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The balance between the demand for electricity by consumers and businesses, and environmental protection, is one of the key challenges of our society.The PV industry in 2010 compared to 2009 registered a growth of 130%, consolidating the previous achievements. The reduction in costs of system and incentive policies have favored the development of solar energy.At the same time, the results achieved have led to a resulting reduction of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) by the central governments, generating concern from both the owners, investors and operators.This article belongs to a wider research and aims to analyze the determinants of investment risk in the PV industry through a sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis and risk analysis. To do this, alternative business plans have been developed that compared to the static situation, allow to quantify how Net Present Value varies according to different parameters. Strong attention is placed on the project's critical variables, the opportunity cost of capital, the time duration of the project, the plant size and geographical location of the system, analyzing the specific case of Italy.  相似文献   

Several methods for sizing stand alone photovoltaic (pv) systems has been developed. The more simplistic are called intuitive methods. They are a useful tool for a first approach in sizing stand alone photovoltaic systems. Nevertheless they are very inaccurate. Analytical methods use equations to describe the pv system size as a function of reliability. These ones are more accurate than the previous ones but they are also not accurate enough for sizing of high reliability. In a third group there are methods which use system simulations. These ones are called numerical methods.Many of the analytical methods employ the concept of reliability of the system or the complementary term: loss of load probability (LOLP). In this paper an improvement for obtaining LOLP curves based on the neural network called Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is presented. A unique MLP for many locations of Spain has been trained and after the training, the MLP is able to generate LOLP curves for any value and location.  相似文献   

In recent years, the photovoltaic (PV) industry has been growing rapidly at the rate of 30–40% per annum. As a result of this rapid growth, new opportunities through collaborative research with industry and in the educational area have arisen. To address these needs, the Australian government, through the Australian Research Council (ARC), has established a Key Centre for Teaching and Research in Photovoltaic Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). This is one of only eight such centres established Australia-wide across all disciplines. The primary new initiative of this Key Centre is to establish the world's first undergraduate engineering degree in photovoltaics and solar energy, commencing in March 2000.  相似文献   

The use of renewable alternative sources of energy in the world has been growing in the last few decades due to concerns about dependence on fossil sources and to environmental reasons, related to climatic change and its effects on mankind. Tax and/or financial incentives have been instituted for the population, to have access to renewable source technologies, and for the local equipment industry, to develop more quickly. In Brazil, the PV (photovoltaic) equipment to convert solar into electricity is more often used in low income rural communities, located distant from the grid network, for rural electrification, water pumping and public illumination. However, since there is no currently specific regulatory incentive mechanism for this source in the country, the Brazilian PV equipment industry has not made great advances and the market is largely dominated by multinationals. Against this background, a survey of the current PV equipment industry in Brazil is extremely relevant, especially in the event of a national program development to promote the use of this technology, stimulate the domestic industry and reduce the dependence on imported equipment.  相似文献   

经过10多年的发展,我国光伏产业形成了包括硅料、晶体、切片、电池、组件及系统等产品生产的完整产业链,光伏组件出货量、光伏发电累计装机量和制造成本等均全球领先。针对我国对生态文明建设更加重视和互联网技术高速发展的全新形势,文章提出了促进我国光伏产业持续发展的建议:利用互联网+光伏,打造共享光伏平台,让产业链上的各光伏企业优势互补、资源共享、协同发展;进一步拓展光伏发电在建筑、渔业、农业及交通等领域的跨界应用;将自身先进的生产制造、管理等优势与一带一路国家战略相结合,在沿线国家构建包含光伏发电等的绿色能源体系,布局多元化新兴市场;通过持续创新驱动降低光伏发电度电成本,加速我国光伏发电平价上网的进程。  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the commercialisation experiences of photovoltaics and draws some conclusion from the past and applies them to the future. In particular, the development for this industry in Africa is examined to identify the areas of strength and potential as well as the necessary infrastructure—for production, distribution and installation in order to support its growth. The question of capital requirement versus the efficiency of photovoltaics is highlighted and the reliabilty factor is analysed. As a result of examining the past, three issues seem crucial for the future development of photovoltaics, especially in Africa: (1) technology development; (2) education; (3) finance. These issues are addressed and their interdependence and impact on the use of photovoltaics are explored. The success stories of several photovoltaic companies in Africa, in spite of their problems, can be a source of optimism for the future contribution of this industry to the improved quality of life and economic growth as well as the employment opportunities on this continent. Finally, a method of co-operation between research in photovoltaics at the universities and local industry is proposed as part of the Research and Development (R&D) infrastructure necessary for the technical support of this field.  相似文献   

A new technique for producing thin single-crystal silicon solar cells has been developed. The new technology allows for large decreases in silicon usage by a factor of 12 (including kerf losses) compared to conventional crystalline silicon wafer technologies. The new Sliver® cell process uses a micromachining technique to form 60 μm-thick solar cells, fully processed while they are still supported by the silicon substrate at the edge of the wafer. The Sliver® solar cells are capable of excellent performance due to their thickness and unique cell design with demonstrated efficiencies over 19.3% and open-circuit voltages of 683 mV. In addition, the cells are bifacial (accepts light from either sides) and very flexible. Several prototype modules have been fabricated using a new design approach that introduces a diffuse reflector to the rear of a bi-glass module. To save expensive silicon material, a significant gap is kept between cells. The light striking between cells is scattered from the rear reflector and is directed onto the rear surface of the bifacial Sliver® cells. Module efficiency of 13% (AM1.5, 25C) has been demonstrated with a module presenting a 50% solar-cell coverage fraction, and 18.3% with a 100% Sliver® cell coverage fraction.  相似文献   

Nuclear power and solar photovoltaic energy conversion often compete for policy support that governs economic viability. This paper compares current subsidization of the nuclear industry with providing equivalent support to manufacturing photovoltaic modules. Current U.S. indirect nuclear insurance subsidies are reviewed and the power, energy and financial outcomes of this indirect subsidy are compared to equivalent amounts for indirect subsidies (loan guarantees) for photovoltaic manufacturing using a model that holds economic values constant for clarity. The preliminary analysis indicates that if only this one relatively ignored indirect subsidy for nuclear power was diverted to photovoltaic manufacturing, it would result in more installed power and more energy produced by mid-century. By 2110 cumulative electricity output of solar would provide an additional 48,600 TWh over nuclear worth $5.3 trillion. The results clearly show that not only does the indirect insurance liability subsidy play a significant factor for nuclear industry, but also how the transfer of such an indirect subsidy from the nuclear to photovoltaic industry would result in more energy over the life cycle of the technologies.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to contribute to understanding the behaviour of the photovoltaic (PV) sector in Spain and its expectations under possible scenarios. Currently, PV solar energy is not a profitable sector by itself. Therefore, the Spanish government, like the governments of other countries, has stimulated investment with subsidies. The spectacular increase of PV facilities exceeded all forecasts and the government decided to curb the trend. The present hypothesis is that continuing with this support to PV energy, the technological advances and the economy generated from the production of panels would be able to make the sector profitable in the future without the necessity of subventions. Based on this hypothesis, a computer simulation model was built using the system dynamics methodology. To test its utility, the model was challenged to fit the historical data and to explore several futures over the next few years. The model allows an understanding of the sector's behaviour under the latest policies of the Spanish government, thus helping to design future public policies. The simulation results are different depending on the adopted policy and the scenario. Therefore, these factors will determine the success or failure of the investments in this type of energy.  相似文献   

This article presents the design, construction and testing of a new and inexpensive digital sensor-based temperature-measuring system, whose principal characteristics are: precision, ease of connection, immunity to noise, remote operation and easy scaling, and all this at a very low cost. This new digital sensor-based measuring system overcomes the traditional problems of digital measuring sensors, offering characteristics similar to Pt100-based measuring systems, and therefore can be used in any installation where reliable temperature measurement is necessary. It is especially suitable for installations where cost is a deciding factor in the choice of measuring system. It presents a practical application of the developed instrumentation system for use in photovoltaic solar facilities. This new temperature-measuring system has been registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office with the number P200803364.  相似文献   

In order to increase the production of biogas, particularly in the winter months of northern India, a new design of a collection-cum-storage water heater integrated with the dome of conventional Indian (KVIC) biogas units has been proposed and studied theoretically. During sunshine hours, the biogas system is exposed to solar radiation to increase the slurry temperature, and is covered with movable insulation to avoid night heat losses from the top as well as the sides of the dome. Some interesting conclusions have been drawn.  相似文献   

Andrew MacKillop   《Energy Policy》1980,8(4):260-276
In the developed North there is a growing consensus that the less developed countries (LDCs) of the South should support large programmes on solar energy and energy conservation. Here Andrew MacKillop disputes this view. Since oil consumption in LDCs is tiny relative to that of the developed countries, he argues that conservation is more appropriate for the North, and that the resulting oil savings could provide ample oil supplies for development in the South. Also, LDCs have excellent prospects for indigenous oil development and for advantageous trade relations with oil exporters. Therefore the high costs of developing unconventional sources should, it is suggested, be borne by the North and the technology subsequently transferred to the South. The scarce capital of the South should be devoted to non-energy sectors and oil development, not solar power.  相似文献   

This work presents a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) based on analyzing the output characteristics of PV array under uniform irradiance and partial shading conditions. In order to carry out MPPT in PV panels, under partial shading conditions a method based on Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) is introduced. In contrast with classic ESC, in this method the double of dithering signal frequency is not used, consequently PV output power has a ripple of a lower frequency. Also the drop which occurs when MPPT system starts to operate in classic ESC method is minimized in this paper. The ESC approach for MPPT in this paper uses a series combination of a Low Pass Filter (LPF) and a High Pass Filter (HPF). These two filters act as a Band Pass Filter (BPF) and let a specific frequency of input power which includes the derivative of PV with respect to its voltage pass through. Finally, the system does not operate in local optimal points for efficient point will be global. The algorithm adds partial shadow judging conditions in ESC method. The system runs the variable step ESC method to realize MPPT when photovoltaic array is under uniform irradiance. Under Partial Shading Condition (PSC), the control method can eliminate the interference of local maximum power point (MPP) to make 23 the PV array running at global MPP. In addition, unlike other methods, the proposed MPPT operates on the global MPPs. The proposed MPP tracker does not add any extra complexity compared to the classical ones. However, it increases significantly the efficiency of the PV installation under PSC. We will show that under uniform irradiance, the proposed MPPT leads to faster performances than classical approaches.  相似文献   

China is the largest solar photovoltaic cell producer in the world, with more than one third of worldwide production in 2008, exporting more than 95 percent of what it produces. The purpose of this paper is to understand the drivers of this success and its limits, with a particular emphasis on the role of technology transfers and innovation. Our analysis combines a review of international patent data at a detailed technology level with field interviews of ten Chinese PV companies. We show that Chinese producers have acquired the technologies and skills necessary to produce PV products through two main channels: the purchasing of manufacturing equipment in a competitive international market and the recruitment of skilled executives from the Chinese diaspora who built pioneer PV firms. The success of these firms in their market is, however, not reflected in their performance in terms of innovation. Rather, patent data highlight a policy-driven effort to catch up in critical technological areas.  相似文献   

The advantages and limitations of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for energy generation are reviewed under various physical efficiency limits and financial assistance programs. Recent increases in utility and fuel costs in poultry production as well as public awareness of and demand for green power or renewable energy sources have given renewed interest in alternative energy sources. This study seeks to investigate the impact of alternative energy programs, grants and other incentives on the feasibility of solar PV systems in several solar regions within Tennessee's poultry industry. Preliminary results show that incentives exceeding current levels before adoption of solar PV systems would be financially beneficial.  相似文献   

A new combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system is proposed. This system is driven by solar energy, which is different from the current CCHP systems with gas turbine or engine as prime movers. This system combines a Rankine cycle and an ejector refrigeration cycle, which could produce cooling output, heating output and power output simultaneously. The effects of hour angle and the slope angle of the aperture plane for the solar collectors on the system performance are examined. Parametric optimization is conducted by means of genetic algorithm (GA) to find the maximum exergy efficiency. It is shown that the optimal slope angle of the aperture plane for the solar collectors is 60° at 10 a.m. on June 12, and the CCHP system can reach its optimal performance with the slope angle of 45° for the aperture plane at midday. It is also shown that the system can reach the maximum exergy efficiency of 60.33% under the conditions of the optimal slope angle and hour angle.  相似文献   

Michio Watanabe  Katsuya Tanaka   《Energy Policy》2007,35(12):6323-6331
Two efficiency measures of Chinese industry were estimated at the provincial level from 1994 to 2002, using a directional output distance function. One is a traditional efficiency measure that considers only desirable output, while the other considers both desirable and undesirable outputs simultaneously. A comparison of the two measures revealed that efficiency levels are biased only if desirable output is considered. Five coastal provinces/municipalities that have attracted a large amount of foreign direct investment are found to be the most efficient when only desirable output is considered, and also when both desirable and undesirable outputs are considered. However, omitting undesirable output tends to lead to an overestimate of industrial efficiency levels in Shandong, Sichuan, and Hebei provinces. We also found that a province's industrial structure has significant effects on its efficiency levels.  相似文献   

Chen-Chi Chu 《Solar Energy》2009,83(8):1370-1378
Due to nonlinear I-V characteristics of photovoltaic cells, an maximum power point tracking algorithm is adopted to maximize the output power. In this paper, an approach for peak power tracking using the sliding mode control is proposed. The proposed controller is robust to environment changes and load variations. The stability and robustness of the controller are addressed. The performance of the controller is verified through simulations and experiments. It demonstrated that the proposed approach can be implemented effectively and economically.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of three different solar based technologies for a stand-alone power supply (SAPS) using different methods to address the seasonal variability of solar insolation—(i) photovoltaic (PV) panels with battery storage; (ii) PV panels with electrolyser and hydrogen (H2)(H2) storage; and (iii) photoelectrolytic (PE) dissociation of water for H2H2 generation and storage. The system size is determined at three different Australian locations with greatly varying latitudes—Darwin (12°S12°S), Melbourne (38°S38°S) and Macquarie Island (55°S55°S). While the PV/electrolyser system requires fewer PV panels compared to the PV/battery scenario due to the seasonal storage ability of H2H2, the final number of PV modules is only marginally less at the highest latitude due to the lower energy recovery efficiency of H2H2 compared to batteries. For the PE technology, an upper limit on the cost of such a system is obtained if it is to be competitive with the existing PV/battery technology.  相似文献   

由于高渗透性配电信息网的故障会对主动配电网的规划与运行产生影响,因此文章提出了一种计及配电网信息系统可靠性的分布式光伏优化配置方法。首先,在配电网运行状况对信息系统依赖程度逐步加深的情况下,分析以以太网无源光网络(EPON)为代表的配电信息网的可靠性,研究信息正常和故障两种状态下配电网模型模拟结果的准确性;然后,以配电系统的运行成本和信息系统故障影响下的分布式光伏离网率均达到最小值为双优化目标,以分布式光伏接入容量、信息作用周期为优化变量,提出了基于配电信息可靠性的配电网光伏选址定容规划方法,并利用蒙特卡洛抽样模拟信息失效模型和非支配排序的多目标遗传算法进行求解;最后,根据算例的结果验证了上述模型模拟结果的准确性,并分析了信息可靠性对光伏选址定容规划方案的影响。  相似文献   

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