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Materials eliciting increased tongue flicking and prey attack in garter snakes were isolated from both earthworm and fish prey. New extraction methods based on chloroform-methanol mixtures are valuable adjuncts to the more typical aqueous preparations. Both high- and low-molecular weight components from earthworms and fish were active. The similarity between the active chemicals in these two classes of prey was established using several methods of analysis. These included chromatography, carbohydrate and amino acid analyses, and nuclear magnetic resonance.  相似文献   

A potent proteinaceous chemoattractant, eliciting prey attack by checkered garter snakes (Thamnophis marcianus) was isolated from aqueous washes of the common frogRana temporaria and purified by preparative continuous-elution electrophoresis. The biological activity of the frog crude extract or of the purified chemoattractive protein, measured by a snake bioassay, was unaffected by freezing, lyophilization, or dialysis but was lost after proteolytic digestion. The purified chemoattractant is glycosylated, has an apparent molecular mass of 24 kDa, estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE), and a pI of 4.8. It gave one spot in two-dimensional electrophoresis. The bioassay showed that this protein is highly attractive to snakes. The lowest concentration yielding positive responses in the snake bioassay was approximately 25 µg/ml. These results suggest that a water-soluble Mr 24 kDa glycoprotein molecule produced by the common frog may be a vomeronasal stimulus used by checkered garter snakes for prey recognition.  相似文献   

We conducted a predator bite survey on a population of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) considered to be under substantial predation pressure by western plains garter snakes (Thamnophis radix). Scarring, due to failed predation attempts by garter snakes and crayfish (Orconectes virilis), was observed significantly more often in breeding males than in breeding females and nonbreeding minnows. Likely, territorial nest defense under the edges of rocks along the water's edge, a habitat occupied by crayfish and frequented by snakes, caused the breeding males to be differentially vulnerable to predation. Under controlled laboratory conditions, breeding males from this population exhibited an antipredator response to chemical stimuli from live snakes (T. sirtalis andT. radix) significantly more often than breeding female minnows from the same population and breeding minnows of both sexes from a population that was presumed to be under lower predation pressure from snakes.  相似文献   

Adult garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis), collected in October near a traditional, communal hibernaculum in central Wisconsin, were acclimated to autumnal conditions and subjected to laboratory tests to determine whether they could follow scent trails of a conspecific. Graded responses were obtained, but 75% of the sample showed at least some inclination to follow scent trails. The results suggest that pheromone cues may be used by male and female garter snakes to locate traditional dens during autumnal migrations. Evidence from this and other studies suggests that pheromones are probably used in conjunction with other homing mechanisms and that the role of pheromones in den location may be more important in younger snakes and in populations inhabiting northern latitudes.  相似文献   

Three populations of the water snake,Natrix s. sipedon, were tested for their responses to surface water extracts prepared from various prey species. It was clearly shown that these snakes can distinguish between different prey genera on the basis of chemical cues alone. Adult snakes caught at a fish hatchery where goldfish (Carassius auratus) were abundant responded most to goldfish extract, as did laboratory-born snakes reared on goldfish for one year. However, snakes caught in a relatively undisturbed mountain stream environment and naive young born to a mountain female responded more to the extracts of various sympatric-mountain fish and amphibians. The evidence indicates that newborn snakes have genetic predispositions for sympatric species of the classes of prey normally eaten. These preferences can be enhanced or inhibited during ontogeny.  相似文献   

The ability of hatchling pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) to select and follow or avoid chemical odors of prey (mice,Mus musculus) on a shavings and paper substrate was investigated in Y-maze experiments, as a function of incubation temperature and experience. Incubation temperature affected behavior in the maze, and the maze choices of naive snakes, but not of snakes that had already eaten a mouse. The data indicate that snakes that have eaten, preferentially enter the arm bearing chemical stimuli from mice, whereas those that have not eaten show no preference.  相似文献   

The ability of hatchling pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) to follow or avoid the chemical trails of conspecifics and a king snake (Lampropeltis getulus) on paper substrates was investigated inY-maze experiments. Hatchlings entered the arm with the adult conspecific trail and avoided the arm containing the king snake trail at a frequency much greater than that due to chance. The data support the hypotheses that pine snakes follow the chemical trails of adult conspecifics and avoid the chemical trails of a predator.  相似文献   

Around Laing Island (Bismarck Sea), juveniles of the fishAbudefduf leucogaster are associated with the alcyonarianLitophyton viridis which, on mechanical stimulation, can release a potent ichthyotoxin and appears to be accordingly disliked by large predators. The fish has no special immunity to high levels of toxin but is affected more slowly than others. This has been interpreted in terms of an original strategy wherebyA. leucogaster plays its long reaction time against the diffusion of the toxin, allowing the fish to remain around the soft coral and benefit from indirect chemical protection. Possible biological implications of the toxin release are discussed.Laing Island Biological Station contribution No. 39.  相似文献   

We studied two populations of damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale): one population cooccurred with a predatory fish (northern pike, Esox lucius); the other did not. Damselflies that cooccurred with pike adopted antipredator behavior (reduced activity) in response to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics, and to chemical stimuli from pike, relative to a distilled water control. Damselflies from an area where pike do not occur responded only to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics. In a second set of experiments, we conditioned pike-naive damselflies to recognize and respond to chemical stimuli from pike with antipredator behavior. Damselfly larvae that were previously unresponsive to pike stimuli learned to recognize pike stimuli after a single exposure to stimuli from pike and injured damselflies or pike and injured fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). The response to injured fathead minnows was not a general response to injured fish because damselfly larvae did not respond to chemical stimuli from injured swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri), an allopatric fish. Taken together, these data suggest a flexible learning program that allows damselfly larvae to rapidly acquire the ability to recognize local predation risk based on chemical stimuli from predators, conspecifics, and heterospecific members of their prey guild.  相似文献   

The detection of a chemical alarm pheromone may allow receivers to avoid areas where a predator has captured the prey's conspecifics. We marked minnow traps with either brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) skin extract or a control of distilled water and tested whether sticklebacks avoided the skin extract marked traps in a natural habitat. Significantly more sticklebacks were captured in traps marked with control water, thereby demonstrating avoidance of conspecific skin extract. The stickleback captured in traps marked with conspecific extract were significantly smaller than those captured in traps marked with control water, implicating ontogenetic factors (i.e., experience or physiological development) in the development of the response. We also captured significantly fewer finescale dace (Chrosomus neogaeus) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in traps marked with skin extract. These data suggest that dace and minnows may benefit by avoiding areas where predators have recently captured sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Extracts of the dorid nudibranchTritoniella belli and stoloniferan coralClavularia frankliniana were chromatographed and analyzed by1H NMR and thin-layer chromatography. Three glycerol ethers were detected inT. belli, primarily 1-O-hexadecyl glycerol (chimyl alcohol). Chimyl alcohol was also detected after gradient flash chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC purification in the tissues ofC. frankliniana. The common omnivorous predatory Antarctic sea starOdontaster validus, a likely predator of benthic invertebrates, showed feeding deterrence to small cubes ofT. belli mantle tissue placed on the tube feet along the ambulacral feeding groove, while always extruding the cardiac stomach when presented with cubes of shrimp tissue of similar size. Filter-paper disks soaked in an aqueous shrimp solution and then dried were found to elicit a broad range of feeding behaviors inO. validus, including movement of the shrimp disk to the mouth, extrusion of the cardiac stomach, and the assumption of a humped feeding posture. Chimyl alcohol-treated shrimp disks caused significant feeding deterrence in sea stars when compared with control disks (solvent plus shrimp treated disks alone).T. belli andC. frankliniana appear to employ a defensive compound that has been found in a variety of temperate and tropical mollusks, where it has been demonstrated to deter fish predators. We provide evidence for further deterrent capabilities of chimyl alcohol and of its trophic relationship in the polar ecosystem of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.  相似文献   

Oviposition by the leafhopperAmrasca devastans (Distant) on its susceptible host plant, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. PS-10), was inhibited by the volatiles of certain plants and by the vapors of some chemicals occurring in various plants when these were presented at a distance from the ovipositional substrate. The effectiveness of the volatiles of the plants for inhibiting the oviposition decreased in the order: eucalyptus > coriander=castor=tomato > lime,Ocimum being without effect. Among the volatile plant chemicals tested, the inhibitory effects decreased in the order: citral=carvacrol > citronellol=farnesol = geraniol=eucalyptus oil > neem oil=Cymbopogan oil. These chemicals served as volatile antiovipositants and did not reduce the arrival/stay of the insects on the host plants. Carvacrol had a slight toxic effect on the nymphs, but none of the volatiles was toxic to the adults.Homoptera: Cicadellidae.  相似文献   

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