATDRS) applications is discussed. A 300-Mb/s modem with continuous phase modulation (CPM) and codings which is being developed for ATDRS is discussed. Trellis-coded modulation (TCM) techniques are discussed for satellite-based mobile communication applications  相似文献   

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