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Chyluria is a urologic manifestation of a lymphatic system disease abnormality and leads to nutritional deficiency. The case of a patient with chyluria is presented, and the results of lymphoscintigraphy with those of contrast lymphangiography are compared. Lymphoscintigraphy very clearly showed the site of the fistulae and was as precise as lymphangiography. Follow-up lymphoscintigraphy 2 months after therapy revealed no radionuclide accumulation. Lymphoscintigraphy is a useful, noninvasive, safe, and simple technique for the diagnosis and follow-up of chyluria.  相似文献   

The authors describe the use of evoked electromyographic responses recorded in the anal sphincter induced by stimulation of the bladder wall and urethra in evaluating lesions of the conus medullaris and cauda equina in 110 patients. This reflex response took effect by way of the pelvic nerves and cauda equina to the sacral cord where the pudendal nerve nucleus was activated, resulting in a contraction of the external anal sphincter. Various lesions along this pathway have been shown to produce either increased latencies and depressed responses or complete loss of response depending on the extent of the lesion. The correlation of results of this technique with clinical, myelographic, and operative findings indicate it to be a useful clinical tool.  相似文献   

In this contribution the clinical features of eleven patients suffering from a neurinoma in the cauda equina and around the conus medullaris are analysed. Because of the relative mobility of the roots and the wide space in the spinal canal, tumours arising in the cauda equina or around the conus medullaris can become larger than any other spinal tumours. Lumbago was the predominant symptom as the initial complaint. Nocturnal pain relieved by walking was noticed in one patient. Two cases showed spontaneous remission and relapse. Multiple tumours were found in 6 cases (55%). Macroscopic cyst formation was found in 5 cases (45%). Among the eleven patients, total removal of the tumour, including the involved root, was performed in ten. The numbers of the resected nerve roots were one root in 6 cases, two roots in 2, and three roots in 2. Only one patient showed postoperative slight weakness of the leg.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a well-known complication of spinal and epidural anesthesia. Previous reports have implicated lidocaine, chloroprocaine, and procaine in its etiology, but not bupivacaine. METHODS: A 63-year-old man underwent transurethral resection of the prostrate for which he received bupivacaine with glucose intrathecally. Postoperative, he had difficulty in urination and defecation, and magnetic resonance imaging revealed spinal stenosis at the L1-L2 level. The second patient was a 70-year-old woman who underwent hip replacement surgery using a combined spinal-epidural technique. Postoperative, after 42 hours, when the epidural infusion of bupivacaine was stopped, the patient had difficulty in urination and defecation. No anatomical abnormality was found on magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: The two patients developed cauda equina syndrome following bupivacaine with glucose injected spinally, and bupivacaine without glucose injected in a combined spinal-epidural technique. CONCLUSIONS: This case report describes two cases of CES following the use of bupivacaine. The first patient had spinal stenosis which could explain this complication; however the explanation for CES in the second patient is uncertain and consequently speculative. We have discussed the possible contributing factors but believe that the etiology of CES in the second patient remains unknown.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: Nerve conduction velocity was studied in the dog cauda equina subjected to chronic double-level compression. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the effects of chronic double-level cauda equina compression. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Double-level cauda equina compression produces more symptoms in patients and more changes in acute experimental set-ups than does single-level compression. However, there have been no controlled, experimental studies on chronic double-level compression. METHODS: A total of 20 dogs were anesthetized. Two balloons were placed under the lamina of the seventh lumbar vertebra and the first sacral vertebra, respectively. One week (10 mm Hg, n = 5; 0 mm Hg, n = 5) and 1 month (10 mm Hg, n = 5; 0 mm Hg, n = 5) after inflation with a viscous substance, nerve conduction velocity was studied by local electrical stimulation and recording of muscle action potentials in the tail muscles. RESULTS: Nerve conduction velocity was determined over the cranial balloon, the caudal balloon, and both balloons. The data were similar for all three recordings. After 1 week there was a significant reduction in nerve conduction velocity induced by 10 mm Hg, compared with that induced by 0 mm Hg, which showed normal conditions. However, after 1 month this initial reduction in nerve conduction velocity had recovered partially. The reduction was similar to that described for single-level compression in a previous study in which the same compression model was used. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike the acute situation, chronic double-level compression does not induce more changes than single-level compression after 1 week, although the recovery after 1 month of compression is less complete after double-level compression. This less complete recovery may be a result of an adaptation of the nerve tissue and the vascularization of the cauda equina nerve roots to the applied pressure.  相似文献   

Continuous spinal anaesthesia through a microspinal catheter technique has been criticised on several grounds and is now rarely used. This paper reviews the possible causes of the cauda equina syndrome which have been described and, on the basis of research in cadaver preparations, a glass 'spine' model and clinical experience in over 200 cases, suggests how these problems might be avoided. The use of careful insertion techniques, limiting the length of catheter inserted into the subarachnoid space and the use of no stronger than 0.5% bupivacaine solution are recommended.  相似文献   

Three dogs were evaluated in our study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reveal the anatomical deformity and the degree of the lesion of cauda equina. In all dogs, MRI revealed soft tissue, such as cauda equina, epidural fat, and intervertebral disc, at the lumbosacral region clearly without contrast medium. Our results suggest that MRI has some advantages in evaluating cauda equina syndrome in dogs.  相似文献   

The acute effects of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor antagonist in long-term BZD users were used as a possible test to detect physiological dependence. Thirty-four subjects (20 females, 14 males) aged 26-48 years (mean + SD, 42.4+/-8.5 years), all chronic users of low doses of diazepam (5-20 mg/day, 14.2+/-4.8 mg/day) for 5 to 28 years (10.5+/-6 years), received a single 1-mg i.v. flumazenil dose or saline, infused slowly under double-blind conditions. Physiological dependence was suggested as all patients receiving flumazenil developed an anxiety reaction while the placebo group did not. Flumazenil triggered a qualitatively different reaction amounting to a panic attack during infusion in nine out of 15 patients. These patients had a diagnosis of panic disorder or a history of panic attacks. Caution should be exercised when giving flumazenil to panic patients who are taking BZDs as maintenance treatment.  相似文献   

Juxtafacet cysts of the lumbar spine have been reported with increasing frequency but their pathogenesis remains obscure. These cysts most frequently present with back pain, followed by chronic progressive radiculopathy or gradual onset of symptoms of spinal canal compromise. The authors report an unusual case of hemorrhage into a right L3-4 synovial cyst causing an acute cauda equina syndrome and describe its successful surgical treatment. The clinical, radiographic, and pathological features are discussed.  相似文献   

Catecholamines and volume repletion are currently used for the treatment of septic shock. However, the prognosis of patients suffering from this condition is very poor. An overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) seems to be related to the hypotension and tissue damage of endotoxin shock. Thus, treatment with NO synthase inhibitors has been proposed. Using a rat model of septic shock we have studied the effects of noradrenaline or the NO synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NMMA) on arterial pressure, tissue damage and NO production. Anaesthetized rats treated with Salmonella typhosa showed a decrease in blood pressure accompanied by an increase in the plasma concentration of cytosolic enzymes (transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase, markers of cell disruption) and nitrite plus nitrate (NO2-/NO3-, markers of NO production). A large proportion of these animals (40%) died before the end of the experiment. Co-treatment with noradrenaline resulted in temporary maintenance of arterial pressure followed by a decline, despite the dose being increased progressively. No differences were observed in plasma cytosolic enzymes, NO2-/NO3- or mortality compared with animals treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) alone. In contrast, administration of L-NMMA (10 mg kg-1) to septic animals prevented the fall in blood pressure and death caused by endotoxin. This treatment markedly diminished cell disruption, as measured by the plasma levels of necrosis enzymes, and partially, but significantly, reduced the production of NO as assessed by plasma NO2-/NO3-. We conclude that tissue damage in septic shock is related to the overproduction of NO and not exclusively to the hypotension that follows this increased production. Thus, maintenance of blood pressure with catecholamines fails to improve cellular damage. Instead, partial inhibition of NO generation is sufficient to ameliorate the haemodynamic and tissue-damaging effects of septic shock and improves survival in this model of endotoxaemia.  相似文献   

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