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This paper presents a brief history of irrigation and drainage related to ASCE activities on its Jubilee. This paper discusses legislation and policies that affect irrigation and drainage practices, water quality constituents of increasing concern in irrigation and drainage practices, and presents a prognosis on the future of declining freshwater resources available for irrigated agriculture and growing water quality problems in irrigation and drainage. Civil engineers in ASCE’s Irrigation and Drainage Division have compiled an 80-year history of highly meritorious service and accomplishments. In the next millennium, civil engineers will face a formidable challenge in managing and protecting the precious freshwater resources in the U.S.  相似文献   

Demand Forecasting for Irrigation Water Distribution Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the main problems in the management of large water supply and distribution systems is the forecasting of daily demand in order to schedule pumping effort and minimize costs. This paper examines methodologies for consumer demand modeling and prediction in a real-time environment for an on-demand irrigation water distribution system. Approaches based on linear multiple regression, univariate time series models (exponential smoothing and ARIMA models), and computational neural networks (CNNs) are developed to predict the total daily volume demand. A set of templates is then applied to the daily demand to produce the diurnal demand profile. The models are established using actual data from an irrigation water distribution system in southern Spain. The input variables used in various CNN and multiple regression models are (1) water demands from previous days; (2) climatic data from previous days (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, and sunshine duration); (3) crop data (surfaces and crop coefficients); and (4) water demands and climatic and crop data. In CNN models, the training method used is a standard back-propagation variation known as extended-delta-bar-delta. Different neural architectures are compared whose learning is carried out by controlling several threshold determination coefficients. The nonlinear CNN model approach is shown to provide a better prediction of daily water demand than linear multiple regression and univariate time series analysis. The best results were obtained when water demand and maximum temperature variables from the two previous days were used as input data.  相似文献   

Efficient on-farm use of water and labor for all methods requires a water supply flexible in frequency, rate, and duration and under the control of the irrigator at the point of application. For surface irrigation, the use of large capacity systems for supply and distribution are essential and economical, especially when considering the reduced labor needs, increased irrigation efficiency, and reduced potential high water table problems resulting from having a large, flexible supply associated with a flexible arranged-demand schedule. Automation and stability of flow at the farm turnout, comparable to a domestic system with variable flow delivery conditions, are typically accomplished by use of large capacity semiclosed pipeline systems. A cost comparison of capital investment for various sized, flexible supply systems with resulting farm water and labor costs is presented which shows the great value from the upgraded management made possible.  相似文献   

On irrigation schemes with rotational irrigation systems in semiarid tropics, the existing rules for water allocation are based on applying a fixed depth of water with every irrigation irrespective of the crops, their growth stages, and soils on which these crops are grown. However, when water resources are scarce, it is necessary to allocate water optimally to different crops grown in the irrigation scheme taking account of different soils in the command area. Allocating water optimally may lead to applying less water to crops than is needed to obtain the maximum yield. In this paper, a three stage approach is proposed for allocating water from a reservoir optimally based on a deficit irrigation approach, using a simulation-optimization model. The allocation results with a deficit irrigation approach are compared for a single crop (wheat) in an irrigation scheme in India, first with full irrigation (irrigation to fill the root zone to field capacity) and second with the existing rule. The full irrigation with a small irrigation interval was equivalent to adequate irrigation (no stress to the crop). It is found that practicing deficit irrigation enables the irrigated area and the total crop production in the irrigation scheme used for the case study to be increased by about 30–45% and 20–40%, respectively, over the existing rule and by 50 and 45%, respectively, over the adequate irrigation. Allocation of resources also varied with soil types.  相似文献   

Water is the lifeblood of the American West and the foundation of its economy, but it remains its scarcest resource. The explosive population growth in western United States, the emerging additional need for water for environmental uses, and the national importance of the domestic food production are driving major conflicts between these competing water uses. The case of the Middle Rio Grande illustrates the problem very well. The river is the ecological backbone of the Chihuahuan Desert region in the western United States, and supports its dynamic and diverse ecology, including the fish and wildlife habitat. The Rio Grande Silvery Minnow is federally listed as an endangered species, and the irrigated agriculture in the Middle Rio Grande has come under increasing pressure to reduce its water consumption and maintain the desired level of service to its water users. This paper will present the writers ongoing research on options to make irrigation system operations more efficient in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD). Specifically, it will describe formulation and implementation of a decision support system (DSS) that can assist the MRGCD managers to more efficiently plan and implement their water delivery operations, thereby reducing river diversions. The MRGCD DSS uses linear programming to find an optimum water delivery schedule for canal service areas in the MRGCD irrigation system. The computer model is presently formulated along with the related data sets for two of the four divisions in the MRGCD. For the past 3?years, the model has been validated in the field and the evaluation indicates that the model recommendations are realistic and represent current management practices. The future plans are to complete the data files for the irrigation networks in the remaining two divisions and concurrently help the MRGCD implement the DSS to guide water delivery operation.  相似文献   

The management of water resources in irrigation is a fundamental aspect for their sustainability. For correct management, several tools and systems for decision making are necessary. Among the large number of factors that affect the optimization of water use, we must focus on irrigation uniformity and its economic implications. The following methodology, implemented in a computer model, allows us to carry out an economic analysis of the effects of different Christiansen’s uniformity coefficients (CU), which are useful for system design and calculation and also for irrigation management in order to obtain maximize gross margin. In the zone studied (Hydrogeologic System 08.29, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) working with a solid set system and with four crops (barley, garlic, maize, and onion), there is an economic interest in designing systems with a high CU (90%) that allows us to obtain a high application efficiency (Ea). Regarding the economic optimization of the irrigation depths, the results show that the optimum gross depths are always lower than the irrigation depths for maximum crop yield. The higher the CU, the lower the depths, while the crop yield increases and the gross margin of the crop improves. These general results present significant differences among crops, according to their water requirements and their economic profitability.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model to estimate the soil salinity for different on-farm management strategies under irrigated conditions. It is based on research in the Mani?oba irrigation scheme in northeast Brazil, where upward flow from the shallow water table is the main cause of soil salinization. The model calculates soil water and salt balances for the topsoil. It is calibrated for the topsoil of abandoned plots and for the root zone (0.9?m) of mango trees. Simulating the effect of different management scenarios on soil salinity may help to organize the switch from intensive surface irrigation to more efficient irrigation practices.  相似文献   

Innovations are needed in both the technological and policy dimensions of water resource management to achieve the gains in productivity required to feed the world’s increasing population. Scientists and engineers will continue to discover and disseminate new information regarding the technology of water management. However, the effective demand for that information at the farm level will be limited in areas where water prices and allocations do not reflect scarcity conditions. This paper describes how public policies regarding water resources and agricultural production can motivate farmers to consider scarcity values and the off-farm impacts of irrigation and drainage activities. Farm-level and regional models of crop production are examined, and optimizing criteria derived from the models depict the role of scarcity values and policy parameters in farm-level decisions regarding water use. The rate at which improvements in water management are implemented by irrigators around the world might be enhanced substantially by replacing inappropriate policies with those that motivate farmers and others to use scarce resources efficiently.  相似文献   

Water is a limited resource in agricultural production in arid climates. Under such conditions, high irrigation efficiency can be obtained either through implementation of efficient irrigation systems such as drip or sprinkler systems or through the age-old practice of deficit irrigation with gravity systems. The method used to increase irrigation efficiency is often dictated by economic and/or social factors. In either case, the effectiveness of water management at the farm level needs to be evaluated by measuring irrigation efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the irrigation efficiencies for three crops in Southern New Mexico using the chloride technique. The chloride technique is a simple method in which the natural chloride in the irrigation water is used as a tracer to estimate the leaching fraction and the irrigation efficiency at the farm level. Soil samples were collected from various fields in 15 cm increments to a depth of 180 cm at the end of the irrigation season. The samples were analyzed for moisture and chloride content. In addition to the chloride technique, on-farm irrigation efficiencies were measured using applied water, yield, and water production functions. Water production functions and yields were used to estimate total evapotranspiration while flow measurements were used to calculate the amount of applied water. The results showed that high irrigation efficiency can be accomplished using deficit irrigation. Irrigation efficiency values ranged from 83 to 98%. Irrigation efficiencies using the chloride technique were compared with efficiencies estimated from direct flow measurements. The differences between the two methods ranged from 2 to 11.4%. The results showed that even though the chloride technique is subject to sampling errors and simplified theoretical assumptions, it can be used to estimate on-farm irrigation efficiency with considerable accuracy.  相似文献   

The 340,000 ha Lake Dakota Plain area in north-central South Dakota has the topographical and soil characteristics required for the use of combination subsurface drainage and irrigation systems. Corn yield data from a research site and a county-wide reporting service were used to determine that DRAINMOD, a water balance and corn yield estimation computer model, could be employed to assess the feasibility of using a combination system for the area. Three soils ranging in texture from a sandy loam to a silt loam and 19 years of climatic data were used in the feasibility analysis. Drain line spacings were determined for average yield goals of 90, 95, and 100% of estimated maximum corn yields for each soil. There are possibilities for the economical use of combination subsurface irrigation and drainage systems in the Lake Dakota Plain area.  相似文献   

Regional irrigation water-demand planning is utilized to establish appropriate cropping patterns and estimate irrigation water demand. Although optimization methods have been extensively adopted, uncertainties of meteorological conditions and the complexity of spatial contexts make developing explicit and structured decision making extremely difficult. Rather than generating a single optimal solution, decision makers prefer to generate several possible scenarios and compare results. This study proposes a novel spatial scenario-based planning framework, with a database, model base, and scenario-setting modules, to generate flexible spatial planning scenarios for improving irrigation water-demand planning. Possible demand planning scenarios for irrigation managers are discussed. A prototype of the proposed scenario-based framework is implemented on a geographic information system platform to assist in spatial decision making. Demand planning during a drought period for the Chia-Nan irrigation command area, the largest one in Taiwan, is adopted as a case study to demonstrate the proposed framework for spatial scenario analysis.  相似文献   

Flexible Irrigation Systems: Concept, Design, and Application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the need, value, and concept of flexible irrigation water supply systems that can deliver water with flexibility in frequency, rate, and duration under the control of the farmer at the point of application using a limited rate arranged-demand or other schedule. It introduces the needed terminology including “congestion”—how much reserve time and capacity is required to assure water delivery at the frequency and rate desired. An illustrative design procedure for the necessary pipeline and reservoir capacities is illustrated. The techniques discussed emphasize the conversion of the economical steady supply canal flows to flexible on-farm usage through the use of service area reservoirs located between the secondary and tertiary systems, and of semiclosed pipelines and/or level-top canals as automated distribution systems which facilitates the farmers’ need for daytime only variable on-farm deliveries to permit optimization of on-farm water management. This improved management is the ultimate source of increased food production after improved crop, land, and water resources have reached their maximum. The coordinated use of return flow systems is described.  相似文献   

GESTAR is an advanced computational hydraulic software tool specially adapted for the design, planning, and management of pressurized irrigation networks. A summary is given of the most significant characteristics of GESTAR. The hydraulic solver for quasi-steady scenarios uses specific strategies and incorporates several new features that improve the algorithms for pipe network computation, overcoming some of the problems that arise when attempting to apply drinking water software, using the gradient method, to irrigation systems. It is shown that the gradient method is a nodal method variant, where flow rates are relaxed using head loss formula exponents. Although relaxation produces a damping effect on instabilities, it is still unable to solve some of the numerical problems common to the nodal methods. In this contribution the results of the research on computational strategies capable of dealing with low resistance elements, hydrant modelling, multiple regulation valves, numerous emitters, and pumps with complex curves are presented, obtaining accurate results even in conditions where other software fails to converge. GESTAR incorporates all these computational techniques, achieving a high convergence rate and robustness. Furthermore, GESTAR’s solver algorithm was easily adapted to incorporate inverse analysis options for optimum network control and parameter calibration. Illustrative examples are provided, documenting the improved numerical techniques and examples of GESTAR’s performance in comparison with EPANET2, a widely used gradient method-based hydraulic solver.  相似文献   

In this study, an evaluation has been made of the realization level of the planned targets in irrigation planning for all of the 13 water user associations (WUAs) of the Gediz Basin. This evaluation was made according to six performance indicators: level of realization of irrigation ratios, level of realization of crop pattern, dependability, adequacy, efficiency, and equity for the years 1999–2002. Seven associations were successful in irrigation ratio realization, and four were successful in crop pattern. Failure of other WUAs can be reduced by collecting farmers’ declarations and evaluating them with greater care and sensitivity. Water delivery in the general irrigation plan was found to be poor with regard to dependability and equity, and good with regard to the indicators of adequacy (except in the year 2001) and efficiency. In order to improve dependability, the period when water is diverted from the source and the period when water is needed must coincide completely. In order to improve equity, delivery of water to WUAs must be carried out taking account of water requirements predicted in the general irrigation plan. When these two indicators are improved, adequacy and efficiency will improve also.  相似文献   

Significant improvements in the profitability and sustainability of irrigated areas can be obtained by the application of new technologies. In this work, a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts is presented. The model is based on the combination of a number of modules specialized on surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balances. These modules are executed in parallel, and are connected by a series of variables. The surface irrigation module is based on a numerical hydrodynamic routine solving the Saint Venant equations, including the heterogeneity of soil physical properties. The simulation of water conveyance is performed on the basis of the capacity of the elements of the conveyance network. Crop growth is simulated using a scheme derived from the well-known model CropWat. The irrigation decision making module satisfies water orders considering water stress, yield sensitivity to stress, multiple water sources, and the network capacity. Finally, the hydrosaline module is based on a steady state approach, and provides estimations of the volume and salinity of the irrigation return flows for the whole irrigation season. The application of the model to district irrigation management and modernization studies may be limited by the volume of data required. In a companion paper, the model is calibrated, validated, and applied to a real irrigation district.  相似文献   

Irrigation Hydrology: Crossing Scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrology is the science concerned with distribution, circulation, and properties of water of the earth and its atmosphere, across the full range of time and space scales. Subject matter ranges widely from chemical and physical properties to the relation of water to living things. Irrigation hydrology is constrained to analysis of irrigated ecosystems in which water storage, applications, or drainage volumes are artificially controlled in the landscape and the spatial domain of processes varies from micrometers to tens of kilometers while the temporal domain spans from seconds to centuries. The continuum science of irrigation hydrology includes the surface, subsurface (unsaturated and groundwater systems), atmospheric, and plant subsystems. How do we scale up highly nonlinear physical, chemical, and biological processes understood at natural scales to macro- and mega-scales at which we measure and manage irrigated agroecosystems? How do we measure, characterize, and include natural heterogeneity in scaling nonlinear processes? In this paper, we discuss scaling issues and related research opportunities in irrigation hydrology with the hope of helping the irrigation-drainage engineering/science profession better address scaling problems in formulating designs affecting irrigated ecosystems.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was conducted at a seepage-irrigated vegetable farm in south Florida to develop and evaluate an improved, soil moisture-based irrigation management practice that could potentially reduce irrigation water use, prevent water quality impairment, and maintain or improve crop yield. The improved practice reduced irrigation water use by 36% compared to the conventional irrigation management. Moreover, the improved practice also increased rainfall retention and decreased runoff events by lowering the water table 13?cm compared to the conventional practice. Total dissolved phosphorus (P) concentrations in groundwater were higher (p<0.01) for the improved practice compared with the conventional practice in two of the three fields where ground water quality was monitored. Higher P concentrations for the improved practice were likely due to the dilution effect. Statistically, no differences (p>0.05) were observed in groundwater nitrogen (N) (NOx–N, NH4–N, and total dissolved N) concentrations between the improved and the conventional practices. Similarly, no statistical difference was observed in crop yield between the improved and the conventional practices, although the average total yield was higher for the improved practice. The improved practice also reduced the incidence of plant disease compared to the conventional practice which resulted in crop failure in some fields. Thus, use of the improved practice reduced irrigation water use without impacting crop yield.  相似文献   

The particular challenges of modeling controlled water systems are discussed. The high degree of freedom due to the control structures increases the risk of producing the right output for the wrong reasons. On the other hand, many controlled water systems are (partly) manually operated or at least supervised by an operational water manager. The decisions of these managers are not as rigid as a computer simulated control strategy. Therefore, getting a very close fit with a water-system control model is mostly not possible. A modeling framework is proposed that takes advantage of the vast availability of measurement data in controlled water systems. The water level and flow data at control structures allow for intensive validation and subsystem calibration to reduce the degree of modeling freedom and to model separately the natural rainfall-runoff and hydrodynamic processes. The framework is successfully applied to improve a simulation model of the controlled water system of Rijnland, The Netherlands. The yearly volume error was reduced from 11% to less than 1% and as a consequence, the short-term peak events were modeled more accurately as well. The resulting water-system control model is more reliable for both design studies and operational decision support. The framework will contribute to prepare more reliable simulation models of controlled water systems.  相似文献   

The technology of irrigated agriculture has often been controversial. The development agencies would praise its productivity, as only 18% of the world’s cultivated land is irrigated but produces roughly 33% of the world’s human food supply. Environmental and ecological concerns cite the degradation of natural landscapes, elimination of floodplains and wetlands, and profound impacts on wildlife habitats. Dr. Mark Fiege (University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1999) in his book entitled Irrigated Eden: The Making of an Agricultural Landscape in the American West proposes a possible reconciling view—that irrigation should be viewed as a manmade ecological system, in which land and water are modified to increase agricultural production. The reported research has used this ecological approach to study the Middle Rio Grande irrigated landscape, for the purpose of identifying options for water and ecosystem conservation. This article presents research findings related to opportunities in the agricultural sector to reduce water diversions from the river, primarily by changing the practice of continuous canal water delivery to rotational water delivery. Following the research recommendations since 2002, irrigation water users in the Middle Rio Grande Valley have reduced their diversions by more than 30%, which means more water is now available in the river for better ecology in general and for better fish and wildlife habitat in particular.  相似文献   

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