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It has very often been stated that the difficulty and complexity of achieving green energy targets in the European Union (EU) will require strengthened measures to promote implementation of New Energy Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency, as well as measures to support the related energy Research and Technology Development (RTD). Often forgotten is the fact, that most of all, a European-wide co-ordinated forum is needed to continuously develop and sophisticate the monitoring and methodology results, bringing together specialised statisticians, energy researchers and experts on energy socio-economics. The aim of this paper is to present the Scientific Reference System (SRS) Scorecard; a data validation platform for the sophisticated monitoring and communication of the energy technology sector. In this respect, the concept of the SRS scorecard system will be laid out, the parameters and the scoring criteria will be explained as well as the assessment system so as to provide the interested reader with the basis needed to understand the technology evaluation examples provided, as well as its critical analysis.  相似文献   

One of the most important goals of the European energy policy involves the implementation of energy-efficiency measures in large scale so as to promote sustainable development in the European Union (EU) level. The multidimensional character of energy end-use efficiency (EEE) necessitates the collection of a number of related data, apart from the performance and system parameters data, such as socio-economic (e.g., employment, turnover) and Research and Development (R&D) expenditures. Moreover, improved co-ordination of EEE programmes and policies of the community and the member states so as a unified acceptable system to be developed for the monitoring of the EEE data with respect to the existing targets is of significant importance. Even though data-gathering efforts have been implemented, a lot of fragmented data and deduced findings are currently available, which sometimes lack consistency and verification. In this context, the main aim of the paper is to present a sustainable reference methodology for validating EEE data in EU, through the review of existing approaches and methods, defining of most relevant inconsistencies and gaps and provision of recommendations for improvements in EEE data aggregation and statistical interpretation, taking into consideration the related analysis of statisticians, energy technology experts and energy socio-economists.  相似文献   

Insights into the past Energy Research and Technology Development (ERTD) expenditures allows policy makers to better set priorities for current and future ERTD funding as well as to analyze the exact impact of ERTD investments to the development of energy technologies. However, despite numerous attempts in the past, there is currently no comprehensive, validated database that includes disaggregated data on public and private ERTD expenditures in the EU-27 for different technology groups. One of the main aims of the Scientific Reference System for New Energy Technologies and Energy End Use Efficiency (SRS NET & EEE) FP6 project is to enhance the availability, quality and completeness of data on public and private ERTD expenditures, disaggregated for energy technologies and energy end-use efficiency options in the EU-27. The aim of the paper is to outline the main data gathering procedures and results from the “SRS NET & EEE” project, as well as the related policy implication.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the effect of enhanced research and development (R&D) efforts for a set of low-carbon power technologies on the development of the European energy sector. It applies a methodology using the concept of Two-Factor-Learning, which quantitatively links trends in technology cost to both accumulated R&D investments and production volumes. The impacts of the latter on the energy sector are then simulated in a consistent manner with the POLES global energy model. On this basis, it compares the total system costs of an assumed increase in worldwide R&D investments that for the EU are in line with proposals made in its European Strategic Energy Technology Plan to a baseline development. It finds that an increase in research efforts at a global level will contribute to reducing the costs of currently less mature low-carbon technologies, thus accelerating their market entry. When comparing two scenarios that both fulfil the EU's 2020 energy and climate objectives and differing only in their R&D investment levels, the reduced technology costs allow EU support policies for renewables and carbon values to be reduced, and the cumulative (discounted) benefit of the accelerated research efforts is positive in the long term.  相似文献   

The SET-Plan established a strategy to use Research and Innovation (R&I) to green the EU energy sector while ensuring a secure supply and increasing EU competitiveness. The strategy sets clear objectives and programming plans and takes stock of existing initiatives in the energy sector, fosters a cooperative approach to R&I, introduces a high-level steering group (the SET-Plan Steering Group) to monitor progress, creates a dedicated information system (the SETIS) to fill the void in policy information and produces estimates of financial needs over the programming period. In this respect, the SET-Plan could serve as a blueprint for R&I strategies to tackle other societal challenges. To be effective, such strategies should further clarify the hierarchy of existing objectives and instruments, introduce specific instruments to pull the demand of new technologies, strengthen links with education and training policies and formalize links with the governance structures of existing initiatives.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy technology can be one of the best key players related to the sector of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the hydrogen economy. Comparing to other technologies, hydrogen energy technology is more environmentally sound and friendly energy technology and has great potential as a future dominant energy carrier. Advanced nations including Korea have been focusing on the development of hydrogen energy technology R&D for the sustainable development and low carbon green society. In this paper, we applied the integrated fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) for measuring the relative efficiency of the R&D performance in the national hydrogen energy technology development. On the first stage, the fuzzy AHP effectively reflects the vagueness of human thought. On the second stage, the DEA approach measures the relative efficiency of the national R&D performance in the sector of hydrogen energy technology development with economic viewpoints. The efficiency score can be the fundamental data for policymakers for the well focused R&D planning.  相似文献   

The European Community Directorate General for Research in Science and Technology has recently initiated a new four year framework programme which includes a substantial activity on non-nuclear energy known as JOULE-Joint Opportunities for Unconventional and Long term Energy in Europe. This programme includes a major activity in the area of Energy from Biomass with a financial allocation for the current two year programme of about US $12 million. The topics covered include biomass production, conversion to fuels by biochemical and thermochemical processes, utilisation of these fuels in a variety of applications and.studies of integrated systems for implementation

This paper describes the current European Community Energy from Biomass R&D programme, the pattern of activities and their objectives, and future plans for development and expansion into related areas. These include pulp for paper, fertilisers and chemicals as well as liquid and gaseous fuels from bio-chemical and thermo-chemical conversion technologies.  相似文献   

Small islands face difficult challenges to guarantee energy, freshwater and food supply, and sustainable development. The urge to meet their needs, together with the mitigation and adaptation plans to address climate change, have led them to develop renewable energy systems, with a special interest in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in tropical islands. Deep Ocean Water (DOW) is a resource that can provide electricity (through OTEC in combination with warm surface water), low temperatures for refrigeration, and nutrients for food production. In this paper we propose an Ocean Technology Ecopark (OTEP) as an integral solution for small islands that consists of an OTEC plant, other alternative uses of DOW, and a Research and Development (R&D) center. We present an application of OTEP to San Andres, a Colombian island that meets all the necessary conditions for the implementation of OTEC technology, water desalinization, and a business model for DOW. We present the main entrance barriers and a four-stage roadmap for the consolidation and sustainability of the OTEP.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide an overview of decision frameworks aimed at crafting an energy technology Research & Development portfolio, based on the results of three large expert elicitation studies and a large scale energy-economic model. We introduce importance sampling as a technique for integrating elicitation data and large IAMs into decision making under uncertainty models. We show that it is important to include both parts of this equation – the prospects for technological advancement and the interactions of the technologies in and with the economy. We find that investment in energy technology R&D is important even in the absence of climate policy. We illustrate the value of considering dynamic two-stage sequential decision models under uncertainty for identifying alternatives with option value. Finally, we consider two frameworks that incorporate ambiguity aversion. We suggest that these results may be best used to guide future research aimed at improving the set of elicitation data.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse and evaluate the German Research and Development (R&D) system related to the development of hydrogen technology for mobile applications. We analysed both research projects and patents in the period 1974–2002. The paper focuses on an analysis of the main technological trends, the role of governments in steering the transition and an evaluation of the speed and direction of the transition to hydrogen. Our findings show that the attention for hydrogen is strongly increasing and that overall the variety in research projects is increasing. This is positive. However, some technologies receive more attention than others. The number of projects and patents related to infrastructure and refuelling is very low while on board production of hydrogen is a clear winner. In terms of storage, liquid hydrogen receives most attention. We are concerned about these directions in R&D strategy since different well to wheel studies have shown the drawbacks of these options in terms of energy efficiency. Different governments play an active role in stimulating research and development, which broadens the variety of research topics, which is positive. However, the distance between government and industrial interests may be too large to lead to a significant influence of policy efforts. We therefore recommend stronger policy coordination to counteract the risks of premature lock-in in suboptimal hydrogen technologies.  相似文献   

Gas Research Institute (GRI) plans, manages and develops financing for a cooperative research and development (R&D) program in supply, transport, storage and end-use of gaseous fuels for the mutual benefit of the gas industry and its present and future customers. Developing new and improved technologies which maximize the value of gas energy services while minimizing the cost of supplying and delivering gaseous fuels is the most effective way to serve the mutual interests of both the industry and its customers. These mutual benefits can only be realized if the results of R&D are used; consequently, GRI makes the prospects for application of developments arising from its R&D program a critical element in pursuing projects beyond proof-of-concept stage. GRI implements its mission through both planning and managing contractor-performed R&D and in-house analyses and communications activities. The R&D program is divided into Supply Options, End Use, Gas Operations and Crosscutting Research. The R&D budget increased from about $137.8 million in 1986 to $171.0 million in 1989. This paper summarizes the objectives and strategies for the GRI R&D program.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is in discussing the outcome of the government's policies aimed at promoting the wind power industry. By analyzing the policies on renewable energy and the direct and indirect support mechanisms, the author reviews the achievements, limitations and strategies faced during their various stages. This research discovered that the series of measures adopted between 2000 and 2005 including installation plans, financial incentives, feed-in tariffs, export credit subsidies and R&D, helped to initiate the early steps of private investment, and allow domestic wind capacity to see stable growth. After 2005 with more clear goals set for wind energy installed capacity policies, R&D and industrial cooperation mechanisms, there was even greater breakthrough in limited market, enabling Taiwan's fledgling wind power industry to take its first steps onto the international production chain. In particular, the passing of the Renewable Energy Development Act in 2009 incited rapid growth in the domestic market as well as driving further development in the domestic wind energy industry. Overall, in current stage there is a need to get a handle on the gap still existing between international technology and market and that in Taiwan, in order to strategically develop a competitive advantage globally.  相似文献   

To provide and improve national energy security and low-carbon green energy economy, as a government-supported research institute related to developing new and renewable energy technologies, including energy efficiency, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) needs to establish a long-term strategic energy technology roadmap (ETRM) in the hydrogen economy sector for sustainable economic development. In this paper, we establish a strategic ETRM for hydrogen energy technologies in the hydrogen economy considering five criteria: economic impact (EI), commercial potential (CP), inner capacity (IC), technical spin-off (TS), and development cost (DC). As an extended research, we apply the integrated two-stage multi-criteria decision-making approach, including the hybrid fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) model, to assess the relative efficiency of hydrogen energy technologies in order to scientifically implement the hydrogen economy. Fuzzy AHP reflects the vagueness of human thought with interval values, and allocates the relative importance and weights of four criteria: EI, CP, IC, and TS. The DEA approach measures the relative efficiency of hydrogen energy technologies for the hydrogen economy with a ratio of outputs over inputs.The result of measuring the relative efficiency of hydrogen energy technologies focuses on 4 hydrogen technologies out of 13 hydrogen energy technologies. KIER has to focus on developing 4 strategic hydrogen energy technologies from economic view point in the first phase with limited resources. In addition, if energy policy makers consider as some candidates for strategic hydrogen technologies of the other 9 hydrogen energy technology, the performance and productivity of 9 hydrogen energy technologies should be increased and the input values of them have to be decreased.With a scientific decision-making approach, we can assess the relative efficiency of hydrogen energy technologies efficiently and allocate limited research and development (R&D) resources effectively for well-focused R&D.  相似文献   

To avoid promoting technologies that merely produce incremental change, the US Department of Energy needs to establish a new organization designed to focus on transformational R&D projects. From its inception in 1977, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has been responsible for maintaining the nation's nuclear stockpile, leading the country in terms of basic research, setting national energy goals, and managing thousands of individual programs. Despite these responsibilities, however, the DOE research and development (R&D) model does not appear to offer the nation an optimal strategy for assessing long-term energy challenges. American energy policy continues to face constraints related to an overly rigid management structure and loss of mission within the DOE, layers of stove-piping within and between the national laboratories, and inadequate public and private funding for energy R&D. To address these concerns, an independent organization dedicated to transformative, creative energy R&D is required.  相似文献   

Expert elicitations of future energy technology costs can improve energy policy design by explicitly characterizing uncertainty. However, the recent proliferation of expert elicitation studies raises questions about the reliability and comparability of the results. In this paper, we standardize disparate expert elicitation data from five EU and US studies, involving 65 experts, of the future costs of photovoltaics (PV) and evaluate the impact of expert and study characteristics on the elicited metrics. The results for PV suggest that in-person elicitations are associated with more optimistic 2030 PV cost estimates and in some models with a larger range of uncertainty than online elicitations. Unlike in previous results on nuclear power, expert affiliation type and nationality do not affect central estimates. Some specifications suggest that EU experts are more optimistic about breakthroughs, but they are also less confident in that they provide larger ranges of estimates than do US experts. Higher R&D investment is associated with lower future costs. Rather than increasing confidence, high R&D increases uncertainty about future costs, mainly because it improves the base case (low cost) outcomes more than it improves the worst case (high cost) outcomes.  相似文献   

Investment in energy research and development in the U.S. is declining despite calls for an enhancement of the nation's capacity for innovation to address environmental, geopolitical, and macroeconomic concerns. We examine investments in research and development in the energy sector, and observe broad-based declines in funding since the mid-1990s. The large reductions in investment by the private sector should be a particular area of concern for policy makers. Multiple measures of patenting activity reveal widespread declines in innovative activity that are correlated with research and development (R&D) investment—notably in the environmentally significant wind and solar areas. Trends in venture capital investment and fuel cell innovation are two promising cases that run counter to the overall trends in the sector. We draw on prior work on the optimal level of energy R&D to identify a range of values which would be adequate to address energy-related concerns. Comparing simple scenarios based on this range to past public R&D programs and industry investment data indicates that a five to ten-fold increase in energy R&D investment is both warranted and feasible.  相似文献   

The paper considers the role of government funded demonstration projects and field trials (DTs) in accelerating the commercialisation of new energy technologies that meet a public good but do not have immediate market appeal [Sagar, A.D., van der Zwaan, B., 2006. Technological innovation in the energy sector: R&D, deployment, and learning-by-doing. Energy Policy 34, 2601–2608]. Drawing on an original database of DTs in the EU, Japan and USA from 1973 to 2004, we review the history of DTs in photovoltaic technology for electricity generation, and its subsequent take up as a commercial energy source.  相似文献   

Because of the needs of sustainable development of the mankind society and natural environment building a renewable energy system is one of the most critical issues that today's society must address. In the new energy system there is a requirement for a renewable fuel to replace current energy carrier. Hydrogen is an ideal secondary energy. Using solar energy to produce hydrogen in large scale can solve the problems of sustainability, environmental emissions, and energy security and become the focus of the international society in the area of energy science and technology. It has also been set as an important research direction by many international hydrogen programs. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China supported and launched a project of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) – the Basic Research of Mass Hydrogen Production using Solar Energy in 2003 for R&D in the areas of solar hydrogen production. The current status of solar hydrogen production research is reviewed and some significant results achieved in the project are reported in this paper. The trends of development and the future research directions in the field of solar hydrogen production in China are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Solar thermal technologies (STTs) are mature in many EU Member States. However, in some EU regions solar applications, and especially the innovative ones (such as solar heating/cooling, solar drying, solar-powered desalination), remain at an early stage. The degree of development of each market does not depend on climate conditions (e.g., insolation) or on different technological developments. The major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of STTs are examined, in order to identify the most important actions that should be taken to reduce existing barriers, as opposed to RTD (Research and Technology Development) of the new STTs. These include financing schemes, publications, electronic dissemination tools, campaigns, events, creation of information centres, audits and studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to apply managerial economics and methods of decision analysis to study the optimal pattern of innovation activities for development of new energy technologies in developing countries. For this purpose, a model of energy research and development (R&D) planning is developed and it is then linked to a bottom-up energy-systems model. The set of interlinked models provide a comprehensive analytical tool for assessment of energy technologies and innovation planning taking into account the specific conditions of developing countries. An energy-system model is used as a tool for the assessment and prioritization of new energy technologies. Based on the results of the technology assessment model, the optimal R&D resources allocation for new energy technologies is estimated with the help of the R&D planning model. The R&D planning model is based on maximization of the total net present value of resulting R&D benefits taking into account the dynamics of technological progress, knowledge and experience spillovers from advanced economies, technology adoption and R&D constraints. Application of the set of interlinked models is explained through the analysis of the development of solar PV in Iranian electricity supply system and then some important policy insights are concluded.  相似文献   

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