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In this paper we present, from an academic perspective, the perceived quality ratings of business and technical communication journals. Through a survey of academic experts, we asked respondents to rate the top overall journals, business communication journals, technical communication journals, and the top journals from a technology perspective. In addition, we asked respondents to list the journals that they read most frequently. We analyzed the results by breaking down the rankings into world regions and academic departments. The top-three overall journals for all regions are Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Journal of Business Communication, and IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Importantly, differences by world region and academic department type were found in all these rankings. These results can support researchers worldwide by helping them target their publishing efforts to journals that have the best fit with their business and technical communication discipline, world region, and academic home.  相似文献   

Early studies of electronic journals (e-journals) viewed the web as a technological discontinuity that would deem traditional academic publishing null. This article uses the industry life cycle framework as a lens to examine the formation of academic e-journals. The article proposes five factors affecting the academic publishing dominant design selection process, and examines these factors against six longitudinal case studies. The study concludes that from technical/functional, economic and market perspectives, e-journals are superior to paper journals (p-journals). However, academic social norms and the managerial processes needed to establish and maintain e-journals are more influential on their formation than the capabilities provided by the new technology. In addition, the long-term sustainability and survivability of e-journals depend on the administrative and managerial processes established by its management team. This study demonstrates that although the web enables a large number of new entrants and a variety of business and technical models, e-journals are a competency-enhancing innovation that relies on the existing expertise of professional publishers and the journal's ability to support the social and cultural needs of academia.  相似文献   

隋明晓 《科普研究》2010,5(2):43-48
五四时期,以《科学》为代表的科技期刊有力地推动了科学知识的传播与科学意识的启蒙。作为科技传播的形武之一,《科学》杂志的广告在科技传播的过程中也发挥了积极的作用。通过统计、分析五四时期《科学》的广告,提出五四时期《科学》杂志的广告通过搭建“传受平台”而间接发挥其建构功能的观点;同时探讨了《科学》广告传播科学知识与培养科学意识的两大功能。  相似文献   

对科学的质疑、批判乃至否定制约和阻碍了科学在社会中的广泛传播。它们不仅在学界掀起对科学认识论和方法论的挑战,而且在公众层面引发对科学精神和科学文化及其社会价值的排斥。本文在考察制约和阻碍科学传播的社会文化思潮与科学传播的矛盾冲突基础上,为防范这些思潮对科学传播产生的负面影响提供了一个可资借鉴的分析框架。  相似文献   

Fitness applications have undergone considerable development in the last few years and becoming popular and significant in both academic and practical areas. However, contributions to the systematic mapping of this field continue to be lacking. This paper constitutes the first bibliometric study in this field to better understand the current state of research. We examined 481 records from databases Scopus and Web of Science (Core Collection) using several bibliometric analysis methods. All the records on this emerging topic were published between 2011 and 2019. We processed these records using statistical analysis and science mapping. The bibliometric analysis included the year of publication, journal name, citation, author, country, and particularly, research methodology. Additionally, we used the VOSViewer software to perform bibliometric mapping of co-authorship, co-citation of authors, and co-occurrence of keywords. This field of study, it was found, is currently in its precursor stage, contributing primarily to the fields of medicine, computer science, and health sciences. The United States appeared to have made the largest contribution to this field. However, author productivity, number of citations, and number of core journals all indicated a high degree of fragmentation of research in this filed. Remarkably, scientific research in this area is expected to progress tremendously over time. Overall, this study provides basic data and research classifications for the initial phase of research and research direction for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Many universities, research institutions, and government funding agencies are continuously attempting to grade or rank journals for their academic value. Such grading is needed both for funding and resource allocation purposes and for personnel decisions. In grading journals, objective information, such as the impact factors (the most commonly used journal citation information provided by Journal Citation Reports) and/or subjective information, such as experts' judgments about the journals, are used. Grading of journals is typically done by a committee. Most of the existing approaches only consider either the subjective or the objective information. While such approaches work in many cases, they may not work in many others. Complaints about politics, inconsistencies and unfairness are common in many situations. This paper presents a methodology that integrates both types of information, providing a comprehensive method for assessing the quality of journals. The method employs a fuzzy set approach that also deals with the imprecise and missing information frequently inherited in the evaluation process. The proposed evaluation model is implemented in a Web-based system. A pilot evaluation study indicated that participants clearly preferred the system and its major features  相似文献   

1975年美国186位知名科学家,在18位诺贝尔奖得主带领下,联名批判占星术。费耶阿本德却对此举提出严厉批评。本文通过对这一案例及相关案例的介绍与分析,提出科学传播必须借鉴主要科学哲学、科学史和科学社会学在内的科学文化研究的成果,才能避免朴素过时的科学观的干扰影响,实现科学传播从朴素向反思的转变。  相似文献   

本文着重分析了MIT现有公众科技传播项目及其实施情况,并对其成功经验进行了初步总结。希望对贯彻落实《关于科研机构和大学向社会开放开展科普活动的若干意见》,对建立和完善我国科研机构和大学面向公众开放、开展科普活动的相关制度提供理论依据和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper is the first citation-analysis-based follow up to the subjective survey conducted in 1993 by the Technology Innovation Management Division (TIMD) of the Academy of Management (see J. Liker, TIM Newslett., vol.7, no.2, p.5-8, 1993). That survey established a hierarchical rating of journals publishing articles in the field of technology innovation management (TIM). For each of the 1204 journals cited in the five highest ranked journals in the TIM specialty group of Liker's study (called the base journals) during the (base) period 1990-1993, a citation score is computed using three different methods: the overall score, the normalized score, and the weighted-score method. Rankings of the journals based on each of these three methods are discussed and compared one with the other. Moreover, rankings of the top journals identified by the three methods (modified to adjust for differences in sample size) were compared with Liker's survey results ranking. The key finding of the study is that, under all scoring methods, the top six spots were held by the same journals, The variation in ranks, however, became progressively greater at lower ranks. Researchers, metaresearchers, academic administrators, journal editors, and others may find the citation-based trends, ranks, and other results developed in this study helpful in stimulating further scholarly discourse in the field of TIM as it relates to the effectiveness of the journals  相似文献   

Previous researchers have given conflicting views as to what makes a “good” research article (RA) title. In this paper, characteristic features of research article titles, including length, punctuation usage, word frequency, and preposition usage are investigated using a corpus of 600 research articles from the six journals of the IEEE Computer Society. Results show, while some of the intuitive observations made in the literature about title writing are accurate for computer science journals, other observations have ignored the effects of discipline and field variation. Subsequently, these observations are either unjustified or misleading  相似文献   

We describe a term relation frequency (TRF) method for finding comprehensive documents in a rapidly growing academic discipline. The method enables us to organize knowledge into a single document based on terminology. The method is based on the classification of documents into comprehensive, central, peripheral, and independent classes according to the commonality and exclusiveness of terminology. Being able to find the documents quickly is helpful for our understanding of the discipline. Multiple-meaning technical terms such as "coordination" play a key role in rapidly growing academic disciplines such as coordination science. Visual representation of the multiple-meaning terms helps us to identify quickly and easily how the terms are used. With TRF and visualization methods, we can identify documents that explain a technical term comprehensively. We can also identify a change in the subject of a discipline according to when the comprehensive documents are written. We show that the observed change matches our understanding of the topic of the field "coordination science." The methods discussed here are promising to help us quickly understand and advance research in rapidly growing academic disciplines such as coordination science.  相似文献   

何琦  王军 《科普研究》2011,6(2):83-86
李星学院士是国际著名古植物学家和地质学家,他一生著书立说无数,除了大量的科研成果,他还致力于我国科普事业的发展,并著有内容丰富的科普文集。李先生的科普思想不仅闪耀着逻辑思辨的理性光芒,更折射出一种求实奋进、和谐发展的人文精神,对于新时期中国科普工作的探索具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

尚严伟 《科普研究》2007,3(2):49-54
竺可桢是20世纪中国地理学和气象学的一代宗师,作为一名科学家,在我国气象学界和地理学界做出了卓越的贡献。同时他还是身体力行的科普作家,一生写了大量的科普作品,对科普有深刻的理解。他生前发表过的科普文章、所作科普讲演和报告的讲稿,以及未曾发表过的有关手稿和油印稿有160篇之多。内容更是涉及气象学、地理学以及科学思想、科学方法、科学教育、科学家和科学史等众多领域,许多作品堪称中国科普作品的经典之作。另外他还曾经领导中国科普事业。学习和探讨他的科普思想和科普实践对我国现在的科普工作具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

牛桂芹 《科普研究》2014,9(3):23-28
中国的科学传播实践在内容上始终存在着失衡现象,技能性较突出。究其原因,技能性的科学传播理念应该起着决定性的引领作用。针对这一重要问题,本文对科学观、学术界的理论研究、国家意识形态及西方思想等重要影响因素进行了剖析,论述中国技能性科学传播理念传统的形成与发展历程,最终诉求为进一步的理论研究及传播实践提供启示作用。  相似文献   

A relatively intensive electrooptics curriculum is described in detail, including in particular source material. This curriculum allows undergraduate electrical engineering students who wish to do so to specialize in electrooptics. Constraints somewhat unique to Israel are described, as well as an evaluation of the curriculum based on feedback from graduating students. The academic level is such that over 50 percent of the undergraduate senior projects connected with electrooptics have been published in the international scientific and engineering journals.  相似文献   

自旋极化电子的高效注入、自旋霍尔效应和自旋流的产生与探测都是目前自旋电子学中热门研究专题,世界一些著名学术刊物屡见报道。对这些重要内容的理论和实验的最新研究成果进行了介绍。通过自旋极化电子高效注入方法和材料的研究,人们期望研制出新一代自旋电子器件,进而实现应用电子自旋传输、记录和存储信息的目标。近期实验给出,自旋极化电子从铁磁金属注入半导体和金属都获得较高的极化率。各种注入方法中,自旋流直接注入法目前备受关注,因为自旋霍尔效应为自旋流的产生与探测提供了新的途径,即自旋霍尔效应可以产生自旋流,但因无霍尔电压故不容易测量;而逆自旋霍尔效应又将自旋流转化为电流,使得难以测量的自旋流又可以直接用电学方法测量。  相似文献   

王一平 《科普研究》2013,8(1):74-80
刘兴诗乃是20世纪80年代中国科幻小说"黄金时代"的代表作家之一。他的小说往往体现出一种鲜明的启蒙精神,以及通过实证研究与科学技术来振兴国族的强烈愿望;此外,刘兴诗的作品还受到其所处的学院体制环境的影响,形成了"一事一文"的类课题研究式的写作模式。同时,刘作在选材上偏好各国的历史、地理题材,并多将史、地内容相结合,辅之以奔腾的想象力、巧妙的悬念设计和浪漫主义笔法。由此,刘兴诗的小说确立了中国"硬科幻"的某种标准,拓展了科幻小说的题材领域,提升了写作技巧,为一个时代的科幻小说发展作出了重要贡献。刘兴诗小说的此类特色在其名作《美洲来的哥伦布》中得到了颇为充分的体现。  相似文献   

最近10年,针尖增强拉曼光谱技术(TERS)以其极高的空间分辨率和探测灵敏度受到了人们的重视。针尖增强拉曼光谱技术为纳米科学与生命科学等学科的研究提供了强有力的工具,使得纳米尺度光谱学研究成为现实。简述了针尖增强拉曼光谱技术的基本原理,着重讨论了针尖增强拉曼光谱系统的结构、设计方法和评价指标。介绍了针尖增强拉曼光谱技术的最新应用和研究进展,并对目前面对的前沿问题和今后的发展方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

科学技术进步和创新,推动着科技期刊传播的创新,科技期刊编辑人员的综合素质直接影响科技期刊的质量。通过对现在科技期刊编辑现状进行分析,面对凸显的差距和挑战,提出了相应的对策,并提倡充分利用科技手段加强科技信息传播和发展。  相似文献   

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