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研究了直流电晕法采集氡子体气溶胶的采样效率,推导出基于多针对板结构的采样器的采样效率计算公式。以蚊香燃烧产生的固体颗粒作为氡子体的气溶胶载体,在此基础上分别研究了注入功率、温度以及相对湿度三个主要因素对采样效率的影响。结果表明,在电晕放电条件下随着注入功率的增加,采样效率随之增加并达到一个稳定最大值。其次,温度和相对湿度对采样效率的影响均符合线性增加的规律,并且相对湿度的影响比温度的影响要大。最后,在采样器设定结构参数条件下,最佳外施电压为11 k V,此时采样效率为0.453,并且采样器的测量值与Alpha PM测量值一致性非常高,能够满足空气环境中氡子体气溶胶浓度测量要求。  相似文献   

肖德涛  潘自强等 《核技术》2002,25(12):1039-1044
Tu的衰变子体跟氡的一样,其大部分(>90%)在形成初期是带正电荷的。利用这一特性,在剂量计采样小室加静电场可大大提高测Tu灵敏度。利用驻极体在剂量计采样小室产生静电场,用CR-39 SSNTD记录Tu及其子体衰变释放的α粒子,从而提高了测Tu灵敏度。该方法平行法测Tu和吸收体法测Tu的灵敏度分别提高为8倍和33倍。  相似文献   

环境^222Rn和^220Rn子体所致气管支气管剂量的模拟测量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文介绍了用Hopke等人提出了的“支气管剂量计”测定环境空气中^222Rn和^220Rn子体所致的气管支气管子(T-B区)剂量。通过模拟测量人的鼻腔(N区)和T-B区的^222Rn和220Rn子体沉积份额,分别计算出以mGy/WLM和mSv(a.Bq.m^-3)为单位表示的T-B区的剂量转换因子,在实验室关闭门窗,开启空调以及施放正,负离子等不同的空气处理情况(照射条件)下,比较了剂量转换因子的  相似文献   

为系统研究单层丝网法测量氡子体未结合态份额中结合态氡子体的影响,本研究基于理论分析和实验测量,评估了同一种环境下不同目数的丝网对结合态氡子体的收集效率,分析了同一种丝网应用于不同的环境测量时结合态氡子体对未结合态份额测量的影响。研究表明,不同目数的金属丝网对结合态氡子体的收集效率并不高(0.7%~1.0%),但由于典型室内环境中结合态氡子体占比较高(~92%),结合态氡子体的存在会导致氡子体未结合态份额的测量值出现一定的系统性正偏差(3.1%~9.5%),且该系统性正偏差随丝网目数的增加而增加。同一目数丝网,从室内环境直接应用于室外、矿山环境时,由于结合态氡子体中粗粒子模态占比较高,导致氡子体未结合态份额测量值出现较大偏差。从理论计算结果看,典型室外、矿山环境的偏差分别达40.3%和113%,这说明在使用单层丝网法测量氡子体未结合态份额时,有必要针对不同环境对金属丝网进行优选,尽量减少氡子体未结合态份额测量偏差。  相似文献   

一种放射性气溶胶粒度分离采样装置,涉及用于克服氡如子体干扰的人工放射性气溶胶的测量领域。该装置包括气体进入口(1)、固定架(8)、气体出口(4)和滤纸(5),特点是在固定架(8)内设有管嘴上下相对的分离管嘴(2)和收集管嘴(3),收集管嘴(3)底部与滤纸(5)封闭接触。该装置利用氡钍子体粒径小于人工气溶胶粒径的特点实现两者的分离,先测出收集到滤纸上的人工放射性,再补测氡子体衰变至可以忽略后的、可能与氡子体一起被分离的人工放射性气溶胶的放射性。本发明可用于放射性气溶胶连续监测。  相似文献   

使用溴化乙锭(Ethidium bromide,EtBr)诱导方法构建线粒体数目减少支气管上皮细胞(Human bronchia epithelia with mitochondrial DNA knock-down,ρ?HBE)模型并进行长期氡照射,用克隆形成法测定氡照射后HBE细胞的增殖能力,用流式细胞仪进行细胞凋亡和线粒体膜电位的检测。结果发现,氡照射后,与线粒体DNA数量正常的HBE细胞(ρ+HBE)相比较,ρ?HBE细胞存活分数明显增高,虽然早期凋亡率明显低于正常细胞,但是总凋亡率增加,同时线粒体膜电位也显著降低。结果提示,氡照射后引起的线粒体减少HBE细胞增殖能力提高与总凋亡率的减少有关,并且与线粒体膜电位的变化相关。  相似文献   

本文介绍的掌上低功耗βγ射线剂量计,采用低功耗技术大大延长了连续工作时间,且设计了简洁可靠的剂量计电路,有效降低了整机尺寸,方便野外的长时间测量工作与携带.本剂量计可以内部实现400V高压自稳定,LCD802液晶显示,多种输出模式选择,以及内置的PS2协议实现PC机标准键盘的参数录入功能.  相似文献   

本文介绍了目前一些先进国家及国际组织对于气溶胶的粒度分类采样所建议的一些标准曲线,这些标准曲线是为了正确评价气溶胶粒子对人体造成的吸入危害,针对呼吸系统的不同部位而提出的。同时还简要介绍了目前国内外能实现这种分类采样的仪器和装置。通过介绍,对于澄清一些气溶胶粒度分类采样方面的概念,及制定我们国家自己的采尘标准,会有一的定参考意义。  相似文献   

为了满足氡室内氡子体辐射场的调控要求,结合蒸发冷凝法的原理,利用电子烟发生器产生的癸二酸二辛酯(DEHS)与雾化器产生的NaCl颗粒结合再冷凝的方法,研制了高浓度单分散的气溶胶发生器。将该发生器应用于中国计量科学研究院20 m3氡室,充胶1分钟后气溶胶浓度最高可达到2.26×105 cm-3,平均粒径156.8 nm,单分散性1.38,氡室内氡子体平衡因子可调控达到0.65。  相似文献   

提出了以Intel 51系列单片机为控制核心的.222Rn/220Rn采样监测与控制系统设计方案.硬件部分对传感器、A/D转换器件、USB芯片、键盘和数码显示芯片、光耦隔离与直流泵驱动芯片的选择和使用进行了详细介绍,并给出了电路设计简图;软件部分包括上下位机软件,分别通过Visual Basic语言和汇编语言实现数据采集转换及直流泵流量控制,并采用PID控制算法对泵流量稳定性进行改善,给出了程序流程图.  相似文献   

在环境辐射监测中,不同材料的热释光探测器(TLD)已被广泛应用,但其中大多数(如CaSO_4、Al_2O_3、Mg_2SiO_4、BeO等)因对热中子不灵敏而不能测量热中子剂量。用包镉热释光剂量计可测量热中子,其特点是:(1)任何能测量X、γ辐射的TLD原则上都可应用;(2)剂量计对单位热中子剂量当量的响应标定不需要反应堆热中子源,可用~(60)Co-γ源代替。  相似文献   

本文叙述了一种用于测量中子剂量的“直接相互作用”型的CR-39塑料反冲径迹个人中子剂量计。该剂量计对~(241)Am-Be源的中子注量灵敏度约为(2.10±0.05)×10~(-4)径迹/n,可探测的中子注量下限约等于2.11×10~5n/cm~3,相应的中子剂量当量为7.81×10~(-5)Sv。总误差估计不超过±20%。  相似文献   

The photoelectric device of a scintillation dosimeter converts photons produced by radiation into an electrical signal.Its features directly determine the overall performance of the dosimeter.For a plastic scintillation fiber dosimeter(PSFD)with a current readout mode,sys-tematic studies of the stability and light-dose response were performed for the photomultiplier tube(PMT),silicon photomultiplier(SiPM),avalanche photodiode(APD),and photodiode(PD).The temperature stability,long-term stability,repeatability,signal-to-noise ratio(SNR),and current dose response of the PSFD with the abovemen-tioned photoelectric devices were studied using a pulsed LED light source and the Small Animal Radiation Therapy platform.An exponential relationship between the dark/net current and temperature was obtained for all the devices.It is shown that the APD is the most sensitive device to temperature,with a current dependence on temperature reaching 6.5%℃-1 at room temperature,whereas for the other devices this dependence is always<0.6%℃-1.In terms of long-term stability,the net current of PD can change by up to 4%when working continuously for 8 h and 2%when working intermittently for 32 h,whereas for the other devices,the changes are all<1%.For the dose response,the PMT and SiPM exhibit excellent linear responses and SNRs within the range of 0.1-60 Gy/min.For the PSFD with a current readout mode,the perfor-mance of the PMT and SiPM is concluded to be better than that of the other devices in the study.In particular,the SiPM,which has a compact size,low bias voltage,and antimagnetic interference,has great advantages for further applications.  相似文献   

本文介绍适于食品保鲜和医疗用品辐射消毒等辐射加工领域的大剂量测量用的一种新型剂量计,它在薄涤纶片上涂布射线敏感层,剂量测量范围为10~3—10~5Gy精确度为5%。  相似文献   

介绍了一起非计划摄氚事件的监督及事件处理过程中发现的一些问题,同时分析了此类事件发生的原因,并对氚内照射事件的处理提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了2005~2007年用DHZM-I型氡及其子体连续监测仪对某矿山的工作场所和生活区分别进行环境氡及其子体浓度的测量。监测结果表明,所监测的工作场所中,大部分监测点的氡及其子体浓度都在国家规定的限值范围内;在居民区,扣除本底后,未发现任何监测点的个人有效剂量当量超过国家规定的限值。笔者还对该矿山的平衡因子进行了分析研究,并给出了研究结果。  相似文献   


A low-noise current-sensitive preamplifier was developed for aiming low-dose X-ray computed tomography with applying a charge-sensitive preamplifier. We compared the number of X-ray photons needed for current measurement with the new preamplifier with that needed with a conventional preamplifier. Also, the dose rates for above conditions were measured by a commercial dose rate meter. Results show that the new preamplifier reduced the number of X-ray photons needed by two orders of magnitude compared with the conventional one.  相似文献   

Conversion coefficients from neutron and proton fluences to effective dose are calculated in the range of incident neutron energy from 20 MeV to 10 GeV. Two different versions of effective dose are treated, respectively calculated using: (a) the radiation weighting factor wR, and (b) the Q-L relationship given in ICRP 60. Monte Carlo calculations are performed applying the HETC-3STEP and the MORSE-CG/KFA in the HERMES code system. The calculations are based on a modified MIRDS anthropomorphic phantom, which is irradiated in anterior-posterior and posterior-anterior directions of beam. For effective dose calculation using the Q-L relationship, a database was compiled and added to the HETC-3STEP, to derive the average quality factor. The effective dose derived using wR proved to overestimate that obtained with the Q-L relationship by about 80% at 10 GeV incident neutron energy in the case of conversion from neutron fluence. For proton fluence, the corresponding overestimation reaches a maximum factor of 4.  相似文献   

The step cascade with side flow is defined as a step cascade where uranium of lower assays than that from the final stage is withdrawn, and where also, in addition to the major feed, reprocessed spent uranium is introduced as minor feed. A method of calculation is proposed for finding the exact total flow rate of the stream entering the separators in a step cascade with side flow in steady state and without losses of uranium.

Using this method of calculation, it is found that the separation factor of diffusers in the new gaseous diffusion plant to be established in the United States is about 1.0022. Moreover, the characteristics are revealed for a step cascade with side flow adopted for a plant treating the estimated amounts of enriched uranium necessary for and uranium discharged from pressurized and boiling water reactors in the nuclear power generating program of Japan in 1985. It has been disclosed from these results of calculation that the method presented here proposes useful means for a detailed design of the plant.  相似文献   

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