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Numerous animals have evolved effective mechanisms to integrate into and exploit ant societies. Chemical integration strategies are particularly widespread among ant symbionts (myrmecophiles), probably because social insect nestmate recognition is predominantly mediated by cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). The importance of an accurate chemical mimicry of host CHCs for social acceptance recently has been demonstrated in a myrmecophilous silverfish. In the present study, we investigated the role of chemical mimicry in the myrmecophilous spider Gamasomorpha maschwitzi that co-occurs in the same host, Leptogenys distinguenda, as the silverfish. To test whether spiders acquire mimetic CHCs from their host or not, we transferred a stable isotope-labeled hydrocarbon to the cuticle of workers and analyzed the adoption of this label by the spiders. We also isolated spiders from hosts in order to study whether this affects: 1) their chemical host resemblance, and 2) their social integration. If spiders acquired host CHCs, rather than biosynthesizing them, they would be expected to lose these compounds during isolation. Spiders acquired the labeled CHC from their host, suggesting that they also acquire mimetic CHCs, most likely through physical contact. Furthermore, isolated spiders lost considerable quantities of their CHCs, indicating that they do not biosynthesize them. However, spiders remained socially well integrated despite significantly reduced chemical host similarity. We conclude that G. maschwitzi depends less on chemical mimicry to avoid recognition and aggressive rejection than the silverfish previously studied, suggesting that the two myrmecophiles possess different adaptations to achieve social integration.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies provide a valuable resource that attracts and offers shelter to a large community of arthropods. Previous research has suggested that many specialist parasites of social insects chemically mimic their host in order to evade aggression. In the present study, we carry out a systematic study to test how common such chemical deception is across a group of 22 arthropods that are associated with red wood ants (Formica rufa group). In contrast to the examples of chemical mimicry documented in some highly specialized parasites in previous studies, we find that most of the rather unspecialized red wood ant associates surveyed did not use mimicry of the cuticular hydrocarbon recognition cues to evade host detection. Instead, we found that myrmecophiles with lower cuticular hydrocarbon concentrations provoked less host aggression. Therefore, some myrmecophiles with low hydrocarbon concentrations appear to evade host detection via a strategy known as chemical insignificance. Others showed no chemical disguise at all and, instead, relied on behavioral adaptations such as particular defense or evasion tactics, in order to evade host aggression. Overall, this study indicates that unspecialized myrmecophiles do not require the matching of host recognition cues and advanced strategies of chemical mimicry, but can integrate in a hostile ant nest via either chemical insignificance or specific behavioral adaptations.  相似文献   

Butterfly caterpillars in the lycaenid subfamily Miletinae are predators of ant-tended Homoptera, yet they lack specialized secretory and call-production organs crucial to ant association in other lycaenids. Here, we address the question of how miletine caterpillars have invaded the ant–Homoptera symbiosis through a study of the only New World miletine, Feniseca tarquinius, a predator of the wooly aphid Prociphilus tesselatus. Previous interpretations have suggested that F. tarquinius and other miletine caterpillars avoid ant aggression by concealing themselves under silken webs. In contrast, our field data indicate that F. tarquinius caterpillars are less likely to be concealed in the presence of the ants Camponotus pennsylvanicus and Formica obscuriventris than in the absence of ants, although caterpillar and ant behaviors vary between years. Chemical analysis and behavioral assays suggest that chemical camouflage, not physical concealment, is responsible for the ants’ failure to detect and remove F. tarquinius caterpillars from aphid colonies. Analyses by gas chromatography indicate that the cuticular lipid composition of caterpillars are similar to that of their aphid prey, although it varies with prey species. Behavioral assays confirm that solvent extracts of F. tarquinius caterpillars and P. tesselatus aphids evoke similar behavioral responses in C. pennsylvanicus ants. Chemical camouflage is well known in social parasites of ants, but the present study represents one of a few documented cases where chemical deceit is important to interactions with ants outside the nest.  相似文献   

Harvester Ants Utilize Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Nestmate Recognition   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Cuticular hydrocarbons appear to play a role in ant nestmate recognition, but few studies have tested this hypothesis experimentally with purified hydrocarbon extracts. We exposed captive colonies of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus to small glass blocks coated with whole cuticular lipid extracts and the purified hydrocarbon portion of extracts from nestmate and nonnestmate workers. As an estimate of agonistic behavior, we measured the proportion of ants in contact with blocks that flared their mandibles. Blocks coated with cuticular extracts from nonnestmates were contacted by more workers in one of two experiments and elicited higher levels of aggression in both experiments than blocks bearing extracts from nestmates. The cuticular hydrocarbon fraction of extracts alone was sufficient to elicit agonistic behavior toward nonnestmates. The results demonstrate that harvester ants can perceive differences in cuticular hydrocarbon composition, and can use those differences in nestmate recognition.  相似文献   

The salticid spider Cosmophasis bitaeniata preys on the larvae of the green tree ant Oecophylla smaragdina. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) reveal that the cuticle of C. bitaeniata mimics the mono- and dimethylalkanes of the cuticle of its prey. Recognition bioassays with extracts of the cuticular hydrocarbons of ants and spiders revealed that foraging major workers did not respond aggressively to the extracts of the spiders or conspecific nestmates, but reacted aggressively to conspecific nonnestmates. Typically, the ants either failed to react (as with control treatments with no extracts) or they reacted nonaggressively as with conspecific nestmates. These data indicate that the qualitative chemical mimicry of ants by C. bitaeniata allows the spiders to avoid detection by major workers of O. smaragdina.  相似文献   

Lysiphlebus cardui, the dominant aphidiid parasitoid of the black bean aphid,Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis (Afc), on creeping thistle, is able to forage in ant-attended aphid colonies without being attacked by ants. Several behavioral observations and experimental studies led to the hypothesis thatL. cardui mimics the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of its host aphid. Chemical analysis of the cuticular extracts revealed that bothL. cardui and Afc exclusively possess saturated hydrocarbons:n-alkanes, monomethyl (MMA), dimethyl (DMA), and trimethyl alkanes (TMA). Comparison of the hydrocarbon profiles of parasitoid and aphid showed great qualitative resemblance between parasitoid and host:L. cardui possesses almost all host-specific compounds in addition to species-specific hydrocarbons of mainly higher molecular weight (>C30). However, there is a lesser quantitative correspondence between parasitoid and host aphid. Furthermore, we analyzed the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of another parasitoid of Afc,Trioxys angelicae. This aphidiid species is vigorously attacked and finally killed by honeydewcollecting ants when encountered in aphid colonies. Its cuticular hydrocarbon profile is characterized by the presence of large amounts of (Z)-11-alkenes of chain lenghts C27, C29, C31, and C33, in addition to alkanes and presumably trienes. The role of the unsaturated hydrocarbons onT. angelicae as recognition cues for aphid-attending ants is discussed.  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbons ofFormica selysi (Formicinae) andMonica rubida (Myrmicinae) reared in single species and in mixed species colonies were determined using gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. In colonies containing both species, each species modified its species-specific recognition odor. This odor is composed, at least partly, of cuticular hydrocarbons. The cuticular hydrocarbons ofM. rubida consist only of saturated alkanes (n-alkanes and branched alkanes). InF. selysi the mixture also contains unsaturated compounds (monoenes and dienes). In hetero-specific colonies, a new chemical signature developed. This signature resulted from qualitative and quantitative changes in the spectrum of hydrocarbons produced by each species and permitted the two species to inhabit the same nest without displaying interspecific aggression. The readjustment seemed to be more an active synthesis or an active transfer than simply a passive transfer from one species to the other. This may imply that the ants synthesized some components of the hydrocarbon signature of the other species. These synthesizing processes may be activated under particular social environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition plays a key role in kin selection to maintain colony integrity in social insects. Previous studies have demonstrated that nestmate recognition is dependent on detection of cuticular hydrocarbons. However, the absence of intraspecific aggression between some colonies of Isoptera and social Hymenoptera questions whether kin recognition must occur in social insects. The purpose of this study was to determine if cuticular hydrocarbon similarity and high genetic relatedness could explain the lack of intraspecific aggression among and within colonies of the introduced subterranean termite Reticulitermes santonensis. We performed both GC analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons and genotyping by using 10 DNA microsatellite loci on the same 10 workers from each of 14 parisian colonies. Multivariate analyses demonstrated correspondence between cuticular hydrocarbon patterns and genetic variation. By using a redundancy analysis combining chemical and genetic data, we found that a few hydrocarbons (mainly short vs. long chains; saturated vs. unsaturated alkanes) were associated with most genetic variation. We also found a strong positive correlation between chemical and genetic distances between colonies, thus providing evidence of a genetic basis for cuticular hydrocarbon variation. However, genetic distance did not account for all chemical variation, thus suggesting that some hydrocarbon variation was environmentally derived. Investigation at the intracolony level indicated that cuticular hydrocarbons did not depend on colony social structure. Based on our findings, we speculate that the absence of intraspecific aggression in R. santonensis may result from a loss of diversity in genetically derived recognition compounds in this species that presumably descended from R. flavipes populations imported from North America.  相似文献   

Territorial boundaries between conspecific social insect colonies are maintained through a highly developed nestmate recognition system modulated by heritable and, in some instances, nonheritable cues. Argentine ants, Linepithema humile, use both genetic and environmentally derived cues to discriminate nestmates from nonnestmates. We explored the possibility that intraspecific aggression in the Argentine ant might diminish when colonies shared a common diet. After segregating recently field-collected colony pairs into high or moderate aggression categories, we examined the effect of one of three diets: two hydrocarbon-rich insect prey, Blattella germanica and Supella longipalpa, and an artificial (insect-free) diet, on the magnitude of aggression loss. Aggression diminished between colony pairs that were initially moderately aggressive. However, initially highly aggressive colony pairs maintained high levels of injurious aggression throughout the study, independent of diet type. Each diet altered the cuticular hydrocarbon profile by contributing unique, diet-specific cues. We suggest that acquisition of common exogenous nestmate recognition cues from shared food sources may diminish aggression and promote fusion in neighboring colonies of the Argentine ant.  相似文献   

In ca. 150 species of queenless ants, a specialized queen caste is rare or absent, and mated workers take over the role of the queen in some or all of the colonies. Previously, it has been shown that reproduction in queenless ants is regulated by a combination of dominance behavior and chemical fertility signaling. It is unknown, however, whether chemical signals alone can sufficiently regulate reproduction. To investigate this possibility, we studied reproductive regulation in the facultatively queenless ant Gnamptogenys striatula, a species where dominance behavior is rare or absent. Active egg layers and infertile workers showed qualitative and quantitative differences in their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. Five long-chain methyl alkanes, 3,13- and 3,15-dimethyl pentriacontane, 3,13- and 3,15-dimethyl heptentriacontane, and 3,11,15-trimethyl heptentriacontane occurred only on the cuticles of virgin and mated egg layers. Pronounced quantitative differences were found in a further 27 alkenes; alkanes; and mono-, di-, and trimethyl alkanes. Workers that had recently stopped laying eggs had profiles similar to infertile workers, and mating status did not affect this chemical pattern. We conclude that the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of G. striatula workers provide reliable information about their current fertility. In the interest of colony productivity, this allows reproduction to be regulated without the use of aggression.  相似文献   

Numerous recent studies have correlated cuticular hydrocarbon profiles with a wide range of behaviors, particularly in social insects. These findings are wholly or partly based on multivariate statistical methods such as discriminate analysis (DA) or principal component analysis (PCA). However, these methods often provide limited insight into the biological processes that generate the small differences usually detected. This may be a consequence of variability in the system due to inadequate sample sizes and the assumption that all compounds are independent. A fundamental problem is that these methods combine rather than separate the effects of signal components. By using cuticular hydrocarbon data from previous social insect studies, we showed that: (1) in 13 species of Formica ants and seven species of Vespa hornets, at least one group of hydrocarbons in each species was highly (r 2 > 0.8) correlated, indicating that all compounds are not independent; (2) DA was better at group separation that PCA; (3) the relationships between colonies (chemical distance) were unstable and sensitive to variability in the system; and (4) minor compounds had a disproportionately large effect on the analysis. All these factors, along with sample size, need to be considered in the future analysis of complex chemical profiles.  相似文献   

Ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae) have long-lived, aposematic, chemically protected adults. However, little is known about the defense mechanisms in larvae and other juvenile stages. We showed that larvae Mechanitis polymnia are defended from ants by a chemical similarity between their cuticular lipids and those of the host plant, Solanum tabacifolium (Solanaceae). This is a novel defense mechanism in phytophagous insects. A field survey during one season showed that larval survivorship was up to 80%, which is high when compared with other juvenile stages. In a laboratory bioassay, live larvae on their host plant were not attacked by the predatory ant Camponotus crassus (Formicidae). Two experiments showed that the similarity between the cuticular lipids of M. polymnia and S. tabacifolium protected the larvae from C. crassus: (a) when the caterpillar was switched from a host plant to a non-host plant, the predation rate increased, and (b) when a palatable larva (Spodoptera frugiperda, Noctuidae) was coated with the cuticular lipids of M. polymnia and placed on S. tabacifolium leaves, it no longer experienced a high predation rate. This defensive mechanism can be defined as chemical camouflage, and may have a double adaptive advantage, namely, protection against predation and a reduction in the cost of sequestering toxic compounds from the host plant.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition was studied in the polydomous antCataglyphis iberica (Formicinae) in the laboratory. The study examined six colonies collected from two different populations 600 km apart in the Iberian peninsula (Barcelona and Murcia). Introduction of an alien worker into an allocolonial arena always ended in death to the intruder, demonstrating that in this species societies are extremely closed. Dyadic encounters composed of individuals from different colonies in a neutral arena confirmed the existence of high aggression between allocolonial individuals. We also investigated variability in the composition of the major cuticular hydrocarbons between the colonies used in the behaviorial tests. There were marked quantitative differences between the profiles of ants from the two populations, suggesting that the populations are completely segregated. Cuticular profiles within a population tended to be more similar, but were nevertheless colony specific. The degree of colony closure inC. iberica seemed to be independent of geographic distance since aggression between the colonies was always at its maximum, irrespective of their population origin.  相似文献   

Females of the obligately parasitic cuckoo ant,Leptothorax kutteri, a workerless inquiline, are among the only adult ants that can successfully invade ant societies and come to be accepted as a nestmate by the existing adult workers. This occurs even though the cuckoo ant is usually severely attacked by theLeptothorax acervorum workers of the colony that she is attempting to enter and parasitize. Through extensive ethogram studies of established parasites and parasitized and free-livingL. acervorum workers and queens, we show that theL. kutteri queen grooms host queens at an exceptionally high frequency. Possibly associated with this behavior, the established parasite is never attacked by theL. acervorum workers or queens she exploits. We show that there is exceptional similarity between the cuticular hydrocarbons and especially the cuticular fatty acids of the parasitic females and her nestmateL. acervorum workers, compared with nonnestmate workers and queens. We suggest that this matching of cuticular compounds may be associated with the grooming of host queens by the parasite. This in turn suggests the possibility that fatty acids have a role in colony-specific nestmate recognition in these and other ants and that grooming may serve for the dissemination of such substances throughout the colony.  相似文献   

Tetramorium bicarinatum(Myrmicinae) is an ant species frequently found in tropical and subtropical areas, particularly in Africa, Southeast Asia (Japan), and South America (Brazil). The species is polygynous, reproduces by budding, and has sterile workers. Since the nests are widely distributed in a given area, the problem arises of territorial defense against conspecifics. Because not all ants defend territories, we assessed the defensive behavior of T. bicarinatumworkers through intraspecific and interspecific aggressiveness tests. A detailed behavioral study of the interactions between workers from several different colonies of T. bicarinatum(originating from Japan and Brazil) showed that workers do not discriminate against conspecific nonnestmate individuals, but they are highly aggressive towards allospecifics (Myrmica rubra, Myrmicinae). The results suggest that each colony from this ant species possesses a similar colonial odor. Chemical analyses of the cuticular hydrocarbons of these species were made with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Results showed that the different colonies of T. bicarinatumpossess a common chemical profile mainly composed of straight-chain alkanes and alkenes, while M. rubrapossess more methyl-branched alkanes. We suggest that methyl alkane cues play a determining role in colonial recognition and that these results could explain the underlaying basis of the lack of intraspecific aggressiveness in T. bicarinatum.  相似文献   

Chemical mimicry is an effective strategy when signal receivers recognize and discriminate models by relying on chemical cues. Some aphid enemies mimic the cuticular chemicals of aphids through various means thus avoiding detection and attack by aphid-tending ants. However, because ants have been reported to learn the chemical signatures of aphids in order to distinguish the aphids, the efficacy of chemical mimicry is predicted to depend on the experience of the ants that had tended aphids. The present study tested this hypothesis using two predator species: larvae of the green lacewing Mallada desjardinsi, and larvae of the ladybeetle Scymnus posticalis. Lacewing larvae carry the carcasses of aphids on which they have preyed upon their backs, and these function via chemical camouflage to reduce the aggressiveness of aphid-tending ants toward the larvae. Ladybeetle larvae reportedly produce a covering of wax structures, and their chemicals appear to attenuate ant aggression. We examined whether the behavior of the ant Tetramorium tsushimae toward these predators changed depending on their aphid-tending experience. Ants moderated their aggressiveness toward both predators when they had previously tended aphids, indicating that chemical mimicry by both aphid predators is dependent on previous experience of the ants in tending aphids. Chemical mimicry by the predators of ant-tended aphids is therefore considered to exploit learning-dependent aphid recognition systems of ants.  相似文献   

By using chemical analyses, as well as laboratory and field behavioral tests, we tested the hypothesis that rove beetles of the myrmecophilous genus Pella use alarm pheromone compounds to avert attacks by their host ant Lasius fuliginosus. The secretions of Pella funestus and P. humeralis contain quinones and different aliphatic compounds, mainly undecane and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (sulcatone). The latter two chemicals are also found in L. fuliginosus pheromone glands. Behavioral tests confirmed that undecane serves as an “aggressive alarm”-inducing pheromone in L. fuliginosus, whereas sulcatone most likely is a “panic-alarm”-inducing pheromone. The main tergal-secretion compounds, various quinones and undecane, individually and in mixtures induced aggression in L. fuliginosus workers. When sulcatone was added to these compounds, the space around the odor source was avoided and a reduced number of aggressive acts observed, suggesting that sulcatone blocks the aggression-inducing effect of undecane and the quinones. These results support the hypothesis that Pella beetles mimic alarm pheromones of their hosts. This is a rare example of chemical mimicry in myrmecophilous insects in which chemicals other than cuticular hydrocarbons are used.  相似文献   

Colonies of the stingless bee Tetragonilla collina frequently occur in unusually high densities and in direct neighborhood (nest aggregations), in rainforests of Southeast Asia. To investigate whether close relatedness and/or similar chemical profiles facilitate the co-occurrence of multiple T. collina colonies, we investigated aggressive behavior, genetic relatedness and cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles within and between colonies and nest aggregations. Although 17 out of 19 colonies within aggregations were largely unrelated, intraspecific aggression between different colonies was basically absent both within and among aggregations. This lack of aggression should favor social parasitism and hence the occurrence of unrelated individuals within a colony. However, low within-colony relatedness was found in only five out of 19 colonies where it may be explained by queen turnover or the occurrence of foreign workers. CHC profiles of colonies within and among aggregations were statistically different. However, many workers could chemically not be assigned to their maternal colony, indicating considerable overlap among colonies in odor profiles of workers. Moreover, odor profiles tended to be more similar within than among aggregations, although most colonies were unrelated. Thus, CHC profiles were a poor indicator of relatedness in T. collina. The lack of correlation between relatedness and chemical similarity in T. collina may be explained by the incorporation of resin-derived terpenes in their CHC profiles. The composition of these terpenes was highly similar among colonies, particularly within aggregations, hence potentially decreasing chemical distinctiveness and increasing behavioral tolerance.  相似文献   

The aphidiid waspLysiphlebus cardui parasitizes in ant-attendedAphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis colonies without causing aggressive behavior in the antLasius niger. By contrast,Trioxys angelicae, another aphidiid parasitoid of aphids, is rapidly recognized and vigorously attacked by the ants.L. niger workers also responded differently to dead individuals ofL. cardui andT. angelicae. DeadL. cardui parasitoids were often ignored when encountered byL. niger, whereas deadT. angelicae individuals were immediately grasped by ants that discovered them. However, hexane-washed parasitoids caused a similar reaction pattern in the ants, in that both aphidiid species were tolerated in the aphid colony. Lure experiments demonstrated that chemical stimuli on the cuticle are major cues for the ants to distinguish between the parasitoids. The hexane extract ofL. cardui transferred to washed individuals ofT. angelicae resulted in ant responses characteristic towardsL. cardui, andL. niger workers displayed the typical removal pattern they normally showed towardsT. angelicae whenT. angelicae extract was applied toL. cardui individuals. Both parasitoid species treated with the hexane extract ofA. fabae cirsiiacanthoidis were similarily treated by the ants as were aphid control individuals. The suggestion that the aphidiid waspL. cardui uses chemical mimicry is discussed.  相似文献   

In most social insects, intercolonial and interspecific aggression are expressions of territoriality. In termites, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) have been extensively studied for their role in nestmate recognition and aggressive discrimination of nonnest-mates. More recently, molecular genetic techniques have made it possible to determine relatedness between colonies and to investigate the influence of genetics on aggression. In the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus, however, the role of CHCs and genetic relatedness in inter-colony aggression has been ambiguous, suggesting the involvement of additional factors in nest-mate recognition. In this study we assess the range of aggression in this termite species and characterize the influence of genetic relatedness, CHC profiles and diet on aggression levels. We collected four colonies of C. formosanus, feeding either on bald cypress or birch, from three locations in Louisiana. Inter-colony aggression ranged from low to high. Differences in CHC profiles, as well as genetic distances between colonies determined by using microsatellite DNA markers, showed no significant correlation with aggression. However, termite diet (host tree) played a significant role in determining the level of aggression. Thus, two distantly related colonies, each feeding on different diets, showed high aggression that significantly diminished if they were fed on the same wood in the laboratory (spruce). Using headspace solid phase microextraction, we found three compounds from workers fed on birch that were absent in workers fed on spruce. Such diet-derived chemicals may be involved in the complex determination of nest-mate recognition in C. formosanus.  相似文献   

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