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陶瓷材料超塑性研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
超塑性是细晶陶瓷在高温下的固有属性。本文综述了陶瓷材料超塑性的一般特征和氧化钇稳定四方相氧化锆多晶陶瓷(Y-TZP)的形变机理及最新研究进展。解释了不同纯度Y-TZP陶瓷在Ⅰ区存在巨大差异的原因以及杂质特征对应力指数的影响。从能量的观点进一步分析了陶瓷材料超塑变形过程中的控速机制。对共价键陶瓷Si3N4、SiC的超塑性特征以及晶间玻璃相在超塑变形中的作用进行了概括。此外,还总结了其它陶瓷材料,包括Al2O3及其复合陶瓷、纳米陶瓷的研究进展及发展方向。  相似文献   

杨钰 《材料导报》1991,(4):28-30
超塑性的种类相变超塑性早在20多年前,有人在ZrO_2的单斜四方晶系相变过程中第一次注意  相似文献   

综述了陶瓷材料超塑性的研究进展和应用前景,介绍了超塑性成型,超塑性扩散连接和烧结锻造等陶瓷材料的超塑性加工方法,讨论了在陶瓷材料超塑性加工的实际应用中存在的问题,和一些改善陶瓷材料超塑加工性能的方法。  相似文献   

通过恒位移速度压缩试验研究了不同晶粒大小,不同致密度的3Y-TZP的高温塑性流动行为。结果表明,塑性流动应力随着温度和应变速率的提高及晶粒尺寸的增大而提高,随着气孔率的增大而下降,对于晶粒较粗的试样,当应力水平较高时,由于材料内部产生孔穴化,引起屈服后流动应力下降。细晶3Y-TZP在高温塑性形变过程中产生应变硬化,这是由于形变过程中晶粒动态生长和应变速率提高而引起。  相似文献   

陶瓷超塑性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了氧化锆及其复相陶瓷超塑性的研究现状,论述了陶瓷超塑性的变形机理,微观特征和断裂特性。同时,分析和对比了陶瓷超塑性与金属超塑性的特点。目前,对于正确理解超塑性陶瓷的变形机理,还需进行大量工作。  相似文献   

通过恒定横梁速度和恒定载荷压缩试验,对超塑性3mol%Y2O3稳定四方ZrO2多晶体的压缩塑性形变进行了研究.测定了平均晶粒尺寸从0.30~1.33μm的3Y-TZP材料的塑性流动应力,应力指数和蠕交活化能;用扫描和透射电镜观察了试样的显微结构.结果表明,3Y-TZP材料塑性形变的机理为扩散适应的晶界滑移.随着晶粒尺寸由0.30μm增大至1.33μm,应力指数从3.2减小至1.4,活化能从580kJ/mol减小至500kJ/mol.形变机理随晶粒大小发生变化.对于晶粒较粗的3Y-TZP材料,当应变速率较高时,形变过程中在材料内产生晶间孔穴.  相似文献   

本文综述了氧化锆及其复相陶瓷超塑性的研究现状,论述了陶瓷超塑性的变形机理,微观特征和断裂特性。同时,分析和对比了陶瓷超塑性与金属超塑性的特点。目前,对于正确理解超塑性陶瓷的变形机理,还需进行大量工作。  相似文献   

材料超塑性的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

细化晶粒对钛合金超塑性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛合金是一种重要的结构材料,晶粒尺寸对其超塑性能有着显著的影响,细晶或超细晶是钛合金在低温或高应变速率条件下获得优异超塑性性能的重要组织条件.概述了国内外钛合金细晶超塑性技术的研究进展,介绍了目前常用的制备细晶钛合金的方法(如大塑性变形法及氢处理技术)及其超塑性性能,展望了钛合金细晶超塑性技术未来的发展趋势.通过晶粒的细化,钛合金超塑性能及成形效率得到了极大提高,有利于实际生产中降低工具损耗和生产成本,为钛合金超塑成形技术的进一步推广和应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

超塑性是材料在一定温度和应变速率下表现出异常高塑性的能力。Mg-Li合金具有超轻的密度、高比刚度和良好的电磁屏蔽能力,可望在航天、军事、汽车、3C电子等领域获得应用。综述了国内外Mg-Li合金超塑性研究现状,介绍了轧制、挤压、等通道转角挤压、搅拌摩擦加工、差速轧制、高压扭转和多向锻造方法获得的超塑性。指出了Mg-Li合金超塑性存在的问题和今后进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

本文介绍了(细晶)超塑性变形机制研究的历史和现状,重点讨论了晶界滑移模型。指出:单一机制不能描述整个超塑变形的持征,多重机制将成为今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

The macroscopic properties of most materials are strongly influenced by grain size. In ceramic materials the microstructure usually results from the sintering process. Understanding the basic mechanisms of grain growth on an atomic length scale in ceramics would be beneficial to tailor the microstructure for improved macroscopic performance of devices. A method is presented using grain growth experiments to select samples for closer examination of grain boundaries with transmission electron microscopy. The growth experiments are used to identify temperatures were changes at grain boundaries occur at high temperature. Subsequently samples of interest are investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The correlation between TEM results and changes in grain growth behavior can be used to gain closer insight into the processes occurring during grain growth at an atomic length scale. Strontium titanate is used as model system to demonstrate the combination of growth experiments with TEM results. Normal grain growth shows two distinct drops in growth rate in the temperature range between 1 300 and 1 425 °C, independent of the A‐site to B‐site stoichiometry of the perovskite. In previous studies a high preference for grain boundary planes oriented parallel to the 100 direction of one of the adjacent grains was found in the high temperature regime. This study shows that the preference does not exist in the low temperature regime possibly explaining the change in grain growth rate.  相似文献   


The tensile deformation behaviour of two recently developed aluminium alloys in the temperature range 200–550°C is characterized in this paper. The aluminium alloys studied here are an automotive stamping grade Al–Mg–Mn alloy and an Al–Li–Cu alloy. Tensile properties at elevated temperatures were determined under different temperature-strain rate combinations. An analysis of deformation and fracture behaviour at elevated temperatures is also presented. The Al–Mg–Mn alloy and the Al–Li–Cu alloy exhibited extended ductility or mild superplasticity at elevated temperatures. Metallographic and fractographic studies revealed appreciable grain growth and cavitation at elevated temperatures. The fracture elongation of Al–Mg–Mn alloy decreased beyond 430°C. Pronounced apparent strain hardening was observed in the case of the Al–Li–Cu alloy in the temperature range 525–550°C at a very low strain rate. This could be due to dynamic grain growth and/or dislocation structure evolution.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionSuperplasticity is not merely a specialphenomenon for certain specific alley,but isone of the intrinsic properties of metallicmaterials[1].When the internal and externalconditions are suitable,superplasticity ofmetal materials will be presented.  相似文献   

Superplasticity is the phenomenon of extraordinary ductility exhibited by some alloys with extremely fine grain size, when deformed at elevated temperatures and in certain ranges of strain rate. To put the phenomenology on a proper basis, careful mechanical tests are necessary. These are divided into (i) primary creep tests, (ii) steady state deformation tests, and (iii) instability and fracture tests, all of which lead to identification of macroscopic parameters. At the same time, microstructural observations establish those characteristics that are pre-requisites for superplastic behaviour. Among the macroscopic characteristics to be explained by any theory is a proper form of the equation for the strain rate as a function of stress, grain size and temperature. It is commonly observed that the relationship between stress and strain rate at any temperature is a continuous one that has three distinct regions. The second region covers superplastic behaviour, and therefore receives maximum attention. Any satisfactory theory must also arrive at the dependence of the superplastic behaviour on the various microstructural characteristics. Theories presented so far for microstructural characteristics may be divided into two classes: (i) those that attempt to describe the macroscopic behaviour, and (ii) those that give atomic mechanisms for the processes leading to observable parameters. The former sometimes incorporate micromechanisms. The latter are broadly divided into those making use of dislocation creep, diffusional flow, grain boundary deformation and multimechanisms. The theories agree on the correct values of several parameters, but in matters that are of vital importance such as interphase grain boundary sliding or dislocation activity, there is violent disagreement. The various models are outlined bringing out their merits and faults. Work that must be done in the future is indicated.  相似文献   

研究了应变量,温度及测试技术对3Y-TZP陶瓷超塑性应变速率敏感性指数m的影响。  相似文献   

钛合金的氢处理技术及其对超塑性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
氢处理技术是通过氢的可逆合金化作用,对钛合金的微观组织、力学性能和加工性能进行调整的一种新兴热加工技术.钛合金中氢的加入可以增加钛合金中塑性相的体积分数,降低流动应力,提高超塑性性能,从而降低钛合金的超塑性变形对变形速率和变形温度的苛刻要求.利用氢处理与塑性变形相配合制备晶粒尺寸小于1μm的超细晶,使钛合金在更低的变形温度和更高变形速率下呈现出超塑性,是攻克钛合金扩大应用瓶颈的一条新途径.  相似文献   

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