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In normal subjects, coronary arteries dilate in response to sympathetic stimulation evoked by the cold pressor test. Similarly, in normal coronary arteries the increase in blood flow velocity induced by papaverine results in flow-dependent coronary dilation. In order to assess the coronary responses to both stimuli in hypertensive patients, variations of proximal left anterior descending coronary artery diameters and coronary blood flow velocity have been measured using quantitative coronary angiography and intracoronary Doppler in 10 control subjects and in 12 hypertensive patients. All the patients had angiographically normal coronary arteries. Total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol were within normal range in all patients. All patients were nonsmokers and none of them had diabetes mellitus. During the cold pressor test (hands immersed in ice water for 120 s), the rate-pressure product and coronary blood flow velocity increased respectively by 33 +/- 9% (p < 0.001) and 51 +/- 26% (p < 0.05) in control subjects, by 28 +/- 18% (p < 0.001) and 68 +/- 52% (p < 0.05) in hypertensive patients. In control subjects, coronary arteries dilated by + 12.0 +/- 4.4% (p < 0.001), and constricted by -10.3 +/- 8.5% (p < 0.001) in hypertensive patients. After injection of 10 mg of papaverine into the distal left anterior descending coronary artery, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery dilated by + 17.0 +/- 10.6% (p < 0.001) in control subjects, and did not vary (-0.7% +/- 10.6%) in hypertensive patients, when blood flow velocity was increased respectively by 449 +/- 97% and 383 +/- 103% (p < 0.001 in both groups).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Relations between mineralisation and mechanical properties have been investigated in human femoral compacta. Evidence of age-related changes in physical properties of bone, independent of mineral density, is provided by significant (P less than 0.05) partial correlation between ultimate tensile stress and age. However, 75 per cent of variance in ultimate tensile stress, and 85 per cent of variance in ultimate compressive stress could be accounted for by variation in mineral density.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyse the arterial wall mechanics and the vasoreactive properties of the radial artery in comparison with those of the internal mammary artery and to discuss their implications for coronary bypass grafts. METHODS: Measurements of pressure and diameter were obtained from cylindrical segments, whereas measurements of reactivity were obtained from ring segments from the same arteries. We used an echo-tracking technique of high resolution enabling to investigate, in vitro, the diameter and the wall thickness of arterial cylindrical segments. Furthermore, the compliance, distensibility and incremental elastic modulus of the radial and of the mammary arteries were determined for a wide range of transmural pressure (0-200 mmHg) in presence and absence of norepinephrine (NE). RESULTS: Our results show that NE caused vasoconstriction of the two arteries. Strain was found significantly higher for the radial artery than for the internal mammary artery at any given value of stress both in the presence and in the absence of NE. In presence of NE, compliance for radial artery, in the overall transmural pressure range, did not change, whereas, distensibility was significantly increased and the elastic modulus was significantly decreased. Under the same conditions, the distensibility of the mammary artery tended to decrease and its elastic modulus to increase. In parallel, the vasoreactive properties of the two arteries confirmed the previous results showing that radial artery developed a significant higher tension to vasoconstricting agents (KCl, NE and phenylephrine (PHE)) and higher relaxation to isradipine than internal mammary artery. Moreover, radial artery displayed a lesser sensitivity to sodium nitroprusside than internal mammary artery. Furthermore, sensitivity to NE was found to be 7-fold higher for radial artery than for internal mammary artery. CONCLUSION: Taken together, data on the mechanical and reactive properties of radial and internal mammary arteries show why the radial artery displayed a higher potential for spasm than the internal mammary artery and why the use of Ca2+ channel blocker can decrease the incidence of occlusion and spasm.  相似文献   

Laboratory melts of microalloyed low carbon steels with an increased silicon content of about 1 % and manganese contents between 0.3 and 1.3 % were thermomechanically rolled in a laboratory two-high rolling stand to plates of about 10 mm in thickness. The influence of chemical composition and finish rolling temperature (FRT) on the ferrite-pearlite structure of the plates (tensile and Charpy impact tests) was investigated. The choice of the temperature range of finish rolling with respect to the γ/α transformation start temperature strongly influences the ferrite-pearlite structure and the mechanical properties. The most fine-grained and homogeneous ferrite-pearlite structure and the best combination of strength and toughness have been obtained with steels containing about 1 % Mn and 1 % Si rolled with a finish rolling temperature of about 850°C.  相似文献   

The brains of 46 control subjects and 21 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients were studied to determine whether there are age-related or AD-related changes in the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) neuron population of the human suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The number of VIP expressing neurons in the SCN of females, ranging in age from 10-91 years, did not change during normal aging. In males, however, the number of VIP neurons in the SCN was highest in the young subjects (10-40 years of age), after which, a dramatic decrease occurred in middle-aged subjects. This resulted in an age-dependent sex difference in the VIP cell population of the SCN: young males had twice as many VIP expressing SCN neurons as young females, whereas in the middle-aged groups, the females had twice as many VIP SCN neurons as the males. A significant decrease in the number of VIP expressing neurons in the SCN was found in female presenile AD patients, i.e., those younger than 65 years.  相似文献   

Sympathetic stimulation is accompanied by a reduction of arterial distensibility, but whether and to what extent elastic and muscle-type arterial mechanics is under tonic sympathetic restraint is not known. We addressed this issue by measuring, in the anesthetized rat, the diameters of the common carotid and femoral arteries with an echo-Doppler device (NIUS 01). Blood pressure was measured by a catheter inserted contralaterally and symmetrically to the vessel where the diameter was measured. Arterial distensibility over the systolic-diastolic pressure range was calculated according to the Langewouters formula. Data were collected in 10 intact (vehicle pretreatment) and 9 sympathectomized (6-hydroxydopamine pretreatment) 3-month-old Wistar-Kyoto rats. Compared with the intact animals, sympathectomized rats showed a marked increase in arterial distensibility over the entire systolic-diastolic pressure range. When quantified by the area under the distensibility-pressure curve, the increase was 59% and 62% for the common carotid and femoral arteries, respectively (P<.01 for both). In the femoral but not in the common carotid artery, sympathectomy was accompanied also by an increase in arterial diameter (+18%, P<.05 versus intact). Therefore, in the anesthetized normotensive rat, sympathetic activity exerts a tonic restraint on large-artery distensibility. This restraint is pronounced in elastic vessels and even more pronounced in muscle-type vessels.  相似文献   

The structure and mechanical properties of metallic nanocrystals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Metallic nanocrystals are ultrafine-grained polycrystalline solids with grain sizes in the range of 1 to 10 nm in at least one dimension. Because of the extremely small dimensions, a large fraction of the atoms in these materials is located at the grain boundaries, and thus, they possess novel, and often improved, properties over those of conventional polycrystalline or glassy materials. In comparison to more conventional materials, nanocrystalline materials show a reduced density; increased thermal expansion, specific heat, and strength; a supermodulus effect; and extremely high diffusion rates. Traditionally brittle materials can be made ductile by nano-structure processing. At present, there is considerabe confusion on the nature of the micro-structure and mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline materials, especially of the equiaxed (three-dimensional, 3-D) type. The present article reviews the current understanding of nanocrystals and evaluates the data available on structure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals. This invited overview is based on a presentation made in the symposium “Structure and Properties of Fine and Ultrafine Particles, Surfaces and Interfaces” presesnted as part of the 1989 Fall Meeting of TMS, October 1–5, 1989, in Indianapolis, IN, under the auspices of the Structures Committee of ASM/MSD.  相似文献   

The usefulness of peripheral human lymphocytes as a bioindicator for ionizing radiation effect was tested in a survey of Malaysian workers in two industries producing technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). Workers in amang processing plants who have been with the plant for an average of 12.9 years and who were exposed to radioactive dust showed significantly higher frequencies of chromosomal aberration compared to control and even ilmenite-processing workers. Such frequency was not significantly different between workers in ilmenite-processing plant and control. The differences in duration of employment, occupational hygiene, together with the difference in the percentage of 'old' and 'new' aberrations among the groups sampled were used to explain the high chromosomal aberration frequency among amang workers. The presence of significantly high chromosome damage (dicentrics and fragments) in workers who were chronically exposed to doses below 50 mSv per year or 20 mSv per year averaged over 5 years (ICRP, 1991) provided additional experimental data on the dose-effect relationship at these low-dose ranges. The results confirm the usefulness of using human lymphocytes as a bioindicator for chronic exposure to ionizing radiation and in cases where physical radiation detectors are not available.  相似文献   

曲俊义  刘艳萍  乔兰 《工程科学学报》2006,28(6):519-523,538
为了研究玻璃纤维增强水泥(GRC)免拆模板复合剪力墙体系的可行性,对GRC平板与混凝土粘结性进行实验研究,并对实验数据进行分析,结果表明两者之间具有良好的粘结性能,能够协同工作.对作为免拆模板的GRC平板进行力学性能实验,结果显示其具有良好的抗折性能.GRC免拆模板剪力墙体系是可行的.  相似文献   

In order to provide a comprehensive account of pituitary-testicular function in man, 466 subjects, ranging in age from 2 to 101 years, were studied to examine blood levels of the pituitary gonadotrophins (LH and FSH), the sex steroids testosterone and oestradiol, the binding capacity of the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), the free testosterone and oestradiol fractions, and the transfer constant for the peripheral conversion of testosterone to oestradiol. The results were compared with clinical indices of testicular size, sexual function and secondary sex hair distribution. Serum LH and FSH were low before puberty, increased in pubertal adolescents to levels somewhat above those of adults and subsequently increased progressively over the age of 40 years. Testosterone levels fell slowly after the age of 40, while there was a slight rise in plasma oestradiol with increasing age. FSH and testosterone showed small seasonal variations in young adult men, the lowest values being seen in winter. SHBG binding capacity was high in two prepubertal boys, fell in adult men, but increased in old age. Free testosterone and oestradiol levels fell in old age. The metabolic clearance rates (MCR) of testosterone and oestradiol also fell in old age, while the conversion of testosterone to oestradiol was increased. Many correlations were observed between various hormonal and clincial measurements. The evidence is consistent with a primary decrease in testicular function over the age of 40 years.  相似文献   

Drug addicted women whose economic and social base is urban streets face limited options for income generation and multiple dangers of predation, assault, arrest, and illness. Exchanging sex for money or drugs offers one important source of income in this context. Yet the legal, social, and safety risks associated with these exchanges reduce the likelihood of regular safer sex practices during these encounters, thereby increasing the risk of HIV infection. Such conditions lead women engaged in sexual exchanges for money to varied and complex responses influenced by multiple and often contradictory pressures, both personal and contextual. Street-recruited women drug users in an AIDS prevention program in Hart-ford, Connecticut reported a range of condom use when engaging in sex for money exchanges. This paper explores their differences by ethnicity, economic resources, and drug use, and analyzes these and other factors that impact on street risks through sexual income generation. Surveys and in-depth interviews with drug-addicted women sex workers describe their various approaches to addressing multiple risks on the streets and suggest significant effort by women in these contexts to avoid the many risks, including HIV infection.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationships among factors of age, age at onset, and sex in depressed older adults. A group of 96 outpatients (mean age, 60) diagnosed with late-(LOD) and early-onset (EOD) major depression were assessed for severity of depression and underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The MRI scans were rated for severity of white-matter hyperintensities (WMH) and ventricle-to-brain ratio (VBR). LOD was associated with increased amounts of WMH, larger VBR, and history of hypertension. Men were more severely depressed than women, with higher rates of neurovegetative signs and history of smoking. Age correlated with increased VBR and WMH, history of hypertension, history of percipitants for the current episode, and lack of social support. Results suggest that a subgroup of men may be more at risk for LOD associated with WMH and that sex and age at onset need to be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

The record was studied of a 71-year-old, diurnally active (0700-2200 hours) male psychiatrist (G.N.) who self-measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BPS and BPD) mostly but not exclusively on Sunday mornings, from 1969 to 1994. A large about-yearly change was revealed which increased with age and was accompanied by a decreasing trend in the yearly rhythm-adjusted mean (MESOR; P < 0.01). According to conventional criteria that specify only upper limits of acceptability, G.N. was hypertensive in summer and normotensive in other seasons. Since changes in both MESOR and circannual amplitude occurred, a systematic surveillance of BP is the chronobiological recommendation.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the severity of peripheral vascular disorders, and to detect changes in the digital arteries of workers who use chain saws, the mechanical properties of the digital arteries of 22 such workers were examined using a photosensor. The elastic properties and the nonlinearity of digital arteries were assessed through observation of the changes in the vascular volume ratio (V/Vo) against the volume (Vo) at mean blood pressure (Pm). A significant negative correlation was found between age and V/Vo at a transmural pressure of 30 mmHg (V30/Vo), which suggested that V30/Vo tended to decrease with aging. Although it was impossible to calculate V30/Vo for chain saw operators because of the vague changes in the volume pulse wave, this nonlinearity was more clearly observed through changes in the relative vascular volume (V/V40) along with a reduction in cuff pressure (Pc) to 40 mmHg below systolic blood pressure. A group of similarly aged healthy controls and three groups of workers with a different severity of vibration-induced white finger (VWF), i.e., no symptoms of VWF, mild VWF and severe VWF, were classified according to the changes in their V/V40 and the reduction in Pc. The results obtained in the present study suggest that the peripheral vascular disorders in workers using chain saws are due to the opening disturbance of the arteries with nonlinear changes in the peripheral artery, which is related to functional and organic abnormality of the arteries.  相似文献   

用粉末烧结法制备了孔结构为球形中空孔和线型中空孔的镍基多孔高温合金材料.对试样进行显微组织观察和力学性能测试.结果表明:制备的多孔高温合金材料的孔隙分布均匀,孔径大小一致.通过高温烧结,多孔合金骨架处的金属颗粒之间形成了烧结颈,发生了烧结结合.生成孔的孔隙度随造孔剂(尿素)的添加量增加而增加,当造孔剂的质量分数为40%时,可得到孔隙度为81.62%的球形多孔材料.多孔材料具有优良的能量吸收性能,其压缩性能随孔隙度和孔径的增加而下降.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1976,24(11):987-1001
Electron microscopy and diffraction have been employed to study the microstructural behavior of age hardening Cu-Ti alloys. Two alloys nominally containing 1 and 4 wt. % Ti were studied and the electron metallography results have been correlated with the mechanical properties. The microstructural behavior of these sideband alloys suggests that the characteristic modulated structures derive from metastable spinodal decomposition of a single phase into a disordered phase and an ordered phase. The clustering and ordering processes have been analyzed using simple graphical thermodynamics. The mechanical hardening attendant to the formation of the modulated structures has been analyzed quantitatively in terms of salient microstructural parameters using modern theories of strengthening. The age hardening response of the Cu-4 wt. % Ti alloy is substantially explained in terms of the interaction of dislocations with the internal stress field associated with the spinodal or modulated structures using Cahn's model of spinodal hardening. Overaging in the Cu-4 wt. % Ti alloy is observed to stem primarily from cellular or discontinuous precipitation occurring along the grain boundaries and the full strengthening potential of the modulated structure is apparently not realized.  相似文献   

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