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In each of the mussel species Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus there exist two types of mtDNA, the F type transmitted through females and the M type transmitted through males. Because the two species produce fertile hybrids in nature, F and M types of one may introgress into the other. We present the results from a survey of a population in which extensive hybridization occurs between these two species. Among specimens classified as "pure" M. edulis or "pure" M. trossulus on the basis of allozyme analysis, we observed no animal that carried the F or the M mitotype of the other species. In most animals of mixed nuclear background, an individual's mtDNA came from the species that contributed the majority of the individual's nuclear genes. Most importantly, the two mtDNA types in post-F1 male hybrids were of the same species origin. We interpret this to mean that there are intrinsic barriers to the exchange of mtDNA between these two species. Because such barriers were not noted in other hybridizing species pairs (many being even less interfertile than M. edulis and M. trossulus), their presence in Mytilus could be another feature of the unusual mtDNA system in this genus.  相似文献   

The role, if any, that mitochondrial (mt) DNA alterations play in the carcinogenic process remains unclear. To determine whether mtDNA instability occurs in cancers, nine microsatellite sequences in the mtDNA were examined in 45 sporadic colorectal carcinomas. Alteration in a polycytidine (C)n tract within a non-coding displacement-loop (D-loop) region was detected in 20 carcinomas (44%), three of which also exhibited frameshift mutations in a polyadenosine (A)8 or polycytidine (C)6 tract within NADH dehydrogenase (ND) genes. Interestingly, all three mutant genes were predicted to encode truncated ND proteins, which lacked a large portion of the C-terminus. These results suggested that certain repair systems, like the mismatch repair systems in the nuclear genome, are required for mtDNA maintenance and that defects in these systems can lead to target mitochondrial gene mutations in colorectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

The leading hypothesis on the ancestor of domestic goats (Capra hircus) is that it is the wild goat called the bezoar or pasang (Capra aegagrus). To verify this hypothesis, we sequenced and compared the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA from six domestic goats and bezoar. A further sequence for the markhor was taken from the database. In total we detected 51 nucleotide substitutions among the domestic goats, bezoar and markhor. However, only one specific nucleotide substitution was found between the domestic goats and the bezoar. On the other hand, 43 nucleotide substitutions were specific for the markhor. This result suggested a close relationship between the domestic goats and the bezoar. A neighbor-joining and parsimony phylogenetic tree constructed using the sequences showed that the domestic goats and the bezoar belong to the same cluster, while the markhor showed a distinct cluster separate from that of the domestic/bezoar cluster. This result was confirmed by trees based on the sequence of the mitochondrial displacement loop regions. These results suggest that the strongest candidate for a matriarchal ancestor of domestic goats is the bezoar.  相似文献   

We have investigated sex ratio and mitochondrial DNA inheritance in pair-matings involving five female and five male individuals of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The percentage of male progeny varied widely among families and was found to be a characteristic of the female parent and independent of the male to which it was mated. Thus sex-ratio in Mytilus appears to be independent of the nuclear genotype of the sperm. With a few exceptions, doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) of mtDNA was observed in all families fathered by four of the five males: female and male progeny contained the mother's mtDNA (the F genome), but males contained also the father's paternal mtDNA (the M genome). Two hermaphrodite individuals found among the progeny of these crosses contained the F mitochondrial genome in the female gonad and both the F and M genomes in the male gonad. All four families fathered by the fifth male showed the standard maternal inheritance (SMI) of animal mtDNA: both female and male progeny contained only the maternal mtDNA. These observations illustrate the intimate linkage between sex and mtDNA inheritance in species with DUI and suggest different major roles for each gender. We propose a model according to which development of a male gonad requires the presence in the early germ cells of an agent associated with sperm-derived mitochondria, these mitochondria are endowed with a paternally encoded replicative advantage through which they overcome their original minority in the fertilized egg and this advantage (and, therefore, the chance of an early entrance into the germ line) is countered by a maternally encoded egg factor.  相似文献   

The spectacular evolutionary radiation of hummingbirds (Trochilidae) has served as a model system for many biological studies. To begin to provide a historical context for these investigations, we generated a complete matrix of DNA hybridization distances among 26 hummingbirds and an outgroup swift (Chaetura pelagica) to determine the principal hummingbird lineages. FITCH topologies estimated from symmetrized delta TmH-C values and subjected to various validation methods (bootstrapping, weighted jackknifing, branch length significance) indicated a fundamental split between hermit (Eutoxeres aquila, Threnetes ruckeri; Phaethornithinae) and nonhermit (Trochilinae) hummingbirds, and provided strong support for six principal nonhermit clades with the following branching order: (1) a predominantly lowland group comprising caribs (Eulampis holosericeus) and relatives (Androdon aequatorialis and Heliothryx barroti) with violet-ears (Colibri coruscans) and relatives (Doryfera ludovicae); (2) an Andean-associated clade of highly polytypic taxa (Eriocnemis, Heliodoxa, and Coeligena); (3) a second endemic Andean clade (Oreotrochilus chimborazo, Aglaiocercus coelestis, and Lesbia victoriae) paired with thorntails (Popelairia conversii); (4) emeralds and relatives (Chlorostilbon mellisugus, Amazilia tzacatl, Thalurania colombica, Orthorhyncus cristatus and Campylopterus villaviscensio); (5) mountain-gems (Lampornis clemenciae and Eugenes fulgens); and (6) tiny bee-like forms (Archilochus colubris, Myrtis fanny, Acestrura mulsant, and Philodice mitchellii). Corresponding analyses on a matrix of unsymmetrized delta values gave similar support for these relationships except that the branching order of the two Andean clades (2, 3 above) was unresolved. In general, subsidiary relationships were consistent and well supported by both matrices, sometimes revealing surprising associations between forms that differ dramatically in plumage and bill morphology. Our results also reveal some basic aspects of hummingbird ecologic and morphologic evolution. For example, most of the diverse endemic Andean assemblage apparently comprises two genetically divergent clades, whereas the majority of North American hummingbirds belong a single third clade. Genetic distances separating some morphologically distinct genera (Oreotrochilus, Aglaiocercus, Lesbia; Myrtis, Acestrura, Philodice) were no greater than among congeneric (Coeligena) species, indicating that, in hummingbirds, morphological divergence does not necessarily reflect level of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNAs of Cerrena unicolor and Trametes consors were sequenced and compared with those of known mushroom taxa. Trametes consors is a species recently transferred from Irpex, and Cerrena is a genus closely related to Trametes. The present phylogenetic tree showed that Cerrena unicolor and Trametes consors clustered together and made an independent lineage from the Trametes group. A new combination, Cerrena consors (Berk.) Ko and Jung, comb nov., is proposed here by transferring Trametes consors into Cerrena based on molecular data along with taxonomic evidence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A major research priority is the influence of childhood and adolescent physical activity patterns on adult physical activity. The research in this area is inconsistent. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships among specific components of physical activity during childhood and adolescence and exercise habits in adulthood. METHODS: We analyzed preteen and teenage experiences, individual and team sports, and several psychosocial variables. One hundred and five male volunteers completed questionnaires about their current (estimated energy expenditure (EE)) and historic physical activity and a treadmill stress test. RESULTS: Based on correlations and regression analyses, without and with controlling for potentially confounding variables (treadmill run time and sum of skinfolds), the frequency of being forced to exercise and the frequency of being encouraged to exercise during the preteen years were inversely related to adult physical activity. Being forced to exercise during the preteen years was more related to participation in individual sports than to participation in team sports or both individual and team sports. CONCLUSIONS: Being forced to exercise during childhood may have potentially negative consequences for later activity. The findings indicate that experiences related to participation in activity during childhood and adolescence may influence adult physical activity. The implications of our findings are discussed and future research is recommended.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder caused by a germline inactivating mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Patients with FAP sometimes develop various extracolonic manifestations including adrenocortical neoplasms. We present a 14-year-old boy with FAP who had an adrenocortical tumor with atypical histopathologic features, ie, sex-cord-like differentiation. Immunohistochemical studies of adrenal 4 binding protein (Ad4BP) and steroidogenic enzymes showed the capacity of these tumor cells to produce steroids. Genetic analysis of the tumor disclosed a two-hit mutation in APC: a germline 5-base pair deletion accompanied by a loss of the normal allele. Because there were no reports of genetic alterations in adrenocortical tumors developed in FAP patients, we examined 10 sporadic adrenal tumors (four carcinomas and six adenomas) for mutations in APC. However, no mutations were found in these 10 sporadic adrenal tumors. These results suggest that mutation of APC is also responsible for some fraction of the adrenocortical tumors: the tumor in this case is included.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used to tag proteins of the mitochondrial matrix, inner, and outer membranes to examine their sorting patterns relative to mtDNA in zygotes of synchronously mated yeast cells in rho+ x rho0 crosses. When transiently expressed in one of the haploid parents, each of the marker proteins distributes throughout the fused mitochondrial reticulum of the zygote before equilibration of mtDNA, although the membrane markers equilibrate slower than the matrix marker. A GFP-tagged form of Abf2p, a mtDNA binding protein required for faithful transmission of rho+ mtDNA in vegetatively growing cells, colocalizes with mtDNA in situ. In zygotes of a rho+ x rho+ cross, in which there is little mixing of parental mtDNAs, Abf2p-GFP prelabeled in one parent rapidly equilibrates to most or all of the mtDNA, showing that the mtDNA compartment is accessible to exchange of proteins. In rho+ x rho0 crosses, mtDNA is preferentially transmitted to the medial diploid bud, whereas mitochondrial GFP marker proteins distribute throughout the zygote and the bud. In zygotes lacking Abf2p, mtDNA sorting is delayed and preferential sorting is reduced. These findings argue for the existence of a segregation apparatus that directs mtDNA to the emerging bud.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from parts of the 12S, 16S and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes, which totalled 1049 aligned base pairs, were used to estimate the relationships of 49 species of Lacertidae, including representatives of 19 out of the 23 recognized genera and 23 species of the paraphyletic genus Lacerta. These data were used, together with morphological information, to estimate the relationships within the family. Molecular evidence corroborates the monophyletic status of many genera and species groups originally based on morphology. It indicates that Psammodromus forms a clade with Gallotia, which is the sister taxon of all other lacertids. These comprise three units: the primarily Afrotropical armatured group; the largely Oriental Takydromus; and the west Palaearctic Lacerta and its derivatives, Podarcis and Algyroides. Morphology also supports the first three assemblages, but suggests that they are derived from a paraphyletic Lacerta. Within Lacerta and its allies, DNA sequence analysis corroborates the affinity of some members of each of the subgenera Lacerta s. str. and Timon, and of the L. saxicola group. It also supports the relationship of L. monticola, L. bonnali and L. horvathi, and suggests that the L. parva--L. fraasi clade and L. brandli are not related to Psammodromus Gallotia, as morphology indicates, but instead are associated respectively with the L. danfordi and L. saxicola groups. DNA sequence data provide additional evidence that the eastern Arabian 'Lacerta' jayakari and 'L.' cyanura are members of the armatured clade and also sister species. Our analysis supports an origin for present lacertids in west Eurasia. The armatured clade invaded Africa, probably in the mid-Miocene, spreading widely and evolving increasingly xeric-adapted forms, one lineage of which later moved back into the Palaearctic. 'Lacerta' jayakari and 'L.' cyanura are assigned to Omanosaura, Lutz and Mayer 1986. The name Gallotiinae Cano, Baez, Lopez-Jurado & Ortega, 1984 is available for the Gallotia-Psammodromus clade, Eremiainae Shcherbak 1975 for the armatured clade and Lacertinae for Lacerta, Podarcis and Algyroides. Two new subgenera of Lacerta are proposed here: Caucasilacerta for L. saxicola and its allies, and Parvilacerta for L. parva and L. fraasi.  相似文献   

Concentrations of albendazole and its active metabolite in echinococcal cyst of the human liver were determined in order to evaluate drug effects of the decrease of protoscolex vitality. Albendazole concentration of 0-64.9 micrograms/ml and albendazole sulfoxide of 0-40.8 micrograms/ml were found in cysts. The protoscolexes showed markedly manifested morphologic changes up to the disintegration. The postoperative follow up of patients within 24 months discovered no recidives of the disease and the patients were regarded as cured. On the basis of the results obtained it has been concluded that the use of albendazole in the dose of 800 mg/day within 28 day is sufficient for achievement of therapeutic drug level in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Allelic variation at seven hypervariable tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci was used to determine levels of population differentiation between 14 populations of red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in northeast Scotland, UK. Despite the potential for long-distance dispersal in grouse, and a semicontinuous habitat, significant population divergence was observed (mean RST = 0.153; P < 0.01) and an isolation-by-distance effect detected (Mantel test: P < 0.001). Examination of the spatial trend in principal component scores derived from allele frequencies among populations highlighted a barrier to gene flow that was confounding a simple isolation-by-distance effect. This barrier corresponded to an area of unsuitable habitat for grouse associated with a river system that bisected the study area. Mean genetic relatedness was higher for males than for females in all but one of the study populations, suggesting that the territorial behaviour and natal philopatry displayed by cocks have a manifold effect in generating the observed spatial genetic structure. Lower female relatedness values suggest a higher level of female-mediated gene flow, which is sufficient to prevent the loss of genetic variation from within populations and the onset of inbreeding effects. The potential consequences of local subdivision for red grouse populations are discussed.  相似文献   

We report the presence, in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of all of the sexual species of the salamander family Ambystomatidae, of a shared 240-bp intergenic spacer between tRNAThr and tRNAPro. We place the intergenic spacer in context by presenting the sequence of 1,746 bp of mtDNA from Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum, describe the nucleotide composition of the intergenic spacer in all of the species of Ambystomatidae, and compare it to other coding and noncoding regions of Ambystoma and several other vertebrate mtDNAs. The nucleotide substitution rate of the intergenic spacer is approximately three times faster than the substitution rate of the control region, as shown by comparisons among six Ambystoma macrodactylum sequences and eight members of the Ambystoma tigrinum complex. We also found additional inserts within the intergenic spacers of five species that varied from 87-444 bp in length. The presence of the intergenic spacer in all sexual species of Ambystomatidae suggests that it arose at least 20 MYA and has been a stable component of the ambystomatid mtDNA ever since. As such, it represents one of the few examples of a large and persistent intergenic spacer in the mtDNA of any vertebrate clade.  相似文献   

Mutants of human Namalwa cells are described, denoted rho d (mtDNA-depleted), which contain a very low mtDNA copy number. Three isolates, denoted FV02, FV03 and FV05, each selected on the basis of their pyruvate-dependent phenotype, were shown to have severely reduced mitochondrial respiratory functions consistent with results of histochemical and cytochrome analysis. Analyses of mtDNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blotting indicated that FV02, FV03 and FV05 each contained a full complement of mtDNA sequences, 16.6 kb in length, in circular form but at a greatly reduced level compared with that of parent rho + cells. Quantitative PCR tests showed first, that the parent Namalwa rho + cells contain about 1800 molecules of mtDNA and second, that cells of each of FV02, FV03 and FV05 contain between 100- and 1000-fold less mtDNA than rho + cells. Subclones of each of FV02, FV03 and FV05 all contained detectable mtDNA, thus eliminating the possibility that these isolates are mixtures of rho o (devoid of mtDNA) and rho + cells. Each of the rho d cell lines FV02, FV03 and FV05 had a more rapid growth rate than the corresponding rho o cells but less than that of the parent Namalwa rho + cells. The experimentally induced rho d cells described here may represent a useful model for human diseases in which severe depletion of cellular mtDNA levels in tissues is encountered.  相似文献   

Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal septum developed in a 55-year old man with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is suggested that the malignancy was induced by immunosuppressive state from an increased and prolonged use of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids. Although the efficacy of the therapeutic concept using cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids is well established, there have been some few reports that cyclophosphamide could be implicated in the genesis of malignancies. The pathophysiology of Wegener's granulomatosis should be better understood, and effective and less toxic alternative protocol should be established.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare the effectiveness of intramuscular meperidine (2 mg/kg) and promethazine (1 mg/kg) with chlorpromazine (MPC) or without chlorpromazine (MP) (1 mg/kg) for sedation of children undergoing emergency department procedures. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind trial. SETTING: A community and university hospital ED. TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-seven hemodynamically and neurologically stable children less than 16 years old. INTERVENTIONS: IM sedation followed by intended procedure. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Children receiving either combination were not significantly different with regard to age, sex, weight, chronic illness, and indications. Procedures included laceration repair (46), fracture reduction (25), and others (16). Mean onset of action was similar (16 +/- 12 minutes), whereas the duration of action was significantly longer after MPC (63 +/- 57 minutes [mean +/- SD] compared with MP 29 +/- 36 minutes; P < .05, Student's t-test). Paradoxical hyperactivity occurred only after MP (three of 43 cases; P = NS, Fisher's exact test), whereas transient oxygen desaturation occurred only after MPC (one of 44 cases; P = NS). No other serious complications were observed. Three observers rated the effectiveness of sedation and analgesia on separate 10.2-cm visual-analog scales. Overall, MPC received significantly better ratings (7.4 +/- 2.1 cm) than MP (5.7 +/- 3.0 cm; P < .05, Mann-Whitney U test). Parents believed sedation worked well in 90% of cases. Their children had bad memories of the procedure in only 9% of cases. CONCLUSION: Elimination of chlorpromazine from the IM combination of meperidine and promethazine for pediatric sedation during ED procedures results in a significant reduction in efficacy.  相似文献   

The nature of the endogenous viral DNA sequences in guinea pig cells was studied by hybridization. A segment of the viral RNA (r-VRNA) hybridizing to abundant (or reiterated) DNA sequences (R-VDNA) was isolated by recycling to a Cot of 300. The hybridization of the recycled VRNA, as well as the total VRNA, was followed by determining their kinetics and by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The kinetics of hybridization of total VRNA were complex, did not follow a second-order kinetics, and revealed two slopes by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The recycled RNA, on the other hand, had a second-order reaction rate expected of the hybridization between a single species of RNA and DNA sequences and yielded a single straight line in a Wetmur-Davidson plot. The Cot1/2 and slope of the recycled r-VRNA was almost identical to that of the abundant VDNA sequences obtained from the hybridization data of the total VRNA. Guinea pig 28S rRNA with or without recycling was used in monitoring hybridization rate. The kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA followed a second-order reaction and produced a single straight line by Wetmur-Davidson plot, with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 9.6 x 10(-3) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 104 mol-s/liter, and reiteration frequency of 146. There was no difference in the kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA before and after recycling. These experiments showed that guinea pig cells contain two classes of VDNA sequences. (i) R-VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 8.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 1,219 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 12 represent 37.5% of the viral genome. (ii) Unique VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 1.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 7,692 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 2 represent 62.5% of the viral genome.  相似文献   

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