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An investigation was made on the relationship between music practice and musculoskeletal disorders among piano students, with the main aim of developing health education programmes that would improve the performance and health of the students.

The investigation covered three areas

(a) Analysis of study organization and main musculoskeletal complaints achieved by a questionnaire distributed to all piano students at the Milan Conservatory.

(b) Vocational electromyographic analysis of the effort exerted by the various muscle groups of the trunk, of the shoulder and shoulder blade girdle, and of the arm during performance of a standard set of piano exercises, an unseen passage and a passage of maximum difficulty. This analysis was made on a sample of six subjects.

(c) A series of preventive measures was developed on the basis of a critical assessment of the results (38% of the students practised for excessively long periods without breaks; 62% had from 1 to 5 complaints, the most affected sites being the spine and the trapezius muscles). These consisted largely of a health education programme aimed at helping the students to suitably organize practice and rest periods and in instructing them in appropriate exercises for relaxation and stretching of overused muscle groups and strengthening the supporting muscle groups. Changes in lifestyle were also suggested.  相似文献   

Effects on cognitive performance, social atmosphere, communication, motivation and aspects of strain were investigated when laptops were integrated in classrooms. According to a quasi‐experimental design 27 laptop students were compared with 22 non‐laptop students from the same high school, aged 17–18 years. Results of tests and questionnaires showed that laptop students had better spatial abilities and computer skills, furthermore higher participation, learning interest, motivation and pressure to perform were found in laptop classrooms. However, laptop students experienced greater physical discomfort, particularly in their arms, but concerning creativity, social intelligence and mental stress no group differences occurred. Results indicate that laptops integrated in teaching can enhance learning and motivation in schools, at least after 1.7 years of introduction, but health risks must be considered.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common self-reported, work-related illness in the UK, with upper limb disorders ranking second only to back complaints. The rapid increase in disablement cases, the reduced productivity resulting from the disorders, and, perhaps, the threat of litigation which is on the increase, has led to an increased awareness of the problems and an increasing desire to reduce the incidence of such disorders. This paper reviews the problem of upper limb disorders and focuses on those disorders that could be associated with repetitive manual work in industry. The disorders are described and categorized, and potential occupational risk factors are discussed and related to the injuries. In addition, a number of preventive measures, in the form of ergonomics design changes and changes in workplace practice are reviewed. There are frequent calls for well-designed epidemiological studies, so that meaningful dose-response relationships can be drawn up. A significant part of good study design is associated with measurement and analysis of the user-tool interface and the working environment. With this in mind, a variety of measurement techniques are described. Furthermore, this paper highlights the need for study designs to be founded on a better understanding of the potential damage mechanisms, and points the way towards which areas should be investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an approach to allocation of function that makes use of scenarios as its basic unit of analysis. Our use of scenarios is driven by a desire to ensure that allocation decisions are sensitive to the context in which the system will be used and by insights from economic utility theory. We use the scenarios to focus the attention of decision makers on the relative costs and benefits of developing automated support for the activities of the scenario, the relative impact of functions on the performance of the operator's primary role and on the relative demands placed on an operator within the scenario. By focussing on relative demands and relative costs, our method seeks to allocate the operator's limited resources to the most important and most productive tasks within the work system, and to direct the effort of the design organization to the development of automated support for those functions that deliver the greatest benefit for the effective operation of the integrated human–machine system.  相似文献   

Advances in information technologies (IT) have enabled organizations to seek solutions for their business problems from beyond their own workforce through digital crowdsourcing platforms. In the most common form of crowdsourcing, teams that offer solutions compete for rewards. Thus, a question of interest is whether competition is a key crowdsourcing characteristic that influences how teams allocate their effort and achieve desired performance. Motivated by this question, we investigate how competition moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and effort using comprehensive, time-variant data collected from crowdsourcing teams that completed a project under competitive and non-competitive conditions. Under competitive conditions, self-efficacy shows a positive effect on effort, which in turn, affects performance positively. Whereas, under noncompetitive conditions, self-efficacy has a negative effect on effort and subsequently on performance. Our results also show a recursive relationship between self-efficacy and performance, in which performance subsequently affects self-efficacy positively. Thus, inducing a sense of competition through competitive reward structures and IT-based “gaming elements” helps improve team effort and subsequent performance. We also tested for mediation of team motivation in the self-efficacy and effort relationship, and we found that motivation partially mediates the relationship. Based on our findings, implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to specify the limiting conditions of the taxonomy of vigilance tasks, four tasks differing in memory load and in stimuli employed (sensory or cognitive) were compared. Electrodermal activity and subjective measures were used to determine the investment of effort. The data show that vigilance level and vigilance decrement dissociate. The level seems to relate to effort demand and investment; the decrement seems to be task driven, determined mainly by the type of stimuli used. Tasks employing unfamiliar stimuli showed a decline in sensitivity; "cognitive" tasks employing alphanumeric stimuli did not. Principal components analyses suggest that measures of speed and accuracy may reflect relatively independent systems. Subjective data showed that good performers expand more effort in difficult and complex tasks. Effortful processing seems to prevent rather than induce a decline in efficiency.  相似文献   


Logical and information aspects of friction and wetting (including the adhesion, capillarity, and superhydrophobicity) are discussed. Friction involves paradoxes, such as the Painlevé paradoxes of non-existence or non-uniqueness of solutions in mechanical systems of rigid bodies with dry friction. These paradoxes can be treated by introducing ternary logic with the three basic states: rest-motion-undefined. When elastic deformation is introduced, the paradoxical solutions correspond to frictional instabilities leading to rest-motion-unstable as three states of a system. The dynamic evolution of a frictional interface towards a limit cycle can be viewed as a process of erasing the information about the interface due to the instabilities. Furthermore, while friction force is universal, it is not treated as a fundamental force and can be considered as an epiphenomenon of various synergetic mechanisms. This further relates friction to other surface effects, including the capillarity, with its binary logic of wetting states and a possibility of droplet computation for lab-on-a-chip microfluidic reactors. We discuss the logical foundation of biomimetic superhydrophobic surface design and how it is different from the conventional design. Both friction and wetting can be used for novel unconventional logical and computational devices.  相似文献   

The present study was an attempt to assess job satisfaction, perceived effort and heart rate and find out the relationships between these three variables in a field study conducted in a cigar factory, and 40 female workers were chosen for it. The mean heart rate of the satisfied subjects was significantly lower than that of the dissatisfied subjects. There was a significant correlation between job satisfaction and heart rate but the correlation between perceived effort and heart rate was not significant.  相似文献   

This study used biomechanical techniques to objectively investigate the effects of the size of hand span and right/left hands on the kinematic and kinetic performances when playing the piano. Twenty pianists were recruited and assigned to two hand-size groups. The parameters of interest, such as ratio of maximal digit-to-digit abduction angle (RD-Dabd), range of motion (ROM) of finger and wrist flexion-extension (F/E), radial-ulnar deviation (R/U), and movement units of F/E of finger joints (MUF/E), were measured while striking the piano keys. The fingertip force was also estimated by a kinetic model. The RD-Dabd was significantly larger for the small hand-span pianists when playing both chords and octaves. The ROM of wrist F/E was significantly larger for small hand-span pianists when playing chords. There was no significant difference in the fingertip force between two groups. However, the values for MUF/E and fingertip force of the right hand were significantly larger than those of left hand. Pianists with a small hand-span should aware that they have higher exposure risks for hand injuries while playing the piano.Relevance to industry: Hand anthropometric issue might be one of potential risk factors which result in piano-related musculoskeletal disorders. This study provides preliminary evidence that can be used to aid in injury prevention and music education for pianists as well as to reconsider issues with regard to the piano design.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of intermittent task parameters on muscle fatigue and endurance time during static shoulder abductions, with a long-term goal of establishing relationships between intermittent task parameters and short-term performance. BACKGROUND: Effects of intermittent work on endurance and fatigue development have been reported, and certain combinations of contraction levels and duty cycles have been proposed as design guidelines. These findings, however, were not derived from systematic manipulations of the task parameters. METHOD: Prolonged (1-hr maximum) intermittent shoulder abductions were performed at different combinations of contraction level (12% or 28% of muscle strength), duty cycle (.25 or .75), and cycle time (34 or 166 s). Fatigue was measured based on reductions in muscle strength and indirectly by changes in ratings of discomfort, electromyographic (EMG) amplitude, and EMG spectral distribution. RESULTS: Contraction level and duty cycle significantly affected endurance time and muscle fatigue, and interactive effects between these parameters were observed for some of the measures. Significant effects of cycle time were found only for EMG spectral measures. CONCLUSION: Endurance time and local fatigue were dependent on the comprehensive effects of the different task parameters. APPLICATION: Design changes to reduce the occurrence of localized fatigue during intermittent work need to take into account all the task parameters simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study deals with maladaptive use of the Internet and the mobile phone and its relationship to symptoms of psychological distress and mental disorder, as well as to the possible role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence in this relationship. Three hundred and sixty-five undergraduate university freshmen at Ramon Llull University, Barcelona (Spain), majoring in four different studies (Psychology, Education, Journalism and Broadcasting, and Health Studies) replied to scales assessing the negative consequences of maladaptive use of both the Internet (CERI) and the mobile phone (CERM), a self-report scale on Perceived Emotional Intelligence (TMMS-24), and a clinical instrument to check for complaints related to the presence of psychological distress (Symptom Checklist-90-R; SCL-90-R). Results indicate that psychological distress is related to maladaptive use of both the Internet and the mobile phone; females scored higher than males on the mobile phone questionnaire, showing more negative consequences of its maladaptive use. With respect to major study, students of Journalism and Broadcasting showed a more maladaptive pattern of Internet use than students of other majors. The components of Perceived Emotional Intelligence contributed to the explanation of the variance of the general indicators of psychological distress, but to a lesser degree than maladaptive use of Internet and mobile phone.  相似文献   

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are among the most costly health problems that society is facing today. Prevention involves investments and it is important for organizations to make a cost–benefit analysis of ergonomic projects. Return on prevention is a recent concern in the domain of occupational safety and health (OSH). There are many studies concerning the return on the prevention of WMSDs, in terms of the benefits for the organization in which the preventive measures are implemented. However, it is also important to perform an analysis of the impact of each measure on society (externalities). A model to perform a financial and economic cost–benefit analysis related to OSH projects was developed and it was applied in the case of the prevention of WMSDs in a Portuguese hospital. An analysis of the accidents and corresponding costs has been made in six of the services of the hospital. Financial and an economic cost–benefit analysis have been made and the benefit–cost ratio (B/C) has been calculated. While the B/C financial ratio, considering only the benefits to the hospital, is around 2, the economic B/C ratio, taking into account all the external benefits that have been quantified, is higher than 14.Relevance to industryBoth the economic and the financial B/C ratio are important support tools for decision makers in public and private organizations, helping them to define which preventive measures should be implemented, taking into account the costs involved and the resulting quantified benefits, for the organization, for the workers and for the society.  相似文献   

Collaborative hypertext writing in the college classroom can underwrite a pedagogy rooted in the cultural hybridity bell hooks has argued is central to progressive educational methodology. This article offers a narrative of the collaborative creation of a HyperCard hypertext called the E.A.R., and describes how the ideas developed in that project were adapted into a first-year composition course. In exploring the creation of a collaborative hypertext, we hope to gain insight into both the larger aims of the border crossings central to hooks’ ongoing project and the more local goals of hypertext pedagogy.  相似文献   

ContextModel-Driven Development (MDD) is a paradigm that prescribes building conceptual models that abstractly represent the system and generating code from these models through transformation rules. The literature is rife with claims about the benefits of MDD, but they are hardly supported by evidences.ObjectiveThis experimental investigation aims to verify some of the most cited benefits of MDD.MethodWe run an experiment on a small set of classes using student subjects to compare the quality, effort, productivity and satisfaction of traditional development and MDD. The experiment participants built two web applications from scratch, one where the developers implement the code by hand and another using an industrial MDD tool that automatically generates the code from a conceptual model.ResultsOutcomes show that there are no significant differences between both methods with regard to effort, productivity and satisfaction, although quality in MDD is more robust to small variations in problem complexity. We discuss possible explanations for these results.ConclusionsFor small systems and less programming-experienced subjects, MDD does not always yield better results than a traditional method, even regarding effort and productivity. This contradicts some previous statements about MDD advantages. The benefits of developing a system with MDD appear to depend on certain characteristics of the development context.  相似文献   

Distributed supervisory control systems often rely on complex and centralized plans to cope with a variety of unanticipated situations. Replanning requires practitioners to forgo standard procedures in favor of making simple plans without simplifying, managing task coupling, and anticipating team needs to provide decentralized and elaborate plans. This article proposes a plan classification scheme to study what features of plans facilitate or hinder adaptation and a framework to examine how features of plans influence the cognitive processes of replanning. The plan features have been assigned to the categories of plan complexity, coupling, and control. Plans are task networks sharing similar features of complexity and coupling to technical systems. The proposed framework sets out to explore how plan features influence the processes of recognizing plan disruptions, reviewing challenges and different team stances, repairing plans to resolve new risks, and reacting by coordinating team efforts to execute plans. The framework draws on the Extended Control Model (ECOM) to integrate the four processes of replanning into a set of control loops. The benefits of this framework are illustrated in the context of operator training and decision support.  相似文献   

A pedagogical problem growing out of virtual classrooms is the temptation to act without communal accountability, the reciprocal commitment among individuals to maintain the health of their interconnections. Drawing on an ethnographic study of a fully online composition class, I argue that teachers can encourage accountability within virtual sites by conceiving of the online classroom as an emergent phenomenon. The relationships and activities among language, physical reality, and interpretant provide the matrix out of which place organizes itself. This ecological orientation provides local and systemic strategies for fostering communal health. I begin my exploration of online place by describing the value of complex systems theory and emergence for conceptualizing place. Next, I describe the roles of language, physical reality, and interpretant, pointing out the contribution of each to the configuration of virtual place and to communal accountability. Then, I focus on the emergence of place, which reorganizes language, reality, and interpretant, opening up a new dimension to communal accountability.  相似文献   

《Computers in human behavior》2001,17(5-6):575-595
The differential effects on training and training outcome of four methods of problem selection were investigated in a computer-based training for air traffic control. In one method, training problems were given to the participants in a fixed predetermined sequence, from simple to complex. In the other methods, problems were selected dynamically, based on three different learner variables. These were mental effort, performance and mental efficiency, which is a variable that combines mental effort and performance measures to determine problem efficiency. After the training, transfer was measured. The hypothesis that dynamic problem selection would lead to more efficient training than non-dynamic problem selection was confirmed. The second hypothesis, that dynamic problem selection based on mental efficiency would lead to more efficient training and better transfer than dynamic problem selection based on performance or mental effort alone was not supported. However, the efficiency measures of the three variables were distorted by the differential effects of these variables on the acquisition phase. A possible explanation for the results is that selection based on performance stimulates rule automation, whereas selection based on mental effort or mental efficiency leads to schema acquisition.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that exposure therapy—in which the patient is exposed to specific feared situations or objects that trigger anxiety—is an effective way to treat anxiety disorders. However, to overcome a number of limitations inherent in this approach—lack of full control of the situation, costs and time required, etc.—some therapists have started to add virtual reality (VR) to the in vivo exposure-based therapy, providing in-office, controlled exposure therapy. Compared to the in vivo exposure, VR Exposure Therapy (VRET) is completely controlled: the quality, the intensity and the frequency of the exposure are decided by the therapist, and the therapy can be stopped at any time if the patient does not tolerate it. Moreover, the flexibility of a virtual experience allows the patient to experience situations that are often much worse and more exaggerated than those that are likely to be encountered in real life. However, a critical issue underlying the use of VRET in the treatment of anxiety-related disorders is the lack of a virtual reality system in the patient’s real-life context. In this paper, we present a clinical protocol for the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) based on the ubiquitous use of a biofeedback-enhanced VR system. The protocol includes the use of a mobile exposure system allowing patients to perform the virtual experience in an outpatient setting. A between-subjects study, involving 25 GAD patients, was carried out to verify the efficacy of the proposed approach. The clinical data in this pilot study seemed to support the efficacy of the ubiquitous approach.  相似文献   

Internet access is almost universal among Spanish young people, and university students appear particularly vulnerable to developing problematic use patterns. This study examined the prevalence of a broad range of problematic online experiences in this population, and their associations with diverse Internet use characteristics and clinical symptoms. A sample of 493 students completed an online survey including the Index of Problematic Online Experiences (I-POE) by Mitchell, Sabina, Finkelhor, and Wells (2009), five subscales of the Trauma Symptom Inventory, and questions regarding Internet use characteristics. One in ten participants met criteria for problematic online use. Boys showed higher levels of problems in most I-POE domains. Spending more hours a day online predicted more problems related to overuse, daily obligations, and interactions with people online, whereas using dating websites predicted more problems with online behavior (e.g. identity deception). Higher concerns about own Internet use predicted higher levels of most clinical symptoms. In conclusion, although a minority of students may be considered problematic Internet users, this should be cause for concern and encourage preventative measures. Consistently with the cognitive-behavioral model (Davis, 2001) maladaptive cognitions seem to play a relevant role in the understanding of problematic Internet use. Besides, this study supports the utility of the I-POE as a quick assessment tool to identify problematic online experiences.  相似文献   

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