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This paper reports the results of investigations of shellfish toxin contamination of products obtained from Shanghai seafood markets. From May to October 2003, 66 samples were collected from several major seafood markets. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins in shellfish samples were monitored primarily by a mouse bioassay, then analysed by HPLC for the chemical contents of the toxins. According to the mouse bioassay, eight samples were detected to be contaminated by PSP toxins and seven samples were contaminated by DSP toxins. Subsequent HPLC analysis indicated that the concentrations of the PSP toxins ranged from 0.2 to 1.9 µg/100 g tissues and the main components were gonyautoxins 2/3 (GTX2/3). As for DSP, okadaic acid was detected in three samples, and its concentration ranged from 3.2 to 17.5 µg/100 g tissues. Beside okadaic acid, its analogues, dinophysistoxins (DTX1), were found in one sample. According to the results, gastropod (Neverita didyma) and scallop (Argopecten irradians) were more likely contaminated with PSP and DSP toxins, and most of the contaminated samples were collected from Tongchuan and Fuxi markets. In addition, the contaminated samples were always found in May, June and July. Therefore, consumers should be cautious about eating the potential toxic shellfish during this specific period.  相似文献   

麻痹性贝类毒素作为贝类产品中一种毒性最强、分布广泛的毒素,不仅严重威胁人们的身体健康,而且会造成相当大的经济损失。因此其监测检测方法的研究与改进一直是人们的研究热点。本文分析评述了麻痹性贝类毒素的三种常规检测分析方法的优缺点以及最新研究进展,并探讨了小白鼠生物法、免疫测定法和色谱联用技术作为主要的检测方法由于原理不同,结合不同的研究需求其应用的领域。其中,小白鼠生物测定法虽然概括毒性有效,但是其灵敏度低、误差大、并且需要大量活体动物而逐渐被色谱技术和免疫测定法所取代,此外,神经细胞分析法、毛细管电泳技术和表面等离子体共振传感器技术等方法也逐渐得到应用。不管怎样,这些方法由于需要专业人员、成本高等问题仍需进一步完善。  相似文献   

The receptor-binding assay (RBA) method for determining saxatoxin (STX) and its numerous analogues, which cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans, was evaluated in a single laboratory study. Each step of the assay preparation procedure including the performance of the multi-detector TopCount® instrument was evaluated for its contribution to method variability. The overall inherent RBA variability was determined to be 17%. Variability within the 12 detectors was observed; however, there was no reproducible pattern in detector performance. This observed variability among detectors could be attributed to other factors, such as pipetting errors. In an attempt to reduce the number of plates rejected due to excessive variability in the method's quality control parameters, a statistical approach was evaluated using either Grubbs’ test or the Student's t-test for rejecting outliers in the measurement of triplicate wells. This approach improved the ratio of accepted versus rejected plates, saving cost and time for rerunning the assay. However, the potential reduction in accuracy and the lack of improvement in precision suggests caution when using this approach. The current study has recommended an alternate quality control procedure for accepting or rejecting plates in place of the criteria currently used in the published assay, or the alternative of outlier testing. The recommended procedure involves the development of control charts to monitor the critical parameters identified in the published method (QC sample, EC50, slope of calibration curve), with the addition of a fourth critical parameter which is the top value (100% binding) of the calibration curve.  相似文献   

Monitoring programmes for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in bivalve molluscs still rely heavily on the use of mouse bioassays (MBA) for consumer protection. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodology (Lawrence method) was implemented in 1996 in the Portuguese monitoring programme as a complementary means of analysis. Comparison between MBA and HPLC was done at the time only by a qualitative approach due to the scarce number of positive samples tested. More quantitative data were obtained recently when studying toxin profiles in Moroccan shellfish, and the correlation found between these two methodologies is reported here for the first time. Two different matrices were studied: blue mussel and the giant cockle Acanthocardia tuberculatum. A good linear correlation was obtained for both matrices. However, a second-degree polynomial best fitted the data at both low and high extremes of toxicity. According to the HPLC quantitative results, 13% of false-negatives could be obtained by MBA due to an underestimation of toxicity near the limit of detection of the MBA. Difficulties on relying solely on HPLC for consumer protection have been aroused with uncommon matrices, such as imported clams or crustaceans, due to the presence of high concentrations of interfering compounds. The solid-phase extraction step of the Lawrence method was implemented to eliminate an unknown compound that could be mistaken for saxitoxin, and an 80% reduction of another common unknown compound eluting close to decarbamoylsaxitoxin. The implementation of the HPLC methodology achieved so far allows a high degree of consumer protection without the need to resource to animal sacrifice.  相似文献   

目的 建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,UPLC-MS/MS)同时测定双壳贝类中13种麻痹性贝类毒素(paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins,PSTs)的方法...  相似文献   

Detecting marine biotoxins such as paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) is essential to ensuring the safety of seafood. The mouse bioassay is the internationally accepted method for monitoring PSTs, but technical and ethical issues have led to a search for new detection methods. The mouse neuroblastoma cell-based assay (Neuro-2a CBA) using ouabain and veratridine (O/V) has proven useful for the detection of PSTs. However, CBAs are sensitive to shellfish-associated matrix interferences. As the extraction method highly influences matrix interferences, this study compared three extraction protocols: Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 2005.06, AOAC 2011.02 and an alternative liquid–liquid method. These methods were used to assess the matrix effect of extracts from four commercially important bivalve species (Chilean mussel, Magellan mussel, clam and Pacific oyster) in Neuro-2a CBA. Extracts from all three protocols caused a toxic effect in Neuro-2a cells (without O/V) when tested at a concentration of 25 mg of tissue-equivalent (TE) ml?1. The greatest toxicity was obtained through the AOAC 2011.02 protocol, especially for the Chilean mussel and Pacific oyster extracts. Similar toxicity levels (less than 15%) were observed in all extracts at 3.1 mg TE ml?1. When assessed in Neuro-2a CBA, AOAC 2005.06 extracts presented the lowest matrix interferences, while the highest interferences were observed for AOAC 2011.02 in Magellan mussel and clam extracts. Finally, the AOAC 2005.06 and alternative protocols were compared using Chilean mussel samples fortified with 40 and 80 µg STX per 100 g meat. The AOAC 2005.06 method demonstrated better results. In conclusion, the AOAC 2005.06 extracts exhibited the fewest interferences in the Neuro-2a CBA. Therefore, this extraction method should be considered for the implementation of Neuro-2a CBA as a high-throughput screening methodology for PST detection.  相似文献   

目的检测舟山东极与嵊泗枸杞2个海域养殖贻贝中的麻痹性贝类毒素(paralytic shellfish poison,PSP),比较小鼠生物测定法与酶联免疫分析法(ELISA)的测定结果。方法采用小鼠生物测定法与酶联免疫吸附法检测贝类中的麻痹性贝类毒素,并将2者的检测结果进行比较分析。结果 2种检测方法检测的麻痹性贝类毒素含量结果基本一致。5月份东极岛海域的厚壳贻贝中检出PSP((500±3.2)MU/100 g),超标率为5%;嵊泗枸杞海域贝类PSP含量较低,未超出安全食用标准。2个海域的紫贻贝PSP含量均未超出安全食用标准。结论小鼠生物法与ELISA方法的评价结果基本一致,其检测出的PSP结果可以为摄入PSP风险评估提供数据支撑。由于ELISA方法的检测成本较高,因此可采用小鼠生物法进行麻痹性贝类毒素风险监测。  相似文献   

The mouse bioassay (MBA) for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins has been widely used in many countries of the world. However, different body weight ranges of mice are designated to be used in the Japanese official method and European Union procedure. In this study we investigated whether and to what extent the body weights of the mice affect the susceptibility to DSP toxins. A lethal dose of okadaic acid, one of the representative DSP toxins, was injected intraperitoneally into mice of five different body weight range groups, from 14 to 24 g. The mice were observed until 24 h after injection. The lethality was 100% in the 14–15 and 16–17 g groups, 80% in the 19–20 g group, 50% in the 21–22 g group, and 40% in the 23–24 g group, with significant differences. Survival analysis indicated a relationship between body weights of mice and susceptibility to okadaic acid. These results would be quite useful not only for the MBA, but also to improve understanding of the biological responses to DSP toxins.  相似文献   

Florisil solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges were used for purifying ciguatoxin (CTX)-contaminated coral fish extracts, with the aim of removing extracted lipid but retaining optimal level of CTXs in the purified fractions. The CTX-containing fraction (target fraction) in fish ether extract was isolated and purified by eluting through a commercially available Florisil cartridge with hexane–acetone–methanol solvent mixtures of increasing polarity (hexane–acetone (4:1, v/v) < acetone–methanol (7:3, v/v) < 100% methanol). Application of Florisil SPE using acetone–methanol (7:3, v/v) condition facilitated the separation of 4.2 ± 0.4 mg (mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM)) of purified target fraction from 20 mg ether extract with good retention of CTXs. The mouse bioassay was used to demonstrate that the average CTX recovery of the target fraction from CTX-spiked samples was 75.8% ± 3.3%, which was significantly increased by 96.7% ± 15% when compared with CTX recovery from ether extracts (44.8% ± 5.2%) without performing SPE purification. Over 70% of non-target lipids were removed in which no CTX toxicity was found. Moreover, the target fractions of both CTX-spiked and naturally CTX-contaminated samples gave more prominent toxic responses of hypothermia and/or induced more rapid death of the mice. The use of acetone–methanol (7:3, v/v) condition in the elution could significantly improve overall recovery of CTXs, while minimizing the possible interferences of lipid matrix from co-extractants on mice.  相似文献   

This paper describes the second part of a project undertaken to develop certified mussel reference materials for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins. In the first part two interlaboratory studies were undertaken to investigate the performance of the analytical methodology for several PSP toxins, in particular saxitoxin and decarbamoyl-saxitoxin in lyophilized mussels, and to set criteria for the acceptance of results to be applied during the certification exercise. Fifteen laboratories participated in this certification study and were asked to measure saxitoxin and decarbamoyl-saxitoxin in rehydrated lyophilized mussel material and in a saxitoxin-enriched mussel material. The participants were allowed to use a method of their choice but with an extraction procedure to be strictly followed. The study included extra experiments to verify the detection limits for both saxitoxin and decarbamoyl-saxitoxin. Most participants (13 of 15) were able to meet all the criteria set for the certification study. Results for saxitoxin.2HCl yielded a certified mass fraction of <0.07 mg/kg in the rehydrated lyophilized mussels. Results obtained for decarbamoyl-saxitoxin.2HCl yielded a certified mass fraction of 1.59+/-0.20 mg/kg. The results for saxitoxin.2HCl in enriched blank mussel yielded a certified mass fraction of 0.48 +/- 0.06 mg/kg. These certified reference materials for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in lyophilized mussel material are the first available for laboratories to test their method for accuracy and performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first part of a project undertaken to develop mussel reference materials for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins. Two interlaboratory studies were undertaken to investigate the performance of the analytical methodology for several PSP toxins, in particular saxitoxin (STX) and decarbamoyl-saxitoxin (dc-STX) in lyophilized mussels, and to set criteria for the acceptance of results to be applied during the second part of the project: the certification exercise. In the first study, 18 laboratories were asked to measure STX and dc-STX in rehydrated lyophilized mussel material and to identify as many other PSP toxins as possible with a method of their choice. In the second interlaboratory study, 15 laboratories were additionally asked to determine quantitatively STX and dc-STX in rehydrated lyophilized mussel and in a saxitoxin-enriched mussel material. The first study revealed that three out of four postcolumn derivatization methods and one pre-column derivatization method sufficed in principle to determine STX and dc-STX. Most participants (13 of 18) obtained acceptable calibration curves and recoveries. Saxitoxin was hardly detected in the rehydrated lyophilized mussels and results obtained for dc-STX yielded a CV of 58% at a mass fraction of 1.86 mg/kg. Most participants (14 out of 18) identified gonyautoxin-5 (GTX-5) in a hydrolysed extract provided. The first study led to provisional criteria for linearity, recovery and separation. The second study revealed that 6 out of 15 laboratories were able to meet these criteria. Results obtained for dc-STX yielded a CV of 19% at a mass fraction of 3.49mg/kg. Results obtained for STX in the saxitoxin-enriched material yielded a CV of 19% at a mass fraction of 0.34mg/kg. Saxitoxin could not be detected in the PSP-positive material. Hydrolysis was useful to confirm the identity of GTX5 and provided indicative information about C1 and C2 toxins in the PSP-positive material. The methods used in the second interlaboratory study showed sufficiently consistent analysis results to undertake a certification exercise to assign certified values for STX and dc-STX in lyophilized mussel.  相似文献   

This study compared five methods of measuring paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) including the long-used mouse lethality bioassay, a commercially available cell culture test (MIST ® Quantification kit), HPLC analysis, and two newly developed radioreceptor assays utilizing mammalian sodium channels and saxiphilin. Methods were challenged with toxic shellfish extracts prepared according to the AOAC official method. The best correlations between predicted toxicity values being 0.9 or better, were those between HPLC analysis when compared with both radioreceptor assays and the mouse lethality bioassay, as well as that between the saxiphilin and the sodium channel radioreceptor assays. In all cases, statistically significant correlations existed between the toxicity measurements of the same extracts. The ratios between some methods were not unitary as measured by the slopes of the regression lines used for correlation analyses. HPLC analysis predicted more toxicity than all of the bioassays. The saxiphilin assay underestimated toxicity relative to the mouse bioassay, the MIST ® kit determinations and the sodium channel assay. The sodium channel assay predicted there to be less toxicity than the mouse bioassay and the MIST ® kit. Of all of the techniques used, the MIST ® kit correlation with the mouse bioassay was nearest to one. Each method possesses different virtues and it may be that a multi-method approach would harness the benefits of each method for various aspects of a shellfish testing regime.  相似文献   

A potentiometric biosensor assay based on a commercially available polyclonal antibody was developed to detect tylosin residues in animal feed. The method can be used as a rapid (less than 45?min) laboratory-based procedure or as a portable field-test for the simultaneous measurement of up to 12 different samples. For both procedures the qualitative detection capability (CCβ) for tylosin was determined as 0.2?mg?kg?1 in a range of animal feeds with a measurement repeatability at concentrations between 0.2 and 4?mg?kg?1 of ≤13% coefficient of variation (%CV). The field-test format was capable of detecting tylosin residues at operating (external air) temperatures ranging between +4 and 37°C, although some reduction in signal was observed at the lower temperatures. The laboratory-based tylosin assay was evaluated using 16 medicated and 22 non-medicated feeds and was found to give comparable data with a confirmatory method based upon liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The potential to develop a multi-probe format assay for the simultaneous detection of tylosin, spiramycin and virginiamycin was also demonstrated. Cross-validation in a second laboratory showed the assay to be transferable, reliable and robust.  相似文献   

The ouabain/veratridine-dependent neuroblastoma (neuro-2a) cell-based assay (CBA) was applied for the determination of the presence of ciguatoxin (CTX)-like compounds in ciguatera-suspected fish samples caught in the Canary Islands. In order to avoid matrix interferences the maximal concentration of wet weight fish tissue exposed to the neuro-2a cells was set at 20?mg tissue equivalent?(TE)?ml?1 according to the sample preparation procedure applied. In the present study, the limit of quantification (LOQ) of CTX1B equivalents in fish extract was set at the limit of detection (LOD), being defined as the concentration of CTX1B equivalents inhibiting 20% cell viability (IC20). The LOQ was estimated as 0.0096?ng CTX1B eq.?g?TE?1 with 23–31% variability between experiments. These values were deemed sufficient even though quantification given at the IC50 (the concentration of CTX1B equivalents inhibiting 50% cell viability) is more accurate with a variability of 17–19% between experiments. Among the 13 fish samples tested, four fish samples were toxic to the neuro-2a cells with estimations of the content in CTX1B?g?1 of TE ranging from 0.058 (±0.012) to 6.23 (±0.713) ng CTX1B eq.?g?TE?1. The high sensitivity and specificity of the assay for CTX1B confirmed its suitability as a screening tool of CTX-like compounds in fish extracts at levels that may cause ciguatera fish poisoning. Species identification of fish samples by DNA sequence analysis was conducted in order to confirm tentatively the identity of ciguatera risk species and it revealed some evidence of inadvertent misidentification. Results presented in this study are a contribution to the standardisation of the neuro-2a CBA and to the risk analysis for ciguatera in the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Identification of PIR/CIS3 gene was carried out by amino-terminal sequencing of a protein band released by beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME) from S. cerevisiae mnn9 cell walls. The protein was released also by digestion with beta-1,3-glucanases (laminarinase or zymolyase) or by mild alkaline solutions. Deletion of the two carboxyterminal Cys residues (Cys(214)-12aa-Cys(227)-COOH), reduced but did not eliminate incorporation of Pir4 (protein with internal repeats) by disulphide bridges. Similarly, site-directed mutation of two other cysteine amino acids (Cys(130)Ser or Cys(197)Ser) failed to block incorporation of Pir4; the second mutation produced the appearance of Kex2-unprocessed Pir4. Therefore, it seems that deletion or mutation of individual cysteine molecules does not seem enough to inhibit incorporation of Pir4 by disulphide bridges. In fks1Delta and gsc2/fks2Delta cells, defective in beta-1,3-glucan synthesis, modification of the protein pattern found in the supernatant of the growth medium, as well as the material released by beta-ME or laminarinase, was evident. However, incorporation of Pir4 by both disulphide bridges and to the beta-1,3-glucan of the cell wall continued. Deletion of the repetitive sequence (QIGDGQVQA) resulted in the secretion and incorporation by disulphide bridges of Pir4 in reduced amounts together with substantial quantities of the Kex2-unprocessed Pir4 form. Pir4 failed to be incorporated in alkali-sensitive linkages involving beta-1,3-glucan when the first repetitive sequence was deleted. Therefore, this suggests that this sequence is needed in binding Pir4 to the beta-1,3-glucan.  相似文献   

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