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Schultz Robert T.; Carter Alice S.; Gladstone Marshall; Scahill Lawrence; Leckman James F.; Peterson Bradley S.; Zhang Heping; Cohen Donald J.; Pauls David 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,12(1):134
A neuropsychological model of visual–motor integration skill was proposed and tested in 50 children with Tourette syndrome (TS) and 23 unaffected control children matched for age. Children with TS performed significantly worse than control children on the Beery Visual–Motor Integration (VMI) Test. Consistent with the proposed model, visuoperceptual and fine-motor coordination subprocesses were significant predictors of VMI scores. However, the subprocesses did not fully account for the diagnostic group difference on the VMI. These results suggest that the integration of visual inputs and organized motor output is a specific area of neuropsychological weakness among individuals with TS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Tested 17 parents of young psychotic children on the Object Sorting Test. 2 control groups were used. The sample differed from the replicated studies in that parents of adult schizophrenics were tested. Since childhood psychosis has substantial differences from adult schizophrenia, it was anticipated that parents of psychotic children would not show the same extent of thought impairment found in parents of adult schizophrenics. The Ss, however, showed more thought impairment than parents of normal children. Mothers showed more impairment than fathers. Findings were interpreted to suggest circumscribed test anxiety in association with a psychotic child rather than representing a formal thought disorder. (20 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
DC Gilpin 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1976,30(3):483-496
This presentation of excerpts from the literature synthesizes many suggestions by various therapists concerning the treatment methods of borderline psychotic children. The importance of providing a stable, auxiliary ego for the child to introject emerges clearly and is clinically demonstrated. Comments on the author's own experiences are included. 相似文献
Investigated the relation between motor proficiency and performance on the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) among 24 schizophrenic inpatients (mean age 34 yrs) and 24 inpatients with affective disorders (mean age 33.8 yrs). Ss completed the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. A correlational analysis revealed that motor subtest scores were significantly related to CPT performance indexes for all Ss; decreased motor proficiency was related to more CPT errors and longer RTs. Results suggest that CPT performance is related to motoric factors and that deficits on this task may be partially attributable to poor motor abilities. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to slowed reaction times (RTs) when a target appears in the same rather than a different location as a preceding stimulus. The present study tested the hypothesis that IOR reflects a motor bias rather than a perceptual deficit. Two signals (S1 and S2) were presented on each trial. These signals were peripheral onsets or central arrows. The responses required to S1 and S2 were, respectively, no response–manual, manual–manual, saccadic–manual, no response–saccadic, manual–saccadic, and saccadic–saccadic. Uniting perceptual and motor bias views of IOR, the results demonstrated inhibition for responding to (a) peripheral signals when the eyes remained fixed (slowed visual processing) and (b) both peripheral and central signals when the eyes moved (slowed motor production). However, the results also emphasized that the nature of IOR depends fundamentally on the response modality used to reveal its influence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Motor abnormalities have long been a focus in discussions of schizophrenia. The present study used a newly developed line drawing task to examine fine motor performance and psychometrically assessed schizotypy in a large, randomly ascertained sample of young adults (N = 120) with no history of psychosis. Poor motor performance on the line drawing task, indexed by root-mean-square error (RMS), was significantly related to 4 separate psychometric measures of schizotypy in the overall sample. The psychometric schizotypy-RMS association remained significant for 2 of the schizotypy measures even when the effects of intellectual functioning, mental state factors, and sustained attention were statistically controlled in a regression analysis. The status of the line drawing index as a schizophrenia liability measure is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Overselective attention in autistic children has proven detrimental to learning when prompt-fading techniques are used, as autistics often respond exclusively to the prompt (the extra guiding stimulus) and fail to learn about the training stimuli. Exp I investigated stimulus variables in prompt fading that might reduce the attentional requirements for discrimination learning. Ss were 8 institutionalized autistic children, each of whom was either mute or echolalic, with minimal intelligible verbal behavior. Two variables were assessed: distinctive vs nondistinctive feature fading, which signified whether a prompt was a feature contained only in the positive stimulus (S+) or contained both in S+ and in the negative stimulus, and within- vs extrastimulus fading, which signified whether the prompt was superimposed on S+ during fading or presented spatially separate from S+. Significant main effects were found for both variables, due to the success of the within-stimulus and the distinctive feature conditions; the combination of within-stimulus and distinctive feature fading was the most effective procedure. Exp II was conducted with the same Ss to assess whether they were still responding only to that pretrained feature after fading. Results show that discriminative responding was maintained when the pretrained feature was made irrelevant, showing that Ss attended to multiple features of S+, but that it was disrupted when the whole letter containing the pretrained feature was made irrelevant, showing that Ss still learned a restricted portion of the S+ word. (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
It was hypothesized that a series effect would operate in a study designed to determine the optimal work surface height for the performance of a simple motor task. Under Condition A, Ss performed the task at each of 6 work surface hieghts, comprising the lower ? of the range of heights used in an earlier study. Under Condition B, Ss performed at 6 heights comprising the upper ? of the range. Systematic differences were observed in the performance of the 2 groups at the 4 heights they had in common. The differences in motor performance were attributed to a series effect stemming from differences in judgments Ss made concerning what the optimal height should be. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
A study of an operant conditioning approach to the treatment of schizophrenic and autistic children showed agreement with an earlier comment by Leff. The authors conclude further that procedures derived from the basic principles of operant technology may facilitate the realization of effective treatment aids in the area of childhood psychosis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
PURPOSE: To gain an overview of the spectrum of diagnoses among Swedish visually impaired children. METHODS: An epidemiological study of all known visually impaired children was made by review of medical records. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In all we found 2373 children, 0-19 years of age, with an age-specific prevalence of 10.9/10,000. The two largest diagnostic groups included neuro-ophthalmological and retinal diseases. The most frequent disorders were cerebral visual impairment, non-hereditary optic atrophy, retinal dystrophy (when regarded as a general entity), congenital hypoplasia of the optic nerve and congenital cataract. Nystagmus secondary to brain disorder, albinism, congenital nystagmus, retinopathy of prematurity and high myopia were also found in a considerable number of patients. The leading diagnoses in children with WHO-defined childhood blindness were non-hereditary optic atrophy, cerebral visual impairment and retinopathy of prematurity. A large proportion of the children, especially in the groups with neuro-ophthalmological disorders and malformations of the posterior segment had additional impairments, emphasizing the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach when assessing multi-handicapped children. 相似文献
TL Lowe K Tanaka MR Seashore JG Young DJ Cohen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1980,243(2):126-128
Sixty-five children with pervasive developmental disturbance (autism and atypical childhood psychosis) were screened by standard urinary amino acid detection testing methods. Three of the children showed abnormalities in these screening tests, leading to the diagnosis of phenylketonuria. This was verified by repeated urinary testing and blood phenylalanine determinations. The children with phenylketonuria were treated with low-phenylalanine diets and have shown improvement in functioning and developmental level since treatment. Urinary genetic screening should be a standard test for all children being evaluated for serious developmental disturbances of childhood. 相似文献
Ostry David J.; Feltham Rosemary F.; Munhall Kevin G. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1984,20(5):859
Pulsed ultrasound was used to study tongue movements in the speech of 11 children, aged 3 yrs 3 mo to 11 yrs 6 mo. The stimuli were CV syllables that were produced at a normal speech rate with alternate vowels stressed. In Ss over 6 yrs of age, the pattern of tongue dorsum movement was identical to that observed in adults. For all Ss, the maximum velocity of tongue dorsum raising and lowering was correlated with the extent of the gesture. The slope of the relationship differed for stressed and unstressed vowels, although the differences were not consistent prior to age 6 yrs. For all Ss, the correlation between displacement and peak velocity was accompanied by a relatively constant interval from the initiation of the movement to the point of maximum velocity. The similarity in the tongue dorsum kinematics of children and adults is consistent with the idea that speech motor development involves a refinement of basic modes of motor operation rather than any significant change in the control of the speech apparatus. The speech data obtained are characteristic of systems that can be described by 2nd-order differential equations. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
"Scores on the Seashore tests of time and rhythm discrimination were correlated with performance scores on eight rhythms, each of which were presented at three rates for a total of 24 trials. The above measures were also correlated with the performance of equal short time intervals. Positive and significant correlations between the discrimination and performance tests were obtained, confirming earlier results of R. H. Seashore. Rhythm discrimination scores correlated in all cases higher with rhythm performance than did the time discrimination scores. Rhythm discrimination also correlated as well as or better than did time discrimination with the performance of equal intervals. The need for inclusion of the Seashore time test as one of the musical measures was not confirmed here." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The main purposes of this study were (a) to compare the effects of mental imagery combined with physical practise and specific physical practise on the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill in young children; (b) to determine the mental imagery (visual vs. kinesthetic), which is the most efficient for retention and transfer of a closed motor skill; and (c) to verify the relationship between movement image vividness and motor performance. As for the secondary purpose, it was to compare the effects of gender on motor learning. Participants (n = 96) were selected from 3 primary schools. These participants were divided into 6 groups and submitted to different experimental conditions. The experimental task required the participants to throw, with the nondominant hand (left hand), a ball toward a target composed of 3 concentric circles. The results demonstrated that performance obtained by the mental imagery (visual or kinesthetic) combined with physical practise group was, during the retention phase, equivalent to that produced by the specific physical practise group but significantly superior during the transfer of closed motor skill. These results showed the potential benefits of mental imagery as a retention strategy intended for motor skills and performance enhancement. Such results could be explained by the similarity of 3 principal functional evidences shared by mental and physical practise: behavioural, central, and peripheral (as suggested by Holmes & Collins, 2001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To prospectively examine the effect of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) on best-corrected visual performance using psychophysical tests that were likely to be more sensitive to image degradation than high-contrast Snellen visual acuity. DESIGN: Prospective cases series. PATIENTS: A cohort of 18 subjects with an average of -5.08 diopters (D) of myopia (SD = +/- 1.63 D) was tested before PRK and at 3, 6, and 12 months after PRK. INTERVENTION: Photorefractive keratectomy was performed using a laser (Excimed UV200, Summit Technology, Waltham, Mass) and a polymethylmethacrylate mask; a 5-mm ablation zone was used. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Best-corrected high-contrast visual acuity, best-corrected low-contrast visual acuity (18% Weber contrast), and best-corrected letter-contrast sensitivity. Measurements were repeated with dilated pupils and in the presence of a glare source. RESULTS: One year after PRK, the mean best-corrected high-contrast visual acuity was reduced by half a line (P = .01), and the mean best-corrected low-contrast visual acuity was reduced by 1 1/2 lines (P = .002). The losses were somewhat greater when the subject's pupils were dilated and a glare source was used. The reduction in dilated low-contrast visual acuity was positively correlated with the decentration of the ablation zone (r = 0.47), providing evidence of an association between corneal topography and the functional outcome of PRK. CONCLUSION: Low-contrast visual acuity losses after PRK are notably greater than high-contrast visual acuity losses for best-corrected vision. Low-contrast visual acuity is a sensitive measure for gauging the outcome success and safety of refractive surgery. 相似文献
Administered a questionnaire measuring psychopathic, neurotic, and subcultural delinquency to 268 male delinquents. 3 groups of 15 Ss each were formed from Ss who scored above the mean on 1 scale and below the mean on the other 2. It was predicted that the more psychopathic Ss would show a greater performance decrement on a vigilance task. A significant effect was found between groups and a significant decrement over trials for signals detected and RTs; psychopathic Ss performed consistently poorer than the other 2 groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The study sought to identify the higher-level psychotic factors measured by the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale (IMPS). 10 IMPS syndrome scores of 2,303 functional psychotics, rated while on a minimum of drugs, were intercorrelated. A principal axis factor analysis and an oblique rotation yielded 5 dimensions labeled Disorganized Hyperactivity, Schizophrenic Disorganization, Paranoid Process, Anxious Depression, and Hostile Paranoia. The findings are compared with the 3 groupings proposed by Phillips and Rabinovitch and with factors isolated in earlier studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This review of research dealing with psychologically induced arousal and motor performance focuses on the hypothesized inverted-U function relating arousal to performance. The inverted-U hypothesis is supported only in a weak and psychologically trivial fashion. More useful research in human motor performance would investigate discrete psychobiological states, which include affect and cognition as well as physiology. Examination of profound individual differences in response to incentive and threat suggests that psychobiological states have their genesis in response expectancies and hypnotic-like self-inductions. The cognitive and affective components of these states are highly interactive and perhaps not profitably separated. Because performance anxiety is a central problem in the motor realm, it is carefully delineated and the test anxiety literature is scrutinized. Psychophysiological test batteries and other investigations in the area are described, and guidelines for future research are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
General dentists are frequently called upon to manage maxillofacial infections. Such infections are usually well localized in their initial stages but can spread to become severe and potentially life-threatening. This paper discusses the anatomical basis of the spread of these infections and techniques relevant to the rational management of these serious conditions. 相似文献