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There is a growing awareness among all countries and their decision makers, regardless of economic and industrial development, that the environment must be protected, leading towards a sustainable future. This is especially important in the energy sector—which is the principal factor in economic and industrial development—since the primary energy sources of today, fossil fuels, are the main culprits of global environmental problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution. Industrial countries, being greater consumers of fossil fuels, are affected to a greater extent by their environmental harms. Consequently, these countries are leading the way in environmental protection measures.The European Union, the second largest industrial grouping in the world, has become one of the leaders in taking important measures in the energy sector to curb the harmful emissions over the years. Spain, a member of the European Union, has initiated planning to reduce the pollutants produced by the energy sources and bring them in line with the European Union efforts, while keeping up the country's economic development. This paper reports the efforts and planning of Spain through the year 2010 to comply with the European Union environmental regulations on one hand and to sustain economic development on the other.  相似文献   

Rational energy planning under the pressure of environmental and economic problems is imperative to humanity. An evaluational framework is proposed in order to support energy planning for promoting the use of renewable energy sources. A multi-criteria decision analysis is adopted, detailing exploitation of renewable energy sources (including Wind, Solar, Biomass, Geothermal, and small Hydro) for power and heat generation. The aim of this paper is the analysis and development of a multilevel decision-making structure, utilizing multiple criteria for energy planning and exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources of at the regional level. The proposed evaluation framework focuses on the use of a multi-criteria approach as a tool for supporting energy planning in the area of concern, based on a pool of qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria. The final aim of this study is to discover the optimal amount of each Renewable Energy Source that can be produced in the region and to contribute to an optimal energy mix. In this paper, a case study for the island of Thassos, Greece is analyzed. The results prove that Renewable Energy Sources exploitation at a regional level can satisfy increasing power demands through environmental-friendly energy systems that combine wind power, biomass and PV systems.  相似文献   

The exploitation of the energy potential in biomass in a specific geographical region is frequently constrained by high production costs and the amount of land required per unit of energy generated. In addition, the distributed nature of the biomass resource and its normally low energy density may result in large transportation costs. Biomass also requires large land areas to collect and process the incoming solar radiation before the energy can be harvested. Previously published works on regional energy clustering (REC) and the Regional Resources Management Composite Curve, RRMCC (in this paper shortened to RMC), have been extended in this paper to tackle simultaneously the issues of the biomass supply chain, transportation, and land use. The RMC is a tool for supporting decision making in regional resource management. It provides a complete view of energy and land availability in a region, displaying their trade-offs in a single plot. The extension presented in this work has been developed in two steps. The first step presents the Regional Energy Cascade Analysis, which estimates the energy target within regional supply chains and provides the result for energy exchange flows between zones, the quantity of energy required to be imported/exported, and the locations of the demands. In the second step, the initial results are analysed against potential measures for improving the energy and land use targets by using the RMC and a set of rules for its manipulation. The presented method provides the option to assess the priorities: either to produce and sell the surplus energy on the fuel market or use the land for other purposes such as food production. This extended approach is illustrated with a comprehensive case study demonstrating that with the RMC application it is possible to maximise the land use and to maximise the biofuel production for the requested energy demand.  相似文献   

The European Union has established challenging targets for the share of renewable energies to be achieved by 2020; for Spain, 20% of the final energy consumption must be from renewable sources at such time. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the consequences for the electricity sector (in terms of excess cost of electricity, investment requirements, land occupation, CO2 emissions and overcapacity of conventional power) of several possibilities to comply with the desired targets. Scenarios are created from different hypotheses for energy demand, biofuel share in final energy in transport, contribution of renewables for heating and cooling, renewable electricity generation (generation mix, deployment rate, learning curves, land availability) and conventional power generation (lifetime of current installations, committed deployment, fossil fuel costs and CO2 emissions cost). A key input in the estimations presented is the technical potential and the cost of electricity from renewable sources, which have been estimated in previous, detailed studies by the present authors using a methodology based on a GIS (Geographical Information System) and high resolution meteorological data. Depending on the scenario, the attainment of the targets will lead to an increase in the cost of electricity from 19% to 37% with respect to 2007.  相似文献   

As water scarcity is becoming a growing threat to human development, finding effective solutions has become an urgent need. To make better use of water resources, seawater desalination and storage systems using renewable energy sources (RES) are designed and implemented around the world. In this paper, an optimal capacity planning method for RES-pumped storage-seawater desalination (RES-PS-D) system is introduced. The configuration of the RES-PS-D system is clarified first, after which a cost-benefit analysis is performed using all cost and benefit components. A function for determining maximum economic benefits of the RES-PS-D system is then established, and the constraints are proposed based on various limitations. The mixed-integer linear programming algorithm is applied to solve the optimal function. A case study is introduced to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method. The conclusion shows that the strategy is suitable for solving the configuration optimization problem, and finally both merits and defects of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

The multidimensional character of renewable energy sources (RES) necessitates the collection of a number of related data in order to support EU policy needs. Apart from the technology and techno-physical data also socioeconomic (e.g. employment, turnover) data and R&D expenditures are of critical relevance. The monitoring of the above RES data with respect to the existing targets for RES is of significant importance. In addition to this, even though significant data gathering efforts have been implemented, a lot of fragmented data and deduced findings are currently available, which sometimes lack consistency and verification. As a result, RES data validation and completion capacity is needed in the framework of the European Union (EU) energy policy. In addition to this, agreed and validated RES data can help energy policy makers and relevant stakeholders answering to pressing energy socio-economics’ and sustainability issues. In this context, the main aim of the paper is to present a reference methodology for validating the RES Data in the EU. The development of the methodology is mainly based on the review of existing methods and ends up with recommendations for improvements in RES data aggregation and statistical interpretation, taking into consideration the related analysis of statisticians, energy technology experts and energy socio-economists.  相似文献   

The authors show an application of the multicriteria decision-making methodology used to assess an action plan for the diffusion of renewable energy technologies at regional scale. This methodological tool gives the decision-maker considerable help in the selection of the most suitable innovative technologies in the energy sector, according to preliminary fixed objectives. In this paper, a case study is carried out for the island of Sardinia. This region presents, on one hand, a high potential for energy resources exploitation, but on the other hand, it represents a specific case among other Italian regions, because of its socio-economic status and history.Three decision scenarios have been supposed, each one representing a coherent set of actions, on the basis of which strategies of diffusion are developed.  相似文献   

This article first analyses the situation of indicators related to renewable energies in the reference year (2005) used by the European Union (EU) for its goal of a 20% share of energy from renewable sources in the gross final consumption of energy in 2020. Nonlinear distribution of dynamic targets is suggested for increasing the energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy. This methodology is then applied to European Union member countries, the NUTS0 territorial aggregation level according to the EUROSTAT Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), in the year 2020. Weighting was done based on share of energy from non-renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy, energy from non-renewable sources per capita, energy from non-renewable sources per GDP and GDP per capita in the EU-27 scenario. Finally, a multicriteria formula was applied to weight the variables used in this study.  相似文献   

The optimal design of a hybrid system with different configurations including renewable generation is presented in this paper. A novel multi‐objective function consisting of 6 different objectives of hybrid system is reported using GA, PSO, and TLBO to decide the optimal configurations of parameters. The technical (loss of power supply probability, renewable factor), economical (cost of energy, penalty and fuel consumption), and social (job creation, human development index, and particular matter) features are investigated as objectives simultaneously for optimal design of hybrid system. The different objective indices namely cost of energy, loss of power supply probability, particular matter, human development index, job creation, and renewable factor indices are considered. The newly invented particular matter factor for design consideration of hybrid system directly shows the human health impacts, while pollutant emission is measured in the hybrid system design. The optimum values of objective indices are decided on the basis of the minimum value of multi‐objective function. The distinct cases from I to VI of hybrid system are examined for optimal configuration including different combinations of PV, wind, biomass, diesel generator, and battery bank. The resulting analysis of each case reveals that the performance of TLBO is better than PSO, and PSO is better than GA in all respect through new multi‐objective function and found case I is more efficient solution.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to estimate the potential of using biogas plants, solar cookers and improved cookstoves for domestic cooking in India. Based on 1991 statistics on the bovine population and ownership pattern, the potential number of family size biogas plants comes out to be around 38 million in the optimistic scenario whereas, in the realistic scenario it is around 29 million. The potential of improved cookstoves is estimated at about 90 million and that of solar cookers is estimated at about 75 million.  相似文献   

面向高原高寒地区对稳定供热和供电的迫切需求,本文提出了一种新型的可再生能源与储能集成供能系统。该系统包括风力发电、光伏发电、水力发电、槽式太阳能集热器、储热系统、储电装置以及集成控制系统,实现了多种可再生能源高效利用;制定了一种考虑热电设备性能的实时能量管理策略,并建立了以年成本为主要优化目标的容量配置方法;利用该系统与优化方法对高原高寒地带民用住宅群的供能系统进行了优化设计,通过案例对比分析,验证了该集成供能系统容量配置方法和能量管理策略的可行性。研究结果为高原高寒地区供能系统的选择提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

This article presents a model for investing in renewable energies in the framework of the Spanish electricity market in a way that risk is minimised for the investor while returns are maximised. The model outlined here is based on an economic model for calculating cash flows intended to obtain the internal rate of return (IRR) of the different energies being studied: wind, photovoltaic, mini hydro and thermo electrical. The IRRs obtained are considered the returns on investments, while their standard deviations are considered associated risks. In order to minimise risk, a comprehensive portfolio of investments is created that includes all of the available energies by means of a system of linear equations. The solution of the linear system is graphically checked using the efficient frontier method for the different financing options. Several case studies within the Renewable Energies Plan (PER is its Spanish abbreviation) that is in force in Spain in the period 2005–2010 are analysed in order to illustrate the method, as are other case studies using different types of financing, helping us to reach the pertinent conclusions.  相似文献   

An emerging trend in Canada is the creation of community energy plans, where decisions that used to be left to regional level energy agencies or private individuals are now being considered at the community level. A desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to become more energy self-sufficient is driving this change. Theoretically, local level management is desirable because it achieves these goals through improvements in the three areas of energy efficiency, energy conservation and switching to renewable energy sources. The analysis of 10 of the first community energy plans in Canadian communities, ranging in population size from 500 to one million, finds that communities are choosing policies and programs centred on increasing energy efficiency and conservation while renewable energy receives much less attention. Municipal operations were called upon to set higher targets than the general community. Communities that recognized the substantial potential of renewable energy often focused on technologies that the municipal sector could implement, such as bio-fuels for their transportation fleet. Wind, passive solar design, solar photovoltaics and solar thermal options were only recommended in a few cases. Overall, only one of the five larger communities (Calgary) recommended implementing multiple renewable energy technologies while three of the five smaller communities proposed multiple renewable energy sources. The implication is that smaller and more remote communities may be the most willing to lead in the planned introduction of renewable energy systems.  相似文献   

Present electricity grids are predominantly thermal (coal, gas) and hydro based. Conventional power planning involves hydro-thermal scheduling and merit order dispatch. In the future, modern renewables (hydro, solar and biomass) are likely to have a significant share in the power sector. This paper presents a method to analyse the impacts of renewables in the electricity grid. A load duration curve based approach has been developed. Renewable energy sources have been treated as negative loads to obtain a modified load duration curve from which capacity savings in terms of base and peak load generation can be computed. The methodology is illustrated for solar, wind and biomass power for Tamil Nadu (a state in India). The trade-offs and interaction between renewable sources are analysed. The impacts on capacity savings by varying the wind regime have also been shown. Scenarios for 2021–22 have been constructed to illustrate the methodology proposed. This technique can be useful for power planners for an analysis of renewables in future electricity grids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is twofold: first, it is aimed at determining the best renewable energy alternative for Istanbul by using an integrated VIKOR-AHP methodology. Second, a selection among alternative energy production sites in this city is made using the same approach. In the proposed VIKOR-AHP methodology, the weights of the selection criteria are determined by pairwise comparison matrices of AHP. In energy decision making problems, the judgments of decision makers are usually vague. As it is relatively difficult for decision makers to provide exact values for the criteria, the evaluation data for the alternative energy policies should be expressed in linguistic terms. In order to model this kind of uncertainty in human preferences, fuzzy logic is applied very successfully. Thus, both classical VIKOR and classical AHP procedures are performed under fuzzy environment. The originality of the paper comes from the application of the proposed integrated VIKOR-AHP methodology to the selection of the best energy policy and production site. It is found that wind energy is the most appropriate renewable energy option and Çatalca district is the best area among the alternatives for establishing wind turbines in Istanbul.  相似文献   

The European Union's (EU) energy objectives, legislation and programmes are determinant for the current strategy for the promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency (EE) in Spain, which is becoming a key element for its international competitiveness.Firstly, this article explores the evolution of the EU's energy strategy, focusing on the adopted legislations and programmes to promote RES and EE. It concludes with an analysis of the impact of those measures in Spain.  相似文献   

Barriers to renewable energy penetration; a framework for analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Renewable energy has the potential to play an important role in providing energy with sustainability to the vast populations in developing countries who as yet have no access to clean energy. Although economically viable for several applications, renewable energy has not been able to realise its potential due to several barriers to its penetration. A framework has been developed in this paper to identify the barriers to renewable energy penetration and to suggest measures to overcome them.  相似文献   

This work presents a design methodology for a hybrid energy system based on multiple renewable power sources and bioethanol. The new concept of generation consists on having multiple power sources such as a PEM fuel cell system fed by the hydrogen produced by a bioethanol reformer and wind-solar sources working all together supervised by the energy management system. The necessary heating for the bioethanol reforming reaction can be provided by the renewable sources to enhance the efficiency of the hydrogen production. It is worth noting that, from the power balance as well as backup point of views, the hybrid system is equipped with energy storage devices. An optimal sizing methodology integrated with the energy management strategy is proposed here for designing the overall hybrid system. The suggested approach is based on genetic algorithms, using historical climate data and load demands over a period of one year. Several simulation results are given to show the methodology performance in terms of loss of power supply probability (LPSP), costs and bioethanol consumption.  相似文献   

We present a bilevel optimization approach to designing effective and efficient incentive policies for stimulating investment in renewable energy. The effectiveness of an incentive policy is its capability to achieve a goal that would not be achievable without it. Renewable portfolio standards are used in this paper as the policy goal. The efficiency of an incentive policy is measured by the amount of policy intervention, such as taxes collected or subsidies paid, to achieve the policy goal. We obtain the most effective and efficient incentive policies in the context of generation expansion planning, in which a centralized planner makes investment decisions for the energy system to serve projected demand of electricity. A case study is conducted on integrated coal transportation and electricity transmission networks representing the contiguous United States. The numerical analysis from the case study provides insights on the comparison of various incentive policies. The sensitivity of the incentive policies with respect to coal production cost, wind energy investment cost, and transmission capacity is also studied.  相似文献   

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