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Flow boiling of the perfluorinated dielectric fluid FC-77 in a silicon microchannel heat sink is investigated. The heat sink contains 60 parallel microchannels each of 100 μm width and 389 μm depth. Twenty-five evenly distributed temperature sensors in the substrate yield local heat transfer coefficients. The pressure drop across the channels is also measured. Experiments are conducted at five flow rates through the heat sink in the range of 20–80 ml/min with the inlet subcooling held at 26 K in all the tests. At each flow rate, the uniform heat input to the substrate is increased in steps so that the fluid experiences flow regimes from single-phase liquid flow to the occurrence of critical heat flux (CHF). In the upstream region of the channels, the flow develops from single-phase liquid flow at low heat fluxes to pulsating two-phase flow at high heat fluxes during flow instability that commences at a threshold heat flux in the range of 30.5–62.3 W/cm2 depending on the flow rate. In the downstream region, progressive flow patterns from bubbly flow, slug flow, elongated bubbles or annular flow, alternating wispy-annular and churn flow, and wall dryout at highest heat fluxes are observed. As a result, the heat transfer coefficients in the downstream region experience substantial variations over the entire heat flux range, based on which five distinct boiling regimes are identified. In contrast, the heat transfer coefficient midway along the channels remains relatively constant over the heat flux range tested. Due to changes in flow patterns during flow instability, the heat transfer is enhanced both in the downstream region (prior to extended wall dryout) and in the upstream region. A previous study by the authors found no effect of instabilities during flow boiling in a heat sink with larger microchannels (each 300 μm wide and 389 μm deep); it appears therefore that the effect of instabilities on heat transfer is amplified in smaller-sized channels. While CHF increases with increasing flow rate, the pressure drop across the channels has only a minimal dependence on flow rate once boiling is initiated in the microchannels, and varies almost linearly with increasing heat flux.  相似文献   

The conjugate heat transfer of flow boiling in a rectangular microchannel heat sink (MCHS) was modelled numerically to investigate the hydrodynamics and thermal responses of flow prior to the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB). Local hydrodynamics and thermal conditions leading to ONB are analysed numerically for different heat flux. The flow patterns of different modes of microconvection and mixed convective flows including the circulating flow, wavy flow and seeping flow were demonstrated and discussed. The numerical study proposes the mechanism leading to the first bubble nucleation which cover the initiation of fluid instability until the ONB. This work provides better understanding of the superheat induced flow instability and the progressive fluid convection under transient heating.  相似文献   

The flow boiling heat transfer in a single microchannel was investigated with pure water and nanofluid as the working fluids. The microchannel had a size of 7500 × 100 × 250 μm, which was formed by two pyrex glasses and a silicon wafer. A platinum film with a length of 3500 μm and a width of 80 μm was deposited at the bottom channel surface, acting as the heater and temperature sensor. The nanofluid had a low weight concentration of 0.2%, consisting of de-ionized water and 40 nm Al2O3 nanoparticles. The nanoparticle deposition phenomenon was not observed. The boiling flow displays chaotic behavior due to the random bubble coalescence and breakup in the milliseconds timescale at moderate heat fluxes for pure water. The flow instability with large oscillation amplitudes and long cycle periods was observed with further increases in heat fluxes. The flow patterns are switched between the elongated bubbles and isolated miniature bubbles in the timescale of 100 s. It is found that nanofluid significantly mitigate the flow instability without nanoparticle deposition effect. The boiling flow is always stable or quasi-stable with significantly reduced pressure drop and enhanced heat transfer. Miniature bubbles are the major flow pattern in the microchannel. Elongated bubbles temporarily appear in the milliseconds timescale but isolated miniature bubbles will occupy the channel shortly. The decreased surface tension force acting on the bubble accounts for the smaller bubble size before the bubble departure. The inhibition of the dry patch development by the structural disjoining pressure, and the enlarged percentage of liquid film evaporation heat transfer region with nanoparticles, may account for the heat transfer enhancement compared to pure water.  相似文献   

A numerical study has been performed to analyze the wall heat transfer mechanisms during growth of a vapor bubble inside a microchannel. The microchannel is of 200 μm square cross section and a vapor bubble begins to grow at one of the walls, with liquid coming in through the channel inlet. The complete Navier–Stokes equations along with continuity and energy equations are solved using the SIMPLER method. The liquid vapor interface is captured using the level set technique. Experiments have been conducted to validate the numerical model. The bubble growth rate and shapes show good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The numerical results show that the wall heat transfer increases with wall superheat but stays almost unaffected by the liquid flow rate. The liquid vapor surface tension value has little influence on bubble growth and wall heat transfer. However, the bubble with the lowest contact angle resulted in the highest wall heat transfer.  相似文献   

Heat transfer characteristics of subcooled flow boiling of FC-72 in a single horizontal circular cross-section microchannel (480 μm i.d., 800 μm o.d., 102 mm long) are presented. Different flow patterns, both in the stable and unstable flow boiling regimes, have been captured using high speed video camera. Data in small, medium, high and very high heat flux cases under small, medium and high mass flux has been presented. Convective heat transfer coefficients in each flow boiling situation have been calculated and presented. Stable flow boiling with alternating bubbly/slug flow, slug/annular flow and annular/mist flow have been observed for heat flux of 150 kW/m2 or higher and mass flux of 1500 kg/m2 s or higher. Back and forth oscillations with flow instabilities have been observed in cases of lower heat and mass fluxes. However, no complete reverse flow in upstream direction has been observed.  相似文献   

We studied the unique characteristics of flow boiling in a single microchannel, including the periodic pressure drop, mass flow rate, and temperature fluctuations, in terms of a long time period. Experiments were conducted using a single horizontal microchannel and deionized water to study boiling instabilities at very small mass and heat flow rate conditions. A Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) rectangular single microchannel had a hydraulic diameter of 103.5 μm and a length of 40 mm. A series of piecewise serpentine platinum microheaters were fabricated on the inner bottom wall of the rectangular microchannel to supply thermal energy to the test fluid. Real-time flow visualizations of the flow pattern inside the microchannel were performed simultaneously with measurements of the experimental parameters. Tests were performed for mass fluxes of 170 and 360 kg/m2 s and heat fluxes of 200–530 kW/m2. The test results showed that the heated wall temperature, pressure drop, and mass flux all fluctuated with a long period and large amplitude. These periodic fluctuations exactly matched the transition of two alternating flow patterns inside the microchannel: a bubbly/slug flow and an elongated slug/semi-annular flow. Therefore, the flow pattern transition instability in the single microchannel caused a cyclic behavior of the wall temperature, pressure drop, and mass flux, and this behavior had a very long period (100–200 s) and large amplitude.  相似文献   

微通道内流动沸腾特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对国内外微通道流动和换热的研究实验作了总结,阐述了影响微通道换热系数的因素,如热流密度、过热度和干度等.对去离子水在内径为0.65 mm、长为102 mm的圆形管道内流动沸腾换热进行了实验研究,得到了局部换热系数随干度的变化关系,进而根据换热系数的变化趋势讨论了饱和流动沸腾区微通道内主导的换热机制.结果表明:从换热系数随干度的变化关系很难判定主导的换热机制;将实验数据与已发表的预测关联式进行了比较,发现大多关联式都失效,说明基于常规理论的模型不再适用于微通道.  相似文献   

Flow boiling in arrays of parallel microchannels is investigated using a silicon test piece with imbedded discrete heat sources and integrated local temperature sensors. The microchannels considered range in width from 102 μm to 997 μm, with the channel depth being nominally 400 μm in each case. Each test piece has a footprint of 1.27 cm by 1.27 cm with parallel microchannels diced into one surface. Twenty five microsensors integrated into the microchannel heat sinks allow for accurate local temperature measurements over the entire test piece. The experiments are conducted with deionized water which enters the channels in a purely liquid state. Results are presented in terms of temperatures and pressure drop as a function of imposed heat flux. The experimental results allow a critical assessment of the applicability of existing models and correlations in predicting the heat transfer rates and pressure drops in microchannel arrays, and lead to the development of models for predicting the two-phase pressure drop and saturated boiling heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Local heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops during boiling of the dielectric liquid fluorinert FC-77 in parallel microchannels were experimentally investigated in recent work by the authors. Detailed visualizations of the corresponding two-phase flow regimes were performed as a function of a wide range of operational and geometric parameters. A new transition criterion was developed for the delineation of a regime where microscale effects become important to the boiling process and a conventional, macroscale treatment becomes inadequate. A comprehensive flow regime map was developed for a wide range of channel dimensions and experimental conditions, and consisted of four distinct regions – bubbly, slug, confined annular, and alternating churn/annular/wispy-annular flow regimes. In the present work, physics-based analyses of local heat transfer in each of the four regimes of the comprehensive map are formulated. Flow regime-based models for prediction of heat transfer coefficient in slug flow and annular/wispy-annular flow are developed and compared to the experimental data. Also, a regime-based prediction of pressure drop in microchannels is presented by computing the pressure drop during each flow regime that occurs along the microchannel length. The results of this study reveal the promise of flow regime-based modeling efforts for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop in microchannel boiling.  相似文献   

In order to develop a mechanistic model for the subcooled flow boiling process, the key issues which must be addressed are wall heat flux partitioning and interfacial (condensation) heat transfer. The sink term in the two-fluid models for void fraction prediction is provided by the condensation rate at the vapor-liquid interface. Low pressure subcooled flow boiling experiments, using water, were performed using a vertical flat plate heater to investigate the bubble collapse process. A high-speed CCD camera was used to record the bubble collapse in the bulk subcooled liquid. Based on the analyses of these digitized images, bubble collapse rates and the associated heat transfer rate were determined. The experimental data were in turn used to correlate the bubble collapse rate and the interfacial heat transfer rate. These correlations are functions of bubble Reynolds number, liquid Prandtl number, Jacob number, and Fourier number. The correlations account for both the effect of forced convection heat transfer and thickening of the thermal boundary layer as the vapor bubble condenses which in turn makes the condensation heat transfer time dependent. Comparison of the measured experimental data with those predicted from the correlations show that predictions are well within ±25% of the experimentally measured values. These correlations have also been compared with those available in the literature.  相似文献   

The present study explores experimentally the two-phase flow instability in a microchannel heat sink with 15 parallel microchannels. The hydraulic diameter for each channel is 86.3 μm. Flow boiling in the present microchannel heat sink demonstrates significantly different two-phase flow patterns under stable or unstable conditions. For the stable cases bubble nucleation, slug flow and slug or annular flows appear sequentially in the flow direction. On the other hand, forward or reversed slug/annular flows appear alternatively in every channel. Moreover, the length of bubble slug may oscillate for unstable cases with reversed flow demonstrating the suppressing effect of pressure field for bubble growth. It is found that the magnitude of pressure drop oscillations may be used as an index for the appearance of reversed flow. A stability map on the plane of inlet subcooling number versus phase change number is established. A very narrow region for stable two-phase flow or mild two-phase flow oscillations is present near the line of zero exit quality.  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement study has been carried out to investigate stable and unstable flow boiling phenomena of deionized water in a single microchannel having a hydraulic diameter of 155 µm with a bottom Pyrex glass wall. Fifteen platinum serpentine microheaters, bonded on the Pyrex glass wall, were used to measure local instantaneous wall temperatures. At low mass flux, a syringe pump was used to drive the subcooled water passing through the microchannel. Stable and unstable flow boiling modes in the single microchannel are identified, and flow pattern maps in terms of heat flux and mass flux as well as in term of exit vapor quality are presented respectively. It was found that unstable flow boiling occurred in the single microchannel if the exit vapor quality xe > 0.013.  相似文献   

A simultaneous visualization and measurement study have been carried out to investigate flow boiling instabilities of water in microchannels at various heat fluxes and mass fluxes. Two separate flow boiling experiments were conducted in eight parallel silicon microchannels (with flow interaction from neighboring channels at headers) and in a single microchannel (without flow interaction), respectively. These microchannels, at a length of 30 mm, had an identical trapezoidal cross-section with a hydraulic diameter of 186 μm. At a given heat flux and inlet water temperature, it was found that stable and unstable flow boiling regimes existed, depending on the mass flux. A flow boiling map, in terms of heat flux vs mass flux, showing stable flow boiling regime and unstable flow boiling regime is presented for parallel microchannels as well as for a single microchannel, respectively, at an inlet water temperature of 35 °C. In the stable flow boiling regime, isolated bubbles were generated and were pushed away by the incoming subcooled liquid. Two unstable flow boiling regimes, with long-period oscillation (more than 1 s) and short-period oscillation (less than 0.1 s) in temperature and pressure, were identified. The former was due to the expansion of vapor bubble from downstream while the latter was owing to the flow pattern transition from annular to mist flow. A comparison of results of flow boiling in parallel microchannels and in a single microchannel shows that flow interaction effects from neighboring channels at the headers are significant.  相似文献   

Experiments on transition and flow boiling heat transfer with refrigerant R114 inside a horizontal tube were performed at bubble flow, critical heat flux and in the transition region between bubble flow and film boiling at mass fluxes between 1200 and 4000 kg/m2 s and in the pressure range between 5 and 15 bar. In comparison with pool boiling bubble flow heat transfer depends essentially on the mass flow rates and on the vapor quality. The critical heat flux depends less on the temperature difference than in pool boiling heat transfer and exhibits a maximal and a minimal value as a function of the pressure. The critical heat flux increases with mass flow rate as already shown by Collier. In the region of transition boiling the heat flux over the difference between wall and saturation temperature approaches a horizontal curve. Therefore in this region an evaporator may always be operated under stable conditions and burn out does not occur.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of the conjugate heat transfer in microchannel heat sink is presented. As the most of the cooling applications deals with the partial heated sections, the influence of the heating position on the thermal and hydrodynamic behavior is analyzed. The laminar fluid flow regime and the water as a working fluid are considered. It is observed that partial heating together with variable viscosity has a strong influence on thermal and hydrodynamic characteristics of the micro-heat sink.  相似文献   

A numerical study is conducted to predict the thermal performance of a parallel flow two-layered microchannel heat sink on heat transfer and compared to the case of counterflow for various channel aspect ratios. Findings reveal that the parallel flow configuration leads to a better heat transfer performance except for high Reynolds number and high channel aspect ratio. Further study on the horizontal rib thickness shows that lower thermal resistance can be achieved in a parallel flow two-layered microchannel heat sink with smaller thickness of middle rib.  相似文献   

Correlation for flow boiling heat transfer in mini-channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In view of practical significance of a correlation of heat transfer coefficient in the aspects of such applications as engineering design and prediction, some efforts towards correlating flow boiling heat transfer coefficients for mini-channels have been made in this study. Based on analyses of existing experimental investigations of flow boiling, it was found that liquid-laminar and gas-turbulent flow is a common feature in many applications of mini-channels. Traditional heat transfer correlations for saturated flow boiling were developed for liquid-turbulent and gas-turbulent flow conditions and thus may not be suitable in principle to be used to predict heat transfer coefficients in mini-channels when flow conditions are liquid-laminar and gas-turbulent. By considering flow conditions (laminar or turbulent) in the Reynolds number factor F and single-phase heat transfer coefficient hsp, the Chen correlation has been modified to be used for four flow conditions such as liquid-laminar and gas-turbulent one often occurring in mini-channels. A comparison of the newly developed correlation with various existing data for mini-channels shows a satisfactory agreement. In addition, an extensive comparison of existing general correlations with databases for mini-channels has also been made.  相似文献   

Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficients for refrigerants R11 and HCFC123 in smooth copper tubes of small diameter have been investigated experimentally. The parameter ranges examined are: tube diameters of 0.92 and 1.95 mm; heat fluxes 11-170 kW m−2; mass fluxes 110-1840 kg m−2 s−1. The range of liquid Reynolds numbers encompassed by the data set is 450 to 12,000.The data in the subcooled and saturated regions are well represented by the simple addition of convective and nucleate boiling heat transfer contributions

A simultaneous visualization and measurement study has been carried out to investigate subcooled flow boiling and microbubble emission boiling (MEB) phenomena of deionized water in a partially heated Pyrex glass microchannel, having a hydraulic diameter of 155 μm, which was integrated with a Platinum microheater. Effects of mass flux, inlet water subcooling and surface condition of the microheater on subcooled flow boiling in microchannels are investigated. It is found that MEB occurred at high inlet subcoolings and at high heat fluxes, where vapor bubbles collapsed into microbubbles after contacting with the surrounding highly subcooled liquid. In the fully-developed MEB regime where the entire microheater was covered by MEB, the mass flux, the inlet water subcooling and the heater surface condition have only small effects on the boiling curves. The occurrence of MEB in microchannel can remove a large amount of heat flux, as high as 14.41 MW/m2 at a mass flux of 883.8 kg/m2 s, with only a moderate rise in wall temperature. Therefore, MEB is a very promising method for cooling of microelectronic chips. Heat transfer in the fully-developed MEB in the microchannel is presented, which is compared with existing subcooled flow boiling heat transfer correlations for macrochannels.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is gaining renewed interest as an environmentally safe refrigerant. In order to improve the energy efficiency of R744 systems, an accurate knowledge of heat transfer coefficients is fundamental.In this paper experimental heat transfer coefficients during flow boiling of R744 in a smooth, horizontal, circular, 6.00 mm inner diameter tube are presented. We obtained 217 experimental points in 18 operating conditions commonly encountered in dry-expansion evaporators investigating the effect of the mass flux within the range from 200 to 349 kg/m2 s, the saturation temperature within the range from ?7.8 to 5.8 °C, the heat flux within the range from 10.0 to 20.6 kW/m2 and the vapor quality within the range from 0.02 to 0.98.An interpretation of the experimental trends based on the local circumferential distribution of heat transfer coefficients, the flow regimes and the thermophysical properties is proposed.Besides the measured data are compared with those predicted by the Cheng et al. [L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, J.R. Thome, New prediction methods for CO2 evaporation inside tubes: Part II – An updated general flow boiling heat transfer model based on flow patterns, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 125–135] and Yoon et al. [R. Yun, Y. Kim, M.S. Kim, Y. Choi, Boiling heat transfer and dryout phenomenon of CO2 in a horizontal smooth tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 2353–2361] correlations to determine the best predictive method for the tested operating conditions.  相似文献   

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