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提出了一种描述语言R2XL(Relational to XML Language),它可以根据任意的DTD将关系数据映射为XML数据。并设计了一个基于R2XL的中间件,用于将多个关系型数据库数据集成发布为XML文档。  相似文献   

以XML文档发布关系数据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对以XML文档发布关系数据的新技术进行了综述,主要分析了两种发布关系数据到XML文档的语言描述及其实现技术,以及它们的优缺点,一种是利用并扩展SQL的功能来描述这种转换,嵌套的SQL表达式被利用来描述嵌套,扩展的SQL标量及聚集函数被利用来描述XML元素构造,实现将关系数据转换为XML文档,另一种是利用RXL(Relational to XML Transformation Language)语言来定义一个关系数据库的XML视图,该XML视图是虚的,其它应用可再利用XML查询语言XML-QL在虚拟的视图上构造一个查询,抽取XML视图中的数据片断并对抽取的部分进行物化,实现将关系数据转换为XML文档。  相似文献   

A language for manipulating ASN.1 print files is defined as an addition to the ASN.1 data definition language as specified in the ISO standards 8824 and 8825. The language has syntax similar in spirit to SQL, and provides analogous operations. Together, ASN.1 and the manipulation language define a model that can represent attribute hierarchies, multivalued attributes, optional attributes, both ordered and unordered attributes and tuples, and unnamed attributes—constructs that are absent in the traditional relational model. In addition, the proposed model allows the semantics of order, homogeneity, optionality, choosability, and uniqueness to be attached to constructs and construct elements. The approach is well suited for modeling data where form is important, such as text and flat file databases having ad hoc formats. It also supports modeling relations. The primary motivation for developing this language is to provide a common model for a database integration approach where some of the databases are in the form of formatted flat file text, while others are relational. Although the approach is general and can be applied in many different areas, scientific database and tool integration was the primary motive for its development.  相似文献   

基于O-D的XML编码及对信息查询与更新的支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于区间表示的XML编码方式,设计了相应的关系存储模式,研究了该编码方式对信息查询和信息更新的支持。鉴于XML关系存储下信息更新的困难性,采用基于order-descendan(O-D)的XML编码方式,不仅可以完全支持XPath查询语言的13个查询轴的查询功能,而且通过简单的计算即可有效地支持XML数据的增加和删除,这种简单计算可以在关系存储模式下通过SQL语句方便地实现。  相似文献   

XQuery简介及在.Net中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
XML是一种通用标记语言,它能对各种数据源的信息内容进行标记,包括结构化和半结构化文档、关系数据库和对象库,不管它们是物理存储在XML中还是通过中间产生展现为XML,都能够智能地使用XML结构化查询语言表达或查询这些类型数据。XQuery是定位于XML的查询语言,它能广泛应用于很多类型的XML数据源。  相似文献   

在给定关系模式的属性集及其函数依赖最小覆盖集的基础上,提出一种基于模式图的规范化XML模式设计方法。定义了模式图,在模式图中增加了Keys的描述信息,给出由函数依赖集构造模式图的算法。该模式图独立于具体的XML模式语言,经分析证明,所设计的模式满足XNF。  相似文献   

提出了用Petri网建立XML语义结构模型的设计方法,根据XML的DTD结构建立描述XML语义结构的Petri网模型,DTD结构中的元素声明和属性声明对应Petri网模型中的一个或一组变迁,声明中的元素或属性对应Petri 网模型中的库所,把XML查询中的路径表达式定义为Petri网库所中的Token。根据Petri网模型的结构生成存储XML数据的关系数据库模型,将XML的查询问题最终转化为数据库中数据的查询操作。 XML;Petri网;路径表达式;查询  相似文献   

Effective support for temporal applications by database systems represents an important technical objective that is difficult to achieve since it requires an integrated solution for several problems, including (i) expressive temporal representations and data models, (ii) powerful languages for temporal queries and snapshot queries, (iii) indexing, clustering and query optimization techniques for managing temporal information efficiently, and (iv) architectures that bring together the different pieces of enabling technology into a robust system. In this paper, we present the ArchIS system that achieves these objectives by supporting a temporally grouped data model on top of RDBMS. ArchIS’ architecture uses (a) XML to support temporally grouped (virtual) representations of the database history, (b) XQuery to express powerful temporal queries on such views, (c) temporal clustering and indexing techniques for managing the actual historical data in a relational database, and (d) SQL/XML for executing the queries on the XML views as equivalent queries on the relational database. The performance studies presented in the paper show that ArchIS is quite effective at storing and retrieving under complex query conditions the transaction-time history of relational databases, and can also assure excellent storage efficiency by providing compression as an option. This approach achieves full-functionality transaction-time databases without requiring temporal extensions in XML or database standards, and provides critical support to emerging application areas such as RFID.  相似文献   

In the course of network supported collaborative design, the data processing plays a very vital role. Much effort has been spent in this area, and many kinds of approaches have been proposed. Based on the correlative materials, this paper presents extensible markup language(XML)based strategy for several important problems of data processing in network supported collaborative design, such as the representation of standard for the exchange of product model data(STEP)with XML in the product information expression and the management of XML documents using relational database. The paper gives a detailed exposition on how to clarify the mapping between XML structure and the relationship database structure and how XML-QL queries can be translated into structured query language(SQL) queries. Finally, the structure of data processing system based on XML is presented.  相似文献   

一个从关系数据模型到XML文档的翻译器设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
XML技术与关系数据模型的关系非常密切,将关系数据库中的数据转换为XML文档格式有着重要的现实意义,本文介绍了利用OmniMark语言开发一个从关系数据模型到XML文档翻译器的方法,重点分析了关系模式、DTD与XMLSchemas,跨平台无关性,SGML语法检查等关键技术。  相似文献   

基于XML的Web数据库技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了两种将关系数据转换的XML文档的语言描述及其实现技术,一种是利用RXL(Relational to XML Transformation Language)语言来定义一个关系数据库的XML视图,该XML视图的虚的,应用再利用XML查询语言XML-QL在虚的视图上构造一个查询,抽取XML视图中的数据片断并对抽取的部分进行 物化,实现将关系数据转换为XML文档。另一种是利用并扩展SQL的功能来描述这种转换,嵌套的SQL表达式被利用来描述嵌套,扩展的SQL函数被利用来描述XML元素构造,实现将关系数据构造成XML文档。  相似文献   

决策树在XML数据库挖掘中的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
传统数据挖掘是基于关系型数据库的,XML技术的出现,使它在短时间内成为表示和交换信息的标准,为数据挖掘提供了新的方法.对决策树、XML技术作了简要介绍,并对基于XML的数据挖掘基本过程进行了探讨研究,提出了一种决策树在XML数据库挖掘的分析模型.最后,通过一个实例来说明如何利用这个模型进行数据挖掘,并指明了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

基于RDBMS的XML数据管理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李黎  杨春  吴微 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(24):6008-6011
XML是一种专门为Internet所设计的标记语言,但是它已逐渐成为Internet上数据表示以及数据交换的标准,是一种发展势头良好的新兴数据管理手段.关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)是一种技术成熟、应用十分广泛的系统.在数据管理上,XML技术和数据库技术各有优势和不足,XML和数据库结合技术成为学术界的研究热点.在对XML和数据库结合技术进行了研究的基础上一个基于RDBMS的XML数据管理的实现框架(XRM)被提出,该框架依据不同的映射策略,解析Schema文件或DTD,生成对应的关系模式,利用RDBMS存储中间件,使用户能透明地通过RDBMS来管理XML数据.该框架充分考虑了结构的灵活性和扩展性.  相似文献   

随着Internet的普及和Web技术的快速发展,XML正迅速成为事实上的数据表示和交换标准,大量XML数据的涌现出来,为了实现XML数据的快速查询和有效的数据交换,需要将XML文档数据转存到关系数据库中。该文介绍了基于DOM的XML文档到关系数据库的数据转换方法。  相似文献   

XML data management using relational database systems has been intensively studied in the last few years. However, in order for such systems to be viable, they must support not only queries, but also updates over virtual XML views that wrap the relational data. While view updating is a long-standing difficult issue in the relational context, the flexible XML data model and nested XML query language both pose additional challenges for view updating.

This paper addresses the question, if for a given update over an XML view, a correct relational update translation exists. First, we propose a clean extended-source theory as criteria for determining whether a given translation mapping is correct. To determine the existence of such a correct mapping, we classify a view update as either un-translatable, conditionally or unconditionally translatable under a given update translation policy. This classification depends on several features of the XML view and the update: (a) granularity of the update at the view side, (b) properties of the view construction, and (c) types of duplication appearing in the view. These features are represented in the Annotated Schema Graph. This is further utilized by our Schema-driven Translatability Reasoning algorithm (STAR) to classify a given update into one of the three above update categories. The correctness of the algorithm is proven using our clean extended-source theory. This technique represents a practical approach that can be applied by any existing view update system in industry and academia for analyzing the translatability of a given update statement before translation of it is attempted. To illustrate the working algorithm, we provide a concrete case study on the translatability of XML view updates.  相似文献   

XML凭借其诸多优点,在短短的时间内迅速成为表示和交换信息的标准。大量XML数据的涌现给数据挖掘提出了新的挑战。传统关联规则挖掘是基于关系数据库的,因此现有许多XML数据关联规则挖掘的方法都或多或少地利用关系数据库-即把XML数据文档映射成关系数据库来完成的。在仔细研究了XML数据的访问接口后,给出了一个基于Apriori算法可直接从XML文档挖掘关联规则的类接口,并且在.NET平台下用C#语言实现了。  相似文献   

XML已成为数据交换的事实标准,XML在电子商务中的应用越来越广泛。为了更好地利用关系数据库,需要将关系数据转换为XML数据。文中对Schema和DTD进行了比较,Schema模式是XML的首选模式,并分析了Schema的结构和作用,结合电子商务开发提出了关系模式到XML Schema的转换。实现了关系模式到XML Schema的完全转换,该转换能更有效地等价描述关系模式,保证了模式转换后数据的一致性和完整性。  相似文献   

集成Web 数据的系统框架与实现方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于我们正在研究和开发的项目Panorama,本文提出了一个基于XML和CORBA的Web数据集成系统框架,该框架可以集成来自Web上多个异构的数据源,包括关系数据库、面向对象数据库,HTML和XML文档及结构化文本文件。在系统实现中,把Web看作是一个巨大的虚拟数据库,以CORBA作为分布式对象模型,以XML作为公共誓据模型,并且以XML-QL作为全局查询语言来完成Web上的数据查询和集成。文中还详细分析和描述了系统框架中的一些主要模块的实现方法,具有很好的可操作性。  相似文献   

XML has become the standard for publishing and exchanging data on the Web. However, most business data is managed and will remain to be managed by relational database management systems. As such, there is an increasing need to efficiently and accurately publish relational data as XML documents for Internet-based applications. One way to publish relational data is to provide virtual XML documents for relational data via an XML schema which is transformed from the underlying relational database schema such that users can access the relational database through the XML schema. In this paper, we discuss issues in transforming a relational database schema into the corresponding XML schema. We aim to preserve all integrity constraints defined in a relational database schema, to achieve high level of nesting and to avoid introducing data redundancy in the transformed XML schema. In the paper, we first propose a basic transformation algorithm which introduces no data redundancy, then we improve the algorithm by exploring further nesting of the transformed XML schema.  相似文献   

Efficiently Querying Large XML Data Repositories: A Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensible markup language (XML) is emerging as a de facto standard for information exchange among various applications on the World Wide Web. There has been a growing need for developing high-performance techniques to query large XML data repositories efficiently. One important problem in XML query processing is twig pattern matching, that is, finding in an XML data tree D all matches that satisfy a specified twig (or path) query pattern Q. In this survey, we review, classify, and compare major techniques for twig pattern matching. Specifically, we consider two classes of major XML query processing techniques: the relational approach and the native approach. The relational approach directly utilizes existing relational database systems to store and query XML data, which enables the use of all important techniques that have been developed for relational databases, whereas in the native approach, specialized storage and query processing systems tailored for XML data are developed from scratch to further improve XML query performance. As implied by existing work, XML data querying and management are developing in the direction of integrating the relational approach with the native approach, which could result in higher query processing performance and also significantly reduce system reengineering costs.  相似文献   

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