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林国政 《轻金属》1996,(10):41-45
介绍了国外工业硅电炉的技术装备水平及发展趋势,提出我国工业硅电炉向大容量、旋转、密封方向发展的必要性和可能性,从而把我国工业硅电炉提高到新水平。  相似文献   

林国政 《轻金属》1996,(6):46-51
简要回顾了我国工业硅生产的发展历史,论述了我国工业硅工业的现状及与国外先进水平的差距,对改进我国工业硅生产工艺、提高装备水平、特别是电炉大型旋转化及环境治理、扩大产品品种等提出了意见和想法。  相似文献   

何允平 《轻金属》2004,(9):63-64
进入21世纪以来,我国的工业硅出口增长很快,到2003年我国的工业硅年出口量已达到47.90万t。出口的国家和地区数达到55个。2002年,我国的工业硅出口量38.74万t,出口的国家和地区数为60个。2004年1~5月份,我国共出口工业硅17.9万t,出口的国家和地区数为48个。我国出口工业硅的平均离岸价2000年为803美元/t,  相似文献   

何允平 《轻金属》1994,(2):34-38
简要回顾了工业硅生产的发展史,具体介绍了近年来国内外,特别是国内的发展状况,重点论述今后我国工业硅生产的发展对策。提出用现代先进技术武装骨干企业,合理利用现有的电炉装备和设备,扩大还原剂来源,建设低灰分煤的供应基地,重视和扩大自焙电极和碳素电极的应用,搞好烟气治理和烟尘利用,协调产品价格、一致对外等论点。  相似文献   

从国内外工业硅的发展,阐述了我国50余年工业硅电炉的生产发展及大型化的历程和成就.  相似文献   

何允平 《轻金属》1998,(10):39-43
论述了我国工业硅生产40年的发展过程,技术现状和成就,并对今后的发展谈了个人的看法。  相似文献   

浅谈降低工业硅中铁含量的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洪贵 《轻金属》2001,(3):48-51
工业硅生产是一个无渣熔炼过程,铁杂质可以从原料和生产操过程两个途径进入工业硅产品,可通过选择原料、改善操作、最大限度地控制工业硅中铁含量,生产适销对路、经济效益显著的工业硅产品。  相似文献   

我国工业硅生产技术进展及发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高海涛 《轻金属》1996,(4):38-41
论述了我国近几年来工业硅生产在工艺、设备上的改进措施、提高炉内衬寿命、硅炉的烟尘治理、产品质量提高及硅炉冶炼产品结构变化等方面的主要进展情况;并对生产现状和存在问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2013年7月24日,环保产业政策报告与环保服务业发展研讨会在北京五洲大酒店国际会议中心隆重召开。会议分为环保产业政策报告、环境服务业发展与投融资研讨两个版块。依托环保公益性行业科研专项课题《环保产业发展模式分析及绩效性指标体系设计》的研究工作开展。上午,在环保产业政策环节,国家发展改革委、环保部、科技部、工信部领导分别做了政策报告。重点介绍和解读我国当前环保产业发展的环保法规、环保标准、  相似文献   

陆仁 《轻金属》1992,(4):41-44
本文从“全面质量管理”学说出发,结合本企业在“产品创优”工作中的实践,从人、工艺、原料、设备和环境这五大因素对工业硅质量的影响作了较全面的论述。文章以本企业的大量事例说明了从提高人的素质入手,狠抓标准化计量工作是提高产品质量的基础和关键。  相似文献   

我国的硅业发展和宏观调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何允平 《轻金属》2005,(9):54-59
结合我国工业硅生产贸易现状,谈了个人对硅业特点的认识。并从硅的出口、工业硅炉烟气治理、硅的产业链.多种容量工业硅炉的同时并存,闲置生产能力的利用等方面谈了个人对硅业发展和宏观调控的看法和建议。  相似文献   

孙萍 《轻金属》2005,(7):61-64
火电厂排放的二氧化硫形成的酸雨已严重危害人类的生存环境,国家由此重新修订了(火电厂大气污染物排放标准),严格了火电厂SO2排放的控制要求,强制要求火电厂必须安装烟气脱硫装置。本文从我国实际情况出发.比较分析了干法、半干法和湿法脱硫技术工艺,提出了适合有色金属企业一氧化铝厂配套建设的热电厂的烟气脱硫方法。  相似文献   

以云南省工程建设项目推广鲁布革工程管理经验,推进施工管理体制改革为切入点,阐述云南建筑产业结构的形成过程,在分析其现状的基础上,提出优化云南省建筑产业结构的构思。  相似文献   

Multilayer mullite/gadolinium silicate (Gd2SiO5) environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) were deposited on α-SiC (Hexaloy) and Si3N4 (SN282) substrates through cost-effective slurry based dip-coat processing. Coatings applied by two approaches, alcohol and sol-based slurries, were examined and optimized in terms of their recipes and air sintering temperatures. A significant increase in densification rates was found for the sol-based EBCs applied on both SiC and SN282 substrates due to the fine mullite particles formed during reaction sintering of well-mixed silica and alumina sols. Mechanical alloying of the starting powder mixtures instead of their simple rotary-blending was found to be beneficial in terms of enhanced coat sintering kinetics. Dense thick coatings that were well-bonded to the substrate were obtained.  相似文献   

In part I of this study, the dip-coat processing of mullite/gadolinium silicate (Gd2SiO5) environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) applied on α-SiC and SN282™ Si3N4 through alcohol based and sol based slurries was presented. Here, the performance of selected EBCs by evaluating their oxidation resistances during thermal cycling in simulated combustion (90% H2O-balance O2) environment between 1350 °C and RT for up to 400 cycles is being reported. Oxidation of un-coated α-SiC was severe, leading to aligned and layered porous silica scale formation (~ 17 μm thick) on its surface with frequent scale spallation when exposed to 100 cycles. Mullite/Gd2SiO5/B2O3 (83.5/11.5/5 wt.%) EBCs remained adherent to α-SiC substrate with an underlying porous silica layer formed at substrate/coating interface, which was ~ 12 μm after 100 cycles, ~ 16 μm after 200 cycles, and ~ 25 μm after 400 cycles. In contrast, α-SiC substrate coated with mullite/Gd2SiO5 (88/12 wt.%) EBC had only limited oxidation of ~ 10 μm even after 1350 °C/400 cycles. The sol based mullite/Gd2SiO5 (88/12 wt.%) EBC on α-SiC substrate after 400 cycles was adherent, but showed more interfacial damages (~ 20 μm after 400 cycles) though it had increased coating density. However, the mullite/Gd2SiO5 (88/12 wt.%) EBC (alcohol based) delaminated from the SN282™ Si3N4 substrate after 1350 °C/100 cycles, because of the formation of interconnected interfacial voids and hairline cracks. Parabolic growth kinetics for the underlying silica was observed for both the alcohol and sol based coated samples.  相似文献   

通过对我国铸造业产业集群现状的调研分析,指出了我国铸造业大而不强的问题和影响因素。围绕"发展铸造产业集群,促进铸造业由大变强"这个主题,阐述促进我国铸造产业集群发展的思路和相关政策建议;强调了发展铸造产业集群是我国实现铸造业由大变强的战略举措。  相似文献   

简述了目前钢结构的发展趋势、结构受力性能、环境保护状况,结合铝工业厂房的特点和实际应用实例,阐述了近几年钢结构在铝工业大型工业厂房中的应用和发展,为铝工业进军国际市场奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

孙萍 《有色金属设计》2005,32(2):46-49,60
我国电解铝工业经过几十年的发展,其工艺生产技术和污染控制水平已取得长足进步,但与国外先进的铝工业企业相比,尚存在一定差距。为使我国铝工业在发展的同时保护环境,使其成为世界铝工业强国,还要进一步加强和提高污染控制技术。  相似文献   

Carbon-fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composites (C/SiC) are promising materials for high-temperature, light weight structural components. However, a protective coating and environmental barrier coating (EBC) are necessary to prevent the oxidation of the carbon and the reaction of the formed silica scale with water vapor. Current EBC systems use multiple layers, each serving unique requirements. However, any mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) creates internal stresses and might lead to crack formation. In this case, oxygen and water vapor penetrate through the EBC, reducing the lifetime of the component. Mullite (Al6Si2O13) is used in many known EBC systems on silicon-based ceramics either as an EBC itself or as a bondcoat. Due to its low CTE and its sufficient thermal cycling behavior, mullite was chosen in this investigation as a first layer. As mullite suffers loss of SiO2 when exposed to water vapor at high temperatures, an additional protective top coat is needed to complete the EBC system. Different oxides were evaluated to serve as top coat, especially high-temperature oxides with low coefficients of thermal expansion (LCTE). An EBC containing mullite as bondcoat and the LCTE oxide La2Hf2O7 as a top coat is proposed. Both layers were applied via atmospheric plasma spraying. In this paper, results of the influence of processing conditions on the microstructure of single mullite and LCTE oxide layers as well as mullite/LCTE oxide systems are presented. Special emphasis was directed toward the crystallinity of the mullite layer and, in the top layer, toward low porosity and reduced crack density.  相似文献   

依据中国有色金属工业协会钛锆铪分会对中国海绵钛、钛锭、钛加工材等主要钛产品的产能、产量、价格、进出口量等统计数据,对中国钛工业2020年生产和贸易的总体运营状况进行了评价。分析了2020年中国钛工业的产业结构、经营形势及市场供需与消费情况,指出了我国钛行业存在的突出问题,并给出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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