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This work focuses on the mechanisms of microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution during gamma-massive transformation and subsequent tempering treatments, in the case of the Ti–48Al–2Nb–2Cr (at%) TiAl-based alloy. A complete massive structure is obtained by ice-water quenching. The temperature range for the destabilization of this massive structure is estimated from DSC measurement. Then, tempering is performed in both α2–γ and α–γ phase fields. Microstructure evolution is studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy observation of samples from different stages of the heat treatments. Isotropic samples resulting from a powder-metallurgy route are used for this purpose. Then, working on the samples from investment casting, the reduction of solidification texture through massive then tempering treatments is analyzed at the light of the mechanisms of microstructure evolution identified previously. 相似文献
利用真空自耗熔炼方法和热加工技术制备Ti-35Nb-2Ta-3Zr β钛合金,采用单向轧制和交叉轧制对合金进行冷变形.通过对轧制态试样的微观组织分析,研究不同轧制方式下的马氏体转变特征.结果表明:单向轧制和交叉轧制过程中产生应变诱发马氏体相,随着变形量的增大,马氏体形貌由针状逐渐转变为粗大的变体;交叉轧制更有利于马氏体相的转变,当冷变形量为40%时,马氏体的转变量达到79.63%,并在随后的冷变形过程中,马氏体转变量基本保持不变. 相似文献
Yan-qiu ZHANG Shu-yong JIANG Xiao-ming ZHU Ya-nan ZHAO Yu-long LIANG Dong SUN 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2017,27(7):1580-1587
Three different NiTi-based alloys, whose nominal compositions were Ni50Ti50, Ni49Ti49Fe2, Ni45Ti51.8Fe3.2 (mole fraction, %), respectively, were used in the current research to understand the influence of Fe addition on phase transformation behavior in NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA). The microstructure and phase transformation behavior of the alloys were investigated by optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis. The results show that the matrix of the Ni50Ti50 alloy consists of both B19′ (martensite) phase and B2 (austenite) phase. Moreover, the substructures of twins could be observed in the B19′ phase. However, the ternary alloys of NiTiFe exhibit B2 phase in the microstructures. Such microstructures were also characterized by large presence of Ti2Ni precipitates dispersed homogenously in the matrix of the two kinds of alloys. The addition of Fe to the NiTi SMA results in the decrease in phase transformation temperatures in the ternary alloys. Based on mechanism analysis, it can be concluded that this phenomenon is primarily attributed to atom relaxation of the distorted lattice induced by Ni-antisite defects and Fe substitutions during phase transformation, which enables stabilization of B2 phase during phase transformation. 相似文献
Planar anisotropy of shape memory strain in polycrystalline TiNi alloy sheets was investigated in conjunction with crystallographic textures. To find the correlation between them, we attempted to predict shape-recoverable tensile strain from a measured texture by estimating volume fractions of correspondence-variants for each oriented grain. The recoverable strains calculated as a function of the angle to the rolling direction from a crystallite orientation distribution function were in relatively good agreement with experimental values for samples with different textures. A few samples, however, showed the quantitative differences between the measured and calculated values. The main reasons were clarified in view of yield stress and deformation constraint at grain boundaries. From an aspect of practical use, a manner of texture control to obtain higher recoverable strains has been discussed on the basis of the calculated results concerning representative ideal orientations. 相似文献
通过分析固溶态Cu-Ni-Si合金时效过程中导电率的变化,根据导电率与新相析出量之间的关系计算时效过程中新相的转变比率,在此基础上,确定不同温度下描述时效析出相转变比率与时效时间的Avrami相变动力学经验方程和导电率随时间变化的导电率方程,绘制出动力学"S"曲线,并且用固态热分解反应机理的积分方程验证用Avrami经验方程来描述合金的析出过程的正确性。对Cu-Ni-Si合金在500℃时效8 h后的析出相进行选区电子衍射花样标定,发现析出相为δ-Ni2Si和β-Ni3Si。 相似文献
T. Hu C.S. Wen J. Lu S.L. Wu Y.C. Xin W.J. Zhang C.L. Chu J.C.Y. Chung K.W.K. Yeung D.T.K. Kwok Paul K. Chu 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,482(1-2):298-301
The phase constituents and transformation behavior of the martensite B19′ NiTi shape memory alloy after undergoing surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) are investigated. SMAT is found to induce the formation of a parent B2 phase from the martensite B19′ in the top surface layer. By removing the surface layer-by-layer, X-ray diffraction reveals that the amount of the B2 phase decreases with depth. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) further indicates that the deformed martensite in the sub-surface layer up to 300 μm deep exhibits the martensite stabilization effect. The graded phase structure and transformation behavior in the SMATed NiTi specimen can be attributed to the gradient change in strain with depth. 相似文献
冷却速度对Ti-50.9%Ni形状记忆合金相变行为和组织的影响(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探索冷却速度对镍钛形状记忆合金相变行为和组织的影响,通过差热扫描、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、X射线荧光分析等方法研究Ti-50.9%Ni(摩尔分数)合金的热处理。结果表明:当冷却速度非常低时(如炉冷)可诱发三级相变的产生;冷却速度对相变温度也有很大的影响,Ms和Mf都随冷却速度的降低而下降,降低冷却速度有利于提高M→A奥氏体相变温度,相变滞后宽度(Af–Mf)随着冷却速度的降低而增大;热处理不能消除镍钛合金热加工时所形成的织构,但能减弱其强度;冷却速度对晶粒大小影响不大。 相似文献
Katsunari Oikawa Takuya Ota Yousuke Imano Toshiro Omori Ryosuke Kainuma Kiyohito Ishida 《Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion》2006,27(1):75-82
Phase equilibria and martensitic and magnetic phase transformations of the β phase in the Co−Ni−Ga system have been investigated.
It has been shown that the β phase is in equilibrium with the α-phase over a wide range compositions at 600–1100°C. The β
phase exhibits both a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition and a thermoelastic martensitic transition from B2 to L10 structure. The Curie temperature T
increases with decreases with decreasing Ni content and with increasing Ga content. The composition region of the β phase
exhibiting the thermoelatstic martensitic transformation from ferromagnetic austenite is located near the α+β two-phase region.
and M
of α+β two-phase alloys increase with increasing annealing temperature.
This paper was presented at the International Symposium on User Aspects of Phase Diagrams, Materials Solutions Conference
and Exposition. Columbus, Ohio, 18–20 October, 2004. 相似文献
Xiaoxia Zhou Yonghong Pan Zhengyi Liu Jianpei Zhou Xiuqin Wei 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2000,9(3):311-316
Changes in compositions and microstructures in the surface layer of a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy during friction were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. It has been found that in friction, single M18R martensite β′ transforms into α+β, with the shape and distribution of the new phases varying with the conditions of friction. In mild friction, Zn and Al diffuse over short distances along the sliding direction, resulting in a structure in which needlelike β and α alternate along the sliding surface. In severe friction, where higher surface temperatures and temperature gradients are expected, Zn and Al make long-distance uphill diffusion from inside toward the surface. Consequently, Zn and Al are concentrated on the surface and depleted in the subsurface, and the phase layers present from the outmost surface inward are β, α, α+β, cross-martensite, and the matrix. 相似文献
通过对Cu-0.1Ag-0.1Fe合金恒温时效过程中的导电率与析出的新相体积间的关系的测定与分析,研究了该合金的时效动力学,并由此确定了不同温度下描述新相转变比率与时效时间关系的Avrami经验方程和计算导电率随时效时间变化的导电率方程,从而描绘出不同温度时效时的相变动力学"S"曲线以及等温转变"C"曲线。 相似文献
R-phase transformation of aged Ti-Ni shape memory alloy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ti-50.6Ni(molar fraction, %) shape memory alloy solution treated at 850 ℃ for lh followed by ageing treatment at 450 ℃ for 3 h was studied with differential scanning calorimetry(DSC), X-ray diffractometry(XRD) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). DSC measurement reveals two separate transformation peaks. XRD and TEM demonstrate that a three-stage transformation occurs. The Ti3 Ni4 precipitates are coherent with the R- phase. The crystal structure of R-phase was analyzed by two diffraction patterns method. The diffraction patterns of R-phase were obtained in detail from the same region. 相似文献
If the reverse transformation of a shape memory alloy is arrested, a kinetic stop will appear in the next complete transformation. The kinetic stop temperature has a close relation with the previous arrest temperature. This kinetic stop can be regarded as a "memory" of the previous arrest temperature. This phenomenon is named temperature memory effect(TME). The TME induced by incomplete cycling in Ti-Ni-Nb and Ti-Ni-Cu alloys was systematically investigated by performing either a single incomplete cycle, or a sequence of incomplete cycles with different arrested temperatures. The results indicate that TME only exists in the heating process, and TME can occur both in B 19'→B2 and B 19→B2 reverse transformation during heating process. But, there is no evidence of TME during cooling in the Ti-Ni-X ternary alloys. And the reverse transformation temperature interval (At-As) of the Ti44-Ni47-Nb9 alloy induced by TME can be significantly enlarged compared with that of the Ti-Ni-Cu alloy by performing multi-times incomplete transformation cycling with a decreasing order arrested temperature. 相似文献
Dynamics of phase transformation of Cu-Ni-Si alloy with super-high strength and high conductivity during aging 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The precipitation behaviors of the Cu-Ni-Si alloys during aging were studied by analyzing the variations of electric conductivity.The Avrami-equation of phase transformation kinetics and the Avrami-equation of electric conductivity during aging were established for Cu-Ni-Si alloys,on the basis of linear relationship between the electric conductivity and the volume fraction of precipitates,and the calculation results coincide well with the experiment ones.The transformation kinetics curves were established to characterize the aging process.The characteristics of precipitates in the supersaturated solid solution alloy aged at 723 K were established,and the results show that the precipitates areβ-Ni3Si andδ-Ni2Si phases. 相似文献
采用示差扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电子显微镜(TEM),研究热/强磁场耦合时效对Ti-50.6%Ni(摩尔分数)形状记忆合金中Ti3Ni4相析出及相变行为的影响。结果表明:经过500℃、2.5 h热/强磁场耦合时效处理后,Ti-50.6%Ni合金呈现典型的三阶段相变,即晶界附近的B2—R转变、晶内的B2—B19′转变和晶界附近的R—B19′转变;随着磁感应强度的增加,B2—R相变峰和B2—B19′相变峰均向低温区漂移,而R—B19′相变峰位基本保持不变。TEM观察显示,热/强磁场耦合时效后,晶界附近的Ti3Ni4析出相数量明显减少,表明热/强磁场耦合时效可能阻碍了晶粒内部的Ni向晶界周围迁移,抑制了Ti3Ni4相的形核。 相似文献
《CIRP Annals》2020,69(1):85-88
Phase transformation and shape memory response of NiTi alloys are sensitive to the variation of temperature and stress. Thus, the phase transformation of NiTi alloys becomes more complex during machining process. This study presents findings from a major study involving modelling of machining-induced phase transformation of NiTi alloys performed by modifying Helmholtz free energy-based microstructure model. Orthogonal cutting tests were performed to validate the predicted outputs from the simulation, such as cutting forces, temperatures and chip morphology. This work provides a strong evidence that the developed new model can accurately predict the experimentally recorded outputs in machining of NiTi alloys. 相似文献
Z.L. WangD.Y. Cong Z.H. NieJ. Gao W. LiuY.D. Wang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2012,511(1):41-44
The intrinsic mechanism of the martensitic transformation (MT) suppression observed in Ni-Co-Mn-In alloys fabricated under non-equilibrium conditions still remains mysterious. Here, we used the undercooling technique to obtain a solidified microstructure in non-equilibrium state, subsequently leading to MT suppression even further cooling to 10 K. It was found that primary dendrite-like In-depleted precipitates occurred during solidification under a large undercooling. After a prolonged annealing, the MT interestingly appeared again due to the dissolution of the precipitates and the recovery of equilibrium chemical composition in the matrix. 相似文献
Martensitic transformation, microstructure, and magnetic properties of Ti-doped Ni43-xTixCo7Mn43Sn7(at%)(x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0) shape memory alloys were investigated. The results show that transformation temperatures of Ni43Co7Mn43Sn7 can be efficiently adjusted by the substitution of Ti for Ni. For example, the martensitic transformation starting temperature(Ms) is reduced by about 278 K with 4 at% addition of Ti. Room temperature microstructure evolves from single tetragonal martensite for the Ti-free alloy to dual phases(tetragonal martensite + second phase) with 0.5 at%, 1.0 at%, and2.0 at% addition of Ti to dual phases(cubic austenite + second phase) for 4.0 at% Ti-doped alloy. The mechanical properties can be obviously improved by adding an appropriate amount of Ti. A noteworthy point is that magnetic-field-induced reverse transformation is observed in Ni39Ti4Co7Mn43Sn7 alloy. 相似文献