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The People's Republic of China foresees a target of 30 GW for installed wind power capacity by 2010 (2008: 12 GW). This paper reports on the technical and economic potentials of wind power, the recent development, existing obstacles, and related policies in China. The barriers to further commercialization of the wind power market are important and may deter the 100 GW capacity target of the Chinese government by 2020. The paper concludes that the diffusion of wind power in China is an important element for not only reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, but also for worldwide progress of wind power technology and needed economies of scale.  相似文献   

风力发电技术及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了风力发电的原理并介绍了其结构简图;分析了对风力发电有重要影响的风能特性以及风力发电机组在不同运行条件下的控制方式;介绍了几种典型的风电模型,比较了它们的优缺点.对未来风电的发展趋势做了展望.  相似文献   

福建电力工业走过艰辛创业的15年(1987~2002年),发电装机和发电量翻了两番多(4.8和5.4倍),平均年递增11%和12%.总结15年的经验和教训对今后的发展将具有十分重要意义.2003年到2017年正是省委、省府提出提前3年实现全面建设小康社会的15年.文章论述了电力工业必须走与经济和环境协调发展,能源多元化和独立自主的改革发展之路,并提出了今后15年建设煤、水、气、核和风能等多种能源结构合理的发展目标.电力体制改革应结合本省实际情况,适应长远发展需要,开展有序竞争,保证经济和社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The theory of diffusion of innovation is used to study the growth of wind power technology in different states of India. Though the policies of the central government of India encouraged growth of the wind power sectors, individual states had varying policy measures which influenced the rates of diffusion in wind energy in different states. The state level data of cumulative wind power installed capacity is used to obtain the diffusion parameters using a mixed influence diffusion model (Bass model). The diffusion parameters obtained, especially the point of time when an inflection occurs in the diffusion curve (t1) and the rate of diffusion at the point of inflection (RPI) can be used to rank the different states. As different states have different policies for promotion of wind power, an attempt was also made to calculate a composite policy index based on parameters such as land availability, preferential tariffs, wheeling and banking, Third Party Sales (TPS) and state specific incentives. It is found that there is a correlation between the diffusion parameters and the composite policy index. This methodology can be used to study or even predict diffusion of renewable energy technologies in future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare some important institutional and legal preconditions for wind power development in three Nordic countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In the paper a number of historical, institutional and policy-related differences across these countries are highlighted, but most attention is paid to the various territorial planning procedures. The analysis suggests that although public economic support to wind power is necessary to promote its diffusion in the electricity system, similar policy instruments – in terms of both size and design – can induce significantly different developments depending on the legal preconditions for the location and environmental assessment of windmills. The success and failure stories of technology support policies can thus not easily be transferred across country borders. An important conclusion is that in comparison to Sweden the physical planning systems in both Denmark and Norway provide greater scope for implementing a national wind power policy at the local level. For instance, the Danish planning system is vertically integrated, and involves a designation of areas for wind power purposes in the local plans, while the municipalities in Sweden must in some way assent to (i.e., plan for) the establishment of windmills at a certain location in order for the installation to actually take place. Compared to its competitors, wind power is one of the power-generating technologies that tend to have the most to lose from the uncertainties created by planning regulations that leave much discretion to local authorities.  相似文献   

Shanghai, known as the economic, financial and cultural centre of China, lies in the southern portion of the Yangtze River Basin and is the largest and most prosperous city in mainland China. With a high rate of economic and population growth, Shanghai's demand for energy continues to rise. However, Shanghai is a city with a lack of traditional energy resources, and relies heavily on steady supplies of fossil fuels imported from other regions of China. In order to ensure the optimal use of energy resources and limit the environmental impact, the Shanghai government has launched a new energy strategy and is committed to the development of renewable energy, especially wind power. This paper assesses the wind energy resource in Shanghai, reviews the current status of wind power utilisation, and identifies the major challenges facing the development of a robust wind energy industry in this fastest growing city of China.  相似文献   

2008年国内外风电持续快速发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了世界主要国家风电持续快速发展,2008年新增装机容量约为2726万kW,增长率为29%;2008年底,国内风电装机容量达到625万kW,实现了连续3年在百万kW级上翻番,内资风电制造企业累计市场份额首次超过外资,在新增装机容量中,占76%;分析了我国风电设备制造商的发展和构成情况,以及在市场竞争中风电企业面临的主要问题和未来发展前景.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is in discussing the outcome of the government's policies aimed at promoting the wind power industry. By analyzing the policies on renewable energy and the direct and indirect support mechanisms, the author reviews the achievements, limitations and strategies faced during their various stages. This research discovered that the series of measures adopted between 2000 and 2005 including installation plans, financial incentives, feed-in tariffs, export credit subsidies and R&D, helped to initiate the early steps of private investment, and allow domestic wind capacity to see stable growth. After 2005 with more clear goals set for wind energy installed capacity policies, R&D and industrial cooperation mechanisms, there was even greater breakthrough in limited market, enabling Taiwan's fledgling wind power industry to take its first steps onto the international production chain. In particular, the passing of the Renewable Energy Development Act in 2009 incited rapid growth in the domestic market as well as driving further development in the domestic wind energy industry. Overall, in current stage there is a need to get a handle on the gap still existing between international technology and market and that in Taiwan, in order to strategically develop a competitive advantage globally.  相似文献   

The capacity of the Chinese wind power sector has increased rapidly over the past half-decade, essentially doubling every year since 2005. The purpose of this paper is to describe the industry’s recent development and to discuss some of the policies and policy challenges related to the particular business environment in China. Three issues are highlighted: pricing policies, transmission capacity, and the structure of the equipment manufacturing industry, where substantial overcapacity is emerging as a serious problem.  相似文献   

核能发电的优点及世界核电发展动向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首先介绍了核电在资源、环境和经济性方面的情况,指出核电用的核燃料在地壳和海洋中的储藏量在相当长的时间内不会因为一定规模的核动力应用而出现资源紧张的状况;核电是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式,核电与其他发电方式在经济方面具有可比性。然后介绍了世界各国和我国核电的发展趋势,最后提出面对发展核电的大好局面应注意的问题。  相似文献   

世界风电产业发展综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
风力发电是目前最具商业化和市场竞争力的可再生能源技术。随着风电技术日趋成熟,风电产业在全球范围得到大力发展,并保持持续增长的势头。全世界风力资源丰富,风力发电将成为最重要的替代能源之一,但风电产业的发展受政策影响较大。文章阐述了世界风力发电产业的现状,分析了世界风电产业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Wind energy programmes started in India during the 1980s and gained momentum during 1992–1993 mainly due to the participation of private developers who saw wind as a viable alternative source of power for their existing industrial activities. The liberal incentives provided by the Government of India like 100 per cent depreciation in the first year itself, a five year tax holiday; wheeling/banking, and third party sale by different state governments also gave a big boost to the establishment of wind farms. Dr A. Jagadeesh, Wind Energy Specialist and Consultant, India highlights the current status and actions needed for further development of a wind power industry in India.  相似文献   

欧洲风电发展取得了很大的成就,建立了世界最大的风电市场和产业,制定和实施了有效的支持政策,促进了风电技术的迅速发展和成本的持续下降,风电开始在欧洲成为主要的替代能源.文章介绍了欧洲风电技术、产业和市场发展状况及趋势;实施强制上网、价格激励、税收优惠、资源普查、电网建设等政策的经验,提出了我国具有世界最重要的风电潜在市场,应该借鉴欧洲经验,加快在完善价格体系、风机标准化和检测、资源普查、电网建设等方面的工作步伐,支持我国风电产业的发展.  相似文献   

Recently, the Swedish government adopted a national planning goal of a yearly wind power generation of 10 TWh by 2015, implying a substantial increase from the current 0.6 TWh level. In this paper, we provide an economic assessment of the potential for future wind power investments in Sweden in close conjunction with an analysis of the legal, attitudinal and policy-related uncertainties that face a wind mill investor. It is shown that the economics of Swedish wind power is negatively affected by: (a) the lack of policy stability; (b) public criticism at the local level; and, in particular, (c) the legal provisions governing the assessment of the environmental impacts of wind mills and the planning procedures for mill location. While national and global energy policies as well as the general public point out wind power as particularly environmentally friendly, most of the objections to its expansion at the local level tend to have environmental origins. The interests of those who object to wind mill installations gain strong legal protection, and the municipal territorial planning monopoly in Sweden implies that it is hard to make national energy policy goals heard at the local implementation stage. Compared to its competitors, wind power is the technology that tends to have the most to loose from the risk and uncertainties created by this investment environment. The paper identifies and discusses a number of ways in which the national policy interests could be strengthened at the local level. We discuss the role of citizen participation, as well as solutions within the realms of the legal system. Moreover, since the diffusion of wind power encounters the most strident legal and attitudinal obstacles where it interferes with competing land uses, a move offshore appears to be an efficient strategy from the perspective of a wind mill investor. A stronger political commitment to wind power expansion in legal provisions as well as in the form of long-run stability in policy instrument implementation will probably be necessary to attain the 2015 policy goal.  相似文献   

The main areas of large-scale development of solar energy are: —conversion of solar energy into low-grade heat, and using the latest in heating systems of residential, municipal facilities, public and industrial buildings that consume energy such as temperature capacity; —conversion of solar energy into electricity through photovoltaic and thermodynamic converters. This report provides short information of the dynamics of the creation and operation of solar power plants (SPP) with the thermodynamic conversion, and the criteria for reducing cost of electricity produced from them.  相似文献   

A procedure to generate a list of benefits and optimal capacity combinations for transmission path upgrades is suggested. Optimal upgrading of transmission can be identified from such a list. The benefits computed are a measure of congestion in the system.  相似文献   

A techno-economic evaluation of small wind electric generator (SWEG) projects for providing decentralized power supply in remote locations in India is presented. SWEG projects that have either been implemented or are under implementation have been considered. The capital costs of the SWEG projects and sub-systems have been analysed. Levelised unit cost of electricity (LUCE) has been estimated for 19 select places located in different geographical regions of the country. The LUCE is found to vary in the range of Rs. 4.67–83.02/kWh (US$1 0.10–1.86/kWh) for wind electric generator projects in the capacity range 3.2–50 kW with annual mean wind speed variation in the range 5–10 m/s. Issues relating to their environmental impact(s), barriers to diffusion and institutional mechanism(s) to implement such projects have also been discussed.  相似文献   

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