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湍流预混对冲火焰结构及熄火特性试验研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
利用激光层析技术和数字图像处理技术对对冲方式下湍流预混火焰的结构及熄火特性进行了试验研究。采用PIV方法测量了冷态对冲面附近的速度场,获得了速度作为衡量流场对锋面燃烧影响的参数。在不同射流工况配置下(Reynolds数,全局应变率,燃料的化学混合当量,不对称动量),观察到随着湍流对冲强度的提高,在高度皱褶的火焰锋面上存在非连续突触和空洞,这是局部熄火的表现,这些局部熄火点影响的扩展会导致火焰的整体熄火。此观点通过局部火焰锋面曲率的概率统计分析得到支持。另外,获得的在火焰熄火的极限条件下,对实际燃烧器的设计有指导意义。 相似文献
以0.5%PdZrO_2/γ-Al_2O_3为催化剂,在所搭建的比例积分微分控制(PID)多功能实验装置上进行CO催化燃烧基础特性实验,分析了H_2O对CO转化率的影响,以及H_2O体积分数的变化对CO转化率和CO催化燃烧反应时间的影响.结果表明:H_2O的加入大幅提升了CO在催化剂上的起燃温度和燃尽温度,增大了CO催化燃烧反应所需的活化能,且随着H_2O体积分数的增大,CO起燃温度和燃尽温度逐步升高;CO转化率随H_2O体积分数的增加逐渐降低;CO反应稳定所需时间随H_2O体积分数的增大而增加;H_2O的存在降低了催化剂的活性,抑制了催化燃烧的进行. 相似文献
循环流化床能实现高氧气浓度下的O2/CO2燃烧,进而减少燃烧室尺寸并降低再循环烟气量.本研究使用两种烟煤、一种褐煤,分别在15 kW循环流化床试验系统和0.15MW循环流化床试验系统上进行试验,研究了氧气浓度对NOx和N2O的影响.结果表明,3个煤种均在一次风氧气浓度44.3% ~55.3%、二次风氧气浓度43.2%~ 60.2%下实现稳定燃烧.氧气浓度约50%燃烧时,煤中氮向NOx的转化率降低到空气气氛燃烧的19% ~ 60%,煤中氮向N2O的转化率降低到空气气氛燃烧的20% ~81%. 相似文献
陈捷 《能量转换利用研究动态》2001,(2):14-14
磷对植物和动物两者的生命都是至关紧要的元素,但这种养分如果大量排放到湖或河里。会扰乱自然生态系统。(Pollution Engineering)2000年No.6报导,一种新的以树脂为基础的技术。提供一种可以代替池塘或洼地的治理这一常见祸害的方法。 相似文献
在管式炉上进行徐州烟煤的燃烧试验,采用电感耦合等离子体光谱质谱联用仪(ICP-MS)对燃烧剩余灰渣进行测定.研究了不同温度和不同燃烧气氛(空气气氛和O2/CO2气氛)下痕量元素的迁移特性.结果表明,煤燃烧过程中,痕量元素Cr、Mn、Ni、Zn、Cd、Pb在灰渣中富集,As挥发率达70%以上.随着温度的升高,大部分痕量元素在灰渣中的含量降低,Mn、Ni、Cr在灰渣中的含量相对比较稳定.O2/CO2气氛下,各元素随温度的变化趋势并未受到影响,但整体上O2/CO2气氛下各痕量元素在灰渣中的含量要大于空气气氛下的,随着温度的升高,O2/CO2气氛和空气气氛下痕量元素在灰渣中的含量越来越接近,说明燃烧气氛对痕量元素迁移的影响随温度升高而减弱. 相似文献
通过对磁场影响预混火焰特性的研究,发现磁场的作用能够改变预混火焰的燃烧特性,使火焰的温度升高,同时火焰的直径也会增加,而火焰的高度有所降低.由此可使人们更精确地了解实际火灾过程中火焰的燃烧特性,掌握火灾的特点,为减灾和灭灾提供有益的参考. 相似文献
Numerical simulation with detailed chemistry has been carried out to clearly discriminate the thermal and chemical contributions of added diluents (H2O and CO2) to major flame structures and NO emission characteristics in H2/N2 counterflow diffusion flame. The pertinence of GRI, Miller–Bowman, and their recent modified mechanisms are estimated for the combined fuel of H2, CO2, and N2. A virtual species X, which displaces the individual CO2 and H2O in the fuel sides, is introduced to separate chemical effects from thermal effects. In the case of H2O addition the chain branching reaction, H + O2 → O + OH is considerably augmented in comparison with that in the case of CO2 addition. It is also seen that there exists a chemically super‐adiabatic effect in flame temperature due to the breakdown of H2O. The reaction path of CH2O→CH2OH→CH3 and the C1‐branch reactions become predominant due to the breakdown of CO2. In NO emission behaviour super‐equilibrium effects caused by the surplus chain carrier radicals due to the breakdown of added H2O are more superior to the enhanced effects of prompt NO with the breakdown of added CO2. Especially, it is noted that thermal NO emission is directly influenced by the chemical super‐equilibrium effects of chain carrier radicals in the case of H2O addition. As a result the overall NO emission in the case of the addition of H2O is higher than that in the case of CO2 addition. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hsin-Yi Shih 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2009,34(9):4005-4013
A narrowband radiation model is coupled to the OPPDIF program, which uses detailed chemical kinetics and thermal and transport properties to enable the study of one-dimensional counterflow H2/O2 diffusion flames with CO2 as dilution gas over the entire range of flammable strain rates. The effects of carbon dioxide dilution, ambient pressure and inlet temperature of opposed jets on the extinction limits and flame structures are compared and discussed. The extinction limits are presented using maximum flame temperature and strain rate as coordinates. Both high-stretch blowoff and the low-stretch quenching limits are computed. When the CO2 dilution percentage is higher, the flame is thinner and flame temperature is lower. The combustible range of strain rates is decreased with increasing CO2 percentage due to the effects of CO2 dilution, which is categorized as dilute effect, chemical effect and radiation effect. In addition, the flame temperature of low-stretch diffusion flame with radiation loss is substantially lower than that computed with the non-radiation model. This large temperature drop results from the combined effect of flame radiation and chemical kinetics. The extinction limits and flame temperature are increasing with increasing atmospheric pressure and temperature, but the flame thickness is decreased with the pressure. At higher pressure and temperature, the extinction limits are extended more on the high-stretch blowoff limits, indicating the influence of the ambient pressure and temperature on the chemical reaction. 相似文献
Numerical analysis on flame structure in a counterflow diffusion flame has been conducted for understanding the effects of CO2 addition to fuel, systematically varying initial concentration of CO2 and axial velocity gradient. The effects of CO2 addition to fuel side in a counterflow diffusion flame are globally divided into two categories: diluent effects due to the relative reduction in the concentrations of the reactive species, and direct chemical effects caused by the breakdown of CO2 through the reactions of third‐body collision and thermal dissociation. The deflection of CO2 mole fraction profile with mixture fraction clarifies that the converted CO quantity from CO2 is not negligible at low axial velocity gradients. It is also known that the addition of CO2 does not alter the basic skeleton of the H2–O2 reaction mechanism, but contributes to the formation and destruction of hydrocarbon products such as HCO. At high axial velocity gradients the CO converted reaction is suppressed and then CO2 plays the role of a diluent at these conditions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jeong Park Sung‐Cho Kim Sang‐In Keel Dong‐Soon Noh Chang‐Bo Oh Dabin Chung 《国际能源研究杂志》2004,28(12):1075-1088
Numerical analysis is conducted to clarify chemical effects of added steam to either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side on flame structure and NO emission behaviour with detailed chemistry in hydrogen–oxygen–nitrogen diffusion flames. An artificial species, which has the same thermodynamic, transport, and radiation properties to added H2O, is introduced to feasibly isolate chemical effects of added H2O. It is found that the reaction step (‐R23) is the starting point to induce chemical effects of added steam. Special concern is, thus, focused on the impact of OH radical on flame structure and NO emission behaviour. A strong dependency of the amount of steam addition on OH radical behaviour is clearly displayed, and this modifies flame structure sufficiently to produce higher flame temperature at more than a certain mole fraction of added steam in comparison to that diluted with artificial species. It is also shown that the reaction step (‐R23) is closely related to flame temperature and thereby the location of maximum flame temperature. The behaviour of NO emission index is shown to be greatly influenced by the competition between the reaction steps of (R63) and (R65) in addition to Zeldovich NO. It is, consequently, seen that the intermediate active species, HNO, affects NO emission behaviour remarkably. These results may be helpful to understand the role of recirculated steam in the combustion systems with flue gas recirculation to either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper presents the emission characteristics and axial flame temperature distribution of producer gas fired premixed burner. The producer gas fired premixed burner of 150 kW capacity was tested on open core throat less down draft gasifier system in the present study. A stable and uniform flame was observed with this burner. An instrumented test set up was developed to evaluate the performance of the burner. The conventional bluff body having blockage ratio of 0.65 was used for flame stabilization. With respect to maximum flame temperature, minimum pressure drop and minimum emissions, a swirl angle of 60° seems to be optimal. The experimental results also showed that the NOx emissions are inversely proportional to swirl angle and CO emissions are independent of swirl angle. The minimum emission levels of CO and NOx are observed to be 0.167% and 384 ppm respectively at the swirl angle of 45–60°. The experimental results showed that the maximum axial flame temperature distribution was achieved at A/F ratio of 1.0. The adiabatic flame temperature of 1653 °C was calculated theoretically at A/F ratio of 1.0. Experimental results are in tune with theoretical results. It was also concluded that the CO and UHC emissions decreases with increasing A/F ratio while NOx emissions decreases on either side of A/F ratio of 1.0. 相似文献
《Combustion and Flame》1985,62(2):121-133
Minimum ignition energies and flame radii as a function of time were measured for near-limit, limit, and sublimit fuel-lean methaneair mixtures burning at one-g and zero-g. Minimum ignition energy values were the same at one-g and zero-g except for mixtures very near the zero-g flammability limit and leaner, where the zero-g values were much higher than the one-g values. For sublimit mixtures at zero-g a previously unreported mode of unstable flame propagation was observed; this mode was characterized by a flame radius increasing in proportion to the square root of the time lapse from ignition, an energy release often orders of magnitude greater than the spark energy input, and sudden extinction. This mode of flame propagation was observed at all gas pressures tested but was more pronounced at higher pressures. All zero-g propagation was spherically symmetric except for a few unusual flame extinguishments at high pressures. The principal conclusions are that flame extinguishment at zero-g is caused by a flame-front instability and that gravitational forces have a stabilizing effect on upward flame propagation. The cause of the instability could not be determined; further experiments which might aid in determining the cause are suggested. 相似文献
《Combustion and Flame》1986,66(2):211-214
We have found that soot particle inception in our premixed ethylene flame occurs in a region where the O2 concentration is of the order of 1 % and that particle inception ceases as the O2 mole fraction drops much lower. This relationship between soot formation and O2 concentration is in qualitative agreement with shock tube results. The net specific surface growth rate is close to zero in the inception zone, a fact that is consistent with oxidation of soot by O2. 相似文献
Baojun Yi Qiaoxia Yuan 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2018,40(13):1565-1572
The impacts of O2 and H2O on the combustion characteristics of pulverized coal in O2/CO2/H2O atmosphere were studied. The gasification reaction ratio was calculated from the components of flue gas. The competition exists between C-CO2 and C-H2O reactions under rich CO2 atmosphere. At various H2O concentrations, the differences were found in generation amounts of CO and H2 in flue gas. At O2 concentrations <10%, C-CO2 reaction decreased while C-H2O reaction increased with increasing H2O concentration; while at O2 concentration >30%, H2O showed no obvious specific patterns of effects. The gasification ratio was reduced as coal ranks increase. 相似文献