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红船精神、八一精神、井冈山精神和苏区精神是中国共产党领导中国人民在新民主主义革命征程中形成的经典红色文化和宝贵革命精神,深刻反映了近代以来中华民族最优秀分子在"建党"、"建军"和"建国"(指建立新中国)壮丽事业中迸发的崇高理想、坚定信念、睿智胸怀和道德情操。四者紧密相关,薪火相传:同为马克思主义与中国革命实践相结合的产物,共同根植于深厚的中华文明和中国精神中,同为中国共产党革命精神谱系中的鲜明坐标,同属中国共产党新民主主义文化的典型代表,共同体现了中国共产党人的目标和宗旨,共同彰显了中国共产党人的精神品质。但因它们产生的时间地点、内涵表述、表现特点及各自承担的任务和历史地位等不同,又体现出各自的特点和特异性、差异性。深入研究四者逻辑关系,有利于深刻把握四大革命精神的科学内涵、历史地位和时代价值,推进中国共产党革命精神与文化资源研究向纵深发展,更是新时期红色传统发扬、红色基因传承的题中要义。  相似文献   

中共在苏区革命中,最初是主张建立农会政权。然而,随着苏维埃政权相继建立,中共中央最终主张用苏维埃政权代替农会政权。在这种替代过程中,反映中共中央当时对农民协会功能的认识和利用的变化,并由此决定农民协会与国家政权的社会关系。  相似文献   

李晨 《华中建筑》2005,23(5):160-161,165
该文结合瑞金苏区时期的两大会址,从“政权统治与苏区建筑”、“群众文化与苏区建筑”、“现实条件与苏区建筑”和“外来文化与苏区建筑”四个方面对苏区时期的建筑文化特点作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

瞿家湾革命旧址是研究湘鄂西武装割据的战略后方和总策源地湘鄂边苏区的代表性遗存,是研究中国工农红军三大主力之一的红二方面军孕育过程的实物依据.瞿家湾革命旧址是全国最早以土家族、苗族、白族为主体的革命力量在中国共产党领导下武装夺取政权,建立革命根据地的历史载体和土家族民族精神的凝集与物化.  相似文献   

毛泽东在探索农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路理论和中国社会主义建设道路理论方面都作出了重要贡献。在探索两条道路理论的过程中,他把马克思主义普遍真理同中国的具体实践相结合,从而使得两条道路理论具有许多相似之处。由于时代背景等因素的不同,两条道路理论的探索过程相异,所取得的理论成果也不尽相同,对中国革命和建设的影响也有所区别。在深入学习中国特色社会主义理论的今天,比较研究毛泽东探索这两条道路理论的异同点,对于我们坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论和实践具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

中央苏区为适应革命斗争形势发展的需要,培养大批的革命人才,这就迫切需要扩充各条战线的法律人才,以贯彻党的路线、方针、政策,发动和组织人民群众进行伟大的革命斗争。苏区中央政府采取了以干部教育、学校教育为教育的核心形式,以演讲、集会,演出和创建报刊,出版书籍等比较灵活的方式进行法制教育,并将马克思主义思想与法律教育相结合,同时注重文化教育与体力劳动相结合,形成了苏区法制教育的特色。中央苏区应历史发展形势的需要,采用多样的形式进行法制教育,使其能够适应复杂的政治环境,体现出鲜明的阶级特征和革命性色彩。  相似文献   

中西哲学观的最高范畴分别为"道"和"logos’’,两者的哲学地位在中西方哲学史上都是不可替代的,他们两者之间既有相似之处,也有各自的特色所在,对中西方哲学文化构建尤其是对中西语言哲学观的形成产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

中国山水画与西方风景画都是以自然风景为表现对象,两者均脱胎于人物画。由于文化背景不同,它们形成了各自不同的绘画体系和审美态度。探讨两者的起源,有利于人们认识两者的本质特征及其发展规律,为艺术创作提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对宁都苏区调查分析,整理在反"围剿"战争中人民为革命不畏牺牲、无私奉献和苏区干部好作风的史料,进一步明白什么是苏区精神,及思考其在携手共建新时代伟大征程中的重要启示。  相似文献   

毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系都是马克思列宁主义基本原理与中国革命、建设,以及改革事业具体开展路径先结合过程中形成的重要成果,切实认知两者之间在基本内涵和历史地位贡献层次的相互禅差异,具备极其充分的理论影响价值,本文围绕毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系问题,选取两个具体方面展开了简要分析。  相似文献   

Demands on land use in heavily populated landscapes create mosaic structures where semi-natural habitat patches are generally small and dominated by edges. Small patches are also more exposed and thus more vulnerable to adverse weather and potential effects of climate change. These conditions may be less problematic for generalist species than for specialists. Using insectivorous woodland birds (great tits and blue tits) as an example, we demonstrate that even generalists suffer reduced breeding success (in particular, rearing fewer and poorer-quality young) and increased parental costs (daily energy expenditure) when living in such highly modified secondary habitats (small woods, parks, farmland). Within-habitat heterogeneity (using the example of Monks Wood NNR) is generally associated with greater species diversity, but to benefit from heterogeneity at a landscape scale may require both high mobility and the ability to thrive in small habitat patches. Modern landscapes, dominated by small, modified and scattered habitat patches, may fail to provide specialists, especially sedentary ones, with access to sufficient quantity and quality of resources, while simultaneously increasing the potential for competition from generalists.  相似文献   

<正>1961年11月3日,一只名为莱卡的狗搭乘(前)苏联发射的"史普尼克2号"宇宙飞船,成为进入太空的第一只动物。莱卡有部分西伯利亚哈士奇血统,在入选苏联太空计划之前,曾在莫斯科街头流浪。莱卡作为苏联第二颗人造地球卫星的乘客存活了好几天,她依靠复杂的生命支持系统生存。附  相似文献   

苏联核计划是一项规模宏大的国家工程,其成功实施是数十万科技、情报和各行业工作者集体努力的结果,而在这个组织结构庞大的"金字塔"顶端的是贝利亚。作为国家对外情报机构的最高领导人,贝利亚掌握国外研制原子弹进展的重要信息,对核计划的出台起到了关键性作用。他指挥情报机构获取的宝贵信息,为苏联原子弹的研制节省了大量资金和时间。他被任命为原子能问题专门委员会主席负责全面领导核计划之后,成功组织了庞大的核科研机构体系和精英团队并领导协调其高效运转。他奉行务实主义,沿着最有效快捷的路线,充分发挥苏联体制进行高度集中调动各种资源的巨大潜力,迅速建成核能原料供应和工业体系。贝利亚作为核计划领导人,在举全国之力推进核工程建设与挖掘国家科技潜力方面付出的努力和具备的能力,保证了苏联在这一重要领域取得辉煌成就,可以说他是真正的"苏联原子弹之父"。  相似文献   

This summary of a book on the subject published by Statens Institut för byggnads-forskning, Stockholm, reviews the history of design and planning which has evolved into a more flexible application of centrally standardised designs.  相似文献   

The Soviet Union has faced a massive housing problem since its creation in 1917. A shortage of housing existed before the 1917 Revolution but the shortage in the cities has been exacerbated by rapid urbanisation of the population and by the destruction of 30 per cent of the housing stock during World War 2. Although significant improvements have been made in the sense that proportionately fewer households now share accommodation and the average space standard has risen, it nonetheless seems apposite to recognise that seventy-three years after the Revolution and forty-five years after World War 2 current housing problems are the result of policy choices or the failure of policy. That is, it does not seem appropriate to continue to locate the causes of current problems in the pre-revolutionary situation or the catastrophe of World War 2.  相似文献   

Conclusions In recent years the expedition of the Soviet Lunokhod 2, in which detailed investigations over a 37-km route were carried out, had greatest significance for lunar soil mechanics. A working hypothesis on the origin and composition of the regolith was formulated by scientists of A. P. Vinogradov's school. In terrestrial laboratories the mechanical properties of the regolith from three different regions of the moon were investigated and its analogs were studied. The decisive role of density for the mechanical properties of the regolith and other mineral powders was established and the effect of gases adsorbed on the surface of grains on their interaction at contacts was studied. It was possible to achieve almost complete removal of adsorbed substances from the surface and to show that as a result of this, cohesion increases markedly. Experiments on simulating the processes of formation of glass spheres in the regolith were conducted and indicated two different causes of their formation. Investigations of compressibility and shear strength made it possible to obtain new formulas for the dependence of the void ratio on compressive stress and shear strength, on the angle of internal friction, and on two types of cohesion. A study of the regolith by Soviet scientists is continuing. Specimens of the regolith delivered by Soviet automatic stations are sent to scientists of a number of foreign countries in keeping with international scientific collaboration.Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp. 20–23, September–October, 1977.  相似文献   

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane usage in the former Soviet Union   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), an organochlorine pesticide (OCP), is one of 12 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that is being proposed for elimination or control under the Stockholm Convention on POPs. This paper presents historical DDT usage in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) from different sources. Although the data from different sources do not agree with each other, the data clearly show that the usage of DDT in the FSU were intensive in the 1950s and 1960s, and the use of DDT continued until early 1990s although DDT was officially banned in 1969/1970 by the FSU government. Two estimations (high and low) are made for the historical annual DDT usage in the FSU. The total DDT usage in the FSU from 1946 and 1990 was 520 kt for the high estimation and 250 kt for the low estimation. Gridded DDT usage inventories in the FSU on a 1 degree longitude by 1 degree latitude grid system are created by using the gridded distribution of cropland density for the FSU, and show that DDT usage varied considerably across the FSU. Most DDT was applied in southern regions of the FSU where agricultural activity was greatest, such as in Moldova and Ukraine followed by the Northern Caucasus region of Russia and the Central Asian republics.  相似文献   

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