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基于拉姆齐定价理论的销售电价研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
将拉姆齐定价理论应用于销售电价定价中,通过松建居民用户和工业用户电力需求计量经济学模型,回归估计了近期我国分类用户的短期电力需求价格弹性,并按照拉姆齐定价模型测算出分类用户次优平均销售电价水平。在此基础上提出了基于福利因数的改进拉姆齐定价模型,该模型与居民阶梯式电价有着紧密联系,促使分类用户销售电价机制趋于合理,增加社会总福利。  相似文献   

在电力市场中,分时电价的应用越来越普遍。针对日负荷曲线波动剧烈、峰谷差较大等问题,文中将拉姆齐定价理论引入到分时电价的制定当中。根据用户的需求弹性和电力企业供电边际成本的差异,通过运用价格手段使用户更合理用电。算例分析表明,运用拉姆齐定价原理制定的分时电价,一定程度上能够平滑负荷曲线,可降低尖峰电量。  相似文献   

范斌  褚燕  姚瑜 《华东电力》2012,(1):22-25
输变电价的制定对电能资源跨区跨省平衡调节起到十分关键的作用。在对拉姆齐模型及其改进的研究的基础上,构建我国两部制输变电价结构模型,界定调节高峰用电的福利权数,阐述了高峰时段采用福利权数对超出部分电量按调节电量电价计价的方法。实行基于拉姆齐定价的两部制输电价既有利于实现社会福利的优化,也可以在确保安全输电的基础上提高输电网资源利用率的效果,政府的规制成本也得以降低。  相似文献   

输电定价是电力市场有效运行的关键,正确的输电定价首先要保证资源的有效分配。讨论输电电价的基本原则,把各种输电定价方法归为2类:成本定价法和市场定价法,并对其实用性进行讨论。从社会福利最大化的角度分析,输电效率定价模式会导致输电公司固定投资难以回收。因此,对于处于垄断地位的电网公司,其输电定价应以成本为基础,同时必须接受管制;市场化的定价方式仅限于线路阻塞时容量的分配。  相似文献   

对输电电价的定价方法进行了研究,对输电网的成本进行了分析,将其成本分为固定成本和变动成本2大类,固定成本基本上不随时间变化,变动成本随时间变化而不断改变。提出了集成定价思想,即对输电网的固定成本采用综合成本定价法,按最大需量进行分摊,而对变动成本则采用基于边际成本定价法的实时电价并进行实时分摊,两者有效结合即得出输电网的电价模型。该模型可称为集成定价法下的节点电价模型,可以应用于实时电价、分时电价、日前市场电价和远期合同电价。通过算例说明了该电价模型的具体应用。  相似文献   

电能期货合同市场的输电拥堵定价及其输电网的开放   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文提出了一个输电拥堵管理的新方法,这个方法能确保对所有的输电网使用者公平开放电网,并且对输电价格进行公平定价。首先,输电网使用者对使用区域电网之间的输电线路进行容量投标。然后,电网调度机构(ISO)按照输电网使用者对容量投标的价格来分配输电线路的可用容量,使得输电可用容量的总价值最大化。在一条拥堵的线路上得到输电容量调度计划的用户按照边际成本价格为使用这条线路输电而付费。在ISO为缓解区域之间的输电线路拥堵而调整输电计划时,它要对每个发电商和它们的相应用户之间的输电量分别进行平衡。通过将每对发电商,用户组合的输电业务量分离出来,ISO就可以只组织管理输电市场,而不介入发电商和用户之间双边合同形式的电能交易。  相似文献   

电力市场中输电定价的探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
输电网的自然垄断性已经或正在逐渐被打破,市场竞争的开放性终将要求输电网络完全放开,并形成独立的输电价格。合理的输电价格将提供正确的经济信号,促使输电资源优化配置,并促进输电系统的良性发展。在考虑了输电阻塞和网损的基础上提出了优化输电定价的方法,并就输电价格的各个组成部分做了分析。  相似文献   

熊秀文  黄涌 《华中电力》2002,15(5):20-22,25
通过计算电源对输电线的利用份额,提出了可以采用分时性及季节性对输电费进行定价的思路,为输电费的制定提供了参考。  相似文献   

输电服务的科学定价一直是电力市场需要解决的重要问题之一,随着电力体制改革和电力市场建设发展的深入,输电与配电侧的放开和引入投资逐渐被提上日程,如何有效率地在电网营运中赢利并收回成本,也是输电服务定价的作用和意义所在.文中提出在输电服务定价中引入次优定价和歧视性定价方法,针对电力用户的不同需求弹性和支付意愿对输电服务采用不同的价格,可以有效解决电力系统建设中输电网建设的一系列相关问题,同时对电力网络安全稳定问题以及传输阻塞问题的解决都具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

输电服务的科学定价一直是电力市场需要解决的重要问题之一,随着电力体制改革和电力市场建设发展的深入,输电与配电侧的放开和引入投资逐渐被提上日程,如何有效率地在电网营运中赢利并收回成本,也是输电服务定价的作用和意义所在。文中提出在输电服务定价中引入次优定价和歧视性定价方法,针对电力用户的不同需求弹性和支付意愿对输电服务采用不同的价格,可以有效解决电力系统建设中输电网建设的一系列相关问题,同时对电力网络安全稳定问题以及传输阻塞问题的解决都具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

输电阻塞情况下电能计价的LMP方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着电力市场改革的深入,输电阻塞成为电力系统中常见的问题。通过5节点电力系统示例分析了LMP方法用于阻塞情况下电能市场计价和系统结算的过程,并介绍了这种方法的应用情况。  相似文献   

林国庆  林馨  黄民翔 《华东电力》2006,34(11):45-49
从我国区域电力市场的运行实际出发,提出一种基于SRMC的输电定价方案,该方案不仅可以向发电厂和用户提供有效的经济信号,引导短期市场效率,而且可以保证电网公司的年收支平衡,并为电网扩建积累专项资金,具有一定的合理性和实用性.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to propose a simple transmission congestion pricing scheme based on tracing principle by considering generator fixed cost, cost for incurring loss and transmission congestion cost. Restructuring has brought about considerable changes by the virtue of which electricity is now a commodity and has converted into deregulated type. Such a competitive market has paved way for innumerable participants. This concept of restructuring has led to overloading of transmission lines. In this paper, power flow tracing has been employed by using suitable optimization algorithm, where the real power generation has been maximized. Congestion in the transmission line has been produced in a new fashion by maximizing the real power demand. The power flow under normal operating condition and congestion is determined and hence the difference in power flow is estimated. Based on the estimated power flow difference, the transmission line congestion cost is computed. Pool model and bilateral model has been considered in simulation study to introduce the concept of deregulation. The proposed method is tested and validated on Modified IEEE 30 bus test system and Indian utility 69 bus test system.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated framework to evaluate short-run marginal costs (SRMC) in hydrothermal systems, taking into account the chronological aspects of reservoir operation, transmission constraints, equipment failures, hydrological variation and load uncertainty. The resulting SRMC values are used to calculate circuit revenues, which are then compared with investment requirements. It is shown that the representation of these probabilistic factors substantially increases revenues, in contrast with the widely reported under-recovery found in studies which only represent normal operating conditions. Case studies with the Brazilian North-Northeastern system are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

输电服务定价的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目前所提出的输电定价方法主要分为基于会计学的综合成本法和基于微观经济学的边际成本法。综合成本法能保证电网收支平衡和合理的利润,但它不包含任何经济学信息;边际成本法可提供丰富的经济学信息,但不能保证收支平衡。近年来出现了将两者结合的集成方法。简要介绍了这些方法的研究成果及其优缺点。此外,还粗略介绍了期货、期权理论在输电电价中的应用。  相似文献   

In this paper we make a comparison of three transmission pricing models: the Wangensteen model, the optimal power flow model and the Hogan model. The similarities among the models are that all can be used in locational pricing systems. In these systems the prices are calculated as the marginal cost that in turn equals the marginal benefit to load. In the Wangensteen model and the original optimal power flow model, the locational prices are equal to the Lagrange multipliers associated with the power flow equations. On the contrary, Hogan’s model and the modified optimal power flow model express the locational prices as equal to the reference bus (node) price, the marginal costs of losses, and the marginal costs of congestion. The Wangensteen model is used for educational purposes and considers elastic load. The optimal power flow model has been widely used in electrical engineering and dispatch of power systems. Load is assumed to be inelastic. Hogan’s model is an economist’s version of the optimal power flow model and considers elastic load. It also gives an expression for the locational prices in terms of an equilibrium equation.  相似文献   

一种改进的无功定价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了一种负荷对线路潮流贡献分量的新算法。在分析系统无功生产成本构成的基础上,根据边际成本理论将无功生产成本分配给电网各线路,再根据负荷对线路的无功使用份额将各线路分担的无功生产成本分配给各个负荷,从而得出了各负荷分担的无功生产成本和相应的无功价格。该方法在确定负荷对线路无功使用份额时计及了P-Q间的耦合作用,无需任何假设或近似。不仅能够确保收支平衡,而且能为用户提供有效的经济信号。仿真结果验证了该方法的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

The reliability of power systems covers all aspects of the ability of the system to satisfy the customer requirements concerning the continuity of supply. The underlying concept is that the transmission reliability margin (TRM) must be secured for the overall system to survive the sudden and unanticipated occurrence of any possible disturbance that may be represented by the mostly common index-forced outage rate. In this regard, this paper explores the probabilistic approach to the calculating of all market participants’ contributions to the TRM by taking into account the forced outage rate of each circuit across the entire network. With these reliability contributions, we can allocate the reliability cost to the users in a more reasonable way. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a 3-bus test system, which is very comprehensive and self-explanatory.  相似文献   

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