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The eyeblinks of 24 New Zealand white rabbits were conditioned in Exp I to either the visual or the nonvisual element of a compound conditioned stimulus. Evoked potentials (EPs) were simultaneously recorded from the visual cortex. Changes in the late negative component of the EP were related to nonspecific arousal effects. The initial surface positive component, however, was significantly enhanced during visual stimulus control. This enhancement was observed whether the visual stimulus was presented alone or in compound and with either photic or optic chiasma stimulation as the visual stimulus. The effect could not be attributed to arousal, sensitization, or to peripheral mechanisms. Some implications of the data were assessed through a subsequent investigation in Exp II of geniculostriate recovery cycles under the same conditions. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp. I with 20 undergraduates, the rate of paired-associate learning varied with the type of stimulus, from fastest to slowest: pictures (P), object names (ON), and category names (CN). The stimulus materials did not differ in meaningfulness, and ON had shorter imaginal latencies than CN. The ON-CN difference was replicated in Exp. II with 15 Ss, but presentation of the appropriate P together with an ON or CN on the 1st study trial did not facilitate acquisition of either list. Exp. III with 20 Ss involved the short-term retention of pairs. Using a measure of conditional recall (of responses, given stimulus recall), forgetting occurred over 18 sec., primarily in the 1st 3 sec., but was unaffected by the type of stimulus. The data led to a reevaluation of the conceptual peg hypothesis. (French summary) (17 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated in 4 studies with 101 infants 25.5–32 wks of age the ability of Ss to transfer information about shape across modalities. Ss were familiarized either orally or tactually and then tested for visual recognition memory. In Exp I, Ss failed to show evidence of cross-modal transfer on any of the tasks (1 oral–visual, 2 tactual–visual). When familiarization times were increased from 30 to 60 sec in Exp II, Ss showed evidence of transfer on both tactual–visual tasks. Exp III eliminated the 5–7 sec delay that generally intervenes between the familiarization and test phase. Ss were permitted to retain the stimulus in their hand (or mouth) during the test phase while simultaneously viewing a novel stimulus and a duplicate of the familiar stimulus. This modification resulted in successful transfer on 1 of the 2 tactual–visual tasks. Ss did not show evidence of transfer on the oral–visual problem in any of these studies, despite evidence from Exp IV that they could visually discriminate the paired stimuli used in these tasks and that they showed recognition memory when familiarization and testing were both visual. Results suggest that, although cross-modal transfer of information about shape is present among 6-mo-olds, it is a less robust phenomenon than that seen in older infants. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Past Piagetian memory research has established that Ss' operative levels influence their recall of operatively derived stimuli. To determine the locus of operative influence, children from Grades 1–5 with immature, transitional, or mature concepts of verticality were asked to copy and/or to reproduce verticality stimuli. Stimuli were either operatively advanced (a vertical tree on a hillside) or primitive (a tipped tree). Memory was tested immediately (Exp I, 96 Ss), 1 wk (Exp II, 168 Ss), or 5 mo (Exp III, 46 Ss) after the initial viewing. In each study there was a significant relationship between operative level and performance on the operatively advanced stimulus only. For the tipped stimulus, more distortion was evident in memory than in copy drawings. Contrary to predictions, however, there was no difference between distortion in copy and memory drawings for the straight stimulus regardless of Ss' operative levels. Results suggest that progressive distortion increases over time but that regressive distortion occurs before the stimulus is removed from sight. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 experiments to test the hypothesis that the obese are more responsive than normals to both positive and negative affective stimuli. In Exp I, obese and normal high school males (N = 46) gave ratings of positively and negatively arousing slides. In Exp II, the behavior of obese and normal children 1 mo-6 yrs old (N = 79) in a positively and a negatively arousing situation was observed. Obese Ss in both experiments responded more strongly than normals to the positive affective stimuli; obese Ss in Exp I responded more strongly than normals to the negative emotional stimulus. A possible reason for the failure of obese Ss in Exp II to respond more strongly than normals to the negative affective stimulus is discussed. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used ultrasound as a stimulus to study its effects on behavior without S awareness. In Exp I evoked responses were elicited in 7 of 24 undergraduates by ultrasonic tones when Ss were reporting the presence of no stimulus. In Exp II with 20 male Ss, galvanic skin response conditioning to a compound stimulus made up of ultrasound and a red light resulted in shorter latencies to the compound stimulus than to the red light alone, during extinction. The differences did not appear among control Ss, supporting the occurrence of conditioning without awareness. In Exp III with 16 Ss, reaction-time performance was disrupted by providing ultrasound as an anticipatory cue for 1 of 2 lights over 150 trials and then reversing the ultrasound-light pairing. The ultrasound did not facilitate reaction time to the paired light during the 1st 150 trials, however. Results support learning without awareness, and the method is discussed as it might be extended to the study of unconscious influences and to clinical applications. (75 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared iconic memory processes of 17 undergraduates and 18 retarded Ss (primarily aged 18–28 yrs; IQ 56–77) in 4 experiments. In Exp I, a partial report paradigm was used in which 6 retarded and 6 undergraduate Ss were presented 6 pictures under 4 intervals (0–500 msec). In Exp II, using 5 Ss in each group the same procedure as in Exp I was used but letters as well as pictures were included. Results show that although overall performance for retarded Ss was poor, they did better with letters than with pictures—a reverse of the finding with undergraduate Ss. In Exp III, 2 retarded Ss were given extended practice and incentive to perform well. Asymptote was reached in 10 days but never equaled performance of unpracticed undergraduates. In Exp IV, using 5 Ss in each group, information load was varied from 1 to 4 items, and a masking stimulus was used to interrupt processing following 6 intervals that lasted up to 250 msec. Results show that (1) there are quantitative differences between intelligence groups in iconic capacity; (2) retarded Ss process information more slowly, a difference that increases with increasing information load; and (3) there are substantive structural differences in iconic memory of retarded and nonretarded Ss. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Determined whether the presentation of a LiCl unconditioned stimulus/stimuli (UCS) disrupts within-compound learning in a taste aversion preparation, using 30 male and 32 female rats in 3 experiments. In Exp I, Ss showed stronger associations between 2 solutions presented in a compound when the compound was followed by LiCl. Exp II showed that an immediate LiCl injection produced stronger flavor–flavor association than a delayed injection. Exp III provided a comparison with Ss that did not receive the treatment to enhance consumption of salty solutions. Results indicate that the effects of Exp II depended on the treatment that altered consumption of 1 component. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated semantic processing (SP) of auditory information in 24 normal 4- and 10-yr-olds and in 12 language/learning-disabled 10-yr-olds (L/LDs). Two types of SP were identified: automatic and purposive. Automatic SP refers to involuntary processing of some aspects of an auditory stimulus's meaning. It is a by-product of perception and normally occurs without intention or awareness. Purposive SP refers to the voluntary allocation of attention to the meaning of a stimulus. This process presumably places demands on a limited-capacity working memory, unlike automatic attention, which appears to result from a stimulus that excites logogens in the nervous system without the involvement of working memory. In Exp I, both L/LDs and nondisabled Ss evidenced automatic SP. Purposive processing, however, was age-sensitive; the 4-yr-olds as well as L/LDs did not spontaneously evidence it. In Exp II, a secondary task was used to investigate the limited capacity nature of purposive attention as well as some processing similarities between L/LDs and younger, nonimpaired Ss from Exp I. As predicted, both groups failed to evidence purposive attention. Results are discussed in terms of current notions about learning disabilities. (51 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used the subliminal psychodynamic activation method in 2 experiments to study the effects of messages related to autonomy on 36 depressed (Beck Depression Inventory score ≥10) female undergraduates. Ss were administered the Depressive Adjective Check List (DACL) and the TAT to assess depression during the experiments. In Exp I, (n?=?18), 4 msec exposures of the stimulus Leaving mom is wrong increased depression but the stimulus Mommy and I are one did not reduce depression. In Exp II, (n?=?18), the stimulus Leaving mom is wrong intensified depression, particularly for those Ss who scored high on the DACL for introjective depression, a depression that is understood as guilt-related. Also in Exp II, the stimulus Mommy and I are two reduced depression on 1 of 2 measures. Findings suggest that psychodynamic effects can be demonstrated with depressive patients if care is taken both to select a relevant psychodynamic content and to select depressive Ss for whom there is reason to believe this content is particularly relevant. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 experiments to investigate the effects of stimulus and response noun concreteness in paired-associate learning. In Exp. I, error-success protocols were examined with the aid of a 2-stage Markov model. 64 undergraduates and spouses served as Ss. The 2 stages of the model have been interpreted in terms of storage and retrieval processes. In Exp. II, the production, retrieval, and decoding of mediators were examined. 15 undergraduates served as Ss. The model analysis indicated that the primary effect of noun concreteness, whether manipulated in the stimulus or response terms, was on the retrieval process. The data from Exp. II were consistent with this conclusion, in that concreteness affected the retrieval and decoding of mediators rather than the number of mediators generated. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Carried out 2 experiments which varied CS location in a shuttle box avoidance task performed by goldfish. In Exp I onset of a light CS was presented in either the same, the opposite, or both compartments with respect to the location of 40 Ss. The same-side CS Ss performed significantly better and the opposite-side Ss significantly worse than the both-sides CS Ss. These results are explained by a motivational stimulus hypothesis where the directional components of the signal interact with a directional response. Exp II replicated the conditions of Exp I with light offset as the CS. Directional signal information had no effect on performance. It is suggested that for fish darkness does not have the same locational component as light onset. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

16 6-mo-old and 15 36–60 mo old New Zealand albino rabbits underwent classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response in either a delay conditioning (Exp I) or a trace conditioning (Exp II) paradigm. There was no difference between old and young Ss in the acquisition of the CR in the delay paradigm, nor were there any age-related differences in generalization to the tone CS or in sensitivity to the tone CS or eyeshock UCS. However, in the trace conditioning paradigm, old Ss acquired the CR significantly more slowly than young Ss. Because the same stimulus parameters and the same response were used in both experiments, it is unlikely that age-related differences in trace conditioning were due to stimulus sensitivity, motivation, or fatigue. Results are discussed in terms of how brain changes that accompany aging could differentially affect these 2 types of classical conditioning. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 studies of the impact of salience and informational factors on attribution and memory, with a total of 191 undergraduates and graduate students. In Exp I, manipulations of the amount of thought Ss gave to their attributions and of a delay before responding to attribution questions did not diminish the effect of salience on attribution; in fact, the delay increased the effect. In Exp II, recall of the stimulus material was shown to be influenced by salience and by covariation information (consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency) and to be related to attributions. These findings and theory and data from the literature on comprehension and representation of linguistic material in memory are used to argue that salience is not simply a process by which people make attributions without giving much thought to them. Instead, salience effects reflect the close relationships among the processes of comprehension, remembering, and attribution, and the fact that attributional processing can take place at the time of the encoding and storage of information, as well as at the time of its retrieval from memory. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effect of imagery-concreteness pairs in incidental learning. In Exp. I with 96 undergraduates, intentional learning was superior to incidental learning. Recall of concrete-concrete noun pairs was significantly better than recall of all other pairs, while concrete-abstract and abstract-concrete nouns did not differ from each other but did differ from abstract-abstract recall. In Exp. II with 64 Ss, instructions to use imagery during the orientation task resulted in similar performance for incidental and intentional learning Ss. Concreteness yielded a greater effect on the stimulus side than on the response side of pairs, particularly for stimulus-response recall. Associative directionality had no reliable effects in either experiment. Results are discussed in terms of A. Paivio's conceptual peg hypothesis and 2-process theory of verbal and imaginal memory. (French summary) (17 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used duration of social-investigatory behavior by 36 mature male Long-Evans rats as a measure of individual recognition in 5 experiments to assess social memory. In Exp I, the duration of social investigation during a 2nd exposure to the same juvenile (n?=?12) was directly related to the length of the interexposure interval. In Exp II, Ss were exposed to the same or different juvenile 10 min after an initial 5-min exposure to a novel juvenile; reexposure to the same juvenile elicited significantly less social investigation than an exposure to a different juvenile. Exps III and IV demonstrated that following a 5-min introductory exposure, social memory of the juvenile was relatively brief in comparison with that of mature Ss. Exp V revealed a retroactive interference effect on recently acquired memory for an individual: 12 mature Ss exposed to interpolated social experience engaged in significantly longer investigation of a juvenile than those with no interpolated social experience. The combined results suggest that (1) the rat normally engages in spontaneous learning of individual identity and (2) social memory may be a significant aspect of complex social interactions. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

16 good and 16 poor 6th-grade readers served as Ss. Exp I tested immediate order memory for strings of 4 and 6 consonants that were either redundant (R) or nonredundant (NR) based on positional frequencies of letters in printed English. Both reader groups were better in retrieving order for R strings; poor readers were inferior to good readers on both R and NR 6-letter strings. Exp II tested for immediate order memory and immediate item memory for strings of 8 digits and strings of 8 consonants. Good readers were better than poor readers on all tasks. However, order memory appeared to be more strongly related to reading ability than was item memory. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested 104 infants (aged 7–11 mo) for their detection of a frequency relational change of 1 semitone in a 5-note melody. In Exp I, Ss were able to discriminate contrasting melodies that differed from the background melodies by 1 semitone. In Exp II, Ss detected a semitone difference more easily when the major triad was background and a relatively uncommon triad, the augmented triad, was the contrast. In Exp III, Ss discriminated the major and minor backgrounds used in Exps I and II from contrasting variations, called inversions, that did not differ in triad quality. Results indicate that infants can respond to precise relations between the component tones of a melody based on familiar or stable structures. Findings also imply that sets of tones that are unfamiliar or unstable may present encoding or memory difficulties for infants, as has been found for children and adults. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine if the dysfunction in mnemonic organization often found in schizophrenic free-recall performance is the result of an organizational deficit in short-term memory processing. In Exp I, which tested 16 schizophrenics, 16 nonschizophrenic psychiatric patients, and 16 nonpatient controls, categorical cues (letters and digits) were introduced into a Sternberg item recognition task. Schizophrenics utilized the categorical cue to reduce their latencies for search and retrieval as well as did both normals and nonschizophrenic psychiatric patients. In Exp II, which used a Sternberg context-recall task and tested the same number and type of Ss (31 also served in Exp I), latencies for both forward and backward sequential retrieval were measured. Schizophrenics again performed as well as controls. Data also suggest that the retrieval strategies adopted by schizophrenics were comparable to those of controls in both experiments. It is concluded that schizophrenics' short-term memory processes for categorical and sequential materials are adequate and therefore are not responsible for the organizational dysfunction in their free-recall performance. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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