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Studies on the quarters of traditional Arab Islamic cities have stressed the idea of an urban structure that corresponds to social groupings and to a collection of local regions or even of"inchoate"neighborhood units.This spatial model has often provided the rationale for the intervention in these cities and in the design of new housing layouts.This study aims to examine this issue through syntactic measures and observations to describe and analyze the structure and morphology of quarters through connectivity and visibility analysis of pedestrian movement through space syntax.Whether the structure of these cities presents a global whole in contrast to the assumptions of physical subareas of social groupings is discussed.The city of Damascus is used as a model of analysis in which the urban morphology of quarters is described and characterized.This study reports several findings that are potentially relevant to the un-derstanding of traditional laws that relate the physical layout of quarters to the social struc-ture and their local subareas to the global whole that dominate and unify the parts.On this basis,the design approach in these cities may be better understood.  相似文献   

Studies on the quarters of traditional Arab Islamic cities have stressed the idea of an urban structure that corresponds to social groupings and to a collection of local regions or even of “inchoate” neighborhood units. This spatial model has often provided the rationale for the intervention in these cities and in the design of new housing layouts. This study aims to examine this issue through syntactic measures and observations to describe and analyze the structure and morphology of quarters through connectivity and visibility analysis of pedestrian movement through space syntax. Whether the structure of these cities presents a global whole in contrast to the assumptions of physical subareas of social groupings is discussed. The city of Damascus is used as a model of analysis in which the urban morphology of quarters is described and characterized. This study reports several findings that are potentially relevant to the understanding of traditional laws that relate the physical layout of quarters to the social structure and their local subareas to the global whole that dominate and unify the parts. On this basis, the design approach in these cities may be better understood.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the dramatic transformation of the inherited historical urban and architectural characteristics of the city of Al-Najaf in Iraq, seeking new ways of seeing the possibilities of preserving and revitalizing the historical center of the city.In addition to being one of the most sacred centers for Shia Muslims, Al-Najaf has a rich cultural and architectural heritage. Its architectural characteristics and urban structure not only reflect the history of the city but also stand as evidence of the most important junctures in Islamic history: the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is a central Islamic spiritual personality and the second most important figure after the Prophet Muhammad. Since its establishment in 750 AD, the formation of Al-Najaf has never separated from its sociopolitical context and Islamic principles, particularly Shia Muslims’ beliefs.Today, the city is a destination for more than million Shia Muslim pilgrims each year, and the number is rapidly increasing. However, as the city continues to develop, its architecture and unique urban structure transform dramatically. The cultural and architectural heritage of the city is seriously threatened. Several factors played a crucial role in the formation and the transformation of the city's specific architectural and urban structures. The most influential factors were mainly related to religion, environment, and politics. This paper introduces the main forces behind the transformation of the deep organizational structures of the architecture and urban fabric in Al-Najaf. The question of whether it is still possible to protect and preserve the remaining parts and revitalize the Old City center is also examined. The goal is to identify the major preservation issues and provide possible insights based on successful preservation experiences that address similar issues in different contexts.  相似文献   

In the nineteenth century, Algerian cities were the first medinas in the Arab world to be colonized by a European power. Tlemcen, a medieval medina involved in this historical event, was marked by a relentless struggle on the part of the French administration to transform it into a city conforming to modern standards. The antagonism between two urban systems – the ‘Islamic city’ and the modern city – takes a problematic form when confronted with urban interventions that had colonizing aims. This paper will argue that the plan of the colonial city introduced a new order, subjecting the medieval medina within a set/subset relationship. Through urban subordination, the French military–civil administration used the plan layout as an instrument to control and dominate the medina of Tlemcen. In order to verify this hypothesis, a thorough study of documents dating from the early years of the French occupation was undertaken; thus, this paper is constructed as an urban study, based on a historico-morphological approach.  相似文献   

杨新平 《古建园林技术》1987,(16):35-36转37
凤凰寺是我国著名的伊斯兰教寺院,为南方伊斯兰教四大古寺之一,它对研究我国伊斯兰教及其建筑具有重要的参考价值,因此历来被伊斯兰教学者和古建筑学者所推崇。凤凰寺在建筑结构形制、装饰艺术等方面,基本遵循伊斯兰教寺院建筑原则的同时,采用了传统的中国建筑的某些做法,形成了中国式伊斯兰教建筑风格。  相似文献   

张顺尧  雷芙蓉 《华中建筑》2010,28(10):163-164
该文的论述对象是甘肃伊斯兰教建筑,论述的着力点在"演变"和"传承",并就尊重少数民族建筑文化传统,创建地域建筑特色,构建和谐社会、和谐城市提出建议。  相似文献   

从历史文化、地域环境、气候特点入手,通过对伊斯兰代表性园林作品的分析,从中探讨伊斯兰园林的理水艺术特点。同时由于水在伊斯兰文化中的神圣地位,伊斯兰园林的理水风格具有十分鲜明的实用性和艺术性,其理水理念在今天缺水的世界里,尤其值得我们学习和反思。  相似文献   

This research demonstrates the suitability of applying Islamic geometrical patterns (IGPs) to architectural elements in terms of time scale accuracy and style matching. To this end, a detailed survey is conducted on the decorative patterns of 100 surviving buildings in the Muslim architectural world. The patterns are analyzed and chronologically organized to determine the earliest surviving examples of these adorable ornaments. The origins and radical artistic movements throughout the history of IGPs are identified. With consideration for regional impact, this study depicts the evolution of IGPs, from the early stages to the late 18th century.  相似文献   

明清柳州民族矛盾及其城市空间的形态演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何丽 《华中建筑》2012,(8):137-141
明代尖锐的民族矛盾使马平城堡与附郭形成了民族空间对立与城乡经济对立;在明末马平县区域经济、清初经济移民大量入柳的历史背景下,马平县逐步走向民族融合与城乡经济融合,其明代封闭的军事城堡形态被逐步打破,并在清代相应的贸易区域形成城市商业街市。通过案例研究指出:民族矛盾主导下,粤西县级以下的城市商业街市,与等级高、规模大、城市职能完善的王城与都城的商业街市有着不同的发展方向,是由附郭向军事城池突破与发展的历史过程。同时指出:在民族矛盾主导的低等级城市史研究中,“城郭”关系对城市发展的历史重要性。  相似文献   

针对现阶段历史城区可持续发展背景下所面临的诸多新问题,国际古迹遗址理事会于2011年颁布的《瓦莱塔原则》为历史城区更新这一难题提供了指导。通过对《瓦莱塔原则》的分析研究,在现代因素不可避免地介入历史环境之时,应充分挖掘其核心价值,以“价值延续”的更新思路使之与历史环境相协调,并结合恩宁路中粤博西侧箫笛文化艺术馆的实践案例,为之后在历史城区更新中的建筑实践提供参照。历史城区不仅是历史空间的物质留存,更是人们社会生活的记忆载体。历史城区的更新实践应以更加长远的眼光、更加整体的视角去认知历史文化遗产,将其与更广泛的社会需求相关联,为城市的延续性价值带来生机。  相似文献   

总结分析了我国历史文化名城制度建立将近30年来所经历的主要问题,指出在历史文化街区的保护和整治过程中对名城的建设性破坏正转向保护性破坏,而就"真实性"保护原则的不同观点和落实方法是问题产生的根源之一。这一现象提示我们,在中国社会大转型的历史进程中,名城保护工作应立足中国城市的文脉,对西方舶来的概念开展独立的研究,探索历史文化名城保护的中国道路。  相似文献   

北京传统中轴线遗产区园林绿地是中轴线的重要组 成,与城市空间和建筑空间共同构成中轴线的遗产本体。中轴线 园林绿地是北京老城历史累积叠加形成的具有生命的历史文化遗 产,对北京传统中轴线申遗具有重要价值。通过研究传统中轴线 遗产区园林绿地的发展历程,厘清了不同时期园林绿地在有形要 素“位置与格局”“建筑与景观”和无形要素“功能与传统”三 方面的发展情况,进而分析得出中轴线园林绿地的五大历史遗产 价值。结合中轴园林绿地的历史遗产价值和保护现状,提出传统 中轴线遗产区园林绿地保护和管理的相关建议。  相似文献   

滕熙  张萍 《南方建筑》2018,(4):40-45
城市复兴是欧洲应对全球竞争和实现可持续发展提出来的理论,以空间再生、活力复苏、社区复兴为主要目标,对于我国古城的更新具有较高的指导意义。文章以曹魏古城为例,探讨城市复兴语境下更新规划方法。提出通过空间结构、肌理形态、建筑风貌来恢复古城风貌;通过活化利用现有历史文化资源,激发文化旅游,打造高品质街巷空间以及通过对社区重建和微改造复兴社区,从中探索古城空间、经济与社会融合的改造复兴方法。  相似文献   

周强 《山西建筑》2007,33(11):57-58
对伊斯兰教进行简述,通过伊斯兰教的发展及传播过程,对比了不同时期、不同地域的伊斯兰园林、建筑、装饰的演变,论述了伊斯兰教的主要建筑是清真寺,伊斯兰教对“天园”的向往极大地影响了伊斯兰教建筑,而“天园”中所有的美好事物都是他们所处环境中极度缺乏的,得出了随着伊斯兰教的横向传播,清真寺的型制和格局乃至建筑形式都发生了很大变化的结论。  相似文献   

伊斯兰园林是世界三大园林体系之一,有悠久的历史和天人合一的传统,反映了穆斯林的信仰和思维,园林设计独具匠心,体现了人对真主造化的大自然的热爱。伊斯兰园林艺术有其特别的气质,在历史上传播到东西南北许多国家,但不论在哪里,都保持著某些统一的特徵。伊斯法罕的四十柱宫作为波斯伊斯兰园林的杰作,同样代表了伊斯兰园林的高超水准。与典型伊斯兰园林相比,四十柱宫既具有其共同的特点,又具有独特之处。本文从平面构成、园林要素、园林结构等方面分析了二者的相同之处,同时从平面形式、空间关系、城市与园林的关系以及视点等方面分析了二者的不同之处。  相似文献   

该文以我国中小城市历史遗迹周边地段建设缺乏基于文脉研究的堪忧现象为背景,以山西运城池神庙周边文化商业建筑群规划设计为例,通过对于地域文脉的研究,挖掘城市文化特色,控制建筑造型、以空间发展模式和室内外空间尺度为主要手段,诉求历史遗址周边的新建建筑在文脉上与其呼应,最终形成有机的城市片区,探求适应中小城市历史遗迹周边地段的建筑设计方法.  相似文献   

Efficient interaction between art and technology enabled Islamic architecture to actively experience early globalization, but today's separation between these domains and technolo-gical hegemony have presented challenges to Islamic architecture. Accordingly, this research was aimed at illuminating art and technology interactions in Islamic architecture during early globalization when it flourished along with Christian architecture. To this end, logical reasoning and qualitative data analysis were performed in parallel on 12 chains of mostly worship-oriented artworks, such as mosques and churches. The results indicated that art and technology interactions in Islamic and Christian architecture were underlain by the same nature and sequential pattern of beginning from primitive technology and ending with innovative technology (art). The cultural and technological value of these architectural styles eventually crossed geographical boundaries. Therefore, the beneficial interactions between art and technology enabled Islamic and Christian architecture to participate in globalization through the conveyance of their value to other regions even as differences existed in the measures implemented for such transmission.  相似文献   

When the historical parts of cities—which are the cultural mosaics and which reflect the feelings, thoughts, tendencies, life experiences and the accumulations of the periods in which they were built—begin to disappear, it affects the historical identities of the cities negatively. Investigating, learning, documenting and transferring to the future the values of these spaces, which are bridges between past and future, are vitally important for the maintenance of the cities. This analytical study carried out in Üç Kümbetler and its vicinity in the historical city of Erzurum—where historical and traditional urban elements such as religious buildings, traditional houses, streets, and fountains are intense—aimed at fulfilling these ends.  相似文献   

刘滨谊   《中国园林》2023,39(11):6-14
高层建筑群的兴起为人类景观感知带来了新问题——高层景观,主要是指城市高空的聚居者由建筑或场所之内向外部周围观看引发的景观空间感知。高层景观为人类身心健康带来了新的机遇与挑战,对于聚居者“一览众山晓”的积极作用与远离绿化、缺乏户外活动场地的负面影响并存。然而,迄今关于这种高层景观的人类身心影响研究尚未开展。作为起步性研究,尝试从揭示基本规律着手,选取上海地区相对120m高度上的高层景观,研究面对城市空间、绿地和水景的景观时,个体生理和心理的反应影响:基于阶段性视觉刺激,借助脑电图、心率变异性和皮肤电导测量了20名被试者的压力水平,并使用改进的语义差异问卷评估了其心理反应。结果显示,面对绿色空间和水景的高层景观,会引起α相对波活动增加,使副交感神经活动显著增加,相比面对城市建筑的高层景观,被试者的放松程度更高。此外,相比于面对城市建筑景观,被试者在高层观看绿色景观和水景图像时表现出了更大的舒适感和放松感。这些发现初步揭示了居聚于城市高层建筑中的人类个体关于高层景观感受的基本规律,凸显了为高层聚居个体提供自然景观视觉刺激的重要性。  相似文献   

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