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The contribution of this work is designing and developing enhanced market-driven agents with the flexibility to (1) respond to changing market conditions, and (2) raise and relax trade aspirations. Previous theoretical analyses have shown that market-driven agents ( MDA s) make prudent compromises by reacting to changing market situations by taking into account factors such as competition, deadlines, and trading options. This work augments the design of an MDA with three fuzzy decision controllers that guide the agent in (i) relaxing trade aspiration in face of intense negotiation pressure, and (ii) raising trade aspiration in extremely favorable markets. Results from extensive simulations conducted using an implemented testbed suggest that when compared to MDA s, agents in this work achieved (1) higher success rates in reaching deals, (2) higher average utilities, and (3) higher expected utility.  相似文献   

Strategic agents for multi-resource negotiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In electronic commerce markets where selfish agents behave individually, agents often have to acquire multiple resources in order to accomplish a high level task with each resource acquisition requiring negotiations with multiple resource providers. Thus, it is crucial to efficiently coordinate these interrelated negotiations. This paper presents the design and implementation of agents that concurrently negotiate with other entities for acquiring multiple resources. Negotiation agents in this paper are designed to adjust (1) the number of tentative agreements for each resource and (2) the amount of concession they are willing to make in response to changing market conditions and negotiation situations. In our approach, agents utilize a time-dependent negotiation strategy in which the reserve price of each resource is dynamically determined by (1) the likelihood that negotiation will not be successfully completed (conflict probability), (2) the expected agreement price of the resource, and (3) the expected number of final agreements. The negotiation deadline of each resource is determined by its relative scarcity. Agents are permitted to decommit from agreements by paying a time-dependent penalty, and a buyer can make more than one tentative agreement for each resource. The maximum number of tentative agreements for each resource made by an agent is constrained by the market situation. Experimental results show that our negotiation strategy achieved significantly more utilities than simpler strategies.  相似文献   

Automated negotiation provides a means for resolving differences among interacting agents. For negotiation with complete information, this paper provides mathematical proofs to show that an agent's optimal strategy can be computed using its opponent's reserve price (RP) and deadline. The impetus of this work is using the synergy of Bayesian learning (BL) and genetic algorithm (GA) to determine an agent's optimal strategy in negotiation (N) with incomplete information. BLGAN adopts: (1) BL and a deadline-estimation process for estimating an opponent's RP and deadline and (2) GA for generating a proposal at each negotiation round. Learning the RP and deadline of an opponent enables the GA in BLGAN to reduce the size of its search space (SP) by adaptively focusing its search on a specific region in the space of all possible proposals. SP is dynamically defined as a region around an agent's proposal P at each negotiation round. P is generated using the agent's optimal strategy determined using its estimations of its opponent's RP and deadline. Hence, the GA in BLGAN is more likely to generate proposals that are closer to the proposal generated by the optimal strategy. Using GA to search around a proposal generated by its current strategy, an agent in BLGAN compensates for possible errors in estimating its opponent's RP and deadline. Empirical results show that agents adopting BLGAN reached agreements successfully, and achieved: (1) higher utilities and better combined negotiation outcomes (CNOs) than agents that only adopt GA to generate their proposals, (2) higher utilities than agents that adopt BL to learn only RP, and (3) higher utilities and better CNOs than agents that do not learn their opponents' RPs and deadlines.  相似文献   

双边多议题协商是一个复杂的动态交互过程。解决Agent在对环境和对方信息不全知的情况下通过协商达成一致并最大化自身效用是非常重要的。为了寻求Pareto效率解,提出了一种在无中介参与的情况下双方通过多轮相互探测求解的方法。实验分析了偏好对协商过程的影响并说明了该算法是一种在较低计算代价下求得Pareto效率解的有效双边多议题协商算法。  相似文献   

Agent多议题协商研究是多Agent合作求解的核心内容之一,一般基于对策论的方法实现Pareto最优的协商结果。由于很多学者将其转化为单目标约束满足问题,因而只能满足一方的效用最大化要求。Nash指出在理想情况下Agent应追求自身效用最大和对手效用最大的多目标优化,以达到快速达成一致并能最优化自身效用的目的。针对该问题,本文给出一种用指数型功效系数法求解的一揽子交易多议题协商模型NMMOP,该模型能够实现双方Agent的效用最优,提高协商双方的总效用。实验结果验证了该模型的优化效率优于Fatima和Faratin等人的工作。  相似文献   

Automated negotiation is a key form of interaction in systems that are composed of multiple autonomous agents. The aim of such interactions is to reach agreements through an iterative process of making offers. The content of such proposals are, however, a function of the strategy of the agents. Here we present a strategy called the trade-off strategy where multiple negotiation decision variables are traded-off against one another (e.g., paying a higher price in order to obtain an earlier delivery date or waiting longer in order to obtain a higher quality service). Such a strategy is commonly known to increase the social welfare of agents. Yet, to date, most computational work in this area has ignored the issue of trade-offs, instead aiming to increase social welfare through mechanism design. The aim of this paper is to develop a heuristic computational model of the trade-off strategy and show that it can lead to an increased social welfare of the system. A novel linear algorithm is presented that enables software agents to make trade-offs for multi-dimensional goods for the problem of distributed resource allocation. Our algorithm is motivated by a number of real-world negotiation applications that we have developed and can operate in the presence of varying degrees of uncertainty. Moreover, we show that on average the total time used by the algorithm is linearly proportional to the number of negotiation issues under consideration. This formal analysis is complemented by an empirical evaluation that highlights the operational effectiveness of the algorithm in a range of negotiation scenarios. The algorithm itself operates by using the notion of fuzzy similarity to approximate the preference structure of the other negotiator and then uses a hill-climbing technique to explore the space of possible trade-offs for the one that is most likely to be acceptable.  相似文献   

Negotiating contracts with multiple interdependent issues may yield non- monotonic, highly uncorrelated preference spaces for the participating agents. These scenarios are specially challenging because the complexity of the agents’ utility functions makes traditional negotiation mechanisms not applicable. There is a number of recent research lines addressing complex negotiations in uncorrelated utility spaces. However, most of them focus on overcoming the problems imposed by the complexity of the scenario, without analyzing the potential consequences of the strategic behavior of the negotiating agents in the models they propose. Analyzing the dynamics of the negotiation process when agents with different strategies interact is necessary to apply these models to real, competitive environments. Specially problematic are high price of anarchy situations, which imply that individual rationality drives the agents towards strategies which yield low individual and social welfares. In scenarios involving highly uncorrelated utility spaces, “low social welfare” usually means that the negotiations fail, and therefore high price of anarchy situations should be avoided in the negotiation mechanisms. In our previous work, we proposed an auction-based negotiation model designed for negotiations about complex contracts when highly uncorrelated, constraint-based utility spaces are involved. This paper performs a strategy analysis of this model, revealing that the approach raises stability concerns, leading to situations with a high (or even infinite) price of anarchy. In addition, a set of techniques to solve this problem are proposed, and an experimental evaluation is performed to validate the adequacy of the proposed approaches to improve the strategic stability of the negotiation process. Finally, incentive-compatibility of the model is studied.  相似文献   

The number of cloud service users has increased worldwide, and cloud service providers have been deploying and operating data centers to serve the globally distributed cloud users. The resource capacity of a data center is limited, so distributing the load to global data centers will be effective in providing stable services. Another issue in cloud computing is the need for providers to guarantee the service level agreements (SLAs) established with consumers. Whereas various load balancing algorithms have been developed, it is necessary to avoid SLA violations (e.g., service response time) when a cloud provider allocates the load to data centers geographically distributed across the world. Considering load balancing and guaranteed SLA, therefore, this paper proposes an SLA-based cloud computing framework to facilitate resource allocation that takes into account the workload and geographical location of distributed data centers. The contributions of this paper include: (1) the design of a cloud computing framework that includes an automated SLA negotiation mechanism and a workload- and location-aware resource allocation scheme (WLARA), and (2) the implementation of an agent-based cloud testbed of the proposed framework. Using the testbed, experiments were conducted to compare the proposed schemes with related approaches. Empirical results show that the proposed WLARA performs better than other related approaches (e.g., round robin, greedy, and manual allocation) in terms of SLA violations and the provider’s profits. We also show that using the automated SLA negotiation mechanism supports providers in earning higher profits.  相似文献   

基于GAI多属性依赖的协商模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多属性之间的依赖关系增加协商Agent效用函数的复杂性,从而也增加多属性协商问题的复杂度.本文提出一种基于GAI多属性依赖的协商模型.该模型使用GAI分解将协商Agent的非线性效用函数表示为依赖属性子集的子效用之和.在协商过程中,协商双方采用不同的让步策略和提议策略来改变提议的内容.卖方Agent利用本文提出的GAI网合并算法将协商双方的GAI网合并,并利用生成的GAI树产生使社会福利评估值最大的提议.实验表明当买方Agent采用局部让步策略且卖方Agent采用全局让步策略时,协商双方能够在有限的协商步内达到接近Pareto最优的协商结局.  相似文献   

Service composition in multi-Cloud environments must coordinate self-interested participants, automate service selection, (re)configure distributed services, and deal with incomplete information about Cloud providers and their services. This work proposes an agent-based approach to compose services in multi-Cloud environments for different types of Cloud services: one-time virtualized services, e.g., processing a rendering job, persistent virtualized services, e.g., infrastructure-as-a-service scenarios, vertical services, e.g., integrating homogenous services, and horizontal services, e.g., integrating heterogeneous services. Agents are endowed with a semi-recursive contract net protocol and service capability tables (information catalogs about Cloud participants) to compose services based on consumer requirements. Empirical results obtained from an agent-based testbed show that agents in this work can: successfully compose services to satisfy service requirements, autonomously select services based on dynamic fees, effectively cope with constantly changing consumers’ service needs that trigger updates, and compose services in multiple Clouds even with incomplete information about Cloud participants.  相似文献   

Automated negotiation is very important for organizing decentralized systems such as e‐business, p2p systems, cloud computing, and so on. During the course of a negotiation, reward and penalty can be used to increase the chance of reaching agreements between negotiating agents, but have not been applied into automated negotiation systems well, especially integrating both in a single negotiation system. Thus, in this work we make an effort to reveal how the reward increases the acceptability of an offer and how the penalty decreases the deniability of an offer. More specifically, our study shows that the degree, to which a reward and a penalty influence the outcome, depends on the greedy degree for the reward and the creditable degree on the penalty. Therefore, if we know an offeree's utilities of accepting and denying an offer, the greedy degree for reward and the creditable degree on penalty, we can calculate how much reward and penalty the offerer agent needs to change the offeree's mind (i.e., from denying to accepting).  相似文献   

Automated negotiation by software agents is a key enabling technology for agent mediated e-commerce. To this end, this paper considers an important class of such negotiations – namely those in which an agent engages in multiple concurrent bilateral negotiations for a good or service. In particular, we consider the situation in which a buyer agent is looking for a single service provider from a number of available ones in its environment. By bargaining simultaneously with these providers and interleaving partial agreements that it makes with them, a buyer can reach good deals in an efficient manner. However, a key problem in such encounters is managing commitments since an agent may want to make intermediate deals (so that it has a definite agreement) with other agents before it gets to finalize a deal at the end of the encounter. To do this effectively, however, the agents need to have a flexible model of commitments that they can reason about in order to determine when to commit and to decommit. This paper provides and evaluates such a commitment model and integrates it into a concurrent negotiation model.  相似文献   

In agent-mediated negotiation systems, the majority of the research focused on finding negotiation strategies for optimizing price only. However, in negotiation systems with time constraints (e.g., resource negotiations for Grid and Cloud computing), it is crucial to optimize either or both price and negotiation speed based on preferences of participants for improving efficiency and increasing utilization. To this end, this work presents the design and implementation of negotiation agents that can optimize both price and negotiation speed (for the given preference settings of these parameters) under a negotiation setting of complete information. Then, to support negotiations with incomplete information, this work deals with the problem of finding effective negotiation strategies of agents by using coevolutionary learning, which results in optimal negotiation outcomes. In the coevolutionary learning method used here, two types of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) such as conventional EDAs (S-EDAs) and novel improved dynamic diversity controlling EDAs (ID2C-EDAs) were adopted for comparative studies. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance for coevolving effective negotiation strategies using the EDAs. In the experiments, each agent adopts three representative preference criteria: (1) placing more emphasis on optimizing more price, (2) placing equal emphasis on optimizing exact price and speed and (3) placing more emphasis on optimizing more speed. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the coevolutionary learning adopting ID2C-EDAs because it generally coevolved effective converged negotiation strategies (close to the optimum) while the coevolutionary learning adopting S-EDAs often failed to coevolve such strategies within a reasonable number of generations.  相似文献   

Managing commitments in multiple concurrent negotiations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Automated negotiation by software agents is a key enabling technology for agent mediated e-commerce. To this end, this paper considers an important class of such negotiations – namely those in which an agent engages in multiple concurrent bilateral negotiations for a good or service. In particular, we consider the situation in which a buyer agent is looking for a single service provider from a number of available ones in its environment. By bargaining simultaneously with these providers and interleaving partial agreements that it makes with them, a buyer can reach good deals in an efficient manner. However, a key problem in such encounters is managing commitments since an agent may want to make intermediate deals (so that it has a definite agreement) with other agents before it gets to finalize a deal at the end of the encounter. To do this effectively, however, the agents need to have a flexible model of commitments that they can reason about in order to determine when to commit and to decommit. This paper provides and evaluates such a commitment model and integrates it into a concurrent negotiation model.  相似文献   

We tackle the challenge of applying automated negotiation to self-interested agents with local but linked combinatorial optimization problems. Using a distributed production scheduling problem, we propose two negotiation strategies for making concessions in a joint search space of agreements. In the first strategy, building on Lai and Sycara (Group Decis Negot 18(2):169–187, 2009), an agent concedes on local utility in order to achieve an agreement. In the second strategy, an agent concedes on the distance in an attribute space while maximizing its local utility. Lastly, we introduce a Pareto improvement phase to bring the final agreement closer to the Pareto frontier. Experimental results show that the new attribute-space negotiation strategy outperforms its utility-based counterpart on the quality of the agreements and the Pareto improvement phase is effective in approaching the Pareto frontier. This article presents the first study of applying automated negotiation to self-interested agents each with a local, but linked, combinatorial optimization problem.  相似文献   

Many tasks in day-to-day life involve interactions among several people. Many of these interactions involve negotiating over a desired outcome. Negotiation in and of itself is not an easy task, and it becomes more complex under conditions of incomplete information. For example, the parties do not know in advance the exact tradeoff of their counterparts between different outcomes. Furthermore information regarding the preferences of counterparts might only be elicited during the negotiation process itself. In this paper we propose a model for an automated negotiation agent capable of negotiating with bounded rational agents under conditions of incomplete information. We test this agent against people in two distinct domains, in order to verify that its model is generic, and thus can be adapted to any domain as long as the negotiators' preferences can be expressed in additive utilities. Our results indicate that the automated agent reaches more agreements and plays more effectively than its human counterparts. Moreover, in most of the cases, the automated agent achieves significantly better agreements, in terms of individual utility, than the human counterparts playing the same role.  相似文献   

In the literature on automated negotiation, very few negotiation agents are designed with the flexibility to slightly relax their negotiation criteria to reach a consensus more rapidly and with more certainty. Furthermore, these relaxed-criteria negotiation agents were not equipped with the ability to enhance their performance by learning and evolving their relaxed-criteria negotiation rules. The impetus of this work is designing market-driven negotiation agents (MDAs) that not only have the flexibility of relaxing bargaining criteria using fuzzy rules, but can also evolve their structures by learning new relaxed-criteria fuzzy rules to improve their negotiation outcomes as they participate in negotiations in more e-markets. To this end, an evolutionary algorithm for adapting and evolving relaxed-criteria fuzzy rules was developed. Implementing the idea in a testbed, two kinds of experiments for evaluating and comparing EvEMDAs (MDAs with relaxed-criteria rules that are evolved using the evolutionary algorithm) and EMDAs (MDAs with relaxed-criteria rules that are manually constructed) were carried out through stochastic simulations. Empirical results show that: 1) EvEMDAs generally outperformed EMDAs in different types of e-markets and 2) the negotiation outcomes of EvEMDAs generally improved as they negotiated in more e-markets.   相似文献   

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