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采用层状粘土地基模型模拟实际地基的土层参数随深度按层状变化的情况,采用Laplace-Fourier联合变换和传播矩阵技术,由Biot固结方程导出了层状粘土地基固结变形的位移,应力及其柔性条形基础沉降的解极表达式.给出的公式简洁明了,计算精度高,计算量小.文末给出了实例计算的数值结果.  相似文献   

多层地基内部作用集中力时Biot固结方程的求解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用Schiffman位移函数,并借助于Hankel变换和Laplace变换,建立了单层饱和土的递推矩阵和半空间饱和土抽象度矩阵。利用边界条件,用初始函数-刚度矩阵方法求出了半空间上多层饱和土内部作用集中力时位移、应力和孔压的解答。当多层地基退化为半空间饱和土体时,计算结果表明,当t→∞,所得结果与Mindlin解吻合。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional (2D) finite element analysis was carried out to assess the time-dependent behavior of single vertical pile embedded in elasto-plastic soil. The finite element analyses were carried out using the linear elastic model for the structure of the pile, while the Mohr-Coulomb model was used for representing the soil behavior surrounding the pile. The study includes cohesionless and cohesive soil to assess the lateral response of pile in the two types of soil. The whole geotechnical model is suitable for problem of piles to determine the design quantities such as lateral deformation, lateral soil stress and its variation with time. The model is verified based on the results of published cases and there is good comparison between the results of published case and the present simulation model. It is found that, the pile in cohesionless soil has more resistance in the rapid loading and less one in the long term loading. On the other hand, the pile in cohesive soil shows opposite behavior.  相似文献   

基于Biot动力控制方程,运用Hankel积分变换研究了竖向简谐荷载作用下埋置于饱和地基中有质量的刚性圆柱基础的竖向振动问题.假设基础侧面的土体为由若干圆形极薄层组成的独立饱和层;基底以下的土为饱和半空间.结合基础与地基接触面的混合边值条件,通过数值计算求解了相应的动力响应问题,并给出了饱和地基中埋置刚性圆柱基础的竖向振动振幅的表达式.数值分析结果表明,随着基础的埋深比或固液两相黏性耦合参数的增加,基础的振动振幅减小而共振频率增加;增加基础质量比,基础的共振振幅变大而共振频率减小.  相似文献   

Corrosion behavior of tempered dual-phase steel embedded in concrete   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dual-phase(DP) steels with different martensite contents were obtained by appropriate heat treatment of an SAE1010 structural carbon steel,which was cheap and widely used in the construction industry. The corrosion behavior of DP steels in con-crete was investigated under various tempering conditions. Intercritical annealing heat treatment was applied to the reinforcing steel to obtain DP steels with different contents of martensite. These DP steels were tempered at 200,300,and 400°C for 45 min and then coo...  相似文献   

A numerical simulation method of shield tunnel excavation is developed to capture the time-dependent deformation behaviour of surrounding soil.The simulation me...  相似文献   

饱和土层中桩的扭转振动响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于饱和多孔介质理论研究了在三维轴对称条件下端承桩在饱和土中的扭转耦合振动问题,提出了桩与土在谐和振动情况下的定解问题,先对土层动力平衡方程进行求解并得到土体扭转振动位移形式解,依据平衡条件将该形式解耦合进桩身动力平衡方程,并通过对桩动力平衡方程的求解,得到桩顶转角和切向速度频域响应解析解和半正弦脉冲激励作用下桩顶时域响应的半解析解.数值分析结果表明,桩的长径比和波速比对桩顶动力响应有较大的影响,孔隙率和渗透力影响较小.将扭转振动结果与纵向振动分析结果进行了对比,二者在图形形状上有很多相似之处.  相似文献   

基于Biot动力控制方程,研究均质饱和半空间中埋置刚性圆柱基础在摇摆简谐力矩作用下的振动特性.土与基础在四周及基底保持完全黏着接触,相互之间无滑移.利用一种简化的解析方法求解相应的动力响应问题,并给出埋置基础摇摆振动时的动力放大系数随量纲一激振频率的变化曲线.为验证本文结果的正确性,将地基退化为单相弹性介质,计算相应的动力放大系数曲线,并与已有的结果进行对比.可以看出,量纲一激振频率、基础埋深比、基础质量比和渗透系数均对饱和地基中埋置基础摇摆振动的动力放大系数有很大的影响.  相似文献   

On the SEM micrographs of Ti implanted H13 steel, a tree-branch-like structure can be observed. Further investigation with TEM shows that the newly tormed composition is a formation of nann-meter FeTi_2 phase in Ti implanted layer. The layer with a relatively high corrosion resistance has been formed in Ti implanted H13 steel with this structure.The results of electrochemical measurement show that the corrosion current density decreases obviously with an increase of ion dose. The corrosion current density in Ti implanted steel with a dose of 1.3×10~(18)/cm~2 is 8-20 times less than that of Ti implanted steel with a dose of 6×10~(17)/cm~2. The corrosion behavior of Ti implanted steel with a dose of 6×10~(17)/cm~2 could be further improved as the sample was annealed at 500℃ for 20 min and the corrosion current density decreases by 48-80 times compared to that of non-implanted samples. The corrosion trace was not observed on the annealing sample by SEM, after multi-sweep cyclic voltammetry of 40 cycles  相似文献   

A simplified approach is presented to analyze the single pile settlement in multilayered soil. First, a fictitious soil-pile model is employed to consider the effect of layered soil beneath pile toe on pile settlement behavior. Two approximation methods are proposed to simplify the nonlinear load transfer function and simulate the nonlinear compression of fictitious soil-pile, respectively. On this basis, an efficient program is developed. The procedures for determining the main parameters of mathematical model are discussed. Comparisons with two well-documented field experimental pile loading tests are conducted to verify the rationality of the present method. Further studies are also made to evaluate the practicability of the proposed approach when a soft substratum exists, and the results suggest that the proposed method can provide a constructive means for assessing the settlement of a single pile for use in engineering design.  相似文献   

软土流变特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据室内三轴流变试验的结果,研究了北京地区粉质粘土的流变特性。结果表明,该类软土具有较明显的变形时效性及其在不同应力水平下的蠕变特性。通过分析蠕变曲线的规律,选择了广义开尔文五单元理论模型和时间硬化经验蠕变公式来描述软土的流变特性,并达到了良好的精度,建立了适合北京地区典型软土的流变理论模型和经验模型。  相似文献   

针对中国探月工程开展过程中遇到的月壤特性问题,综述国内外月壤的基本物理力学性质以及模拟月壤和机构相互作用的研究现状.给出模拟月壤的粒度分布、密度、孔隙比、强度指标和压缩指数等几参数的取值范围.总结出模拟月壤三轴试验的主要控制指标有:相对密度、围压、剪切速率等,并简要分析高真空度对模拟月壤性质的影响.通过对月球车研制中月壤对车轮牵引特性的影响、软着陆中月壤对足垫冲击响应等研究的发展现状的回顾,指出离散元方法在月壤特性分析和机构与模拟月壤相互作用等领域的应用前景.针对新型模拟月壤研制、模拟月壤本构关系和多种月面环境耦合下对月壤性能的影响等亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

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