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微波功率放大器的应用范围广,在雷达、导航、通信、卫星地面收发站、电子对抗仪器设备中不可或缺。介绍一个X波段固态功率放大器模块的设计过程,通过ADS射频仿真软件根据S参数对微波固态功放模块的偏置隔直电路以及匹配电路进行设计优化,功率放大器经过级联、功率分配合成,达到设计的指标要求。  相似文献   

采用内匹配技术,使用单胞的电路结构,设计并实现了一款3.8~4.2 GHz的功率放大器。该放大器基于南京电子器件研究所自主研制的GaN HEMT管芯芯片。通过优化设计该放大器在10%的相对带宽、漏源电压28 V、连续波的工作条件下,实现了输出峰值功率P_(out)大于30 W,功率附加效率PAE大于48%,充分显示了GaN功率器件宽带、高效和高功率的工作性能,具有广阔的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

阐述了一款内匹配功率放大器的设计过程和测试结果。该放大器工作在5~5.8 GHz,采用氮化镓HEMT工艺,在28 V漏极供电电压下实现了48 dBm输出功率和55%功率附加效率。同时,该内匹配放大器将栅极和漏极偏置电路设计在芯片内部,无需在外部设计偏置电路,在保证功放性能的同时实现了小型化。该设计充分体现了GaN内匹配电路的高功率、高效率、小型化的优势。  相似文献   

论文介绍了一种基于波导的Ka波段高增益固态功率放大器件,它运用波导‐微带线过渡输出功率,有效地进行了微带介质基片和腔体结构的设计,抑制由于高增益所产生的自激,并且使其具有紧凑的偏里电路以及良好的散热特性。完成Ka波段高功率发射信号的产生,输入为34.4GHz已调制低功率发射信号和功放预热脉冲,输出为高功率(20W)发射信号。  相似文献   

基于ADS微波功率放大器设计与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南敬昌  梁立明  刘影 《计算机仿真》2010,27(5):327-330,343
为了解决功率放大器设计中输出功率和效率这对矛盾的性能。对参数指标之间如何折衷处理的问题,提出了一种利用负载牵引和源牵引相结合的方法,通过功率放大器输入输出匹配网络的设计中解决矛盾问题,并对一个中心频率2140MHz PA的输出功率、功率附加效率等参数匹配的仿真验证证实方案的可行性,为方便物理实现提供了最终的设计电路。从仿真结果可以得出PA的输出功率和效率都满足设计要求,证明方法能够很好地解决输出功率和效率的折中问题,对PA的设计有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

设计了一个工作频率高达20 GHz、最高输出功率23.4 dBm的CMOS功率放大器(PA),该PA由两级放大器组成,采用全差分Cascode电路结构。PA的输入、级间、输出匹配网络均采用片上变压器实现,实现单端输入、单端输出,功率合成器用来提高PA的输出信号摆幅。该PA基于TSMC 0.18μm CMOS工艺模型进行设计,采用Agilent ADS软件进行PA性能仿真和片上变压器的设计,版图仿真结果表明:在20 GHz频段内,PA的输入、输出完全匹配(S11=-13.85 dB、S22=-10.94 d B),小信号增益S21达到21.5 dB,芯片面积仅为0.56 mm~2。  相似文献   

钟甦 《自动化信息》2012,(8):48-49,83
毫米波放大器的设计已经越来越倾向于以具有体积小、重量轻、直流功耗低等优点的固态器件通过功率合成技术来实现。在成熟的波导T型合成结构基础上加以改进,实现了该放大器的合成效率高、尺寸小、易于散热、易于模块化等优点,再配合新研制出的一种具有幅度/相位特性补偿的预失真结构加以辅助,最终达到了在K波段高线性的功率输出。  相似文献   

开关模式E类功率放大器的理论效率可达100%,可用于天气雷达发射机系统中。采用GaN HEMT器件,设计了一个在2.8 GHz频点下的E类功率放大器,输出功率达到40 dBm,PAE为67%,增益为13 dB。此外,设计的微带负载网络对谐波进行了有效抑制。  相似文献   

定量地分析了输入谐波控制理论对功放效率的影响.同时,选用了南京电子器件研究所的0.25 μm GaN HEMT器件,并对该GaN HEMT器件进行了负载牵引仿真和大信号仿真.根据仿真结果发现,通过输入谐波控制可以提升射频功率放大器的效率,在频带内能获得3~10%的效率提升.以此设计了一款X波段单级MMIC功放.经测试,...  相似文献   

E-PHEMT射频功率放大器的设计与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对实现功率放大器输出端获得最大输出功率,放大器设计主要保证能减小失真,增加线性度,就可以提高功率,为此提出了一种利用负载牵引法找出功率放大器的最大输出功率时的最佳外部负载阻抗ZL的方法.并通过实例对中心频率为3GHz,带宽为1GH:射频放大器的稳定性,输入输出负载阻抗圆,以及功率增益进行了仿真,并给出了仿真结果和最终设计电路.仿真结果表明,功率放大器设计完全满足设计指标.并对功率放大器设计提供了重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

The harmonic spur characteristics of a hybrid integrated S‐band power amplifier (PA), consisting of both stages of LDMOSFET and AlGaN/GaN HEMT, are studied at different temperatures. The PA offers a peak output power of 50 dBm (100 W) with power added efficiency higher than 50%, and adjacent channel power ratio performance is less than ?30 dBc. A temperature test chamber is employed for measuring the harmonic spur of PA from 233 to 393 K, and its linear response to temperature is captured at high output power level.  相似文献   

This article presents the design and fabrication of a 6 W X‐band hybrid Class‐J power amplifier (PA) based on a bare die GaN on SiC HEMT by accurate implementing the transistor nonlinear capacitor effects. The transistor input capacitor is precisely modelled and its nonlinearity effects on Class‐J performance is studied for the first time. It is shown that the harmonic generation property of the nonlinear input capacitor, especially at the second harmonic, can be of benefit to shape the transistor gate voltage as a quasi‐half wave sinusoidal waveform and consequently, it can improve the power added efficiency (PAE). A complete 3D thermal model of the power transistor is developed using ANSYS software and it is calibrated based on the thermal measured data. The PA achieves 13 dB average power gain over the frequency range of 8.8‐9.6 GHz. The drain efficiency and PAE are about 67% and 58% at 9.2 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   

This article reports a Microstrip design for low noise amplifier (LNA) using a packaged commercial GaN‐on‐SiC high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). A cascode configuration with an inter‐stage matching and an independent biasing technique was used. A lumped elements design was first developed, analyzed, and simulated in ADS. Then the design was implemented using microstrip technology and simulated using the momentum EM simulation in ADS. The LNA is easy to fabricate, has a low cost, and can be easily modified for other applications. The proposed GaN LNA showed a gain of 13.5 dB with a noise figure (NF) of 3 dB from 2.8 to 3.8 GHz.  相似文献   

In this article, using a 0.25 μm GaN HEMT process, we present a 2–6 GHz GaN two‐stage distributed power amplifier MMIC that utilizes tapered gate series capacitors and nonuniform drain transmission lines with tapered shunt capacitors to simultaneously obtain a linear gain enhancement and optimum load line for each transistor. By using well‐derived equations to provide each transistor with the optimum load impedance and to tune the phase delay between the input and output transmission lines, the nonuniform distributed power amplifier is designed for second‐stage amplification, and satisfactory performance is demonstrated. The phase balance and tapering of the gate series capacitors have a role in improving the linear gain of the two‐stage amplifier. The measured data show a linear gain of 22 ± 1 dB, an input/output return loss of more than 15 dB, saturated output power of 41.2–43.1 dBm under a continuous‐wave mode, and a power‐added efficiency of 18–22% from 2 to 6 GHz which are very competitive values compared with previous works. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:456–465, 2016.  相似文献   

针对X波段50 W GaN功放管电路进行改进设计,在满足原有指标的条件下,同时提高电路工作稳定性;巧妙改变微波电路结构,去除了原电路所用的电感,并在不影响电路指标的前提下适当减少了电容、电阻的用量,为整个电路的设计节约了成本。同时,仿真并制作了Wilkinson功分功合器。最终得到85 W功率放大模块,并给出了测试结果。  相似文献   

In this article, a 2 to 6 GHz solid‐state power amplifier with 53 dBm output power has been analyzed, designed, and fabricated. To achieve a wideband high output power, we introduce a 16‐way hybrid power combiner based on microstrip planar binary and parallel structures. The simulation and measurement results of the proposed hybrid power combining network (PCN) show that the maximum power combining efficiency is around 86% with the insertion loss of around 0.6 to 1.5 dB and an isolation of 20 dB between the ports. Also, to compensate the output power variations due to the thermal and operating frequency changes across the bandwidth, a digital level control (DLC) unit utilizing an agile control algorithm is proposed which decreases the output power variations to 2% of the desired output power. A cooling heatsink fan system has been also designed in order to transfer the heat generated power to the air. The measured output power for the applied input continuous wave is higher than 52.5 dBm. In addition, the power added efficiency (PAE) is better than 15% across the wide portion of the bandwidth and the measured third‐order intermodulation is about 20 dBc (average).  相似文献   

建立适当模型对微波功率放大器芯片的单个晶体管进行温度分析,仿真结果表明,最高温度高于晶体管正常工作温度。从封装上采取措施,对芯片-粘接材料-基板这一基本结构进行分析,最后解决了温度过高问题。  相似文献   

A large‐signal model for GaN HEMT transistor suitable for designing radio frequency power amplifiers (PAs) is presented along with its parameters extraction procedure. This model is relatively easy to construct and implement in CAD software since it requires only DC and S‐parameter measurements. The modeling procedure was applied to a 4‐W packaged GaN‐on‐Si HEMT, and the developed model is validated by comparing its small‐ and large‐signal simulation to measured data. The model has been employed for designing a switching‐mode inverse class‐F PA. Very good agreement between the amplifier simulation and measurement shows the validity of the model. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures were grown on 2 inch sapphire substrates by MOCVD, and 0.8-μm gate length devices were fabricated and measured. It is shown by resistance mapping that the HEMT structures have an average sheet resistance of approximately 380 Θ/sq with a uniformity of more than 96%. The 1-mm gate width devices using the materials yielded a pulsed drain current of 784 mA/mm atV gs=0.5 V andV ds=7 V with an extrinsic transconductance of 200 mS/mm. A 20-GHz unity current gain cutoff frequency (f T) and a 28-GHz maximum oscillation frequency (f max) were obtained. The device with a 0.6-mm gate width yielded a total output power of 2.0 W/mm (power density of 3.33 W/mm) with 41% power added efficiency (PAE) at 4 GHz.  相似文献   

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