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Marinade pH Affects Textural Properties of Beef   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Marinades of different pH were prepared from 0.1M phosphate buffers ranging in pH from 3.25 to 10.15, 0.1M sodium chloride, 0.4M phosphoric acid or 0.7M acetic acid. Beef cores were marinated and composition, texture, and structural properties were evaluated. Low and high muscle pH after marinating had positive effects on texture and resulted in increased water-binding capacity, moisture content and decreased cooking losses. Electron microscopy indicated a loss of the M-line at low pH and a loss of Z-line material at high pH. Overall, both high and low marinade pH altered the textural properties of meat although, more rapid changes occurred at lower pH.  相似文献   

A patented method of rapidly determining the ultimate pH from approximate glycolytic potential of muscles of slaughtered animals has been devised. The method is based on the rapid hydrolysis of muscle glycogen to glucose by the enzyme amyloglucosidase and subsequent measurement of the liberated glucose. In acetate buffer at pH 4.5, glucose concentration can be determined in 30 s with domestic meters for diabetes control. The meter response differed from that of glucose in blood, but was linear with concentration. In slurries comprising homogenised meat in acetate buffer and added glucose, a similar linear response was obtained. Amyloglucosidase was capable of rapidly hydrolysing glycogen to glucose in such slurries. In the 24 h following slaughter, a decrease in glycogen, as determined by glucose, occurred in parallel with the decline in pH. At the same time, lactate progressively accumulated as expected. Values for the approximate glycolytic potential and (by calibration) ultimate pH, were obtained on prerigor muscle within 7 min of muscle sampling in an industrial environment. The method is suitable for on-line application in beef abattoirs particularly those employing hot boning where ultimate must be known at the grading point.  相似文献   

Influence of ultimate pH on bovine meat tenderness during ageing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Silva JA  Patarata L  Martins C 《Meat science》1999,52(4):1089-459
The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of ultimate pH and ageing at 2±2°C on the tenderness of beef. The m.longissimus thoracis et lumborum from 23 young bulls excised at 28 h post mortem were grouped into: Normal (pH 5.5 to 5.8) moderate DFD (mod DFD) (5.8p<0.05) lower in the DFD group than in the Normal one and a significant (p<0.001) linear relationship was found between ultimate pH and tenderness as evaluated by both methods. The myofibrillar protein solubility (MPS) at pH 7.0 was significantly higher in the DFD group at all post mortem times whereas for myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI) higher values (p<0.05) were only found in the DFD group at day 1. In all three groups toughness decreased (p<0.05) from 1 to 6 days, with no further decrease to 13 days. This decrease in toughness was associated with an increase of MFI in all pH groups. Collagen solubility in all three groups was not affected by ageing. No significant (p>0.05) differences in soluble collagen and myofibrillar protein solubility (MPS) at pH 5.5 were found between the pH groups at any time. The tenderness evaluated by both methods was significantly (p<0.05) related to MFI, MPS at pH 7.0, cooking loss and juiciness. Total and soluble collagen, sarcomere length, intramuscular fat and MPS at pH 5.5 were not significantly (p>0.05) related with tenderness.  相似文献   

A method to measure the approximate glycolytic potential of slaughter animals, and thus the ultimate pH, was applied for several months on the slaughter line of a cattle abattoir. The patented method (WO 00112844) determines a so-called glucose value from the hydrolysis of glycogen in a sample of Longissimus lumborum. The value is available before the dressed carcass is weighed and graded. The 13,700 cattle tested were pasture-fed bulls and 'prime' animals, the latter comprising steers and virgin females. The method was used to sort carcasses into two quality grades, table cuts and manufacturing, according to a threshold glucose value that in this application corresponded to an ultimate pH of 5.70. In frequency distributions the glucose value was roughly normally distributed for prime animals but for bulls was lower on average and strongly skewed to low values. The distributions showed that 19% of prime and 62% of bulls had an ultimate pH below 5.70. The results were consistent with prior survey work undertaken in New Zealand with conventional pH measurements made a day after slaughter. Error in the method is examined with respect to commercial outcomes. For most errors the method 'fails-safe', in that normal pH animals are more likely to be classed as high pH than vice versa. In a second phase of the study, meteorological and some abattoir data are related to mean daily glucose values and their variance. The more bulls slaughtered per day the lower the mean glucose value for bulls (r=-0.25, P<0.01), an effect presumably arising from mixing unfamiliar groups of bulls. There was a decrease in mean glucose value with higher maximum daily temperature (P<0.01). Periods of rainfall in the days leading to slaughter were positive for glucose value. For both bulls (especially) and prime, the lower the mean glucose value, the greater the percent variance (r=-0.81 and -0.56, P<0.001) but the cause of this could not be established.  相似文献   

Immonen K  Puolanne E 《Meat science》2000,55(3):279-283
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between residual carbohydrate (glycogen-glucose) concentration and ultimate pH of beef. Ultimate pH of longissimus dorsi (LTL), gluteus medius (GM) and semimembranosus (SM) muscles was determined from the left side of 133 Ayrshire bull carcasses. Corresponding muscle samples (about 3 g) were obtained from the sites of the pH measurements. The relationship was curvelinear. At low pH values the total range of residual glucose concentration was up to 73 mmol/kg, maximum being 83 and minimum 10 mmol/kg. The concept of medium-stress beef, where the combination of low ultimate pH and low residual glycogen is an indication of diminished glycogen content at the time of slaughter, is introduced. The potential negative effects of low residual glycogen concentration on the shelf-life of ground beef is discussed.  相似文献   

Under oxic aqueous conditions, two-line ferrihydrite gradually transforms to more thermodynamically stable and more crystalline phases, such as goethite and hematite. This temperature- and pH-dependent transformation can play an important role in the sequestration of metals and metalloids adsorbed onto ferrihydrite. A comprehensive assessment of the crystallization of two-line ferrihydrite with respect to temperature (25, 50, 75, and 100 °C) and pH (2, 7, and 10) as a function of reaction time (minutes to months) was conducted via batch experiments. Pure and transformed phases were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The rate of transformation of two-line ferrihydrite to hematite increased with increasing temperature at all pHs studied and followed first-order reaction kinetics. XRD and XANES showed simultaneous formation of goethite and hematite at 50 and 75 °C at pH 10, with hematite being the dominant product at all pHs and temperatures. With extended reaction time, hematite increased while goethite decreased, and goethite reaches a minimum after 7 days. Observations suggest two-line ferrihydrite transforms to hematite via a two-stage crystallization process, with goethite being intermediary. The findings of this study can be used to estimate rates of crystallization of pure two-line ferrihydrite over the broad range of temperatures and pH found in nature.  相似文献   

Extent of postmortem pH decline influences meat quality development. To better understand physiological determination of ultimate pH (pHu), we utilized female and castrated male pigs from a line whose selection index includes differentiated pHu. All genotypes of AMP-activated protein kinase γ3 subunit (AMPKγ3) V199I site were present. The mutant 199II genotype increased pHu, but only in castrated males. Genotype affected glycolytic potential (GP), but GP was weakly associated with pHu. A subset of animals was selected based on low (− Gly) and high (+ Gly) residual glycogen content, and compared with AMPKγ3 200Q, which is associated with low pHu. Both + Gly and 200Q muscle contained glycolytic substrate at 24 h; however, 200Q muscle generated low pHu and greater lactate compared to + Gly. Additionally,− Gly and + Gly groups exhibited similar pHu despite a large difference in GP. In conclusion, high GP does not appear to directly impact the extent of postmortem pH decline.  相似文献   

Watanabe A  Devine C 《Meat science》1996,42(4):407-413
The processes involved in the tenderisation of meat were studied on muscles with a range of ultimate pH values (5.4–7.0), produced by subcutaneous injection of various doses of adrenaline and exercise. The m. longissimus thoracicum et lumborum (LD) was removed from carcasses stored at 10 °C and held for 1, 3 or 6 days after slaughter, then frozen until tenderness assessment. The tenderness of meat cooked from the frozen state was determined as the force to shear samples of 10 mm × 10 mm cross-section using a MIRINZ tenderometer. The maximum toughness of 15 kgF occurred at an ultimate pH (pHu) of about 6.0, resulting in a curvilinear relationship between tenderness and pHu at 1 day post-slaughter. By 6 days post-slaughter, all meat had reached the same low shear value of approximately 3 kgF. SDS-PAGE patterns obtained from samples at 12, 24 and 48 hr post-slaughter showed increasing titin and nebulin degradation over time, with the slowest rate of degradation occurring at pHu values 6.0–6.3. Titin and nebulin are known to play an important role in the stabilisation of myofibril structure, and it is suggested that the curvilinear relationship results when pH-dependent titin and nebulin degradation occurs.  相似文献   

Ultimate pH values were recorded in the carcasses of steers and heifers at a beef slaughtering plant over a period of 3 years. The incidence of carcasses with a pHu ≥ 6·0 in the LD—a value usually associated with ‘dark-cutting’ in beef—was 3·2%. A pronounced seasonal effect was observed with the incidence rising from 1·2% for the period February to August to 5·2% for the period September to January, inclusive. An examination of thirteen muscles showed that increases in pHu above normal values occurred most frequently in the LD and four large muscles of the hindquarter and were much less frequently observed in the eight other hind- and forequarter muscles examined. In the carcasses of young bulls, also slaughtered under commercial conditions, high pHu values were predominantly associated with the same muscles as in steers and heifers. However, when experimental cattle were given adrenaline to induced high pHu values, this treatment resulted in a general increase in pHu in all the muscles examined. The different pattern of pHu elevation in the adrenaline-treated and commercial carcasses suggests different physiological mechanisms in the two cases.  相似文献   

The environmental photochemical kinetics of the antibiotic compound tetracycline were investigated. The aqueous speciation of tetracycline over a range of natural pH and water hardness values is dominated by association with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The association constants necessary to calculate tetracycline aqueous speciation given knowledge of pH, [Ca2+], and [Mg2+] were measured by spectrophotometric titrations and matrix deconvolution of a series of UV-vis absorption spectra into individual component species. A series of photolysis experiments was performed under simulated sunlight, and quantum yields for the solar photolysis of each environmentally relevant species were calculated. The results indicate that the pseudo-first-order rate constant for tetracycline photolysis at varied Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations relevant to natural conditions can vary by up to an order of magnitude. A self-sensitization effect was observed and was accounted for by varying the initial tetracycline concentration under each set of photolysis conditions.  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》2000,17(5):485-493
A growth/no growth boundary model based on interpolated probabilities is presented in this paper. The boundary is defined as the loci where the probability of growth for a sample is equal to its chance of no growth, P (growth)=P (no growth). Brochothrix thermosphacta was used as a test micro-organism to collect data near the boundary of growth/no growth, in a pH/NaCl grid. Results showed a dramatic change in the probability of growth at the boundary with minor changes of pH or NaCl, and that the location of the boundary was affected by the inoculum level. A quadratic polynomial was used to describe the boundary of the growth region (interpolated P=0·5). The importance of growth/no growth boundary models as limits for the application of kinetic models is discussed.  相似文献   

Jasim Ahmed  H.S. Ramaswamy 《LWT》2008,41(1):71-81
Dielectric properties of commercial soy protein isolate (SPI) dispersions were measured over the frequency range of 200-2500 MHz by the open-ended coaxial probe method using a network analyzer as a function of concentration (5, 10 and 15 g/100 g water), temperature (20-90 °C) and pH (4.5, 6.6 and 10). Results indicated that the dielectric constant (ε′) decreased with temperature (except at 90 °C) and frequency while increased with concentration. The loss factor (ε″) increased with frequency and concentration; however, temperature showed mixed effect. Both ε′ and ε″ data were related to frequency using a polynomial model. The significant change in ε′ and ε″ at 90 °C was a result of protein denaturation which was identified by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Change in the association/dissociation behavior of SPI dispersions due to electrostatic attraction/repulsion among protein molecules on heating as a function of pH was assumed to be responsible for the significant increase in dielectric parameters. Penetration depth (Dp) was estimated under various conditions and it decreased with an increase in frequency, concentration, temperature and pH. The minimum Dp was found at alkaline pH at a temperature of 90 °C and frequency of 2450 MHz.  相似文献   

Chemical or enzymatic cross-linking of casein micelles (CMs) increases their stability against dissociating agents. In this paper, a comparative study of stability between native CMs and CMs cross-linked with genipin (CMs-GP) as a function of pH is described. Stability to temperature and ethanol were investigated in the pH range 2.0–7.0. The size and the charge (ζ-potential) of the particles were determined by dynamic light scattering. Native CMs precipitated below pH 5.5; CMs-GP precipitated from pH 3.5 to 4.5, whereas no precipitation was observed at pH 2.0–3.0 or pH 4.5–7.0. The isoelectric point of CMs-GP was determined to be pH 3.7. Highest stability against heat and ethanol was observed for CMs-GP at pH 2, where visible coagulation was determined only after 800 s at 140 °C or 87.5% (v/v) of ethanol. These results confirmed the hypothesis that cross-linking by GP increased the stability of CMs.  相似文献   

Raw skim milk, with or without added CO2, was heated, held, and cooled in a small pilot-scale tubular heat exchanger (372 ml/min). The experiment was replicated twice, and, for each replication, milk was first carbonated at 0 to 1 degree C to contain 0 (control), 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 ppm added CO2 using a continuous carbonation unit. After storage at 0 to 1 degree C, portions of milk at each CO2 concentration were heated to 40, 56, 72, and 80 degrees C, held at the desired temperature for 30 s (except 80 degrees C, holding 20 s) and cooled to 0 to 1 degree C. At each temperature, five pressures were applied: 69, 138, 207, 276, and 345 kPa. Pressure was controlled with a needle valve at the heat exchanger exit. Both the pressure gauge and pH probe were inline at the end of the holding section. Milk pH during heating depended on CO2 concentration, temperature, and pressure. During heating of milk without added CO2, pH decreased linearly as a function of increasing temperature but was independent of pressure. In general, the pH of milk with added CO2 decreased with increasing CO2 concentration and pressure. For milk with added CO2, at a fixed CO2 concentration, the effect of pressure on pH decrease was greater at a higher temperature. At a fixed temperature, the effect of pressure on pH decrease was greater for milk with a higher CO2 concentration. Thermal death of bacteria during pasteurization of milk without added CO2 is probably due not only to temperature but also to the decrease in pH that occurs during the process. Increasing milk CO2 concentration and pressure decreases the milk pH even further during heating and may further enhance the microbial killing power of pasteurization.  相似文献   

Enzymatically Modified Beef Tallow as a Substitute for Cocoa Butter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: Dark "chocolate" samples were formulated with either cocoa butter (CB), randomized tallow (RT) made with Candida antarctica (SP 435) lipase, or a beef tallow: stearic acid structured lipid (SL) made by acidolysis using Rhizomucor miehei (IM 60) lipase. Fatty acid composition, thermal profile, solid fat content (SFC), hardness, and polymorphic structure were determined for the fats and/or "chocolate" samples. An accelerated fat bloom study was performed on the "chocolate" samples. Neither of the modified tallows had a detrimental effect on the crystallization of CB after proper tempering of the "chocolates." RT did not soften the "chocolate" and both of the modified lipids reduced bloom rates.  相似文献   

Low-fat beef sausages with 23% added water, 1 or 2.5% NaCl, 0.5% polysaccharide gums, and pH adjusted to 5.2, 5.6 or 6.2, were analyzed for textural properties. The l - and k -car-rageenans increased (P<0.05) cooking yield, hardness, and bind strength for 1%-salt sausage, but had little effect on the 2.5%-salt sausage. Sausages containing alginate, locust bean gum, and xanthan gum were softer, more deformable, crumbly and slippery (P<0.05), when compared to nongum controls. An increase in pH sharply enhanced the bind strength in all gum treatments. Both the instrumental and sensory panel results suggested that α- and k -carrageen-ans were the only acceptable gums for use in low- or high-salt beef sausage products.  相似文献   

The effects of the ultimate pH of meat on tenderness changes during ageing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A range of ultimate pH (pH(u)) values, from 5.4 to 7.2, was produced in the m. longissimus thoracicum et lumborum (LD) of 55 sheep by subcutaneous injections of adrenaline, or by injection and subsequent exercise. The rate constant of ageing for each of 47 animals was calculated from shear force measurements, taken at intervals for up to 5 days from the LD held at 12 dgC. The relationship between the ageing rate and pH(u) could be adequately described by the equation rate constant (k) = 4.109 - 1.349(pH) + 0.1111(pH)(2); r(2) = 0.707, with a minimum rate constant at pH 6.07. The loin muscles from eight carcasses were selected to determine the effects of ultimate pH on the initial, unaged toughness value. Calpain activity was inhibited by intramuscular injection of ZnCl(2) dissolved in saline, and the muscles were aged at 10-12 °C on the carcass for up to 6 days. At all values of pH(u) (5.4-6.7), tenderness as measured by shear force were equivalent, from which it was concluded that the initial toughness of unaged lamb was not affected by pH(u). In the contralateral, untreated muscle, ageing was measured using both shear force measurement and changes in the myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI). After 1 day, the intermediate pH range (5.8-6.2) has the highest shear force and the lowest fragmentation index value. However, in contrast to the shear force values, the ultimate MFI value in aged muscle was lowest in the high pH(u) range (6.4-6.7; minimum value at 6.4). The highest fragmentation values were found at the low pH(u) range. These observations suggest that pH(u)-related tenderness differences in meat result from different rates of ageing in the post rigor period, and therefore that these differences disappear following a sufficient ageing period. The slowest rate of tenderization measured on cooked meat was observed at pH(u) values around 6.07, but the least fragmentation of raw meat was observed at pH(u) values around 6.4, a difference of almost 0.33 pH unit.  相似文献   

The effect of growth rate and ultimate pH on meat quality of lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Entire male Romney lambs (n = 60) were grown slowly (67 g/day) and slaughtered at 14 months of age at an anticipated carcass weight of 18 kg. Another group of ram lambs (n = 15) from the same genetic background (born 7 months later) were grown rapidly (162 g/day) for 7 months and slaughtered at the same time and at a similar carcass weight. Preslaughter shearing (20 days prior to slaughter) and swim washing (3 times) were variously imposed upon the 14-month old lambs to give them a graded preslaughter stress. The lambs were head-only electrically stunned and slaughtered. Dressed carcasses were electrically stimulated at 20 min post mortem for 90 s at 14·3 pulses/s, 1·8-2 A and 1130 V peak, then held at 12°C for 2 h and frozen so that the deep leg reached -4°C in 12 h. The ultimate pH was measured for the longissimus dorsi, and loin samples were assessed by tenderometer and a sensory panel. The groups with the greatest stresses imposed had the highest ultimate pH. The most tender meat came either from carcasses with an ultimate high pH greater than 6·3 or from young lambs with an ultimate pH from 5·5-5·7. While 7-month old lambs were slightly more tender than the 14-month old lambs of iso pH, the 14-month old lambs of high pH were the most tender. This suggests that age-related connective tissue effects were minimal for the loin. The shear force values and taste panel tenderness scores were linearly related. When the shear force and panellists' tenderness scores were expressed in relation to ultimate pH, there was a decreased acceptance of meat with a moderate ultimate pH between 5·8 and 6·0. Panel texture assessments showed a less clearly defined, but statistically significant decrease in acceptance at pH 5·8-6·0. Other sensory attributes of flavour, juiciness and aroma were uniform across the whole ultimate pH spectrum.  相似文献   

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