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This article summarises some of the results from the application of the Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) tool for analysing trends, setting energy policy goals and monitoring progress towards these goals for Baltic States. This experience illustrates the potential applicability of the EISD methodology for energy policy development in economies in transition, using Baltic States as an example. The paper presents a summary of the analysis of six priority areas defined by EU accession requirements for new Member States and provides recommendations for sustainable energy policy development in Baltic States using this indicator approach.  相似文献   

Integration of New Member States to the European Union has created a new situation in the frame of implementation of the Lisbon strategy and EU Sustainable Development. The closure of Ignalina NPP is the biggest challenge to the energy sector development of the Baltic States. The Baltic States have quite limited own energy resources and in the Accession agreement with the EU Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have verified their targets to increase the share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES-E) by the year 2010. A wider use of renewable energy and increase of energy efficiency can make a valuable contribution to meeting the targets of sustainable development. The article presents a detailed overview of the present policies and measures implemented in the Baltic States, aiming to support the use of RES and the increase of energy efficiency. The review of possibilities to use the EU Structural Funds (SF) for the implementation of sustainable energy projects in the Baltic States was performed.The use of regional social–economic–environmental indicators is the main key to integrate sustainable energy development at the program deployment level. The indicators to be used should describe the contribution of energy programs to the sustainable development, medium- and long-term trends and inter-relationship between them and the typical energy indicators (saved toe, improved energy efficiency, percentage of RES). Municipalities may play a considerable role by promoting sustainable energy since local authorities are fulfilling their functions in the energy sector via a number of roles. The Netherlands’ example shows that municipalities may act as facilitators by implementing national environmental policy and increasing energy efficiency in an integral part of these activities. The guidelines for Lithuanian local sustainable energy development using the SF co-financing have been presented.  相似文献   

Baltic States have quite limited own energy resources. In the accession agreement with EU Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have verified their targets to increase the share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES-E) by the year 2010. Lithuania has target to increase RES-E from 3.3 to 7%, Latvia—from 42.4 to 49.3% and Estonia—from 0.2 to 5.1%. Promotion of use of renewable energy sources are among the priorities of energy policy in Baltic States. More wide use of renewable energy can make a valuable contribution to diversification of energy supply and increase of reliability of energy supply and to meeting GHG emission reduction targets. The article presents a detailed overview of the present policies and measures implemented in Baltic States aiming to support the use of renewable energy sources. The article presents a review of the present renewable situation in Baltic States and analyses policies and measures in place aiming to enhance use of renewables. The review of possibilities to use EU structural funds for the implementation of renewable energy projects in Baltic States was performed in the paper.  相似文献   

The fuel driving the engine of growth and sustainable development of any nation is the nation's access to reliable and adequate energy. Access to energy is a crucial enabling condition for achieving sustainable development. Prudent energy policies and research can play an important role in steering both industrialized and developing countries onto more sustainable energy development paths. Specifically, they can strengthen the three pillars of sustainable development: the economy, by boosting productivity; social welfare, by improving living standards and enhancing safety and security; and the environment, by reducing indoor and outdoor pollution and remediating environmental degradation. Many factors that need to be considered and appropriately addressed in moving towards energy sustainability in Nigeria are examined in this article. These include full exploitation and promotion of renewable energy resources and application of energy conservation measures in various sectors such as manufacturing industrial set-up, office and residential buildings and transportation.  相似文献   

今年9月4日,国务院正式颁布了《可再生能源中长期发展规划》。这是继《可再生能源法》实施以来的又一件具有里程碑意义的大事。可再生能源中长期发展规划的具体发展目标是:2010年可再  相似文献   

Adnan Midilli  Ibrahim Dincer  Murat Ay   《Energy Policy》2006,34(18):3623-3633
In this study we propose some green energy strategies for sustainable development. In this regard, seven green energy strategies are taken into consideration to determine the sectoral, technological, and application impact ratios. Based on these ratios, we derive a new parameter as the green energy impact ratio. In addition, the green energy-based sustainability ratio is obtained by depending upon the green energy impact ratio, and the green energy utilization ratio that is calculated using actual energy data taken from literature. In order to verify these parameters, three cases are considered. Consequently, it can be considered that the sectoral impact ratio is more important and should be kept constant as much as possible in a green energy policy implementation. Moreover, the green energy-based sustainability ratio increases with an increase of technological, sectoral, and application impact ratios. This means that all negative effects on the industrial, technological, sectoral and social developments partially and/or completely decrease throughout the transition and utilization to and of green energy and technologies when possible sustainable energy strategies are preferred and applied. Thus, the sustainable energy strategies can make an important contribution to the economies of the countries where green energy (e.g., wind, solar, tidal, biomass) is abundantly produced. Therefore, the investment in green energy supply and progress should be encouraged by governments and other authorities for a green energy replacement of fossil fuels for more environmentally benign and sustainable future.  相似文献   

Rising international concern about global warming and the rapid development of the renewable energy industry over recent years has led to a need for multidisciplinary programs in energy studies. We have developed a postgraduate program in energy studies which is based on the principles of ecologically sustainable development. This program combines work in energy technology with energy policy, energy economics and environmental and social issues. The program is offered on campus at Murdoch University and by external study, via the internet, throughout Australia and overseas. It has attracted considerable interest from students seeking to find new opportunities within the renewable energy industry. This paper outlines the philosophy of the energy studies program, its implementation and outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the perspective of renewable energy (wind, solar, wave and biomass) in the making of strategies for a sustainable development. Such strategies typically involve three major technological changes: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency improvements in the energy production, and replacement of fossil fuels by various sources of renewable energy. Consequently, large-scale renewable energy implementation plans must include strategies for integrating renewable sources in coherent energy systems influenced by energy savings and efficiency measures. Based on the case of Denmark, this paper discusses the problems and perspectives of converting present energy systems into a 100% renewable energy system. The conclusion is that such development is possible. The necessary renewable energy sources are present, and if further technological improvements of the energy system are achieved the renewable energy system can be created. Especially technologies of converting the transportation sector and the introduction of flexible energy system technologies are crucial.  相似文献   

Turkey has a total gross hydropower potential of 433 GWh/year, but only 125 GWh/year of the total hydroelectric potential of Turkey can be economically used. By the commissioning of new hydropower plants, which are under construction, 36% of the economically usable potential of the country would be tapped. Turkey presently has considerable renewable energy sources. The most important renewable sources are hydropower, biomass, geothermal, solar and wind. Turkey's geographical location has several advantages for extensive use of most of these renewable energy sources. Over the last two decades, global electricity production has more than doubled and electricity demand is rising rapidly around the world as economic development spreads to emerging economies. Not only has electricity demand increased significantly, it is the fastest growing end-use of energy. Therefore, technical, economic and environmental benefits of hydroelectric power make it an important contributor to the future world energy mix, particularly in the developing countries.  相似文献   

The article deals with the issues related to the implementation of EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trading scheme in Baltic States. The main objectives of the article are to analyse the main features and requirements of EU emission trading scheme and to assess the results of the first trading GHG trading period based on verified GHG emissions in Baltic States. The main aim of the article is to compare GHG emission trading results among Baltic States and provide with some insights for the next GHG trading period and assess possible implications on energy sector of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.  相似文献   

L. Suganthi  Dr  Anand A. Samuel  Dr   《Renewable Energy》2000,19(1-2):285-290
Sustainability is regarded as a major consideration for both urban and rural development. People have been exploiting the natural resources with no consideration to the effects—both short term (environmental) and long term (resource crunch). It is felt that knowledge and technology have not been used optimistically. The urban areas depend to a large extent on commercial energy sources. The rural areas use non-commercial sources like firewood, agricultural wastes. Even this is decreasing over the years, with the villagers wanting to adopt the ready to use sophisticated technology. The debate now is to identify a suitable via media. The option that fills this gap aptly is the renewable energy source. Though it is often argued that the link between renewable energy and sustainability is only theoretical and academical rather than practical, it must be realised that in the long run renewable energy is the only option that could meet the growing energy needs. An attempt has been made here to analyse the supply side management of energy resources contrary to demand side management which is followed now. The results reveal that exergy destruction is reduced thus increasing the returns and paving the way for sustainable development.  相似文献   

加快农村能源综合建设的探讨和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村能源是我国能源的一个特殊领域,与农业生产和农民生活紧密相关。分析了农村能源综合建设工作中存在的一些问题和不足,提出加快农村能源综合建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

A holistic perspective of various energy stakeholders regarding the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOTs) of the energy sector in Macedonia is utilized as baseline to diagnose the current state and to sketch future action lines towards sustainable energy development. The resulting SWOT analyses pointed to the progressive adoption of European Union (EU) standards in energy policy and regulation as the most important achievement in the energy sector. The most important problems the national energy sector faces are scarce domestic resources and unfavorable energy mix, low electricity prices, a high degree of inefficiency in energy production and use, as well as insufficient institutional and human capacities. The formulated portfolio of actions towards enabling sustainable energy development urges the adoption of a comprehensive energy strategy built upon sustainability principles, intensified utilization of the natural gas, economic prices of electricity, structural changes in industry, promotion of energy efficiency and renewables, including Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, enforcement of EU environmental standards and meeting the environmental requirements, as well as institutional and human capacity building.  相似文献   

油价上涨,煤价上涨,电价上涨,生态环境恶化……这些和百姓生活与国家能源安全密切相关的事,在中国人的眼里似乎已经是司空见惯了。尽管老百姓都怨恨涨价,但也只能无奈地接受这个现实。  相似文献   

1.我们,来自78个国家的部长和政府代表,在2005北京国际可再生能源大会上共聚一堂,重申我们将履行曾在世界峰会、世界可持续发展峰会、联合国2005年千年回顾峰会上所做出的承诺,并且一如约翰内斯堡执行计划中所号召的那样,我们迫切地要求在全球的能源供应中可持续地、大幅度地提高可再生能源的比例。  相似文献   

Achieving solutions to environmental problems that we face today requires long-term potential actions for sustainable development. In this regard, renewable energy resources appear to be the one of the most efficient and effective solutions. So clean, domestic and renewable energy is commonly accepted as the key for future life for Turkey. Turkey's geographical location has several advantages for extensive use of most of these renewable energy sources. Because of this and the fact that it has limited fossil fuel resources, a gradual shift from fossil fuels to renewables seems to be serious and the sole alternative for Turkey. This article presents a review of the present energy situation and sustainability, technical and economical potential of renewable energy sources and future policies for the energy sector in Turkey. Also, potential solutions to current environmental problems are identified along with renewable energy technologies. Throughout the paper several problems relating to renewable energy sources, environment and sustainable development are discussed from both current and future perspectives. The renewable energy potential of the country and their present use are evaluated here based on the available data. The present study shows that there is an important potential for renewables in Turkey.  相似文献   

分布式能量系统在可持续发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍我国的能源状况以及可持续发展的概念,引出了分布式能量系统(DES)概念,并着重对DES的组成、特点以及发展DES的重要意义进行了详细的阐述,说明DES的应用势在必行,DES的应用程度将是衡量一个国家综合国力的重要标志。  相似文献   

Integrated energy strategy for the sustainable development of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose in this paper an integrated energy strategy based on a systems approach to address the energy challenges and energy dilemma in China. First, we give a review of existing approaches to energy planning and strategic management, followed by a discussion on the major relationships among energy, economical, environmental and societal systems. Next, we present a conceptual system model with alternative solutions and clarify corresponding concepts. Based on the results, we propose, summarize, and present strategic ideas as policy implications for China’s decision makers. In conclusion, we determine that China should enhance strategic planning and regulation from a life cycle viewpoint of the whole society, prioritize energy saving, continuously improve incumbent energy, and rationally develop alternative energy.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(17):2237-2243
The dominance of a single-energy system inevitably leads to excessive burden on, and eventually weakening, a particular aspect of the environment, and can cause environmental fatigue and failure (permanent damage) or even catastrophe if dominated for too long; thus it inevitably poses the health and environmental risk. This is the case for our currently fossil-fuel-based energy systems. In fact, each energy system, including renewables and alternative fuels, has its own unique adverse impact on the environment, as dictated by the second law of thermodynamics. A truly sustainable development may be achieved with the diversification and localization of energy sources and systems if the adverse impact of each energy system is sufficiently small and well within the tolerance limit of the environment. Energy diversification and localization would also provide a security for the energy supply and distribution as well for the energy consumers—a specifically important issue in the wake of blackout (electric power failure) in the Northeastern states to the Midwest of the United States and part of Canada on August 14, 2003. The idea of diversified energy systems for the good of humanity and environment is similar to many analogies in other fields, such as bio-diversity is the best means to prevent the spread and damage of diseases and pests, and diversified investment is the best strategy to guarantee the overall best investment return. It is concluded that the diversification and localization of energy systems is the best future energy systems that would be environmentally compatible, and allow for sustainable development as well as energy security for both supply and distribution to the energy consumers.  相似文献   

胡义康 《太阳能》2007,(10):9-11
一"可持续发展"的起源"可持续发展",即Sustainable development,其思想的提出应在20世纪60~70年代。文字记载最早出现于国际自然保护同盟《世界自然保护大纲》之中。其概念最初源于生态学,指的是对资源的一种管理战略,其后被广泛应用于经济学和社会学范  相似文献   

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